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13950068 No.13950068 [Reply] [Original]

Influencers dont actually sell much of anything
The bubble is bursting


>> No.13950078

Good, fuck em, maybe most of these faggots will get real jobs now.

>> No.13950099

no shit. that bubble was in like 2012-2014. The new market is in shilling. If you can bypass gogles recaptcha v2.0 and v3.0, and also conform to the specified sets of rules on each social media site, you can sell anything.

Especially reddit. Rank 19 site in the world, and an anonymous user can get to the front page and reach tens of millions of people within a few hours, if they have a good bot army.

>> No.13950162

Instagram is a front end for prostitution nowadays, that's where the money is made

>> No.13950189

Yep. In case somebody doesn't know already:

>> No.13950200
File: 377 KB, 1242x2688, 074244DE-B595-4005-8409-FE6393B1B38A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad product and execution is all it was. Anyone have pics of the merch and her shop at all?

t. IG influencer with 5m network

>> No.13950201


Only a small percentage actually makes a significant amount of money. For example those juicehead influencers who sell their protein garbage while posing in front of a big mansion with their lambo actually rent all of it. Just lol at instagram.

>> No.13950378

can you teach me? or give me a job? i really need it man

>> No.13950393

I hate the term influencer so much, anyway this bitch probably has 0 marketing skills and probably just said 'buy this random shitty t-shirt guys'.

There's less popular people on sites like twitch who sell shit because they know their audience and they're basically their own brand, they have their own memes, logos, themes etc. Just from looking through this chick's IG there's nothing that lends itself to a strong brand, she's just some butterface chick posing in clothes everywhere. Also followers don't mean shit anywhere, it's a shitty metric, you have to use some kind of follower to engagement metric, she has 2 million followers but less than 1% like or comment on her posts

>> No.13950408

Let me work for you I am ebin & style

i can send u my ig :i

>> No.13950410

That's a tranny isn't it? Nobody wants aids ridden shirts.

>> No.13950464

If you were going to be good at the job, you wouldn't need to ask anyone for help.

>> No.13950468

in those situations you are just piggybacking off of the corporate establishment's infrastructure. that is what reddit exists to be, a corporation-safe internet culture bubble that only exists to astroturf. so yeah of course if you can get something to the front page you will be sucessful because that is what the system is designed to do

the problem is getting to the front page. even if you have a bunch of parachute accounts and shill properly you're still entirely at the whim of a black box that nobody understands how to manipulate outside of the administrators that have made it clear they have an agenda

the real problem is that 'success' is dictated by how much you play the corporate game and its worse now than its ever been. fuck patreon and fuck suqarespace, you're a faggot if you shill for them, but people still think they can be a respectable net presence while interrupting themselves to shill for a company cares about

>> No.13950539


this is the bubble. this right here. corporations need a way to quantify the relative influence and success of people on social media which is why they have been hyper-focused on the idea of 'engagement' and 'follower count' even though they are not an accurate representation of anything more than your ability to manipulate the system they use to arbitrate sucess

buzzfeed has like 20 million youtube subscribers but by every metric of quantitative success, they are completely failing in comparison to a shirtless guy with the name of 'styxhexenhammer666' who makes webcam videos in his parents sunroom. the bubble is the fact that a 200 person team with a combined payroll of a few million dollars can't even get anywhere near the level of influence of one guy making videos about the exact same shit

>> No.13950584

Good, fuck this entire lifestyle e celeb bullshit anyways. Its all advertising and YOU are the product others are selling

>> No.13950590

@gibjobpls on telegram. please, at least teach me i will work for free if i can learn, like and internship

>> No.13950592

Should be about the under age girls who end up going to Dubai and shit like that

>> No.13950595
File: 42 KB, 500x442, 1538884764159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound pretty with it - can I pay to interview you / have a private facetime chat for 10 minutes or email a few questions ? Im trying to setup an instagram for a madeup character. my gmail is wintermuteonline pls email me thanks!

>> No.13950596
File: 118 KB, 708x633, 1526471691370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is going to give that knowledge away for free

>> No.13950633

This is some core incel shit

>> No.13950638
File: 45 KB, 450x450, 1558473435558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many levels of low IQ normalfag cancer are we on
who the fuck buys t shirts off random instagram cunts
do you just do shit because people tell you to you fucking mongs
this is peak Judaism and corporate faggotry every """influencer""" should slit their wrists immediately and influence their followers to do the same

>> No.13950761

absolutely based and thoroughly redpilled

>> No.13951100

This. I work for a legit marketing company and the idea of vanity metrics is all brainlet boomers want. idiots don't know how easy it's artificially created

>> No.13951116

Its all just Bob Sandvagenes doing the upvotes, except Bob doesn't have enough rupees. Sucks to be these thots.

>> No.13951143


>> No.13951275
File: 195 KB, 720x1280, IMG_3020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking KEK. Trolling e-thots should be a live streamed sporting event. See how long you can string them along.

>> No.13951328

most of their followers are kids with no money, or just horny faggots who follow these whores rather than just watch porn.

>> No.13951352

Right now on YouTube there are more fake views than real views

>> No.13951541
File: 20 KB, 416x416, 416x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The instagram bubble is pretty funny when you realize that Instagram doesn't have any monetization, unless you get an outside sponsor. Zuckerberg is literally showing ads above and below your content, and you don't get a fucking dime. At least with the YouTube bubble people actually get some revenue share. It's amazing what they're able to get away with. And no one seems to care, they just continue supplying the platform with content for fucking free.

>> No.13951577

This bubble is part of the overpriced tech stock bubble. Shit like Twitter Fagbook. I can't wait until they collapse. I really enjoy them for finding excellent slags but I'd drop that luxury for the greater good.

>> No.13951613

There are actually incredibly reliable ways to get to the front page of reddit. Even a quick search would tell you them.

>> No.13951619

what used to be ad tech fraud is now just influencer social media fraud

go where the zoomer money is. just get your little piece and fuck them.

ig is dead i'm setting up all my new accounts on tik tok and going to make some serious money crossposting memes these next few months

i worked in ad tech for 5 years in sf and menlo before getting out. brands are fucking retarded. "campaigns" spend millions.

money is great in video.

look into pinterest too.

>> No.13951622

goodlooking hoes get stuffed on there, what they came for. dudes don't use instagram. your probably using it wrong or are ugly

>> No.13951712

Most People using social media are bots. Probably to inflate women's ego leading to them choosing not to date lower status males leading to less births, but what are the other benefits to using bots, aside from social engineering?

>> No.13951796

How long until companies start looking for more relevant stats than followers? I know on twitch they give you better deals if you have more viewers but viewers can be botted and chat can be botted too.
The only thing I can think of is that influencers would have to do their own campaigns like selling merch, charity drives, etc so show that have engagement that's hard or expensive to fake.

>> No.13951841

they already do dumbass

these brands wisened up years ago to MUHH FAKE FOLLOWERS and only go after people with high engagement metrics on multiple accounts

that's why you only see disney sponsored types in your feeds these days. they made it through the influencer bubble and now have actual communities they shill

>> No.13952065

>rather than just watch porn
Sometimes porn is getting bored so I start looking for something new. It doesn't mean I'm gonna pay for a stuff from yet another random whore, I just watch free streams, open albums, preview videos etc. The whore sells new stuff/offering private chat? Pffft whatever, I'll pass by because there are tons of free shit on the Internet, no need to spend resources.

t. resources haver

>> No.13952075

Imagine being such an incel to make this site

>> No.13952139

I feel ya buddy, everytime I look at the masses all I see is lobotomized cattle following the jew holding the carrot in front of them

>> No.13952228

found the thot

>> No.13952509

Why does it bother you? It only exposes truth. Srs question.

>> No.13952593

CNN the fag news network which pays people like anderson cooper and don lemon millions a year gets way less views that pewdiepie who is just in a room. in a normal non debt based world, CNN should be bankrupt by now.