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13939348 No.13939348 [Reply] [Original]

This piece of shit is either secure or not. It's either decentralized or not. It's either trustless or not. Stop with your "muh additional options" shit. Right now the "network" is a glorified Oraclize for one kind of data point.

The core team does not have a solution for the sybil attack problem. They simply don't. They give you 2 options: Trust a single point of failure (KYC) or risk being sybil attacked. Both are insecure, one is not even trustless. Stop with the dumb "well it's only an option, just another layer of reputation" fuckery, guess what you dumb idiot, rory can jew himself out of answering this all day but the end result is: If I choose to ask KYC nodes, I'm trusting one fucking entity (ChainStink or DumbContract) to not fuck up the vetting process. If I don't choose KYC nodes I will get fucked by whales who will not give any data or the wrong data and get paid without effort cause they're more than 51% and my contract will get sybilled.com. And fuck off with t sigs this has nothing to do with this, it's about how the answers are recorded and communicated.

>> No.13939371


>> No.13939375

A big fat reality is that Chainlink does not solve anything. It gives you 2 shitty options, both inherently insecure and this is the reason we didn't need nor want oracles in this space for 10 years. There's no secret magic that chainlink has figured out, oracles are anti-trustlessness because of the nature of legacy data systems. You can't solve a paradox. Short term anything can happen but in the long term, you're basically jumping through these hoops for nothing more than a flawed end-to-end reliability and if the big dogs want to jump on the smart contract train, they want this shit to be solid as fuck. Chainlink is what it's trying to solve. Sergey analyzed the situation well and there's always demand in the magic dick enlargement pill business. But you can delude only so many fuckers.

Fuck all nu-linkers, fuck all the wannabe smartasses who think the 3 node "network" is decentralized, fuck everybody who thinks the LINK token makes any sense in this (once you're tied to a user agreement and are KYCd there's no reason to have collateral because a unit with guns waits for you once you fuck somebody over in a legal contract) and fuck kikes. This is all smoke and mirrors and you're all eating the shit up. Get a grip, take profits and read about real stuff. Or at least shill it like Tron instead of keeping a malfunctioning, pointless hidden from le dummy dummy redshit kek xD hail kekistan Xdxdxd

>> No.13939382


Wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that

>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves

Have sex my dude

>> No.13939397

Make sure not to invest in it Anon, you are clearly smarter than those of us that did. You don't want to take the chance we did to make money. Non believers should not apply.

>> No.13939427

yes, sell all your link cubes, so i can make it and you don't

>> No.13939433

You people hate money and Chainlink is the future of it. Don't get left holding your dick when one day the price skyrockets.

>> No.13939443


Thanks, I'm saving this and posting it in every Link FUD thread I see from now.

Imagine holding Link and FUDing after mainnet.

>> No.13939469

I am a linker btw, I took profits because this isn't a be all end all solution. But I know how dumb people can be, once the team shills passive income people will buy it like with bitconnect. There won't be an exit scam but a pump n dump and I'm heavily in it. Just be clear on what we're doing here, we're not holding the magic pill but we need to sell it. Once biz realises this and wakes up from this dream we're either selling or shilling and I believe the idea is too good, almost plausible to be true and definitely some comfy passive income fomo inducing PnD potential.

>> No.13939548

>fuck everybody who thinks the LINK token makes any sense in this (once you're tied to a user agreement and are KYCd there's no reason to have collateral because a unit with guns waits for you once you fuck somebody over in a legal contract)

This is really retarded. What if you are outside of the USA in a place that doesn't extradite. What's to stop some Iranian/North Korean from fucking contracts over?

>> No.13939567

good job, OP. The brainlets here can't argue the red pill on chainlink, just check waruso. Those who reply still deny but the seed is already planted.

>> No.13939601

Read the OP again. You're proving his point, in that case KYC isn't even possible with 3rd world documents but staking right? Well without kyc you're getting sybil attacked, nobody will put up with this.

>> No.13939620

The reality is this: chainlink is not good. It is infact bad. It is, many would say, junk.

>> No.13939623


His arguement is litrally just "waaahh muh KYC now I can't hide from taxes and do illegal things"

Do you really think the system isn't Trustless because Sergey is going to vet nodes and make sure they are all stress tested and secure? Do you

And then look at this gem
> fuck all the wannabe smartasses who think the 3 node "network" is decentralized

AHahahaa, and right here he reveals he's a discord tranny who sold at 11k sats. More nodes are coming retard, they are in the vetting process right now. For fucks sake this is some weak FUD OP.

>> No.13939700

You're not getting it holy shit. The regulatory part isn't the relevant one. It's about proving your node is independant from others so you can pool nodes connected to different identities. This is their WHOLE sybil protection. It's all hanging on this thread. Once they get fucked by good fake IDs which are cheap and work even at the tax office, and a whale sets up 100 nodes all "unique" he fucks over everybody and there's nothing you can do but to ban 100 fake persons from running nodes in the future. You can't even take his stolen LINK. Understand the problem now, smartypants?

>> No.13939705
File: 267 KB, 562x890, OP rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did, his post makes sense and is just easily dismissed FUD. You and OP need to read the blogpost again. Here, I underlined some important bits that completely BTFO your shit FUD attempts.


>> No.13939725


Yes I understand. You either A, fundamentally misunderstand Chainlink. Or B, are spreading lies to get people to sell because your part of some FUD group.

Sorry you sold at 11k sats. See the blogpost to be BTFO'd faggot.

>> No.13939735

The nerd said "wishy washy" that's homo speak.

>> No.13939738

>This is their WHOLE sybil protection.
You're so autistic it hurts.

>> No.13939871

Doesn't really refute anything desu... their only 2 methods is identity check (single point of failure and trust in chainlink) and technical review? Which doesn't make much sense, you can setup 100 nodes all technically sound and reliable in the pure call and respond mechanism but still run by the same person, therefore not sybil resistant. This is brainlet tier defense.

>> No.13939951

Top was 18700 satoshi....187 means death...its over linkies face it

>> No.13939960

>is identity check (single point of failure and trust in chainlink)

The Chainlink team is not the only people who will be doing identity checks. It will be decentralized out to several companies.

>set up hundreds of nodes

In order for them to all be getting jobs you would need a large amount of Link per node. I know some whales think they are the big shits, but companies are gonna make the whales stacks look like prawns. The big node operators will all be institutions with tens to hundreds of millions of Link per node.

Sorry whale, but your 100 nodes with 10k "minimum to make it" stacks aren't gonna cut it. Plus, the real value in chainlink, the derivatives are not gonna use nameless anonymous whale stacks, they are gonna use other companies nodes and pooling services. Neetnodes and whale nodes are gonna get fucked.

>> No.13940132

Again, not disproving anything. Your arguments are: Send your ID to 10 companies, trust them with your ID linked to huge monetary value and then hope no fakes go through? This would cost thousands of dollars per node operator if done correctly. And you're still trusting in the legitimacy of the ID or vetting process. And then you're basically saying that companies will run exclusive, central oracles with LINK being staked because of what? Staking only works with multiple competitors comparing each to each other. You can just stake 0 when you're the only data man. Also, even if they staked for the memes, the real life reputation loss would far outweigh the couple of LINKs they lost for no reason.

Solution: trust me breh and muh institution big boys

>> No.13940189


This is so retarded and full of bullshit I don't even know where to begin. A node with 0 Link staked will get no work even if it's the only node.

Fucking hell you have no idea what Link does. I'm not even going to fucking bother with you and your purity spiral arguments. Sorry you sold at 11k.

>> No.13940192

It’s not secure

>> No.13940194 [DELETED] 

No rebuttal at all >>13940132

>> No.13940207


>> No.13940252

>It will be decentralized out to several companies.

that's an incorrect usage of decentralized in this context. you mean distributed.

>> No.13940278
File: 58 KB, 620x521, 1146601i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decentralized Oracles are a bust.
But, Link has Threshold signatures.
And its still partnered with SWIFT

How do you get over these 2 selling points

>> No.13940329
File: 31 KB, 500x486, 407831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough. No more threads about link. Please..

>> No.13940331




OP and his cronie in this thread sold at 11k. They are going over the blogposts with a microscope and are nitpicking and purity spiraling every minuete detail in order to come up with FUD in order to get people to sell. Just move along and ignore.

>> No.13940337

SWIFT hasn't been mentioned in years, at least nothing new.
T sigs? Read OP
You are as dumb as they come. If a big guy stakes and is one of a few exclusive nodes for a job, his stake doesnt mean shit. There is no other consensus than him that could even punish him. You think a god will tell you who's right and wrong and distribute LINK accordingly? Fucking dumb, projecting moonboi

>> No.13940347
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>> No.13940392

>we wuz kangs.
You all niggers were dick washers.

>> No.13940414

Imagine still owning link after mainnet dump lmao how fucking retarded must one be

>> No.13940416


Yes I'm sure a company will just allow millions in smart contracts to go through a node with no or too little collateral on it.

>b-but what if it's the only data provider

The company will simply set up a node using the same API. All your arguments lay on retarded contrived "what if" scenario's.

And to a point a few posts above. The Link wallet is public. The address of any whale with enough to threaten a sybil attack if he spread it over his nodes is known to the team. And blockchain forensics is a thing. Once all the other addresses verify, the few who didn't stand out in their anonymity, and will already be suspected of attempting to sybil, and all their movements of Link can be tracked.

>> No.13940434

>false dichotomy


>> No.13940436

You hurt yourself. It’s painful

>> No.13940727
File: 410 KB, 372x797, A5639C18-59E3-419E-BCCE-7FA7497F630A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a proxy

>> No.13941268


Bad Fud.

And that's my thot image you saved too, kek.

>> No.13941295

have you incels ever wondered how heavy those tits are if you were to wear them

>> No.13941310
File: 713 KB, 800x1281, Sergey 4d chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This piece of shit is either secure or not. It's either decentralized or not. It's either trustless or not.
Wow, three statements, three embarrassing errors. Congrats anon you destroyed your credibility in record time! I'm sure the rest of your blog was super interesting but I'm going to have to pass on reading it.

>> No.13941381

There is no trustless solution to sybil attacks. Prove me wrong.

I bought this shitcoin at .14 and dumped 419K at 1.44 when I did a quick google search and completely debunked chainlink. If sergey was smart he would’ve googled sybil attacks before starting this shit project.

P.S. All chainlink partners are cutting contact with the team after viewing the final product because it’s not trust less.

>> No.13941562

fucc. you mean to say there will be no presentation in june of oracle using their technology?

>> No.13941584

They are making this for a bunch of big enterprises. That’s the reason. You can still make another listing service

>> No.13941689

F-FUD! Typical.

>> No.13941783


I'm not selling.

Now let that really sink in, I'm not selling. Three words and you are absolutely fucking shaking. I'm not selling. You start quivering. I'm not selling. You're shattered and sweating. Lets repeat it again, I'm not selling. It hurts badly doesn't it, to know that I'm not selling. To have your hopes and dreams of buying my bags dashed like this. Sorry you sold at 11k anon, but...