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File: 1.93 MB, 1210x1546, Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 7.16.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13942251 No.13942251 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer until the thot market crashes?

>> No.13942266

2,200$ to fuck that bitch?

>> No.13942269

The next big war. There will be thot rape squads. Hope your accept the invitation to my rape clan, bro.

As soon as the war breaks out I personally have a mental list of rapes I'm gonna pull off

>> No.13942272

still cheaper than marriage. based

>> No.13942292

it basically correlates at 1 with the SPY index so, actually never given that we are in a new paradigm and this time is actually different

>> No.13942296

That's pretty much the standard rate these days. You can't find any above average looking girls for under $800/hr in nyc anymore.

>> No.13942302
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>> No.13942304

But how? There are more whores than ever before. The price should have gone down

>> No.13942311

> nigger detected

>> No.13942314

I fuck my gf 5x a week
that's half a million a year @ 2k
nigga what, is Bezos fucking all these hoes? nigga what!?

>> No.13942319

all women are whores
not all have published prices, that's all

>> No.13942325

Shut up beta male, rape is redpilled. Your ancestors raped, were they niggers? Or are you just drinking Sybean water daily?

>> No.13942333

I think the fosta bill killed the supply side of the market last year, because it scared a lot of thots away from advertising online.

>> No.13942334

i used to bang my gf a lot too
then she became my wife, kek
5x a week becomes 1x a week easily
you'll see

>> No.13942338

Men are the ones guilty for propagating these.How can you not control your cheap desire and buy ETH with that money?

>> No.13942342


>> No.13942355

Also, why would you spend money on a third rated slut? I would rather give it to homeless and people who are in need

>> No.13942363

>Biological desire to reproduce at all costs, even risking disease and death
If the incel problem escalates then rape crime will skyrocket

>> No.13942378

men are guilty? give money to homeless?
5/10 bait

>> No.13942381

My budget for thots is $400/yr. I used to be able to get at least an hour for that, but now I'm just waiting until the bubble pops before I buy back in.

>> No.13942394

>implying incels are like 0,1% of the population or even less

>> No.13942413

i'd safely disregard what the previous anon said. NYC is mostly filled with jews or defective soicucks. what's free for a man with healthy T levels cost several grands for these "people"

>> No.13942436

They're not. Something like 18% of men in their early 20s haven't had sex (or since 18, which on the study counts as 'virgin' or w.e)
You can find the study but I cba, it's recent

>> No.13942447

My ancestors raped your ancestors, mostly, nigger.

>> No.13942457

Everthing closed because everyone became a drug dealer and they taxed too hard. Just because all the BTC you spent is worth way more than what you made selling doesn't mean your tab is worth $20. sad (suck a dick)

>> No.13942460

>People now in their early 20s are two and a half times as likely to be abstinent as Gen Xers were at that age; 15 percent report having had no sex since they reached adulthood.”

Doubt it

>> No.13942469

it's why you bring with you the "rape" gene, because niggers dna stores all value things

>> No.13942488

Rape is cool, man

>> No.13942498

Yes, i know it's cool for you.

>> No.13942519

Weird pricing. Why would she give you a whole night for $7000, when she could probably earn an extra $3-4k by fucking multiple guys during the night? Is this a way to retain some of her dignity or is she just bad at math?

>> No.13942522
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Imagine paying $2,200 to some dumb whore who doesn't deserve it, just to bust a nut.

It really doesn't get more beta than that.

>> No.13942532


>> No.13942551

Homie do you get laid like twice a year wtf is that rate

>> No.13942573

I saw one posted before of some Hapa and she was charging $4,000 and sex wasn't even guaranteed. Like a "girlfriend roleplay" thing but she could still decline sex even though you paid 4k. Not joking. Looked like she was living large too

>> No.13942592

They mandate sleeping for 5 or 6 hours.
Also, it costs to go to different places and work out if different guys can be trusted, what they fantsise about, take showers and prepare and all that jazz.

>> No.13942600

I've been going to massage parlors for handjobs instead, because they're still under $200. Haven't had sex in like 2 years.

>> No.13942615

I guess i would speculate and say that guy that paid for the night got to fuck her, and cuddle with her, and feel this insane bliss to feel like he truly had a girl like that. Probably leads to more repeat customers in the long run

>> No.13942643

lol she probably has one or two clients per month at most

>> No.13942657

Anons, seriously, aren't average 50$ whores around anymore?

>> No.13942692

Yeah fuck that. It would cost less for me to buy a round trip plane ticket to Thailand or Philippines, rent a hotel for 2 weeks, and fuck at least 15 different beautiful women.

>> No.13942734
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>paying for a girl

>> No.13942756

all women are whores
you always pay, nigger

>> No.13942766
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>paying 2000+ for a couple of hours

>> No.13942844

>he thinks all women are whores
>he is surprised women dont want to fuck him

>> No.13942899

if you're chad enough, they pay for you.

>> No.13943092

what sitename anon? for research purposes of course.

>> No.13943124

you're never going to make it anon....

>> No.13943232

Just go to Asia wtf. Literally average girl gets $7000 a night because of yellow fever. Buy a plane ticket retard

>> No.13943234

fuck man I'm happy if I get it once a month.

>> No.13943242


>> No.13943369

I want to smell a woman's asshole. I'm not a Chad though. So most likely it'll never happen.

>> No.13943417

>everyone alive that had sex is a chad
literally turn off your computer and go outside faggot

>> No.13943436

Remember folks: BRAAAAAPPPcoins it's better THOTconnect

>> No.13943464
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>> No.13943497
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Lmao dude in australia 8/10s with actually good bodies are $400 an hour
$200 an hour for fresh off the boat Asian chicks
pic related $450 an hour or something

>> No.13943523

that's because you live in the second world

>> No.13943536

It's time to short the west

>> No.13943539

Sex robots will literally shake the female world. People underestimate how much men only care about sex, when you can buy a realistic robot that will choke on your cock endlessly without ever stopping it will be an insane game changer. As of right now, sex feeling good is basically the ONLY reason men have kids, majority of them are just accidents born from primal lust that a lot of people can't control. Birth rates will plummet and basically only poor people will have sex with real people because they won't be able to afford the robots. It will be a problem for society.
>inb4 more like just a problem for thots
It will effect everyone

>> No.13943577
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no its because sex work is decriminalised
also we have higher standards of living than US. mcdonalds costs almost twice as much here so okay if

>> No.13943596
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seven thousand USD

>> No.13943614

c-can we rape boipucci too?

>> No.13943647

High end escorts are pretty decent girls. I had so much fun with the last one she didn't ask me to pay.

>> No.13943657

Imagine thinking that creature is hot.

>> No.13943669

fat bitches give the best head tho

>> No.13943747

Can confirm. Been a broke as fuck NEET and they knew it, and spent a lot of time getting free food and pussy from girls at their houses.

Is this some kind of high schooler joke? Best head I ever got was from a slim petite Colombian chick.

>> No.13943750

This is the future isnt it.

>> No.13943756

If your standard of living was really better than the first world
Your whores would make more
Borderline second world
Long term third world

>> No.13943769

>implying demand for pussy ever goes down

>> No.13943774

All women are whores, you naive beta faggot.

>> No.13943791

This, but its mostly because I don't want it that much. Not the other way around.

>> No.13943921

Perhaps this problem needs some kind of final solution

>> No.13943926

instead of marriage let's make a smart contract that only activates money into the girl account if you cum and are satisfied
that way, there is no slack off and if she leaves the payment tanks completely and there is nothing anyone can do about it

>> No.13943962

thats not an 8/10 lol. I believe there's better looking girls just saying you have shit taste.

>> No.13943991

How do I short the thot market?

>> No.13943993

This is absolutely the case. Previous anon is a retard.

>> No.13944110

When thots turn 40

>> No.13944129

this is why i'm heavily invested in sex robot industry

>> No.13944130

just wait till the recession you will love it, every girl who is in the bubble of marketing the least sexual desire like ear rape will end up selling their body, the only asset there is

>> No.13944138


I spend 100 dollars for the hooker and 50 dollars for a 30 minute entrance fee at a massage parlor. The Latinas are basically 6+ and there's one that is an 8/10.

>> No.13944158
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>10 posts by this ID
All the beautiful thots will be protected by men with guns

You’re not going to do shit neckbeard incel

>> No.13944207

Rape is legal in wartime

>> No.13944235

nigga as if I'm going to dig through back pages and find the best looking chicks
grab the first ones I saw

>> No.13944275
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imagine how cheap it would be if prostitution was legal

>> No.13944290

It isn't

>> No.13944291

>Let's convince more women to become whores for money. Yes, my sister tomorrow! My mother next week!
Kill yourself kike

>> No.13944303

It has been. Google it

>> No.13944310
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>> No.13944326

Escort babylon dot com

>> No.13944386

That's terrifying

>> No.13944389
File: 2.99 MB, 400x720, take her swimming first date.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine meeting a girl and you think it's kinda weird how she barely moves her mouth when she responds to what you're saying. but whatever, she's stunning.

then her nose starts to fall off.

>> No.13944395

>She keeps the act up all night and even into the morning.
>Her final words are “k I love you honey I’m going to work” before she kisses you and leaves.
>She never shows up again and you’re sitting there wishing you could have that experience for life

How can women be so naturally deceptive

>> No.13944408
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"let's not make prostitution safer and cleaner for both parties and let's not take power away from gangs and human traffickers while boosting tax revenue at the same time"

there will always be men buying sex and women selling sex.

>> No.13944409

What is she chugging?

>> No.13944420
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when men become less pissrug-like women can use and abuse as they like and be more based like my boy Wario

>> No.13944426

You act like it hasn't grown massively in popularity in the past two decades. Pretend your actions have no consequences all you want

>> No.13944457
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you keep living in your media circle and let me worry about the big picture

>> No.13944465

Burn the witch nigger wtf

>> No.13944490

It's a tricky issue but if your solution is more whores then it's the wrong one

>> No.13944554

Unless you have an ungodly amount of disposable income, paying for an escort is retarded as fuck.

If you really want to fuck, go out and try to fuck some ugly bitch. You'll get pussy, she'll get attention. Everybody wins.

Honestly, the next time you're thinking about paying hundreds, even thousands, of dollars to fuck some random girl, just masturbate, then go out and splurge on your favorite food. Then, invest the rest of the money you would have spent pussy, on crypto. I guarantee you'll feel better in the morning.

>> No.13944572

thats because they're always hungry

>> No.13944594

How much for 5 minutes

>> No.13944600

wtf is "ungody" amount of disposable income? how much % of your total would you spend on an escort?

>> No.13944621
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it's an easy issue, especially now when God is dead. Simply making it legal but with rules (like for example no ads allowed except through specific channels) is way better than the current freedom-restricting laws based on someone's morality that only end up boosting criminals. because girls will ALWAYS sell sex and there is ALWAYS a customer.

filming someone having sex with a stranger is legal but do it without a camera and it's a crime. Think about that.

>> No.13944634
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>God is dead
Didn't even read the rest

God is real
Atheism is gay
Organised religion is cucked

>> No.13944660

show me some statistics, dumb fuck

>> No.13944691

Find them yourself silly nigger, do I get paid to school you?

>> No.13944727
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Go with Christ.

>> No.13944731

So Based.

>> No.13944755

Blame the arabs and pumping money out of the ground. Theyre the main consumer for these hyper pricey whores

>> No.13944764

>Live in NYC
>Work 70+ hour weeks
>130K after taxes
>Spend 5-10% of my money on whores
Still a lot cheaper than a girlfriend. People don't realize that your biggest cost in a relationship is time. If you make $50/hr and spent hundreds of hours working a relationship to have sex, you're already $5000+ in the hole. Meanwhile, I've already fucked 8 different women.

>> No.13944772

i wouldnt even want to take her on a normal date with a body that disgusting

>> No.13944784

Or you could get /fit/ and fuck them for free like I do

>> No.13944803

Prostitution only helps men. People against prostitution are women and female males

>> No.13944811

>Helps men
Look around your country nigger, who has it helped?

>> No.13944825

clearly your a beta

>> No.13944834

>2 hours - $2200

how much for 5 minutes cause thats all I really need

>> No.13944843

I don't speak incel theory
Turn off your pc and go outside faggot

>> No.13944845

better girl overnight for $100 in Pattaya

>> No.13944956

I'm fairly certain prostitution was more common (per capita) during the 60s and 70s
What's wrong with consenting adults exchanging a service for money? it doesn't harm anyone else, or society. You've just been brainwashed by roast beef flap lesbian butch dykes your entire life

>> No.13944970

prostitutes existed before the first industrial revolution
does that mean they are responsible for that?

you've probably been shit posting on the Internet for a decade
look how far society has fallen since you've started. I say it's your fault. correlation equals causation etc

>> No.13944983


>> No.13945010

You've been brainwashed by old kikes writing books about things you extrapolated into other things but didn't understand properly to begin with. Who mentioned industrial revolution? Rest is nonargument, I never implied every social ill is caused by prostitution but you are retarded if you believe MORE prostitution is going to improve society. Improve it how and for who? Who benefits when your mother sells her self for new consumer electronics? What does that kind of society look like? Libertarianism gone braindead, you're totally fried

>> No.13945043

Whores are cheaper in Australia than in America for the same reason that weed is cheaper in Cali than in NY, legalization turns it into a buyers market, basic supply and demand economics

>> No.13945070

>huur if prostitution is legal that means ur mum and sister and daughter will be whores
What rhe fuck kind of argument is this? I was raised in a Christian family none of my family members would do that and they are most likely for criminalisation of prostitution if anything
keep trying, edge lord

>> No.13945088

Just because people will break the law doesn’t mean it isn’t an action worth condemning. Women are fucked up enough without making prostitution a legal career path. Just make sex bots already.

>> No.13945093

and how would legalization benefit society? simple. the kike run prison industrial system wouldn't be profiting simply because some kid turned 18 and wanted to get laid easily.
now kill yourself.

>> No.13945115

>what is the Weimar Republic?

>> No.13945123

I value a society that doesn’t promote women becoming whores over easy access to pussy for an incel.

Legalization breeds normalization and before you know it there will be no good women left. Fuck that.

>> No.13945165

Except prostitution is legal in many countries (even some states in the usa) and what are you claiming is not the case
stay mad incel

>> No.13945180


>> No.13945198

And your neighbor? Not very Christian of you

>> No.13945203

ironically or unironically? What stocks?

>> No.13945207
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Am I high or is there a spooky face on his chin?

>> No.13945221

Except it is the case. Terrible, disgusting field of work. I don’t need to pay for pussy nor would I advocate for the ability to do so, so I wouldn’t call myself the incel in the situation. Your ability to force puss exchange with money is not of a concern to me, living in a society where that is advocated is abhorrent.

>> No.13945222

You have no argument kid. He's right of course but you just wanna scream "incel" because you're all "manosphere redpill PUA" aren't you? How's that working out for you?

>I've got an idea! Let's try turn EVERYONE into a whore! xD

>> No.13945246

This and checked. So many men hate women to the point that they push for their corruption. If anything professional pornography should also be illegal to produce.

>> No.13945248

Wait you can't pay for sex in America without Jews sending you to jail? You are the biggest cucks ever. Land of the free MY FUCKING ASS

>> No.13945272

>wait, my daughter and my neighbor’s daughter can’t legally sell their body to incels? Glad I have FREEDOM

>> No.13945277

I don't buy you can ever get a girl to pay for you consistently unless you hold high social status

>> No.13945291

You all have it wrong.

It's not thots that are overvalued its Chadflation.

>> No.13945300

Both are true.

>> No.13945306

you're retarded if you think its Disgusting. I bet you think being a garbage man is sanitary and working in a septic tank is a clean job too.

in America, we boast about being a free nation but we don't legalize and tax majority of criminalized activity that pushes people into dangerous situations to be exploited.

End the black market.
Make it legal.

>> No.13945312

you fucking retard. You could not be more wrong. Women can make millions through prostituition. and have zero consequences along the way. I have to break my back to try and make 1/10th of that

>> No.13945329

a lot of escorts are genuinely good people. why the choose to do it is another question, but where there is demand, there's going to be supply, even if it's illegal.

>> No.13945330

It’s mentally and physically degrading. Cleaning out the garbage has no moral implications and the fact that you equate the two signifies that you have a disgustingly warped sense of right and wrong.

We do not promote this lifestyle in our culture, if you choose that lifestyle outside of the law, than your consequences are your own undoing, not ours.

>> No.13945335

Yes, that's exactly freedom. If a woman want to hoe it's her choice. For you it's better to call the police to arrest two adults doing a voluntary transaction because you don't like it

>> No.13945347

the only argument you have is "muh women should be puritan waifus for me to worship from afar"
that is not how the world works. never has and never will. step outside of your ideology shaped bubble and into the real world some time kiddo

prove it
you literally cannot
considering that it's illegal in CA, and legal in NSW, yet CA especially Hollywood is more degenerate than entirety of Australia

>> No.13945349

Go live in somalia. Perfect freedom by your definition.

>> No.13945366
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just have to find the right girl, anon. i was recently going on dates with a 9/10 white/korean qt who insisted on paying for everything despite me making 2x as much as her. i never even told her about my social status, we are about even in that regard.

>> No.13945367

Too many layers of bitterness to peel back.

It's interesting you mention porn though because pornography was also tied into this bullshit where they attempt to make it "freedom vs. x" and if you don't/cant whore yourself out you're not free apparently!
Pretty sure that porn was legalised on that basis or w.e. or upheld in court in the 70s or 80s, whenever it was (I don't know), but they (the pornographer) turned it into ""Freedom"" vs. gubberment too. I'm not free if I don't have access to pornography, fuck the consequences, I'm not free otherwise! And now we are here

>> No.13945372

Lets be honest.

If you were born a female would you do it /biz/?

>> No.13945379

It's a perfect example of freedom: doing with your body what you want while you don't harm others. There is no need to go to Somalia. Prostitution is legal in a lot of western countries and the majority of women still don't whores themselves. You have a weird concept of women

>> No.13945380

Just because Hollywood is more degen doesn’t mean legalizing prostitution there wouldn’t make it more degen.

Your view that sexual morality isn’t something to be celebrated and claiming in fact that it never existed is all too telling. Fuck off.

>> No.13945383

No argument - who ever said that other than you? Some women are going to whore, I don't disagree with you on that, but what you (in my opinion) don't then do is say: "HOW CAN WE CONVINCE MORE TO BECOME WHORES?", you grubby kike

>> No.13945423

>Prostitution is legal in a lot of western countries and the majority of women still don't whores themselves

if incels really want to short circuit this shit, they would encourage women to become prostitutes as much as possible.

Imagine if there was 0 stigma, or it was even seen in a good light.

Can you imagine how cheap the rates would be then?

>> No.13945430

So is suicide legal? Also
>doesn’t harm others
Lmao how sheltered are you?

It’s disgusting. Look how normalized porn is now, that’s what incels and prostitute shills want for whores. They want more women in the field. They want to make it a big business for schlomo. They want to punish women.

>> No.13945439

You really are a sick man

>> No.13945456

Oh, cheap rates! What a society worth living in!

>> No.13945474

Most women in the professional are Nymphomaniacs, and it serves them well.
They are treated as criminals instead of skillful workers. This needs to be legalized and regulated.

>> No.13945477

good for incels

less women working normal jobs
more pay for everyone else
incels can easily afford prostitutes
beta uprising adverted
western society is saved

>> No.13945482

Shit's fucked lad, I'm outta here. Keep fighting the good fight though because you are right and dont ever forget it

>> No.13945489

gays get the rope

>> No.13945498

You want to dictate other what they can do with their bodies based on your subjectivity. There is no real argument to ban prostitution but
>muh religion
>muh daughter will be a whores

If you daughter would be a whore without police enforcement, your daughter will be a whore anyway but without no one knowing

>> No.13945511

also, Sex is a workout, it improves bodily health and strength. reproductive fluid is scientifically proven to be good for the human genome. its not degrading at all, especially when the worker has the ability to decline a client.

>> No.13945522

Lmao at the deluded bootlickers who have allowed lesbians and sjws to brainwash them
Guess what faggot, I'm gonna fuck a bitch pay her for it then go smoke some crack and do burnouts in my car then go shoot some street signs with a handgun
maybe I'll get real drunk and shit post on the Internet
welcome to freedom, keep wishing for some fucked up authoritarian government where laws are decided based on the ideologies of bitter old dykes

>> No.13945527

The mentally ill need to be treated and given a support structure, not encouraged in their illness.

The concerns of incels don’t matter to me. Having sex for real is so easy a caveman can do it. Don’t drag the society through the mud just because you are too much of a pussy to go get it yourself. If you can’t help it, push for the humane option, sex robots and VR.

>> No.13945541
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The Thot Bubble is The Property Bubble

Men don't have personal space and as a result don't have a good place to bring bitches back to to impress them and get them for teh secks. In order to kill the property bubble in America, it would take controlling immigration and allowing new construction, both of which will face massive opposition. but it is probably worth it, to make the world hotter and sexier.

>> No.13945548

>sex is easy to get because women are drunk whores and go to clubs purely to get fucked
>this is okay
>exchange of service for cash by consenting adults is not

>> No.13945549

>Hunting animals is easy goyim, you don't need beef from the supermarket.
Prostitution is the oldest profession.

>> No.13945557

>be good at singing
become a singer
>be good at modelling
become a model
>be good at sex
go to jail

>> No.13945564
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I fucked this escort for an hour last November for $400.

>> No.13945565

actually beijg a mother is, don't say that again please

>> No.13945571

someone who loves to have sex, will continue to love to have sex regardless if they are encouraged or not.

I love to trade cryptocurrency and make music, not because im encouraged, but because its what get me the fuck out of bed every morning.

Someone who loves sex, and loves money should be able to have a career fucking for a living.

>> No.13945587

Yeah, like many other laws that exist for the sake of the society. Absolute freedom brings us into a world without law or order.

Don’t give me that you disgusting fuck. They can work out in a healthy manner easily. There is no great shortage of ways to become healthy without corrupting the sexuality of the nation.

Enjoy early death and the consequences of your actions. Go do what you want, just don’t expect society to advocate for you.

>> No.13945595
File: 646 KB, 800x533, heart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's God because He is in all of us.

>> No.13945617

corrupting the sexuality of the nation?

Bitch please, you sound like someone who would ban porn.

This country was founded upon principles of freedom, and you want to restrict the free market.

>> No.13945621

>The sexuality of the nation
Fucking commies

>> No.13945624

It’s not OK, but it’s not something that can be legislated against. A woman may go to a bar to have a good time or get drunk to have fun. That’s like saying “some people will shoot up schools so ban all guns”

False equivalence women are not lambs to slaughter though it’s telling you see them that way

Not everything people enjoy is worth protecting. Some people enjoy killing and raping innocent people, some people enjoy molesting children.

>> No.13945640

>he wouldn’t break up the pornography industry
>muh FREE MARKET is more important than the well being of the people

Far from it.

>> No.13945662

>equating act between two consenting adults to child rape
Is that really all you have?

fact of the matter is its only illegal because it's another method for goyim to be financially independent and it isn't easily taxed by the kikes
same reason growing your own tobacco is (((highly))) illegal
same reason average peolle can't participate in IPOs
try argue against that, like bootlocking scum

>> No.13945665

If I was a woman I'd either keep my virginity and marry a rich man at the youngest age possible (when my market-value was highest) or I'd let rich men nut inside me until I got pregnant, then I'd live a cushy upper-middle-class life on child-support payments, all women are thots so you might as well be the best thot that you can be

>> No.13945673

how does Joe and Jane having sex with each other for money affect you or anyone else's well being?

>> No.13945726

Oh yeah i’m sure (((they))) wouldn’t get in at ground zero and run the rings for (((regulatory purposes))), just like the porn industry, no sir.

You forget the entire conceit of a society is taking some harmful freedoms away from the individual for the health of the culture at large. That’s the very definition of a society. If this was allowed to happen, it would be another example of society failing to perform its most basic function, all in the name of “freedom” (but actually because jews want jewgold)

>> No.13945727

You really think the government gives a damn about the well being of the general public? why are health care costs rising and the price of medicine through the fucking roof especially when tax payers are paying for R&D for said medicines?

Sex Work is a career, and should be treated as such. If they had a lobby in favor of the industry on capitol hill we wouldn't have this conversation it would already will well represented and legal.

>> No.13945730

Your argument was that men paying for sex are pussies who can't get it free. It's a fair analogy. Let's try another one: people who pay to eat at a restaurant are too lazy to make their own food, so ban it. People who buy smartphones are too stupid to make their own. People who pay a maid are too lazy to make their laundry. Everyone can play this stupid game. The point is: you want to ban a voluntary exchange based on arbitrary reasons. Maybe we should ban religion because only low IQ people follow them. It's not true, right? But you should accept it because that's coherent with your line of though.

>> No.13945746

men are sex workers too anon.

>> No.13945750

Because Joe and Jane are both presented as valid and approved members of the society, so little bobby grows up in a world where he believes that intimacy is a transaction and little suzy considers selling her body to be entrepreneurial instead of mentally and physically damaging.

>> No.13945765

thats because it isn't mentally or physically damaging. Humans enjoy sex, especially if it isn't rape.

>> No.13945772

>the government is corrupt so what’s another bad decision?

False equivalence, none of those transactions are inherently harmful.

>> No.13945794

>having multiple partners isn’t mentally damaging

Sorry, the data shows otherwise. A healthy lifestyle with a husband is far less likely the more partners she has. Women who sleep around are broken eventually.

>> No.13945820

Oldest profession

>> No.13945826

the thing about prostitution is it can be done independently
a 1000 girl agency ran by a kike wouldn't work. keep trying retard

>health of the culture
again, you've been unable to prove your claims for the entire thread
sex isn't inheritly harmful either
try again

>> No.13945832

How do you know it? Maybe the chef making your food is an ilegal. Maybe kids working for rice made your phone and the materials it needs. And maybe the prostitute want to whore herself because she wants to live like a queen. And maybe the incel wants to pay to bust a nut instead of letting him rot only to cause him to shot his school.

>> No.13945848

And we could argue that religion has caused more deaths and misery than prostitution

>> No.13945873

Why wouldn’t it work? If there’s money to be made, they’ll worm their way in and corporatize it. Using “self employed” as an excuse is laughable.

If you are unable to see the inherent cause and effect of approving physical intimacy as a transaction in a society and what that does to male/female relationships than I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not worth my time to explain such a basic concept.

>sex isn’t inherently harmful
It is as a business transaction instead of an expression of love.

>> No.13945887

Look up the word inherently.

>> No.13945901

In australia most working girls are INDEPENDENT
Most brothels are owned by Chinese, no jews
Next pathetic attempt at an argument please

Daily reminder peolle have been selling send buying sex for thousands of years and it hasn't harmed society once in all that history
Yet here you are some retarded polfag whose brain is rotten by ideologies you've only adopted as a form of counter culture arguing against FACTS

>> No.13945912
File: 401 KB, 500x777, age of mythology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it absolutely have, especially since prostitution have been completely legal in most parts of the world for the majority of the last 10 thousand years (although that's ignoring the earth is only 6 thousand years old).

im sure prostitution is featured in the bible too. at least in the old version. what's up with the new testament anyway? did God pop in at the pope's office over a cup of coffee to let him know He is no longer a vengeful god but a forgiving one? very mysterious ways

>> No.13945913

Intimacy is a transaction tho, even if you don't pay a woman in cash you're still paying her via things like fancy dinners, anniversary/birthday/Christmas presents and movie tickets, then if you marry her you're basically paying all her living expenses, when you get a wife you're basically just paying exorbitantly for a live-in prostitute, cook and maid.

Don't believe me? Well then ask yourself how often you see the opposite. How often do you see a woman buying her bf dinner or paying his rent while he stays home all day? How often do you see rich women dating poor men? Not very fucking often.

>> No.13945941

Alright so chinese then. The fact that you think it’s the jew that is the problem here is telling.

>appeal to tradition
Sorry honey, not good enough.
>has never harmed society

>> No.13945961

This is what pro prostitution shills GENUINELY see a relationship as.

You people are sick lmao.

>> No.13945963

You have to prove prostitution is inherently wrong

>> No.13945973

This is what you pay unless you want to come home with AIDS.

>> No.13945981

why are you avoiding my argument that kikes don't want Goyim to easily make money through methods thay can be hidden from the tax man?

>> No.13945985

There is no agreed upon definition of wrong, you can always change it. Not worth my time.

>> No.13945988

So you're saying rich women dating/marrying poor men is as common as rich men dating/marrying poor women? Or that house-husbands are as common as housewives? How exactly are you refuting my argument?

>> No.13946011

If legalized the system will be kiked to hell like everything else. You and I both know this. To say that keeping it illegal is better for big jew than allowing them to legally invest in the new market is laughable.

>> No.13946018

Legalizing something is not a bad decision, ruining peoples lifes for voluntary work in a pleasurable position by sending them to jail is a bad decision, the tax payers must flip the bill for all these men and women behind bars for doing something that shouldn't be illegal.
Show me the data, why are divorce rates so damn high?

>> No.13946047

>If legalized the system will be kiked to hell like everything else
>please ignore the fact that countries like Australia already have legal prostitution and this hasn't happened over there at all

>> No.13946053

You have no argument. You conflate loving support a man gives to his wife as a business transaction. You equate a wife wanting to feed her husband because she loves him to a cook in a back room. You think that the classic gender roles of provider/homemaker are in ANY WAY equivalent to paying a whore to fuck you. It’s so ridiculous it’s almost not even worth a response, just admonishment and ridicule.

>> No.13946058

This is how all Asian women are. Hence why we call out the faggots who think an Asian wife is "making it".

>> No.13946068
File: 254 KB, 1200x4168, 1558754910676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me the data, why are divorce rates so damn high?
Because you can't turn a hoe into a housewife

>> No.13946097

Then why doesn't the opposite exist? Why are there practically zero women who are willing to 'lovingly support' their husband by going out and working while he stays home all day?

>> No.13946127

Oh but it should be illegal. It’s dangerous to the health of the society if it’s advocated for legally. If people voluntarily break the law than they must face the consequences of their actions. The fact that “people break it” is not a good enough reason to repeal a law.

>why are divorce rates so high
Because of people like you destroying the natural bond between men and women.

I don’t know the goings on of australia, so i’ll defer to you. Not incredibly important to me, sticking it to the kikes is about the bottom of the list on why prostitution needs to remain illegal and publicly admonished. I will concede the point not because I agree but because i’m not terribly concerned with that aspect of the discussion.

>> No.13946156

Because men and women are different and that’s how we function in a healthy way. The more physically able and driven of the two brings home the bacon and the more nurturing and emotional works as support for her husband and eventually their children. Men and women are not interchangeable beings. Before you say it, no, outliers don’t prove this incorrect.

>> No.13946168

>It really doesn't get more beta than that.
you should see what they'll pay on Twitch for a girl to pay attention to them for five seconds

>> No.13946169

Except this is not the case IN australia and many other countries
Keep trying

>> No.13946177

So your argument basically boils down to:
>if prostitution was legalized all these bad things would happen
>please ignore the fact that all these bad things haven't happened in countries like Australia that have legal prostitution

>> No.13946192

>it's dangerous to the health of society
I don't know how many times I've asked now, but please prove this claim
And no, your feelings are not factual pls and thnx

>> No.13946194

Chads cheat on femanons as well as Stacys cheat on pepeanons nigger. Punch a chad and be some fat /x/ witches girlfriend after you get out of the ICU.

>> No.13946214

he still can't admit that CA is more degenerate than entirety of Australia even though it's legal down here and illegal in CA

>> No.13946221

This is another thing. Whores don’t even need to exist anymore with the internet. Betabux is around and legal by just hanging out with them via stream. A much healthier outlet (for the woman, probably not for the incel) for essentially the same transaction.

You can also see how much legality matters to people actually performing an action. If prostitution was legal all those betas who pay just for a name mention would be off having sex with hookers instead, but the strength of the law prevents them from seeking that out.

>> No.13946223

yes it is, this is why alcohol is no longer illegal.
If a black market will always exist, then there is no reason to not tax, regulate, and legalize it.

if Natural Bond is just a bogus sociopathic trend pushed by organized religion, then sure I guess rates deserve to go up.

You still never showed data, you're just spouting opinions.

>> No.13946250

>"honey, why is your account full if we haven't had sex for weeks?"

>> No.13946264

Okay then, so if relationships aren't fundamentally transactional in nature, herein defined as a woman trading sex in exchange for access to a man's money and resources. Then why do the vast majority of women refuse to give sex to men who don't have any money or resources? Or on a less extreme scale why are the vast majority of women far more willing to pursue relationships with men who have large amounts of money and resources than men with smaller amounts of money and resources?

>> No.13946275

Can you prove that Australia hasn’t been effected, since that is your claim?

Once again, you can’t prove “harmful” because your personal definition could be wildly skewed, we already saw people compare women to meat or wives to whores. If you are that far off on a common ground on what decency is, my arguments are a waste of breath.

Of course it is, for multiple reasons. that doesn’t mean CA wouldn’t be more degen with legalized whores. Nowhere did I say that keeping prostitution illegal will save society from all male/female issues or sexual immorality.

>> No.13946277

when IEO/ICO?
bad sex is all too common.

>> No.13946284

>thinks the dopamine rush some mentally unbalanced tard gets from donating to a streamer is rhe same as sex
dude just stop

>> No.13946294

Seething americuck

>> No.13946309

Can you prove it has? You're the one making the claim that legal whores will destroy society, yet australia and many many many other 1st world countries are still chugging along fine. Seems immigration is more damaging to society than prostitution, see Germany.

>> No.13946316

this Anon is retarded to the fundamentals of supply and demand, he thinks computers are going to completely disrupt sex..

>> No.13946326

>If you really want to fuck, go out and try to fuck some ugly bitch. You'll get pussy, she'll get attention. Everybody wins.
my friend who is a sex addict does this. I guess you just close your eyes and think of your waifu or whatever during sex so that you can actually finish

>> No.13946348

Well for starters, the divorce rate is lower in Australia than in America, that is at least one significant piece of evidence that legal prostitution doesn't have the toxic effects on marriage stability that you claim


>> No.13946352

Because most people consider sex to be an expression of intimacy between two people who care about eachother. Most people become intimate or caring after a relationship is initiated. Most people initiate relationships based on merit. Men, as a provider role in a healthy relationship are valued by their ability to carry that out. Women, as a support role are similarly evaluated in that way.

The relationship itself begins as a partnership, but love is the key component that separates a healthy sexual relationship from prostitution. A person’s ability to provide a role in a relationship is not the same as providing that role for money outside of one.

>> No.13946362

hey hey hey now! don't link anything, he won't read it, he's to blindly ignorant to the facts of reality compared to his narrow scope of reality.

>> No.13946364

>we already saw people compare women to meat or wives to whores
Grow the fuck up anon, humans are unironically nothing but commodities

>> No.13946369

>but this other thing!
>correlation implies causation (or lack thereof)

Why are there so many of these arguments?

>> No.13946377

These bitches are impossible to get rid of.

>> No.13946383

Aaaaaaand discarded. Have fun being an amoral sociopath.

>> No.13946392

let me guess, you think sex is only good after marriage?

>> No.13946397

Are you virgins still debating about sex? Who gives a fuck. Guy sticks penis inside girl's vagina. It feels good for both of them. Thats all you need to know.

>> No.13946403

It’s all in service of pacifying an incel with female affection. If they didn’t get satisfied from doing it they wouldn’t do it.

>> No.13946434

That is the preferred state of things, but I would go as far as to say that sex between a man and a woman of age that love eachother is healthy. I think marriage is a useful tool of commitment to judge how much they are willing to go all in on eachother, but it’s also an unreasonable standard to mark the line of intimacy. Intimacy is an expression of love and you can love outside of marriage easily.

>> No.13946450

I've posted statistics to back up my claim, the burden of proof now rests on your shoulders to disprove them

>claims others are using non-arguments
>responds with blatant ad hominem
I could be a fucking child-molester and that wouldn't make my arguments any less valid

>> No.13946465

fuckin fake nose and cheeks wtf. Not gonna lie I would fight for that fake pussy

>> No.13946472

Some arguments are not worth taking seriously. I’m not here to be the angel of argumentation. If you consider people to be a commodity than I don’t even want to associate with you. You’re beneath me.

>> No.13946474

such a black & white view of love and sex. Thats so conservative. how about long term polyamorous couples that share multiple partners without transacting? is that not love?

>> No.13946500

this thread is fucking retarded and I'm ashamed I've been posting in it all day long

>> No.13946505

The thot market is going to crash very soon. There is so many incels and angry men that are left behind because of female hypergamey and we are going to rise up and put women back into their rightful place as property. They are no good for anything else. We give them rights and they help the Jews turn our world to degenerate clown world. Never will we make that mistake again!

>> No.13946522

We treat our planet and other animals as commodities in this society of Capitalism which is boasted about as the greatest system humanity as ever known, why shouldn't humans be considered commodities? I don't disagree or agree with anon, but the way corporations dispose of a workforce at the benefit of a few shareholders, its obvious humans are viewed as commodities collectively.

>> No.13946530

With the advent of the internet men are having a harder time finding women while women are just chasing after the top 5-10% of men. 28% of men aged 18-30 are sexless the past year compared to 1 decade ago where only 10% were sexless. The internet has literally just made it easier for women to find the hot men. Prostitutes of today no longer need to stand on street corners, they sell themselves online and they no longer need pimps for protection. Men are becoming obsolete for women.

>> No.13946538

Of course, it’s as easy as black and white.

You can love and still be in an unhealthy relationship. Very few homosexuals for instance are committed and stable, but those that are may genuinely be in love. That still doesn’t mean a homosexual relationship is healthy for them, society or (especially) a potential adopted child.

>> No.13946540

Yep and it’s only getting worse and worse. Incels are going to freak out when they are 30+ and the only women that show interests in them were the women that rejected them in their youth to ride the cock carousel.

>> No.13946553

So what you're saying is that even though you have zero evidence to back up your claims, other people have ample evidence to disprove your claims, you can't argue effectively for your claims but you're automatically right and we're automatically wrong just because I'm a big meanie and you don't like me? Does that sound about right?

>> No.13946563

>humans are the same as land and animals
Still a fucking sociopath holy fuck

>other sociopaths see humans as commodities so humans ARE commodities
Sorry, no.

>> No.13946569

you are completely narrow minded. You speak on opinion. You probably have circle that is not diverse either.

>> No.13946585

>even more ad hominem

>> No.13946589

That’s a hilarious misinterpretation of the thread but once again, not worth my time.

>> No.13946590

You still haven't provided even a hypothetical for how legal prostitution will help society.

>> No.13946600

You are a literal Animal, whether you want to accept this as fact or not.

>> No.13946631

Of course. Those who deserve to be ridiculed should be. If you genuinely believe that then you are not worth the treatment as an equal.

Call me what you want, I speak on demonstrable understanding of human nature, successful societies and personal experience.

>I bet your circle is not diverse
Diverse enough. There are plenty of moral and good people with different opinions than me.

>> No.13946656

legal prostitution would provide tax revenues to the state for improved sex education, infrastructure, and social programs to encourage safe sex & meaningful relationships.

>> No.13946669

Humans are by definition a type of animal, that doesn’t mean humans are equivalent with other animals. The sky and water are both blue, that doesn’t mean the sky IS water and should be considered as such.

>> No.13946685

Cringe. If anything that’ll highlight the hypocrisy of the practice even more. The program you’re funding to tell me how to have a relationship is funded by whores? You don’t even believe your own bullshit!

>> No.13946702

The planet is still more than land,
your dichotomy on this subject is merely subjective to opinion once again.
A war machine literally brought forth technological advancements to connect the planet in ways for cross border instant communications for diplomacy. The means doesn't justify the ends.

>> No.13946707

>The mentally ill need to be treated and given a support structure
meanwhile incels get shit for Christmas

>> No.13946719

>Of course. Those who deserve to be ridiculed should be. If you genuinely believe that then you are not worth the treatment as an equal.
So if Einstein had been a serial-killer that would automatically have disproven the theory of relativity? If Copernicus had been a child-molester it would have stopped the Earth from orbiting the Sun?

>successful societies
You're disproving your own argument, Australia and Switzerland both have pretty much the highest standard of living in the entire world, surely they should be hellholes with all that nasty legal prostitution

>> No.13946732

dude chill you're debunking and dismantling his positions too fast.

>> No.13946737

Just one glaring problem, whores don't pay taxes.

>> No.13946739

Legalizing prostitution is not required to provide better sex education. Utilizing that as a reason to allow prostitution is ridiculous. Claiming you’re going to fix a major problem while simultaneously contributing to it is ridiculous.

You may have the opinion that a human has the same value as a housecat, but if that’s what you truly believe than you are not worth talking to. You are so outside the relm of decency that a consensus of right and wrong can never be reached.

>> No.13946743

>The program you’re funding to tell me how to have a relationship is funded by whores?
Why not? Anti-drug and alcohol programs are funded off of the tax revenue from alcohol and legal-weed

>> No.13946755

they would if the work was regulated, taxed, and legalized.

>> No.13946769

I’m pro sex bot and/or counseling for incels. That is therapy that harms nobody.

More false equivalence and correlation implying causation arguments.

>> No.13946777

I would never fuck an escort
I’d rather stroke for the rest of my life than pay someone
Imagine fucking someone that fucks people for a living

>> No.13946783

Bro you think humans should be locked in a cell for years because they wanted to have consenting sex for money, and I'm the one outside the realm* of decency?

Bitch fucking please. You literally shove words in my mouth, I never compared humans to house cats or other animals.

Im done with your brainlet ass, have fun being on the wrong side of history.

>> No.13946785

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

>> No.13946800

anonymously selling yourself on the internet doesn't encourage regulation nor does it encourage paying taxes. regardless sex work provides little value for society as a whole. Sex work provides literally zero long term value for society to prosper. Zero new technology.

>> No.13946808

I think humans should be locked for years for knowingly breaking the law, yeah.

>muh wrong side of history

>> No.13946820

Yup. It’s a net negative but MUH MONEY MUH FREEDOM TO HURT SOCIETY

>> No.13946830

Porn pushed the Cinematography and Internet industry HARD.
Advancements in database storage came from Porn financing.

>> No.13946851

last reply, the code of law is so dense you probably break 15 laws a day knowingly. These people are stalked and persecuted.

>> No.13946852

Oh great, i’m on the porn train now. DATABASE STORAGE INNOVATION! WORTH IT!

>> No.13946864

It would only be false-equivalency and a correlation/causation fallacy if I was directly claiming that legal prostitution was the reason that Switzerland and Australia have such a high standard of living, you're the one claiming that legal prostitution has an objectively negative effect on society (despite offering zero evidence to back up those claims) and then people are providing counter-evidence to show that legal prostitution does not have an objectively negative effect on society.

Do you have literally any evidence to back up your claims other than your personal opinions?

>> No.13946871

>I probably break 15 laws a day
Might be tr-

>> No.13946886

You think E-thots will provide anything of value to industry? You're a fucking retard. corporations were benefitting from prostitution so they had incentive to improve cinematography to increase profits. Now there is no middle man to incentivise indusrial development of technology. It's now just women selling themselves over the internet to benefit themselves and noone else.

>> No.13946891

That IS what you’re saying. I say prostitution has a negative effect and you go

>> No.13946921

State of this kike
Lost cause

>> No.13946943

Yet again, do you have literally any evidence to back up your claims other than your personal opinions?

>> No.13946948

It amazes me that sociopaths like this are common enough that this argument might be expected.

Health of the nation? Well being of the citizenry? Who cares! Money is to be made!

>> No.13946955

Not until god makes superaids a thing and people will have to verify to beign clean before sex

>> No.13946957


Imagine slaving away for 70+ hours a week to make less than 200k a year and live in the shithole that is NY. Based boomer tier Aerospace engineering, make 180k and work 40hrs a week, every other Friday is off and get paid overtime for work more than 40hrs (which puts salary well over 200k/yr). You poor fuckers are getting squeezed for everything you're worth, I bet you cant even afford to own a house either & throw away 4k a month on rent? How can you do this to yourselves.

>> No.13946959

Look up divorce statistics against number of previous partners. That’ll get you started.

>> No.13946967

Remember Nevada where prostitution is legal has highest rate of human trafficking in USA. Reminder high rate of human in trafficking in Europe is in Netherlands where prostitution is legal. Prostitution only leads to women being enslaved

>> No.13946981

That’s just a symptom of the real problem. No act of prostitution is beneficial to anybody involved.

>> No.13946982

Legal prostitution correlates with high rates of human trafficking. Prostitution is inherently horrible for civilized society and its women

>> No.13946986

if the government would tax, regulate, and legalize it they wouldn't need to be anonymous. there are a few jobs that provide negative growth to society, such as paper pushing middlemen who sit in cubicles all day typing numbers onto spreadsheets not producing a product but merely recording speculation. Should we criminalize being a middleman?

>> No.13946999

so are you guaranteed 1 fuck per price tier?

>> No.13947012

Not providing a benefit is not the same as actively harming, and the degrees in which they do this are radically different.

Society has nothing to gain from approving of these transactions, and everything to gain from disincentivising them. You are selling out your people for 30 pieces of silver.

>> No.13947019

Of course it isn't. Unfortunately modern leftist women unironically believe "sex work" benefits them when it only makes them undatable, increases risk of STDs, increase risk of human trafficking, increased risk of drug abuse and increased risk of having a violent crime committed against them. It is horrible for men who want women who are faithful and it's horrible for a women's quality of life. I have no idea why Western women accept "sex working" as a legitimate career path when it benefits nobody. Sure you'll make 7000 in a day but the income will continue to decline over a lifetime and you will be financially behind someone that went into a career that is constantly climbing to higher highs

>> No.13947028

Never mind all that, just make it about freedom and then you must be a slave if you don't want freedom, everyone wants freedom. Are you a slave, man? You don't want to encourage whoredom? Man, you hate Freedom(c)! We're not free until all of our sisters and mothers sell themselves for quick cash, baby! That's healthy, it's the American way! USA! Freedom! It's not enough that my neighbours are whores, I must make your neighbours whores too! Don't talk to me about SJWs though bro, I hate them cucks, they're the enemy, they want to crush white people. Yesterday it was porn, today it's prostitution, tomorrow it's p...?

>> No.13947033

california and texas have higher rates of human trafficking and prostitution is not legal there.

>> No.13947036

>Look up divorce statistics against number of previous partners
I've already posted them here >>13946068

No-one ITT is suggesting that you should marry a former-whore, regardless of that, countries with legal prostitution have an objectively lower rate of divorce than America, correlation may not equal causation, no one is implying that legal-prostitution lowers the divorce rate either, however, what you are claiming is that legal-prostitution has a negative effect on marriage which has objectively been proven to be false.

>> No.13947038

It’s the same as any stupid life choice, fueled by ignorance or greed.

>> No.13947041

Don't like it? ST-- commie!

>> No.13947051

Women who prostitute themselves don't provide stable households for children and don't retain long term partners for child stability.

>> No.13947059

if lowering tax burdens by housing non violent criminals, and increasing tax revenue is selling out people for 30 pieces of silver then so fucking be it. retard.

>> No.13947071

>countries with prostitution have a lower rate than america
Correlation doesn’t imply causation. These other countries have entirely different cultures and factors that influence their divorce rates. You’ve provided no statistic that correlates legalization of prostitution with a benefit to divorce rates, all you’ve done is compare two wholly different situations and point to prostitution as the deciding factor.

>> No.13947077

Did not know this but two open borders to the third world. The fact that Nevada has buffer zones between itself and the third world and still has such high rate of human trafficking should be worrisome especially the Netherlands which is suppposed to be a country where stuff like that doesn't happen

>> No.13947078

So what you're saying is that having laws to regulate prostitution will somehow make the rates of human trafficking higher than if there were zero regulations on the industry?

>> No.13947090

Anonymity is a benefit to E-thots. Their friends and family don't know that they are selling themselves over the internet. They will stay anonymous and avoid regulation to keep their money and not pay taxes. Noone benefits except the E-thot.

>> No.13947091

If money is your primary concern when discussing people selling their bodies as a career path than yeah, that’s exactly what it isz.

>> No.13947093

I never thought this was true,
Then my girlfriend moved in

>> No.13947099

Nevada is not the highest human trafficking state in the U.S Florida is much worse by far.

>> No.13947106

>all you’ve done is compare two wholly different situations and point to prostitution as the deciding factor.

I literally just said that I was not implying that legalizing prostitution lowered the divorce rate

>> No.13947108

Smaller industry, less harm, not approved by society.

>> No.13947112

And we shouldn't incentivize shit life choices. Instead of incentivizing prostitution we should incentivize monogamy and stable families. We should incentivize a parent to stay in a child's life we should incentivize a parent to stay with their partner to minimize risk factors because monogamy absolutely correlates with relatively higher quality of life

>> No.13947124


>> No.13947128

You said that but then you used the argument before and after saying that. Bringing up those stats as if it means anything more than “American culture is fucked” is irrelevant.

Why bring them up at all?

>> No.13947133

Would also like to know this. I make a point of googling "sex robots" once a week. Nothing ever seems to improve. The best they have now are shitty mannequins that blink their eyes and make porno noises. You can get them to tell you dad jokes. Its awful.

>> No.13947139

You got it. Good for individuals, good for the majority, good for society.

>> No.13947142
File: 46 KB, 460x355, 1559333335439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13947149

if your woman doesn't want to constantly fuck you, you're an unattractive beta.

>> No.13947152

I thought human trafficking was just a buzzword for prostitution. I read some article talking about whores and how they "trafficked" themselves.

>> No.13947160

Fucking based

>> No.13947187

And you seriously think doing all of that will magically make men not want to fuck whores?

>> No.13947200

Have sex

>> No.13947218

There are literally zero reasons to bother taking sex slaves when there are massive amounts of girls from third-world countries will voluntarily work as whores in the Netherlands for pennies, they just claim they were trafficked when they get caught

>> No.13947228

Dumb people will want to harm themselves and those around them, that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to do so, or accepted as reasonable behavior. “People will do it anyway” has never been nor will ever be a good argument for legalization or against criminalization of anything.

>> No.13947247

This. Im guessing the whores are just lying. No one is going to take that kind of risk just to avoid paying whores their commission.

>> No.13947252

Nice speculation there, I guess we just have to believe this now.

>> No.13947256

Prostitutes and pimps earn significantly less money in countries where the industry is highly taxed and regulated. Just like how weed-dealers have basically gone out of business in Canada since legalization. Keeping it illegal only increases the incentive for people to become involved in prostitution since they can earn big-big bucks with zero taxes

>> No.13947281

>“People will do it anyway” has never been nor will ever be a good argument for legalization or against criminalization of anything.

Because prohibition was totes effective at stopping people from drinking alcohol lol, when has criminalizing vices literally ever worked?

>> No.13947284


>> No.13947297

Murdering people.

>comparing the removal of a generational legal activity to an approval of generational illegal activity

>> No.13947342

>generational illegal activity

Pick one, prostitution has been almost universally legal and accepted in Western Society since ancient times

>> No.13947371

>comparing long term history with short term living generational customs

>> No.13947400

>comparing long term history with short term living generational customs
That is literally what you just did when you claimed prostitution was a 'generation illegal activity' Prostitution was mostly legal and socially accepted in America until very recently

>> No.13947414

>socially accepted
Not really

>that’s what you did
Not at all. I’ve now clarified what i’ve meant. The living culture is of people from a world where it is illegal and normalized AS illegal.

>> No.13947452

Until recently the living culture was that cannabis was normalized as illegal in America, despite that prohibition of cannabis has sweet fuck all effect on preventing people from smoking weed, yet again there are absolutely zero examples of the prohibition of vices like drugs, alcohol, gambling or whoring preventing people from engaging in aforementioned vices

>> No.13947621

The culture was subverted through media. Weed remaining taboo was changed before legalization began.

The goal isn’t to hit absolute zero, the goal is to disincentivize.

Saying ‘some do it anyway’ has never and will never be a valid reason to not have a law.

>> No.13947677

Well he clearly didn't payed them enough.

>> No.13947723

See >>13947256

There's objectively less financial incentive for women to become prostitutes in countries where it is legal than countries where it is illegal, as we established at the very beginning of the thread, hoes earn far more in America than they do in Australia or other first-world countries where prostitution is legal

>> No.13947810

Safe sex is a joke, at least as it's thought of now. A lot of these enlightened advocates have thrown their hands up and said whatever, aids and herpes aren't a big deal because so many of them have it now, along with a steep increase in every other STD there is. Saying it's an education problem is ridiculous, everyone knows what condoms and diseases are at this point and it keeps getting worse because shockingly degenerates aren't concerned with doing things "safely" in reality. And that's just one angle on it. Anyone that looks out at what's happening and calls it safe is belligerently retarded.

>> No.13947812


>> No.13947833

polyamory works for a vanishingly small percentage, it doesnt scale. and its not stable configuration. so who really cares what they do?

>> No.13947850

Its people like this who treat those serving them in a menial capacity the worst. i guarantee it.

>> No.13947874

If your goal is to reduce the incentive for women to become prostitutes then why do you oppose doing something that would objectively reduce the aforementioned incentive?

>> No.13947884

Because you are incorrect in your assessment and underestimate the value of the law.

>> No.13947942

How exactly am I incorrect? We've demonstrated objective proof that women have less financial incentive to become prostitutes in countries where prostitution is legal.

As for the value of the law, well, the law simply doesn't have any value, people still smoke weed in countries where doing so can get you the death-penalty, pussy feels a lot better than getting high, if people are willing to risk death just to smoke a joint then they'd definitely go to the same lengths to fuck whores.

>> No.13947957

I have nothing to say but to reiterate the point. You underestimate the value of the law.

>> No.13947962

We're trying. Why do you think this thread exists?

>> No.13947988

How exactly are you suggesting that we enforce that law? By creating a literal Thot Patrol that would monitor every woman in America to see if any of them are selling their ass in the privacy of her own home? The law has completely failed to prevent people from engaging in any other illegal vice like drugs or gambling.

>> No.13948000


>> No.13948083

Law is not there to prevent, the law is there to disincentivize as much as possible. Something not being a 100% success is not justification for removing it. You keep making the same errors in logic so you’re going to keep getting the same answer.

>> No.13948131

You’re our hero

>> No.13948161

Just someone who advocates for what is right.