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13926597 No.13926597 [Reply] [Original]

its going to take me 5 months to save the money i need to get out of this, how do you guys stay focused on goals when the journey there is hell?

>> No.13926625

I got fucked so hard trading today, I got rent due tommorow and no food, and have to dump what little I have left just to survive, sometimes the other side has shit days too...

>> No.13926660

do you have something long term youre working towards?
i have long term plans but right now they feel like 1000 years away

>> No.13926662

I watch my BTC balance go up every week.

>> No.13926738

>low wage store worker
>coon boss
>all the customers are dickheads
>only white guy on my block
>cant sleep with the jungle music
im saving money to move to a new place, hopefully to get a new job.

>> No.13926769

Jesus Christ your life sounds cucked m8. Sounds like you live in a Rust Belt shithole

>> No.13926808

>only 5 months
anon, I...

>> No.13926938
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nailed it, toledo.
both parents ((opioid)) addicts, only family is my brother who moved to new york state and im going to join him later on this year.

i did really well in school but dropped out like a fucking scrub.

>> No.13926956

Sounds bad anon. We had a black family rent a house near us and they just constantly played loud music in their car in their driveway and had regular partys before they stopped paying rent and got evicted.

>> No.13927012

one family is obnoxious as fuck to be around, an entire horde of them becomes background noise.
the only saving grace i have right now is that the current batch seem quite docile but im expecting fireworks whenever the heat really comes.

>> No.13927069

wheres all the inspirational stories

>> No.13927274

What's your plan in 5 months? Cause if every day is hell you need better ideas daily to focus

>> No.13927275

because hell is just one state of being out of several. keep going anon, youll make it as long as you dont give up and keep pushing forward

>> No.13927351

this anon is gonna make it. you need to be in your zone on the daily, fuck around and youll never get where you wanna be

>> No.13927456

Why the fuck would you subject yourself to retail?

Fuck that shit, I did it for like a month and went back to sweet, sweet sales gigs. Pay me low 6 figures to work remotely and travel on the company dime to go to trade shows and shit.

How many jobs have you applied for in the last week?

I fucking love my job and update my resume at least monthly and send 4-5 job applications I'm not even qualified for (director, senior operations manager, that kind of shit) just to brush up on my interviewing skills and shit.

What the fuck is this bullshit about 5 months "to get out of this"

>> No.13927506

do you live in kansas i think i know you

>> No.13927531

I have slaved for the last 11 months after graduating 1 year ago. My chains will be cut June 15th and I’m turning in 2 weeks notice mid July

Honestly op, it is darkest before the dawn. 7 months in I was absolutely wrecked. Suicidal thoughts were creeping in. I slept a lot and that helped. Make sure you spend a bit of time outside each day, and try to talk to a friend somewhere once a day for at least 10 minutes . I became friends with my random roommates who are quite cool, despite the fact I have no friends at work (all boomers)

>> No.13927556
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>living in Ohio
Move to a quiet state, like Indiana or Tennessee.

>> No.13927577

Colorado actually.

Most of the guys I know that have a knack for sales really love their jobs though.

>> No.13927578

move away from here, anywhere.

ill try

>Why the fuck would you subject yourself to retail?
no other choice right now, its temporary though, theres fucking nothing else here besides retail or wiping up boomer shit. i dont even have a car.
also you type like a nigger and shit

>> No.13927628

Sorry anon, I'll polish up my professional Caucasian english skills for you to fawn over.

You didn't answer the actual question, but I already knew the answer so I guess that makes us even.

>> No.13927639

I feel bad for you anon. Your problem isn't a lack of opportunity. My employer is on the east coast and I work remotely. Stop making excuses.

>> No.13927698

i havent applied for any jobs this week, i have looked for jobs almost every day.
not much to go on around here for somebody who has to commute with public transport and has no networks to fall back on, right now im just accumulating as much money as i can.
the goal is to move, the goal is to go back and finish my cs degree.

what i shouldve done at 17 was join the military and then go into trades but we cant turn the clock back.