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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13929681 No.13929681 [Reply] [Original]

I want to invest my money into something. I've never bought stocks or crypto before so I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions?

>> No.13929696

Just buy gold. Both stocks and crypto are crashing hard.

>> No.13929700

Wait until it drops 1000$ and then buy Bitcoin (BTC)

>> No.13929712


OP just buy bitcoin and hold it. Don't swing and don't panic sell. Only sell when you have made a comfy profit and don't get back in for another year. If you want to sit around and rot while everyone around you actually makes money then buy shiny boomer rocks. One day in a nuclear apocalypse they'll be worth a couple guns and some ammo maybe

>> No.13929716

Literal nigger tier advice. We are currently in a crypto bull market. Put money there. These other two anons should be fucking ashamed of themselves for being so absolutely retarded.

>> No.13929739

start slow with a stock index fund that you hold until you die. BBUS has a .02% expense ratio.

>> No.13929752

How much do you suggest I buy? And I guess just cling onto it until it reaches a "good" high price? I don't know much about crypto and stuff so bear with me.

>> No.13929778
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I was in the same spot, started with like 200 in stocks when BTC was still under 5K. Saw it spike and figured it was the start of the next GBR pic related. If you want my opinion I think we'll keep going down until the end of the weekend so keep an eye on it. When the volume starts getting low or things feel like they're stagnating just buy in then and wait. Don't buy immediately after pumps, wait for it to crab for a few days first.

>> No.13929807
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If you are still concerned with it going down after you buy you can always do 50%. I usually just say fuck it and put whatever I have in and hold as long as I'm confident t will eventually go up. But I'm retarded so take what I say with a grain of salt. TA is a meme in crypto unless there are 0 events or announcements for the foreseeable future by the way. Also buy a suicide stack of 1K link or you'll kill yourself in 4 years, welcome to crypto

>> No.13929818

Just lurk here, start watching videos, etc. I started browsing this board back in October. Don't trust shills, make sure your confident with your decisions. You will figure it out, I'm still a wagie for now but I've made a few thousand dollars i would have never made due to these spergs. here.

>> No.13929833
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Also a newfag mostly lurk. We're all shitposters in arms now, my man

>> No.13929859

I'm a complete dumbass when it comes to crypto, I'm still learning everything. I've heard a few things about Chainlink. You're saying I should invest 1K in chain cause it's gonna be up in 4 years? Just asking the questions now before I regret not buying in a few years.

>> No.13929907
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Man I question my own sanity on it. At first I thought it was just a meme. Then people kept letting it slip that oldfags were trying to keep redditors from owning link by fudding their own coin. After that I learned there are hidden /biz/ discord servers which I figured, but there are general ones, servers specifically for link, and pajeet shitcoin servers but those are obvious. I got to thinking maybe link is one massive pump and dump disguised as a legitimate project, but the chances of this I give at less than 10%. Basically look at the whitepaper and consider the problems themselves, what the company aims to accomplish, WHY the token is needed etc. That's how I came to the conclusion in the end that it was worth the risk. I'm an idiot and went all in though don't do that.

Here's something interesting you'll see links to rarely about it, this is all I can say for sure: https://imgur.com/a/R2Pm5xE

>> No.13929915

Buy Chainlink Sir

>> No.13929929

link unironically makes up like 60% of the discussion on this board, if you lurked for even a day, this would be apparent. It
Is also back down 13% and the FUD is all over the place so buy some.

>> No.13929936

Create a Coinbase or Bitstamp account you can send fiat to. Set up a Binance account to trade shitcoins. If you're risk averse, buy and hold BTC, otherwise DCA into BTC.

>> No.13929951
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fuck it. I think ill just do it. I'm not gonna be pulling my hair out again just like I did when I could've bought other big coins. I can afford to throw $150 into it at the moment. Am I making a mistake?....

>> No.13929952
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Based helper anon. Cheers!

>> No.13929965

I personally like to use Gemini, used coinbase at first but the fees really fuck you, they also use some sort of transfer delay system to where if you try to trade your crypto it freezes any gains or losses you would have made in a dollar amount. If you use a Gemini wire transfer you can send it same day to binance with less fees. As far as I know anyway, this anon might be right if he's referring to coinbase pro

>> No.13929969
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Okay, I absolutely will now. Any good sites where I should buy it?

>> No.13929989

I wish I knew not larping here but I don't know if I got scammed or not. All I know is if it IS true I don't want these fuckers getting my LINK for cheap so fuck it I'm not selling not even if it reaches .50

My only mistake was going all in, I'm too stubborn to take losses though. Guess I'm a bag holder, if it goes back up I'll sell a small amount of the pump for BTC if you care what I would choose. Nothing beats actual BTC IMO

>> No.13930002

Binance, use ETH to send it to binance though because it's faster and I THINK it costs less in fees overall. I haven't done so yet myself, but make sure you learn how to make cold storage options, never keep long term hold coins on an exchange

>> No.13930057
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I'm going to slightly diverge from my fellow anon and just advise to avoid to emotional investment, but for what it's worth I think you will be okay

>> No.13930081

Like I said, I'm an idiot. At this point however the damage is done and I'm not convinced it's going to be going lower. Since I realize I suck at trading the logical step is to s imply hold if I am confident in the return on investment, I'm hoping the oracle news in June will at least help boost it past 1.20

>> No.13930111
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So you absolutely recommend to hold onto it even if it reaches higher prices after the Oracle News? I feel like I'm gonna panic sell at some point and I need to control that. How long should I keep it for/when should I finally sell?

>> No.13930134

Only because I suck at trading. Would be nice if some of the oldfags reading this would spoonfeed us but they've been doing that for 2 years so I can't blame them.

I really don't know, I just know that there's potential profit and I've seen a lot of information to speculate a few thousand on this coin. I'm going to dump half my stack on the next pump because I want to hedge with BTC and some ETH. If you want to know how long to keep it for the meme is "1K EOY". Who knows what it will actually be considered the top but remember this: the top is when you feel like a fucking genius richfag.

That's all I got, good luck anon i'm going to bed

>> No.13930146

Thank you for all of the help anon. I really appreciate it. Have a goodnight.

>> No.13930382

Decide what investment you want to make.

Start reading websites like investopia.

Make fake accounts at places like Morningstar, make fake investments. Track them.

Read more. Read investor sites, forums, YT channels.

Do this for a year.

Now you're ready to start losing money. And you will, starting out. Everyone does.


Go get your trading license, go work for a trading company. Sweep the floors if you have to. Listen. For a year. Then start making investments.

You don't have enough money to matter to investment houses like Ameriprise, or Meryl Lynch, if you have less than 100k, you're just a monthly fee sponge to them.

>> No.13930960
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Anon you deserve only the most chad coins. Consider FTM, FSN, LTO and MITx

>> No.13930980

you should buy low gem caps my fren


>> No.13931034

Try invest in Mitx. Going green candles soon. Probably next week. More like x10. Meaning, you will be 10x richer

>> No.13931035

BTC is a good bet.
Hold at least ONE BTC.
Also some low cap alts that have been mentioned. they have potential to moon x400-500 your initial investment. 1k could become 500k. worst case is you lose 1k

>> No.13931048

You should have at least 1000 nano for when it hits 100 usd

>> No.13931182

btc and eth are good for long term as we are bullish my fren

gamble is mitx and arpa

>> No.13932084

Invest in yourself, and use that knowledge to start your own business.

Unless you have the capital to make any meaningful amount of money from investing ($1m+), then you need to tudy and read your ass off on what it takes to start and run a small business successfully.

Use $1k to build a $1k a month business. That's incredibly easy. Even basic Walmart/Amazon arbitrage can do that for you.

Didn't get your business right? Study what you did wrong and try harder on a new venture.

American culture is somewhat unique in that we don't shun, neglect, mock, or belittle the entrepreneur who failed 50 times before he gets it right.

Once you get a business right, learn to scale, if that business can be scaled. If not, outsource the work, and start a new business that can scale. Scale to the point where you can comfortably quit your day job.

And then start a new business that's even bigger.

You are young and have easily another 30-40 years to make money running businesses.

There have been billion dollar acquisitions in as little as 7 years of a company being formed.

Every minute you waste on trying to earn a 12% APY on $5k, which amounts to like $600 a year, or $50 a month, is a minute wasted that you could've spent laying the groundwork for an empire.

>> No.13932768
