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13925964 No.13925964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13925985

He has a literal 4th grader's IQ. He admitted that Russia helped him get elected. He's fucked. I'm pissed that I voted for this retard, but hey it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.13926000

hes based

>> No.13926010


He’s an insecure, obese imbecile

>> No.13926011

>bans btc to spite china
we are FUCKED

>> No.13926015

/pol/tards GTFO/

>> No.13926019

Reddit tier faggots
Trips don’t lie.

>> No.13926045
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>> No.13926061

He serves his jew overlords just like any US president. What's not to understand?

>> No.13926101


>t. Low IQ trailer trash

>> No.13926110

dunno but he seems intent on fucking things up. he does realize that mexico can't sign USMCA if he tariffs them right?

>> No.13926125

Just remember these are temporary bags and after the next president arrives your 401K will be better than ever unless you can dump out the market right now with profit, I would just wait a few years.

>> No.13926140

>He admitted that Russia helped him get elected
Brainlet non-American here
My understanding is Trump admitted that Russia helped him get elected but didn't necessarily admit to being involved in it...basically unwanted/unrequested help
How can that hurt him? Isn't it already common knowledge that the Russians helped his campaign?

>> No.13926276
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>My understanding is Trump admitted that Russia helped him get elected but didn't necessarily admit to being involved in it...basically unwanted/unrequested help
Because israel tried to frame the trump russia collusion narrative, bibi set him up, thats what the redacted parts in the report say. Trump is posting bait for the media, just like hes been doing for 2+ years. Pay attention.

>> No.13926294

fuck off with this shit. we're at sideways movement dude, means we're losing out to inflation and growth. any potential 'gains' from this fuckery is being eroded by the loss of growth now.

>> No.13926301
File: 1.01 MB, 540x720, samsonUSDEuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when they finally declassify all this shit, israel will invoke their samson option (via china) and bring down the financial temple theyve built.

>> No.13926515

Nobody will shut the fuck up and let him lead.

>> No.13926663

He's a senile TV star that accidentally became president. don't you read the news?

>> No.13926710

About two million illegals too late.

What a dumbfuck.

>> No.13926739

Joe Biden is another fucking Boomerfag. Why bother with Jewish (((democracy)))

>> No.13926742

Reddit thread.

Biz is pro Trump you Bernie brainlet

>> No.13926756

Bernie won't win anyways. It's Boomer vs. Boomer in the next election.

>> No.13926772

He's going to ban bitcoin to spite the chinks. Just watch.

>> No.13926776 [DELETED] 

Too much winning.

>> No.13926809

biz is pro money you mong

specifically pro money in unregulated digital asset markets, which republicans are fags about
i dont care if the guy hates niggers or spics, quit shitting on my Bitcoin parade you conservative cunt

>> No.13926813

I think he's doing a great job.
If he fails the markets we have crypto if he fails crypto we have the markets. Lowest unemployment.
And you can't beat him. But he's driven mad by you guys thinking he's a racist. He's not go be a Socialist and burn yourself for the left.

>> No.13926835

Your internet funny money is not going to get you anywhere in life. Get an actual fucking job and grow up. There are no rich quick schemes

>> No.13926873

biz is pro money you fucking twat. making the markets go sideways for 17months in a row isn't exactly making me a lot of money.

>> No.13926880

He has the best economy in living fucking memory, but he can't get his dick out of the tariff punch bowl, he can't keep his fingers away from tweeting, and everything he says sounds like a retarded uncle three drinks into the night.

If he literally didn't show his face or say a goddamn word for two years he'd win re-election hands down. But he can't stop, he won't stop, and he's going to get crushed because of it.

The only thing has going for him is that Democrats will always find a way to punch themselves repeatedly in the dick.

>> No.13926890

No human can be this dumb. What bot wrote this?

>> No.13926893
File: 207 KB, 400x386, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your internet funny money is not going to get you anywhere in life. Get an actual fucking job and grow up. There are no rich quick schemes

your regurgitated garbage may work on 90% of people, but i unironically got in well before most people. im up over $100,000 on around $1500 total invested, even today in the midst of the stagnant psuedo bear market.

stay jealous

>> No.13926917 [DELETED] 

Russian bot obviously. It was her turn.

>> No.13926919


Ur own fault desu

Clearly was gonna be a high volatility period and there are strats that work in such times

>> No.13926920

Good larp kid.

I expect no better during summer though. start mowing lawns and then maybe move into fast food.

>> No.13926951

A lot of people made insane money from crypto and cashed out. You're not going to hear 98% of success stories out there, don't use this board as some kind of survey.

>> No.13926962

would you like a signed tx from a BTC wallet that has movements dating back to 2014?

>> No.13926963

>>trade wars are easy to win

in his own words, i believed him and he hasn't delivered shit for 17 months. now any 'gains' from a negotiated trade war has to be better than losing out on 17months of growth during the US's strongest economic period.

>> No.13926968

I hate all politicians because they're destined to cater to what the general public thinks and FEELS therefore in our current system we're destined to fail unless normies can get their heads out of their ass instead of binging GOT (again)

I used to like Trump before he got elected because for the most part he was honest and up front but now I don't give a fuck I have one goal: money.

>> No.13927005

> imagine being this much of an ass blasted tumblr tier faggot that and being so upset that you “muh russia” hoax b.s. fell through, that you leave tumblr and come here trying to convince anyone of your dogshit

Lmao go back to making my coffee and popping your transition meds, and leave the money stuff to us.

>> No.13927067

can't wait til all the fucking hicks who voted for him lose their jobs and commit suicide
fuck white america

>> No.13927086

remember to separate economic gains from market gains (for example S&P index increasing)

The 'trade war' so far didn't really slow down the economy too much. Thing were still being made, bought and sold, most without any impact. R&D and product development kept on. A small amount of products got a tiny bit more expensive, doesn't really slow down the economy (any more than some slowdown from where we were in the business cycle).

Now that things are heating up, who knows. But remember the most important thing, even if the indices drop, is that the economy keeps trucking.

>> No.13927164

look i don't give a fuck about the economy, i have a job, i'm getting paid and everything is fine. what isn't fine are my investments which have gone sideways for the last 17months. no growth means im losing out to inflation. so whatever negotiated deal comes out, better make up for the 0% growth in the last 17 months. and at this point i have no confidence that this will be the case going forward. also, what do you mean the trade war isn't affecting the markets? it's absolutely dragging down markets with the uncertainty, you can actually precisely pin point in the last week when it fell another 5%. when trump increased the tariffs.

>> No.13927172

He was a much better candidate than president. In 2015 he was a get-shit-done businessman, major asshole but it was fine. DAY FUCKING ONE after he gets elected, he gets butthurt about obama's inauguration and lies about his inauguration crowd and publishes badly cropped images to "prove" it. And then we slowly find out he was a fox news cultist the entire time, broke a million election laws, obstruction, etc etc etc

>> No.13927182

Russia indirectly “helped” the Trump campaign is an absurd half truth. Russia also spent money to help Hillary’s campaign and post BLM/other sjw narrative BS on faceberg.. which is why they get away with saying that Russia “interfered in the elections to divide America”. They just love to conveniently leave out anything that nullifies them “helping Trump”. There was no active teaming up of Putin/Trump. HOWEVER - the Obama administration with the help of cronies in the CIA/FBI (no that’s not an ad hominem - seriously look at the resume of Comey alone and it’s any fucking wonder how he became head of the FBI) got FISA warrants and circumvented all protocol to wire Trump and his campaign for strategies/smear tactics, literally ANYTHING, they could get their hands on to fuck Trump and used dubious, outright fake info to do it. That’s the short version but the long version is just mine plus names/details of those involved.

Tl;dr a sitting president who is a CIA cuck used the intel agencies to wiretap/spy a presidential candidate (trump) to benefit his preferred candidate (Hillary) and shit almost hit the fan. They won’t go after her because the means going after a previous sitting president and that makes us all look much worse than we already fucking do. It’s really, really sad.

>> No.13927201

>he hasn't delivered shit for 17 months
FALSE. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

>> No.13927205

Aren't you getting dividends?

>> No.13927232

dividends don't make up for the loss of growth that would normally be expected when the american economy is all fired up and unemployment at an all time low. look at the opportunity cost.

>> No.13927249
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Let's be real though, anyone could have told you he was obsessed with Obama's penis and fox news cultism years before candidate Trump

Anyone at all

Do you remember the whole birther thing? That was Trump

>> No.13927256

are you about to retire?

I said the trade war so far hadn't been slowing down the economy as much as it's impact on the markets would suggest.

If the markets go down but the economy is fine, that just gives buying opportunities for equity.

just chill and you'll be better off in the long run. DOn't be worried about inflation in the span of 17 months. DOn't even be worried if the market stalls out for 17 months.
As long as the economy doesn't contract we're gucci

>> No.13927266

Oh and all the campaign promises were lies. Bring back jobs? Nope, trade wars. End world policing? Nope, dropped a moab and threatened korea. Drain the swamp? Nope, it's 100x worse and now we're all subsidizing his fucking golf course.

>> No.13927272
File: 25 KB, 700x368, OrangeDrumpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut up and let me get rich you fucking trannies

>> No.13927282

Can someone Photoshop a total recall style third boob on this thot?

>> No.13927296

Trips for Our Guy. Libfags btfo.

>> No.13927299


He wins too much and doesn't know what to do with himself so he basically just shitposts in real life. And shitposting got him the most powerful position on planet earth.

Really makes you think.

>> No.13927304

Bitcoin ban incoming...

>> No.13927321

no im not about to retire. like i said, i don't care about the overall economy. i have a job, i get paid im fine and so is everyone else. the problem is my investments are not growing when the economy is doing so well. by all measurements, the market should be doing very well considering the economy. the problem is, as i said before, is the loss of growth attributed to the uncertainty the trade war has brought. any 'deal' that is made must now increase market growth to compensate for the loss of 17 months of growth and plus some to make it all worthwhile. and at this point the outlook is not getting better. the longer this shit drags on the better 'deal' must be had or else it's not even worth all the hassle in the first place.

tl;dr im losing out on growth im not getting back and this trade deal better pay off in huge market gains, if it ever happens, to just break even.

>> No.13927322

Dubs of truth! We got a based shitposting Prez. Best timeline.

>> No.13927339

lmao i think 4chan would tear itself apart if he signed off on a bitcoin ban. shit would be fucking hilarious

>> No.13927357

He’s a low IQ literal fucking retard.

>> No.13927372

OP has a front hole where the pee comes out and Donald J TRUMP IS THE BEST GODDMAN PRESIDENT ANY NATION HAS EVER HAD EVER.

>> No.13927380
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>> No.13927381


>> No.13927387

he represents the average burger. why else do you think he got elected?

>> No.13927396
File: 135 KB, 828x1242, 1558499083930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several if not all small African countries have at least 5 former leaders that run circles around Trump on his best day

>> No.13927412

did he actually ban bitcoin or something? whats happening?

also are you niggers still in the stock market?! get out now! its crashing, either this year or next. At the very least most of the gains are over. Get into bitcoin and save yourself.

>> No.13927417

Can’t argue with you there.

>> No.13927425

The trade deal will probably never happen, China just has to wait out Trump, either he loses in 2020 or is gone in 2024 while China waits. Who knows what the world will look like at that point, but I bet the next president Repub or Dem sits down with China. If the market continues to go sideways for another 2-6 years rich people will be calling for politicians heads.

>> No.13927440


>No dick
not nice....D:

>> No.13927447

>whats happening?

>> No.13927448

> Tfw when you realize Trumps presidency is a 4-8 year long PND scam

>> No.13927464


oh no, now coronas are slightly more expensive, oh nooooooo

>> No.13927474
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he's so fucking retarded it's astonishing

>> No.13927487

you fucking moron, a shit ton of our food supply comes from Mexico

>> No.13927503
File: 140 KB, 1200x800, shutterstock_161066597-Onion-group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testosterone is bae. Improved my drive and will to live by 1000x. Onions are based. Eat more onions /biz/men and /biz/women. ancient Egyptians valued onions higher than gold.
You basedboy cucks.

>> No.13927504

>muh markets

lel, good luck because this tariff train has no fucking brakes. Your shekel bags are fucked and your dumbass is too self centered to realize it. Enjoy the war fagit.

>> No.13927505
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oh no, tacos and burritos oh nooooo

>> No.13927507

Stop eating so much avocado toast, Millennial.


>> No.13927520

the cost of food keeps going up every year now he does this wtf man :(

>> No.13927522

good luck getting USMCA signed with those tariffs. and if mexico doesn't sign, neither will canada.

>> No.13927537

Maybe they're confused about who needs who in that arrangement

>> No.13927543

True, but if you reinvest the dividends, you should be in prime position for portfolio growth, assuming Trump keeps his ego in check.

>> No.13927544

a small number of luxury vegetables like peppers and avacados, which grow just fine in the southern USA. American farmers will be able to compete better now.

>> No.13927553

imagine being such a poorfag that he doesn't have any investments in equities. keep trading your shitcoins faggot.

>> No.13927563

Why are there so many liberal fags on /Biz

IRL I’m always surprised when I meet liberal business people. Can’t take them seriously since they basically have a retard child’s understanding of money and economics.

>> No.13927567

i sold my equities to buy more bitcoin. Im up like 200% off that one trade alone. But by all means, keep complaining about how you didnt get your 7% this year.

>> No.13927568

>American farmers will be able to compete better now
and who do you think harvest those crops? ummm...if only we had a cheap source of manual labor....

>> No.13927580

we lost OPPORTUNITY. it's not about the dividends. by all accounts on the strength of the economy i should be seeing significant growth along with my dividends. i stopped putting money into equities 6months ago when this shit was going nowhere.

it's a mutually beneficial trade agreement you fucking brainlet.

>> No.13927589
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>not doing both

>> No.13927594

>t. negative growth investor

ok Mr. Pumped n Dumped

>> No.13927598

yeah im a slow and steady kind of person, not a shitcoin gambler, post your wallet address let's see how much your up.

>> No.13927611

>.if only we had a cheap source of manual labor..

Thank god we have a cheap source of manual labor that sends off a portion of their paycheck to another country every month.

And thank god that source of cheap labor steals away a job from people who live here legally

But no, farmers (Who got a fairly good subsidy if I may point out) need to save money despite making enough crops to have a surplus that the government mandates we destroy en masse

those poor farm owners, won't someone look out for them!!!

>> No.13927615

What does you investment portfolio consist of?

>> No.13927616

And who benefits more, you absolute potato

You a leaf? Or a spic? Or a eurofag
You definitely have a brown persons intellect

>> No.13927617

>>he thinks not growing is negative growth

stick with the shitcoins son.

>> No.13927625

Why is /pol/ too fucking stupid to realize that noone is left or right here. All this board cares about is money. Your fat boomer president is fucking us.

>> No.13927638

>Why is /pol/ too fucking stupid to realize that noone is left or right here. All this board cares about is money.

this i could give 0 fucks about brown people and LGBTQ weirdos

i just want to retire before 40

>> No.13927647

>t.Russian troll

>> No.13927653

Fuck this shit isn’t he supposed to be right wing? Literally putting identity politics above money making. Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.13927654

let me guess, you've never been in post secondary and you've never taken macro econ?

>> No.13927661

Behold the average /pol/ poster. Tell me moron, if Mexicans were "stealing" jobs then why the fuck did the agriculture and ranching industry throw a fucking fit and force Trump to allow 30,000 more H-2B's?

>> No.13927667

If I had a penny for every mention of "jews" I would be a billionaire. It's incredible how much hate Jews get. Frankly, it's kinda sad the uninformed geeks have to go blaming others and can't take responsibility themselves.

>> No.13927690

>then why the fuck did the agriculture and ranching industry throw a fucking fit and force Trump to allow 30,000 more H-2B's?

To curry favor with the illegal immigrants they're supporting?

If I had a bunch of people working for pennies, I'd do everything I can to get them on my side, 30,000 is a drop in the bucket when I have a few million more to exploit

>> No.13927694

Americans don't want to work farms anon. No one is stealing any jobs.

I'll remind you unless you forgot. Back in 2011 when Alabama HB 56 went into effect the Alabama farmers couldn't harvest their crops and lost money. They tried hiring American cucks but quit the jobs after a week.


>> No.13927705

I have a masters and MBA and some common sense, fuckwit

Answer the question. Who benefits more, who needs who

>> No.13927711

Of all the crazy things that have happened over the last few years, Americans somehow convincing themselves that, of all people, Alexander fucking Downing is some kind of "deep state agent" has to be the craziest.
I don't think anyone down here has stopped laughing since the news broke.

>> No.13927719

Too bad moron, you failed the test. H-2B's are NONFARM visas. Thanks for proving that /pol/ will run their mouth about anything even if they have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.13927723


>Illegal immigration is okay if its for shit jobs nobody wants

yeah, why not just solve that problem everywhere, nobody wants to work at mcdonalds, just throw some immigrants at it.

While we're at it, let's give the gas stations to immigrants, let's give the real estate market to them, let's basically let them do everything because we don't want to, absolutely nothing bad will happen if just let other people walk in and take over

fucking idiot

>> No.13927724

You do realize no actual Americans will do the work because all the gibs they can get instead, right? We did at one time as a country do these things ourselves. Also amazingly, you retards on the left constantly scream about how we need to be more like Canada, or the EU; Name one other country entirely reliant on an army of foreigners showing up to pick our crops.

>> No.13927729
File: 255 KB, 689x748, trumpYourCountry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are there so many liberal fags on /Biz
Theyre jews anon

>> No.13927735

Wrong,theyll bend the knee like everyone else

>> No.13927740

post timestamp of your degree

>> No.13927753


>> No.13927759


Thanks for reading comprehension, idiot, 30,000 again, is nothing, it doesn't matter whether they stay on for farm work or not I have a virtually endless supply of illegal labor to exploit, all I'm doing is making them happy to come here and hopefully get a golden ticket out

>> No.13927768

>Name one other country entirely reliant on an army of foreigners showing up to pick our crops.

every oil rich Arab country has an army of pajeet slaves

>> No.13927774

obviously Americans benefit more you fucking idiot, why else would trump sign off on USMCA if it wasn't benefiting Americans more? unless you're saying that Trump couldn't negotiate a deal with Canada and mexico for a deal that was titled in our favor you fucking retard.

>> No.13927784

He knows what he's doing leave him alone.

>> No.13927799



>> No.13927800
File: 458 KB, 1080x1440, 20190531_080309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's retarded and then there's "confess to working with a foreign government to win a presidential election" retarded and look which one we ended up with

>> No.13927813

is this the guiltiest man in america?

>> No.13927817

Dude, she lost.
Chill the fuck out.

>> No.13927820

>if mexico doesnt sign, neither will canada
Which means what?
Follow the bouncy ball, junior burger

>> No.13927827

What level of inability to comprehend basic english are you on?

>> No.13927828

>tfw no link

>> No.13927859

where's your timestamped degree? if mexico and canada don't sign it means there's no more free trade within NA and all the years of logistics and supply lines will have to be reorganized. markets will shrink because the economic activity that used to be generated by said agreement will disappear, which entails lower growth for the entire continent.

>> No.13927867

Is everyone this level of brainlet to really read it this way? He is saying he had nothing to do with the theory that he colluded with the Russians to elect him. There has never been any proof of Russia doing so. The level of mindjewery to not understand his intent is beyond baffling to me and is nothing short of clownworld.

>> No.13927875

People understand, they just have to act like they don’t because pretending to be retarded is all they have left.

>> No.13927876

Embarrassing retard conspiracy lunatic take. Explain why he deleted the tweet, Q freak

>> No.13927903

Which puts pressure on who to sign, first?
Who has the economic power for the negotiations

>> No.13927946

where's your masters and MBA?

nobody has pressure to sign USMCA, it's under the assumption that all parties would mutually benefit. the argument of 'who gets more' is relative and subjective to each countries goals in specific industries. you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.13927965

Id do it for 25 bucks an hour. They just have to pay a living wage, thats all.

>> No.13927971

They already lost their jobs decades ago you idiot, which is why things have gotten to this state.

Is that fucking it? 5%?
He won't do jack fucking shit anyway you retarded dramaqueens. He cucks out on literally anything that doesn't benefit poz or israel.

Horseshit, most of it is grown or bred domestically. Which is why the government subsidizes it so much.

>luxury vegetables
Yeah, maybe if you live in a fucking desert.


Because foreign workers are subsidized by the american taxpayer, illegal or otherwise.

>> No.13927973

You're talking yourself in circles mate
Those two countries would turn to fucking wastelands without a trading partner in the US

>> No.13927981

no masters or MBA right? done having this conversation with a highschool brainlet.

>> No.13927999

why would farmers care about nonfarm visas. something isnt adding up here paco

>> No.13928008

>He won't do jack fucking shit anyway you retarded dramaqueens. He cucks out on literally anything that doesn't benefit poz or israel.
Absolutely correct.

And the threat is that the rate goes up by 5% a month until it reaches 25%. Not great, not terrible.

>> No.13928016



>> No.13928020

>people constantly complain about the trade deficit and how other countries are screwing us over
>generations of politicians promise to fix it, do nothing
>Trump actually starts doing something about it
>people freak out

the countries the tariffs are going out on have been screwing us over for decades now, it's about time someone actually did something about it

>> No.13928021

>literally mentioned in this literal thread that his no growth investmenrs are losing out to inflation

Dumb as fucking rocks lmao. Dont tell me you voted for Trump and DIDNT expect a trade war...

>> No.13928034

i expected

>>trade wars are easy to win

>> No.13928040

Spend your money smarter, fool.

>> No.13928064

>Spend your money smarter, fool.
Print your money smarter, fool.

>> No.13928070


lol faggot
the republicans started investigating trump in oct 2015 because of the rumors surrounding him. the us government heard the same rumors and started investigating july 2016

your narrative is complete bullshit peddled to the intellectually lazy. if any potential candidate of any party is suspected of working with a foreign government they need to be invested. your dementia president was sending his family and friends to have secret meetings with russian spies, of fucking course that is going to attract attention. serious talk, are you getting paid to peddle bullshit here?

>> No.13928076

>i expected

Obviously not because now you are whining about it happening.

>> No.13928088


so you're telling me they've been investing this for 4 years and still can't catch him with his pants down? Either this low-IQ president is hiding his crimes well or there's nothing there. I wonder which it is!!!?

>> No.13928120


>> No.13928128

obviously my expectations on trump delivering on his 'trade wars are easy to win' bravado was misplaced. im whining because after 17months of this shit i have dick fucking all to show for it, where's the fucking wins on this trade war? the longer it drags on means i'm going to need incredible market growth to make up for the lost time, which seems less likely as this shit gets worse.

>> No.13928139

>People unrionically believe the muh russia shit.
If you turned on MSNBC in 2015, they were telegraphing SO FUCKING HARD the narratives they were going push for the general election it wasn't even funny. Not to mention all the shady shit the feds were pulling from leaking confidential info to blatantly violating attorney client privilege.

>> No.13928266

Mueller did catch him, but there's laws that prevent the president from being indicted so he passed the results to congress instead. That's what impeachment is for.

>> No.13928280

There was nothing there. All Mueller can say is “we didn’t prove his innocence”

>> No.13928290
File: 487 KB, 1080x738, Screenshot_20190530-234250_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alexander downing
What kind of pilpul bullshit is this?

Deleted what tweet? Pic related is page 12 of the mueller report, explain the papadopoulus part for me.

>> No.13928298

Bro you are fucking delusional like the brainlets on CNBC who thought the China talks would result in a deal. Trump never gave a single fuck about making a deal unless it resulted in most/all production moving back to the U.S. and the country in question putting in writing that they would buy a shitload of U.S. made products. It was ONLY ever going to result in trade wars.

>> No.13928337

>>trade wars are easy to win

>>Trump never gave a single fuck about making a deal

what levels of mind fucking kool aid have you been sipping?

>> No.13928360

You lot are unbelievably stupid for having voted for him (and for that matter, for having selected Clinton as challenger). Problem is that your overlords like it this way -- by gutting education, they nurture a docile population. So here you are, feeling smug about yourselves as you get shafted.

>> No.13928369


not everything can be harvested by a machine brainlet

>> No.13928387

Nice hot air

>> No.13928404
File: 3.11 MB, 480x338, 1527898831007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we getting 4 years of guaranteed entertainment and memes

>> No.13928405
File: 1.25 MB, 878x814, in-ter-na-tion-al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>67 new posts
god dammnit /pol/

>> No.13928498

>"muh gains! wtf is trump doing i havent made money in 18 months!!"

The trade wars arent a means to an end, they ARE the end lmao.

>> No.13928510

Oh no! Looks like American companies will have to hire Americans and manufacture in america! Oh no!

>> No.13928518

Fucking same. Was a nice grenade

>> No.13928532

He's a senile retarded con man.
For anyone having any doubt, I recommend reading "Fear" from Bob Woodward

>> No.13928559
File: 3.95 MB, 1900x1336, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump will indeed win again. i just hope the left extremists don't do something more stupid than usual.

>> No.13928610
File: 94 KB, 663x1023, DSV-H2KVoAI4tqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old m8 downer is the bloke who blew the whistle on trump colluding with the Russians, he's our former minister for foreign affairs and a man so boring I literally forgot how to spell his last name.
In Australia, he is probably most famous for pic related

>> No.13928642

I think I might have done this, when I posted trumps confession on /int/ the russian jammy nuked the thread.

>> No.13928652

That's a guy willing to go the extra mile to get Hillary elected. Including framing papa D.

>> No.13928654

*janny, not jammy

>> No.13928662

Started by Hillary underlings.

>> No.13928676

I'm not certain he even knows who Donald trump is

>> No.13928748

more money for Israel, more weapons to Saudi Arabia, war with Iran, John Bolton good! MAGA! BASED CANTAPEEDE! AWOO

>> No.13928781


>> No.13928784

Democracy is Greek you dumb fucking faggot

Also this is a representative republic with warped fucking election rules that cause the political Shitshow as it exists today. Read a book and get off 4chan

>> No.13928947
File: 525 KB, 809x1859, papadopdailycaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/trump-no-debt-default-222957 to keep it /biz/ related. Trump knows what hes doing.

>> No.13928953

just google impenetrable cyber security. nobody else uses those retarded phrases

>> No.13928996

Mental retardation.

>> No.13929003
File: 217 KB, 1200x1179, 96C178EA-563B-4E5E-87E8-842ED49F9156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a great president that puts his people first and not a globalist puppet.

>> No.13929018

Trump has no fucking idea what he's doing, that's why OP made this thread

>> No.13929029

Kys faggot, you and your stupid democracy

>> No.13929047


You live in a fucking oligarchy, you quadruple nigger.
>Salesforce is refusing to let its customers use its software to sell semi-automatic guns

>> No.13929210

How come he never once talked about bitcoin

>> No.13929211

Lol in one tweet he gives Canada and Mexico excellent reasons to structurally reorient their economies away from the USA in the long term.
In the short term he risks damaging Mexico's economy, causing unemployment of Mexicans, while directly incentivizing American farmers to bring in illegal immigrants to maximize output at higher food prices.

And this just tipped the scales majorly towards China in the negotiations.

This was the worst possible move, even if he walks it back like he usually does.

>> No.13929302

I hope he did it just for his re-election. Hopefully he has a long term plan I fail to grasp.

>> No.13929334
File: 81 KB, 392x705, This-is-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's All...
>Pure. Political. Theater.
Right or Left, you Idiots are falling for it.

>> No.13929385 [DELETED] 

What a typical arrogant /biz/ poster. Do you think your special? You think just because you know a bunch of stupid terms that you're better than anyone here? Tell me. Please. Tell me why you think that way. I'd love to hear it. And for the record, I've got a masters in economics. Really chaps my ass that you nitwits come on here and chastise anyone with your vague and dismissive attitude without ever having even argued against the actual philosophy being discussed. Lets hear your 'economic thought' you yellow-bellied shit posting psued. Go right ahead... there is no better place than here and no better time than now. Lemme guess, you like keynes? Or are you some laissez-faire extreme capitalist? Read a few quotes from milton friedman and now you're the expert on money and how to run an economy? Lay it on me pal. I got all day. I'm gonna be here in this thread questioning everything you say... everything you do. Every post you make. Every feeble attempt you try. So you got two choices my man... you either put up or you shut up. Whats it gonna be?

>> No.13929396


>> No.13929407

Mexico will be apologizing to us very soon. No more open borders for you. Nigger

>> No.13929423


>> No.13929426

Where do you cuck faggots come from? How do you become like this? Please procure a female and engage in intercourse with her.

>> No.13929433

Orange man misspell on twatters, it was her turn! We need a vagina president!!!

Absolutely voting for him again.

>> No.13929444

Maybe the idea is to distract from Mueller?

The only thing that can hurt his presidency in the short term is a steep economic downturn. He could spook the market and piss off retiring boomers and their senators and get himself impeached.

If October comes around and there are high tariffs on Chinese and Mexican agricultural goods, food prices will be extremely high. If the flooding in the midwest reduces crop yields later in the season, prices may rise even higher.

There's potentially a situation where the price of food massively increases for Americans and the US economy rapidly contracts.

>> No.13929452

Should have gotten a degree in Memeology instead.

>> No.13929491

Trump i love you

Short all x15

>> No.13929495

Buy United Nations Dollar sirs
USD will collapse.

You can get it on Bitforex.

>> No.13929720
File: 1002 KB, 1534x595, vrwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 will be my first year voting for a Democrat.

>> No.13929737

Marry a nignog while you're at it.

>> No.13929758


Naw, I just want this fat idiot out of office.

>> No.13929823
File: 300 KB, 512x341, 3ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slapping tariffs on Mexico

>> No.13929850
File: 132 KB, 1484x1142, kelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks US companies are going to hire Americans instead of just buying back their shitty stocks to inflate the share price
>he thinks said companies will stop sending jobs overseas
>he actually thinks companies won't prioritize profits over the well-being of the American people.
>hurrrr rising tide floats all boats
Imagine being this gullible. Trickle-down morons are the biggest fucking morons on Earth.

>> No.13929904

Thanks for setting the US back decades with your vote you fucking gullible idiot. All you dumb faggots that voted for him should be ashamed of yourselves. He's always been know as douche bag and the butt of jokes, yet you thought he would make a good president? This soft, old, failed "business" man. Wtf were any of you thinking...KYS.

>> No.13929919


They aren't capable of that. They just react.

>> No.13930130

He bought 0xbitcoin at the top

>> No.13930191
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>Orange man bad.

You have to go back.

>> No.13930564

senile boomer

>> No.13930580

what are you talking about? Do you even know what his portfolio was when he used to be in parliament? Foreign minister. Now figure out what Foreign ministers are in charge of. He was the head of it for more than a decade.

>> No.13930602

Trickle down economics is the gospel of The Boomer.

These fucks idolized Reagan.
They’re the largest voting block.

>th-thank you Ronald Reagan for deinstitutionalizing the mentally ill, and unleashing waves of patients to become scary homeless corpses.

>> No.13930821

If he was so dumb why wasn't any dirt founded on him in the mueller report. Being able to avoid getting in serious trouble from a carte blanche investigation is actually impressive.

>> No.13931090

>orange man bad
Wew NPCs firmware still not updated to accept reality I see.

>> No.13931292

>he thinks said companies will stop sending jobs overseas
worse still
>he thinks companies sending jobs overseas is the real issue when 80% of those jobs were actually lost in the US to automation

>> No.13931338

>orange man good, man who not like orange man not real man!

>> No.13931345

americans are dumb (i am american) and we deserve what is coming

>> No.13931361

So glad I got menaced by the homeless at every opportunity

Also blame the ACLU

>> No.13931379

Agreed. European here and I am gay

>> No.13931380

big fucking yikes, YIKES

>> No.13931409

It is boomer v boomer v boomer
Biden, bernie, bumpf
And retarded kids will always vote "free shit" and let their governments penetrate all their orifices until they are so used up that they can't escape the abuse because they have never been taught the value of hard work.
>t. Grandpa

>> No.13931434

Nice bait

>> No.13931439


Too much winning.

>> No.13931442

get heart attack dumb boomer

>> No.13931453
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>> No.13931501


>> No.13931579

I would, but the government cheese is being distributed too fast for me to die now. I'm now mecha-boomer, and I will live forever on your back. Thanks.

>> No.13931618


>> No.13931774

This fucking dick is full of alzheimers.

>> No.13931835

It terrifies me that a picture of events from 3 to 4 years ago is already JPEG'd to shit this hard. In 20 years, internet """historians""" will have a really hard time finding old images that are any good because of how compressed everything is.

>> No.13931842


>> No.13932110

this dude has way more ethics than berry

>> No.13932139

>be a 56% mutt
>vote for le drumpf because i hate minorities
>lose my job
>lose my savings
>lose my pension
>at least he owned the libs!!!!

>> No.13932234
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>OPs opinion is evidence
>OP says fantom will replace ETH, must be right
this is how you sound

>> No.13932250
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>> No.13932357
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Retard coper. GOP love Israel more than Israelis. Trumps largest voting bloc the Evangelicals are literal Zionists

>> No.13932519


>> No.13932587

nah. its the 702s. obama used NSA for oppo research. adm rogers shut it down. a few people finally talking about it even though known for years.

>> No.13932776

Tarrifs require careful legislation, detailed planning, careful study of prediction models, and preferably international cooperation. They're above all a long term commitment. You can be for tarrifs but against Trump's. He's just throwing them out there willy-nilly antagonizing multiple trade partners and sectors at once.

>> No.13932793

Retard faggots like and your comitees are what got America into this mess in the first place. You're lucky you and your buddies aren't being line up against walls all around the country, bucko.

>> No.13932795
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>partisan divide in ME support is bad
Retard. I dont care if its a sjw towel who is making people question whats happening. The point is that people are discussing it, in part due to trump being so obnoxiously pro israel that it looks ridiculous.

>> No.13932861
File: 232 KB, 1024x683, 5443263443534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump is pretending to suck zion cock to make people that hate him hate Israel too
the amount of mental gymnastics /pol/tards go through is just amazing

>> No.13932864

Not an argument. His tarriffs are blatantly mindless. They lack the most basic small business exemptions, transitional arrangements, etc. How the fuck is a small texan business who imports from Mexico supposed to handle a sudden 5% tarriff, which is implied to keep increasing in the future, at a week's notice?

>> No.13932976
File: 185 KB, 1080x611, Screenshot_20190112-152428_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naming the jew openly went so well for hitler

>Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
>And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
>In that day, saith the Lord, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.
zechariah 12 2-4

>> No.13933008
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Opinion of trump is diverging more now and his voter base is shattered, people who have pensions stocks etc. are turning back on him and red necks etc. other hand prefer tariffs

>> No.13933059
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If by his people you mean Israelis then you are correct.

>> No.13933060
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>sucking israeli cock is part of the 999D chess guis

lmao. the cope is real

>> No.13933065

He's a retard with absolutely no understanding of how the economy works. Just look at his personal life, he's a complete failure and would have lived on the street if not for his dad.
Imagine how retarded his supporters are to defend this daily shit show

>> No.13933391
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>bibi fails to form coalition
>new elections in october
>deal of the century next month
Well see. Its sad you arent providing any logical evidence for your position. Can you explain this with papadopoulus? >>13928290 or are you just going to ignore it like everybody else because you cant?

>> No.13933491

>Russia authors the Steele Dossier..
>"Putin was totally behind Trump, guize!"
What part of Russia seeding discord in American politics don't you shills get, and why do you insist on helping them? Putin bet on leftist retardation, and pulled Aces.

>> No.13933498

The people's vote doesn't count. Why are people getting mad at each other. You fucking morons think we live in a democracy.

>> No.13933541
File: 146 KB, 1030x687, 112323312423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cancel Iran deal as commanded by Israel
>first time in us history to recognize jerusalem as capital
>legally recognize golan heights as Jewish territory
>signed billions more in aid to Israel
>Threaten to cut aid to any country that doesn't accept Israel's capital
>signed bill to criminalize criticizing Israel
>his Jewish son in law in charge of middle east
>his VP and core voters are Evangelical Zionists
yep you are right, no evidence at all that Trump is a jewish puppet. Now put your head back in the sand and enjoy the kike dick

>> No.13933545

his protectionist import rates on steel and advanced steels will slow down the post crisis economic boom and eventually causing a downturn with recession as end result. yield curve already inverted a couple of times. this dude is retared af. no idea why the burgerpeople chose him to lead.

>> No.13933702
File: 401 KB, 764x1198, the-wandering-jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must suck being a jew. You constantly have to try to hide from people and blend in and confuse people because their natural inclination is to hate you guys. Regardless of what anyone feels about either of our posts here, end of the day, at least my people didnt kill the son of God and get cursed for 2000 years. Jew.

>> No.13933775
File: 180 KB, 1200x900, 32423324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a Jew because I don't support Israel
cope harder shlomo

>> No.13933794

Voted for him. Voting for him again. If you had money on the sidelines you would be thankful for another buying opportunity. Instead you're just masturbating to cartoon porn.

>> No.13933872
File: 41 KB, 484x483, 1550894762703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you believe Jesus was the son of God?

>> No.13933890

kek this. It's a real twee btw folks.

>> No.13933892

What the fuck is wrong with migapedes

>> No.13934006
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>> No.13934028
File: 973 KB, 1066x993, 111123212312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike gets called out
>changes subject
get gassed kike

>> No.13934042

iron condor you nig

>> No.13934230
File: 25 KB, 274x435, 1547691022013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on 4chan cant tell the difference
>bringing up Jesus bring killed is changing the subject

>> No.13934287
File: 60 KB, 615x820, females after car crash and friend dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. Trump is doing what we memed him into office for. Inflate the stock bubble so that it pops hard. This is only way for us to move into a new paradigm. Whether this is good or kiked, it needs to happen. The status quo is currently negroid tier. We hired Mr. Donald to disrupt this status quo. Completely collapsing the status quo would certainly do that. The real question is, what comes after the crash?

>> No.13934301

The problem is that obama is a fucking nigger and eats shit.

>> No.13934351
File: 164 KB, 626x835, 12313245324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS shlomo

>> No.13934399


If Yale told you about 10% of your population had literally just broken into the country, you'd sure as hell vote for whoever's most likely to throw them out. Otherwise your country will be strangled with demographics.

>> No.13934442
File: 838 KB, 467x878, 1530246689057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 anon is being critical of jews
>1 anon is being critical of trump supporters

>> No.13934472
File: 55 KB, 625x361, 3892342347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon supports Israel but is critical of Jews

>> No.13934594

One of the foreign influence laws he almost broke requires knowledge of the law.
He was literally too ignorant to violate that law lmao.

>> No.13934600

>And then we slowly find out

>> No.13934608
File: 134 KB, 1080x1343, IMG_20190212_181434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre a lying, subversive jew. Point out where i supported israel please.
>and slowly i began to hate them

>> No.13934616

seriously, it's fun watching trump crash and burn, but we can't let him get the nuclear codes. city people all voted for hillary, only rural and suburban retards voted for trump ;-)

>> No.13934617

> hasn't delivered shit for 17 months.

are you retarded or do you watch cnn/msnbc?

motherfucker got more done in 2years than that nigger piece of shit in 8.
