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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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137907 No.137907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a valuable college degree that involves a little to no math?

>> No.137949


>> No.137947

>is there a valuable college degree that requires little to no effort


>> No.137965


>> No.137972

a bs in trustfund baby
a ba in marry richology

bs in getting drafted into the NFL/MLB/NBA/NHL

>> No.137973



>> No.137988


You need a postgrad with it to make it useful, though, unless your preferred career is translator or engrish teacher

>> No.137998

Medicine, at least in my country.

>> No.137994

Learn math it's not than hard. If u don't know it today it's because u didn't pay attn in school and u didn't do ur homework. So pay attn, do your hw.

>> No.137995



>> No.138006

He said valuable anon

>> No.138014

It's valuable for your personal growth and for helping poor babbies, anon :3

>> No.138023

How do kids fail at math? It's absurdly easy.

>> No.138054



>> No.138063

Paralegal or Law clerk?

>> No.138101

My neighbour became a millionaire with a training in the sociology area.

>> No.138114


Pre-law or political science
Can't get much of a job, but if you straight into law you'll be making bank in the lobbying field.

Otherwise, do some engineering and suck it up. Take the easiest engineering you can, then go into law school.

I really want to get into IP law, but shit's tough to do without an engineering degree.

>> No.138165

What do you mean, little to no math?

If you can add and multiply, do accounting. It's relatively useful, and uses little algebra.

If you can't do basic math, do English or Philosophy and work your ass off to get into a Top 5 law school. Otherwise, you're fucked.

>> No.138177

>political science

Great for certain stuff, but you need to use it correctly. My sister did a politics undergrad and masters, and her big piece of advice to me was to make sure I had some skills coming out of college, because while you can get jobs with politics (and languages, in her case), it's fucking hard work without any other marketable skills

>> No.138225


>getting a masters in political science

My mentor advised this, and I sort of blew him off. It's a real bad idea unless you're either working in public sector behind the scenes, or you're teaching political science.

Law is so much more flexible. An undergrad degree in political science, just like pre-law, is pretty worthless no matter what.

>> No.138272

Politics as a base degree is fine if you're looking to get into
>actual politics
>civil service (i.e. Sir Humphrey shit, where the real power is)

However, I do agree that doing your postgrad in it as well is a bad idea. Diversification is important here

>> No.138297

shit son how can I make money with languages?? It's the one thing I'm good at and I've been trying to find some careers that I can make bank in but all that comes up is translator.

>> No.138370

My undergrad was in Mandarin and French, ans I also speak English, Irish and some Dutch.

Basically, my experience has taught me that you can't make money with JUST languages, however if you pair it with, for example, a business degree of some kind, you get scouted by all sorts of people.

What languages can you speak? Every language is useful, but as a fellow language-person, I advise you to learn a hard one that's in demand. Mandarin is perfect, or Korean if you like (NOT japanese, their economy has been in the toilet for about 20 years)

You need to
>learn a marketable language (Mandarin, Korean, Russian, Italian (surprisingly), Arabic)
>get some additional skills (business, finance, marketing, law, whatever)

THEN you can make bank. With just languages, your scope is quite limited, I'm afraid. Unless you go into business by yourself, e.g. as an import/export middleman, but that's not something I know too much about yet

>> No.138630

Thanks for the detailed answer man.
I don't speak that many languages, but I can pick up on them easily an retain them. I still remember most of what I learned in German class in high school like four years ago.

I've heard arabic is profitable now too. Can you elaborate on Italian?

>> No.138661


In all honestly you sound fucking lazy and I doubt your working use of German is up to snuff to hold even a mundane communication with a native speaker let alone conduct business or anything else that would get someone to pay you for it.

If you sound like a fob piece of shit no one is going to give you the time of day. Unless you have a genuine passion for them and can actually learn them to a high degree of proficiency either get a fucking job at Mcdonalds or kill yourself. No one is going to give you cash for nothing.

>> No.138704

No problem, always happy to help others who like languages.

The important thing is that you like languages and you have a good memory for them. Imo, memory is half the battle- the other half is the balls to go out and speak to people you don't know through the language. NEVER be afraid of making an ass of yourself, its the only way to get better.

Arabic is always going to be profitable because of dat oil, but bear in mind you might learn arabic, then realise you hate arabs and arabic countries- you've got to look a few years down the line.

Mandarin is great for business, everyone wants it. Cantonese is also a massive help depending on where you are in China.

Italian is apparently more sought-after than you'd think- not a lot of people tend to learn it, but there's a fair amount of business in Italy. My info on that is generally pre-PIIGS though, so I don't know too much about the situation there. It might be worth looking into, but just bear in mind that you're restricting yourself to Italy and Switzerland if you learn Italian.

Go on /int/ and look at the sticky, a lot of the language pages are great

Kek, not all of us failed high school french.

Feel free to cry about it some more, though.

>> No.138723


What? That doesn't even make any sense, I don't see where that came from or where it was going.

>> No.138739 [DELETED] 

You were attacking the other anon out of nowhere because he said he spoke a little german.

I was suggesting that you had a chip on your shoulder, but maybe you're just autistic

>> No.138769


No, I was "attacking" him because it sounds like he's a loser who wants to strike it big with languages because he's too undisciplined to do anything else and languages are "easy" because he 'has a stellar memory'.

Oh boy the autist insult, so original. What else could I expect from someone who unironically says "kek"?

>> No.138867

Nursing. If you're male, you work 3 days in the ER then get to spend the rest fucking around. You're around mostly hot nurses all day and sometimes you get a pretty patient you get to feel up. Also you can become a Nurse Practitioner and make $100K in most states. I got accepted to a program and start this Fall. The hospital I work for is reimbursing my tuition.

>> No.138872


Also loan forgiveness working in health care. So debt free.

>> No.138915

Wow you projecting or what bro, so mean, so hostile. Sure hope you don't talk to people like that irl.

Thanks man I really appreciate it. I thought all romance languages were pretty much obsolete as far as money goes.

>> No.138933

Hahahaha jesus guy why are you angry.
Take a chill pill you fuckin sperglord, never did I say I had stellar memory or proficient German skills, all I said was that I could easily retain what I learned and that I have a disposition for languages, but hadn't really pursued anything career related since I didn't think there was much of a market for them.

>> No.138940


Projecting? Try again~

Merely let you know what I thought. Sorry your feefees are so delicate that I gotta tiptoe around you.

You must be new here.

>> No.138950
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Haha is this guy serious? Yeah man thanks for giving it to me straight tough guy.

>> No.138959


You're welcome man, hopefully you get that big deal at deutschebank with your broken German.

We need more highschool burn outs like you around here, stay frosty kid.

>> No.138984

Am I being trolled or what here hahaha.
I love how you assume so much from one post, but lack the reading comprehension to understand that I was only using German as an example.

Hey you stay frosty too bud I'm sure over reacting to everything and being hostile will get you far. inb4 "I'm only angry at anonymous strangers not real people >:("

You seem like a cool dude, a real 4chan vet

>> No.139009


Keep on spergin' on daddio.

You'll be on chicken street in no time teachin' those chinks English for pennies on the dollar!

>> No.139024

I'll give ya a 3/10 toots, stay mad

>> No.139028



>> No.139044

Well this thread went to shit.

>> No.139058


Whatever you say dude. Totally mad. Blood boiling.

Just got told by this deadbeat. Whatever will I do?

>> No.139122

You ruined the thread

>> No.139137


I'm glad that I did. It wasn't business related in the first place. Fuck off to /adv/

>> No.139168

He said little to no math.

>> No.139181

Political Science is only worth getting into if you're good at manipulating people.
If you don't learn to make favors and get on people's good side, you'll be stuck working as a county clerk in rural Ohio or someshit.

>> No.139191

>career thread
not related to business

Fuck off to 9gag you angry baby

>> No.139213

Eh, one decent way for the otherwise unmarketable in politics is to work your way up with small time local candidates. They'll take almost anyone on as an intern because people aren't exactly knocking down their door. A few successful campaigns later and you might be able to work behind the scenes for the big boys.

>> No.139220


You're still here? Go to bed man, you're getting really cranky.

By the way, really scrapping the bottom of the barrel for those meme insults now, eh?

>> No.139253

That's a pretty ideal situation, though. And it still requires a lot of ass-kissing and favors to ensure that Joe Candidate doesn't decide to start looking for another intern.

>> No.139263

Not even the same guy, also its 4PM so ur dum lol :^)
>you still here?
Yeah tryna follow the thread unlike you, you badly trolling loser.

And nah 9gag is an appropriate place for you since you have the maturity level of a 10 yr old.

>> No.139289


Ahaha, you realize we have IDs you dumb faggot, right?

>> No.139305

You're so fuckin stupid lol

>> No.139309


Sure ya, whatever you say man.

Whatever helps your sleep at night.

>> No.139336

Sick variation of the same comeback every time
If youre gonna troll at least be good bro.

Also you can't really play the nonchalant I'm too good for you tone when you keep responding every 10 seconds

>> No.139351
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>> No.139358


I have nothing to prove to you. You're entertaining me why wouldn't I respond?



>> No.139369

I guess its mutual then..
I'm giving you tips autismo, you're sloppy

>> No.139393


>Tips from a lowlife highschool drop out.

I'll be sure to keep them in mind senpai. Thank you.

>tfw senpai notices you.

>> No.139405

>highschool drop out
youre not even trying anymore are you
im outie bruh
maybe one day youll actually troll someone shoot for the moon!

>> No.139414


>dogecoin meme just before he leaves

Godspeed you beautiful autist.

>> No.139437

>dogecoin meme
Shoot for the moon is a figure of speech retardo, now stop shitting up the thread

>> No.139444


Yeah, okay.


>> No.139465

>japanese economy has been in the toliet for 20 years
ummm no it hasn't
They had a recession in the late 80s/early 90s that was scarily similar to our own current one, but they are still the #3 country in terms of GDP, they were overtaken out by China roughly 3 years ago and they hold approximately as much US foreign debt as China does.

>> No.139477

Despite the retards who say otherwise, accounting requires no hard math. If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide, you're good.

>> No.139484

What third world shithole do you live in where medicine requires little or no math?

>> No.139496
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>> No.139509

>tfw 3rd year Business Admin school
Im fucked I should have done Accounting shouldnt I

>> No.139505

Can't post gifs from phone :(
What I'm getting at is that you're stupid

>> No.139565


Tell it to someone who cares.

>> No.139594

>claims not to care
You're as dumb as they get

>> No.139605

>people think undergrad math is hard

And I thought I was dumb.

>> No.139606


Goody another person who with trade petty insults with me.

You people really never do learn, do you?

>> No.139611

If you are a woman, you can get a MRS degree.

>> No.139629


Actual advice...

Nice man. I'm learning Chinese and you WILL get offered jobs before you graduate. At least everyone I know who learned it has.

>> No.139665

My friend took a Chinese class and said that new words and characters come out every day, and that even his teacher was at a loss at times. Also doesn't the dialect change like every 50 miles or something like that?

Also what do you know about Korean?

>> No.139671

Stop being lazy, take calculus freshman year and get it over with.

>> No.139675

>these two autists calling each other mad for 3 hours

>> No.139710

pharmacists only need to know how to count to 5

>> No.139989

Can you just become a Military translator and make pretty good wages, travel all of the time, and not even have to worry about being shot too much?

>> No.140031
File: 5 KB, 262x292, CS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a valuable college degree that involves a little to no math

CS but the value will be gone in 10 years

>> No.141655

I don't know much about Korean, but what the other guy said makes sense. It would seem like it would be important.

There are a lot of dialects, but Mandarin is the standardized language and everyone knows it. My GF is chinese and she has her own dialect (Changsha Dialect) but she practically only speaks Mandarin, even with her friends close friends. The vast majority of businesses will speak Mandarin as everyone on TV, Government, and in the workforce do. Cantonese I guess would be somewhat useful, but even the vast majority of them speak Mandarin as well anyway.

>> No.141711

Oh and I think your friend is exagerating a bit. There are something like 50,000 characters, but if you know 2,500 characters, then you can pretty much read anything. And there are ways to "Sound it out" if you don't know the character. without looking it up.


100 Characters you can read 50%
500 80%
1000 95%
2500 99%

>> No.142076

All of them

>> No.142583


This is pure bullshit that people who have never studied Chinese regurgitate because they think it makes sense

>> No.143019

>100 characters and you can read 50%

That's because those characters are all grammar particles and as such appear between every word and adjective. The reality is you need to know over a thousand before you're going anywhere. solid knowledge of around 3000 is what every student should aim for at bare minimum. Its not that hard because most of them are just variants with the same readings.

>> No.143041

Yes, you should have. You better have like a 3.8+ GPA or else it's gonna be "Would you like fries with that?"

>> No.143128

Should I do accounting or economics?

I'm transferring to university in the spring, and have to decide soon.

Economics only takes 65 credits, so its easier to finish, but accounting takes 95. Is it worth it to maybe go to college longer for accounting? Also what about difficulty?

>> No.143175


From what my microeconomics lecturer said (CFA, MBA in Finance) in terms of getting jobs Finance majors can do everything an Economics major could do, and more

In America there are 500,000 million Accounting jobs because of Sarbanes-Oxley

Also, everything I just said is hearsay so do your own research

>> No.144960

You'll need to learn languages from countries that could potentially go to war (Arabic, some central African dialect or Ukrainian/Russian if you're in a hurry).

>> No.145184

What >>138370 said, adding onto that:
Translating is not a very profitable job. Odds are you will be a freelancer for at least some time, there's a LOT of competition and the only way to actually make money aside from being hired in a big company is to start your own business and be a sworn translator.
You need a bachelor's in translation or your target vocation like medicine or law, and 60 points (bologne system) from translation techniques which is a minor in the university. 60 points is 4 years, by the way.
Then you need to pass a test for translation, which you do in some govt office or another. Then you're an official sworn translator.
For that to work, you need to be fluent in several world languages, those in demand, or hire people who are while you only speak some yourself. Fluent is key word here. You need to be familiar with the terminology of the documents you will be translating too, of course.
Next problem is market over-saturation. Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry who speaks a foreign language half-assedly claims to be a "freelance translator xD" and does a shitty job, which the clients usually don't know of course. They get business for being cheaper and the client gets shitty service. Some of them even get a license somehow and I've personally witnessed a sworn legal translator write "scool" when he translated my school papers. The rest was barely legible Engrish. You have to compete with those people. The client still doesn't know how much they suck.

Attracting a publisher's attention with your work is even worse. You need to have translated something that's in demand, popular, relatable, a light read and you always do it as a freelancer. Always. It's also mostly a matter of knowing a guy who knows a guy and nepotism, just like anywhere else.

If and when you do get paid isn't all that bad, but that depends on where you work. It's just not worth it overall.