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File: 7 KB, 400x203, 400px-NEO_official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13962340 No.13962340 [Reply] [Original]

yea or nay?

>> No.13962380

true braindeads will say nay

>> No.13962460
File: 95 KB, 550x550, F1D3B15D-E3BF-4E1B-A6B9-9AEB4632695F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of cuck would miss out on this moon mission TWICE

>> No.13962466

Yeah I quite like it, but I don't really know what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway this is why I'm a yea:

>fast, simple (I like that it's in integers) - convenience is important
>passive NEO brap income

>> No.13962540

They keep getting abandoned by their own dApps. Even if 3.0 is awesome, they're going to have to start all over with adoption. I'm not feeling it.

>> No.13962549

I like original real bitcoin SV more.

>> No.13962660


Buy SDS.

>> No.13963950


>> No.13963962
File: 13 KB, 166x334, fb35hnn53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chinks will pump this to mars

>> No.13963985

Nay. Never bet on last bull alts.

>> No.13964044

No one is using it

>> No.13964844


This. Terrible risk/return, and it's now 18 months since the last bubble and pretty clear which major alts have survived and thrived.

Any shit that's still down hard is NEVER going to reach new highs and will only pump with the whole market.

Get into promising (i.e. people talking about it, consistent good volume, very active team) newgen coins and then gtfo of THOSE before the next bubble bursts.

>> No.13965448

Shh anon, let the newfags find out the hard way.

>> No.13965542

this, which is why ethereum is getting its shit knocked up

>> No.13965558

half agree but neo will have the best return in the top 20

>> No.13965608

Absolutely delusional. It takes one glance at the chart to know that BNB, TRX and even faggot EOS will leave NEO in the dust. Literally chart of death.

>> No.13966280

>Get into promising (i.e. people talking about it, consistent good volume, very active team) newgen coins

e.g.? are these coins as promising as Chainmeme?

>> No.13966307

NEO $1000 EOY 2020.

>> No.13966319

They're going to drop the cost of GAS for deploying dApps in an attempt to get more. Even if all they get is shitty games like on ETH, the increased demand will make it grow. They have a handful of actually good dApps already even if PHX dropped them. I have a small bag (500) accumulated under $10 and I'm going to ride it up with the hype for 3.0. No clue how it'll do long term though.

>> No.13966414


"chart of death" lol, you probably also think nano will not have another rally if normies are back, right? gosh these stupid TA faggots these days. NEO will have its moment because of the 3.0 hype, it'll shilled like no other for the oracle feature.

>> No.13966425

This. Neo isn't one of the ones that survived.

>> No.13966449
File: 595 KB, 1920x1284, NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is all that this chinese shitcoin is going to get you. I can't believe people are still falling for this scam

>> No.13966473

looks good desu

>> No.13966482

I say yea, having 100 of them. will do a 10-15x easily during next bull

>> No.13966487

I always fud Neo threads. I don't see the point. We have time to accumulate. Nothing is really going to happen until 3.0. However, at that time it should pump hard. 10x in sats from where it is. Who knows in dollars.

With that said. Keep fucking quiet about it. Let everyone forget. It's not going to pump right now, no matter how hard you shill. Enjoy the stealth accumulation. You're right, Neo is a great pick. But right now, Everyone else doesn't need to know that you're right. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.13967308

I would start loading up if I were you. I'm getting antshares vibes on this one

>> No.13967664

>tfw realize neo will live forever as a meme in peoples heads through antshares vibes

>> No.13967765

biz seems to ignore the fact that Ont is the future and not NEO

>> No.13967813

>guys let’s buy this four syllable word no one can remember or make memes for

>> No.13967824

>biz seems to ignore the fact that Ont is the future and not NEO
New layer of the chink ponzi pyramid is better than old layer of chink ponzi pyramid. If you think adoption on NEO is bad, ONT was stillborn. There are way too many better options than these two piles of dogshit.

>> No.13967834

It's fucking useless.

>> No.13967852

Neo outperformed Eth when the bullrun started in April though. Once it clears ~15 usd, it's taking off

>> No.13967918

>Once it clears ~15 usd
>Pure, Uncut, Colombian Gold Hopium

>> No.13968146

you guys clearly dont have a clue whats developping right?

>> No.13969189

my favorite kind

>> No.13969594

It may take two years but neo will reach at least $800.

>> No.13970538

I liked it better when it was ant coin

>> No.13970576

That's because ETH is absolute trash speculation-wise.

>> No.13970603

REQ to the le moon, amirite?

>> No.13970808

Yea if you can see that China likes using it's own people's tech rather than foreign tech. They don't use google, they use baidu and such etc.

>> No.13971134

>ignoring free money
Whatever, fag. Scams pump the hardest and $15 isn't unreasonable at all. Touched it on bitfinex the other day. If it stays above the Nov low, it's easily on track back up to $27