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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13952173 No.13952173 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink honestly aren't going to leave those three nodes running like this for months without any change or news, right?

>> No.13952191

Wait you’re actually using this dude? It’s a 4chan joke dude

>> No.13952236

We were kidding anon...you weren't actually supposed to hold the main net...

>> No.13952271

I'm not talking about holding.

>> No.13952291

I mean, the ball is rolling now. The "developing behind closed doors" part is over now.

Surely they're going to make incremental changes/additions every few days, right?
And not just go back to radio silence for months on end?

>> No.13952317

are we sure those are the only ones?

>> No.13952350
File: 69 KB, 900x900, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob how the hell are ya? You wanna know the price of ethereum? No problem, have a seat and I’ll write up a CHAINLINK smartcontract for you and we’ll figure this out ASAP (AS SOON AS POSSIBLE)

>> No.13952373

This is about using the price of ETH for smart contracts, not just "looking at it".

It's the perfect way to start off mainnet.
I just hope they don't leave it like this for months.

>> No.13952389
File: 40 KB, 443x455, D78377FF-9D9F-4A43-BEC4-A93440C21F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Rick,
Thanks for updating me. I really need the price of ethereum, even if I have to pay .3 usd to get it. Shoot me an email when you’re done. By the way, Carol is cooking her amazing lasagna this Saturday and we were wondering if you and Susan want to come over for dinner?

>> No.13952419
File: 224 KB, 680x498, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fren, I can wait. There's one thing though, I want to know the price of Ethereum, but it ABSOLUTELY HAS to be through an API call to a decentralised oracle. Not too decentralised though, say, three sources should be enough. Do you think you can do that? With three sources?

>> No.13952450
File: 70 KB, 467x398, boomer dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reckon we can get 3 sources, no more, no less. In fact, it's lucky you asked for 3, because that's all we got! Believe it or not, none of the 19,000 node operators have sent in their passport and SSN yet, so for the time being this is what ya get!
How's the wife? Say hi for me

(Sent from my iPad)

>> No.13952481

This isn't about "knowing" data.
It's about getting data on the blockchain.

>> No.13952585

Yep just doing some weekend chores. You know how the missus is. Hard work is honest work yep. And life’s all about hard work. And firm handshakes. Another day another dollars that’s what I always say. It’s just the way it works yep. *sip sip* Can’t wait for the big game tomorrow.

>> No.13952660


It’s going to take a long time. Why the fuck are you ADD-riddled zoomed so impatient. Look at how many years eth has existed without a serious use case. It’s also hard because data providers and users both need to use the network, but it’s hard for one to exist without the other.

Anyone who holds link should be happy that mainnet is out, that they made tens of thousands of dollars in the last month, and that it looks like a higher floor is forming for price.

>> No.13952680




>> No.13952693


>> No.13952725

How long would it take to do the same thing for the BTC price though?
Just as an example.

Pacing yourself is one thing.

>> No.13952787
