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13923841 No.13923841 [Reply] [Original]

> lowest grade diseased cows
> meat contains feces
> handled by unhygienic retards
> sold to worthless shit people

> Making billions while literally selling shit contaminated toxic waste to human garbage

Is this based af or jewish af?

>> No.13923868

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.13923870
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Goyim get what they deserve

>> No.13923884


Its tasy AF though. Have sex

>> No.13923901

why not both
jews get rich af off retards who get sick af need medicine but die out eventually, thus getting rid of human garbage and making buck simultaneously
all women *except my precious mommy* are whores

>> No.13923902

base jew

>> No.13923912

I've never had a Big Mac look like that. They look way more plain

>> No.13923923
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what's the difference?

>> No.13924088
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Goylent green is people.

>> No.13924394

If you talked like that in front of my girl you would be begging me from pummeling you till you turned into pulp. Actions have consequences, who would have thunk?

>> No.13924506

You bend the knee to the jew goy. Stop pretending you are tough you faggot.

>> No.13924545

I can hardly believe how popular McDonalds still is in this day and age. Have 2 in my town and theyre both busy all day every day.
t. ubereats driver

>> No.13924564

Get a real job

>> No.13924568

> paying extra to have someone deliver shit to your doorstep

>> No.13924571

This is very subtle link fud

>> No.13924613
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>he doesn't go to the fancy INT McD
>mfw curly fries, french salad, and chicken bacon big n tasty
having disposable income is nice

>> No.13924642
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stay jelly

>> No.13924702

frankly delivered hamburgers are all fucking cold soggy an disheartening. i wouldn't mind paying extra for fresh. but that doesn't happen.

>> No.13924891

almost every us fastfood chain is steadily going up the same with dominos.

i really dont get it, i avoid fast-food chains as much as possible and most of my friends do, but the majority of people at least in the us seems to do otherwise

>> No.13924952

It's pretty good. I get at least 1 a week

>> No.13924959

how are there bigmacs?

>> No.13924963

if the food is prepared properly its pretty good. finding a spot that will do it right... consistently is basically impossible though.

>> No.13925001

People are lazy.

>> No.13925016

I hated every "real job" i ever had.
sometimes the drinks spill in the bag, too.

>> No.13925047


>> No.13925251
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Top notch, this is their HQ after all...

Short for international, also known as Global McDonald's. It's their HQ, table service, select items from all over the world, extremely high quality items. Great McD, no other like it. If it's one McD to go to, this is the one.

>> No.13925264

think hes talking about international

>> No.13925322

Probably the later OP, it costs almost nothing to produce this food and they charge consumers 5-10 times and dish the food out instantly.

>> No.13925352

You would have be dumber than the people who eat McDonalds to believe this

>> No.13925369
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>> No.13925370
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If you consume MCDonalds you are a subhuman.

>> No.13926034

I'd imagine that most of the food at McDonalds is cooked pretty hygienically, they have cameras set up in the cooking areas, including cameras that often show the customers what's going on. Much of the food is already pre-made so some guy with gloves is just stacking stuff together, and I'm pretty sure robots will be doing this job soon. The fries are literally moved from a freezer to the deep-frier.

I'm vegan so pretty much the only item I can buy are the fries (here in Australia they're technically vegan, overseas might be different). I'm looking forward to vegan burgers being introduced. It's not healthy but it's an easy meal if you're hungry and feeling lazy.

>> No.13926376

This sounds about right. I worked at maccas and the food was pretty high quality. OP sounds like a retarded boomer.

Also veganism is retarded. Are you a vegan for ethical or health reasons?

>> No.13926441


Because I know it's not necessary to eat animal products and because I'm aware of the terrible exploitation and suffering inflicted on the animals.

>> No.13926468

All your points are wrong and ignorant. Stop virtue signalling.

>> No.13926493

Don’t you guys like cooking delicious meals for yourself at home? I’d take a grilled NY steak with spinach leaves and blue cheese dressing over anything mcdicks has to offer.

>> No.13926532

You dont get over 15 essential nutrients on veganism. Supplements dont do shit. Fiber is terrible for your health. All you eat is sugar. Fuck outta here vegan. Also your views on mcdonalds being passable are laughable. I would rather eat locally sourced beef that was left in a mcdonalds dumpster than eat the "hygienically prepared" dog turds that they call sandwiches. Did you also know that millions of mice die from harvesting machines?

>> No.13926618

It's not that bad, are you some kind of cuck or something?

>> No.13926619


You didn't point out how or why any of my 'points' are wrong. I suspect that if you truly believe I'm "virtue signalling", this is just your own attempt to rationalise your current status as an omnivore. It's alright. There is no shame in admitting you were wrong or misled or that you're doing something that contributes to the suffering of others. What you should do, though, is face this before it's too late.


>You dont get over 15 essential nutrients on veganism.

This is wrong, but I'm not going to go through and address every nutrient you try to raise that isn't available on a vegan diet. Every nutritional organisation in the world agrees that an adequately planned vegan diet is more than sufficient to meet all nutritional needs. In the case of a vitamin like B12 - this is easily obtained through supplementation. Many meat-eaters require supplementation themselves because of failure to get it in their diet, or issues with natural uptake. Taking a B12 supplement is not any more highly 'artificial' or 'unnatural' a behaviour than eating meat.

>Fiber is terrible for your health

All nutritional organisations out there are calling for MORE fibre in the diet. Our digestive systems evolved in a context of high-fibre diets (see all our closest primate relatives having a diet that's 98%+ plant-based), although density of nutrition is certainly preferable.

>Did you also know that millions of mice die from harvesting machines?

These numbers are inflated, and most of the grain harvesting involved also feeds the meat industry. I don't know of any vegan who claims to be some sort of Bodhisattva clean from all moral impurity. Every day I'm surrounded by meat-eaters and benefit indirectly from meat-eating, violence against humans and animals. I'm simply taking simple actions to minimise harm. Don't get your knickers in a knot.

>> No.13926630

is this a chainlink thread?

>> No.13926647

Mcdonalds meat as far as I know in Australia from working here is top notch.

Why would I? You're just in it for the virtue signalling. The fact you care about the wellbeing of cattle makes you an insufferable faggot.

>> No.13926656
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>> No.13926664

Most "nutritional organizations" are NWO fronts that want to push this cattle diet. All you vegans rely on pharmaceuticals and artifical vitamin supplements like B12.

>> No.13926753

Shows you what brand image and marketing does to people. McDonalds is unironically fucking disgusting.

>> No.13926782


>Why would I? You're just in it for the virtue signalling.

It's up to you. I don't control you. I have probably as much chance of convincing you to go vegan as I would convincing a serial killer of teenage girls to stop doing what they do. I'm just pointing out that the "you're virtue signalling" accusation is likely a rationalisation that you come up with, to avoid having to face the consequences of your actions. All I'll say is that - if you caught me in the act of eating a 6 year old human, you'd likely complain like the virtue-signalling person that you are.

>The fact you care about the wellbeing of cattle makes you an insufferable faggot.

Cows have sentience and even higher emotions. They not only feel physical pain, but they clearly have higher level emotions so they're capable of sadness, happiness, fear, awe, etc. There is no meaningful difference between the brutalising and killing of human beings and the brutalising and killing of cows. Go watch Dominion, it's free. If you're so confident that what you're doing is fine, give it a go. Cows are like little children.


>Most "nutritional organizations" are NWO fronts that want to push this cattle diet.

If you don't believe the major nutritional organisations, then don't. The science is quite strong. A adequately planned vegan diet can meet all nutritional needs.

>All you vegans rely on pharmaceuticals and artifical vitamin supplements like B12.

My entire life is reliant on the rest of society. As I said, nobody can claim to be morally pure. But vegans collectively have done a lot of good, and I refuse to consume meat or dairy knowing where it comes from. The meat you eat is just as if not MORE artificial than B12 supplements. Most cattle are given B12 supplements themselves! Do I really need to point out how artificial meat is or the production of meat? Get real.

>> No.13926807


>> No.13926818

So now that main net is out you guys think you can just shit all over McDonald’s?

>> No.13926819

their fries are god-tier though. when they're fresh

>> No.13926833
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>> No.13926848

buy local and/or organic, grass-fed, free-range meat and dairy then. An argument against the food system isnt necessarily an argument for veganism

>> No.13926875

> lowest grade diseased cows
Only in America
> meat contains feces
Only in America
> handled by unhygienic retards
Only in America
> sold to worthless shit people
Alright that's everywhere

>> No.13926884

So instead of buying high quality meat, where the animal lived a nice life and were killed cleanly, you just don't buy anything, forcing industrial meat production to go even more cheaper and less human.
We should eat meat two to four time a week. Better eat good meat from animals that didn't suffer and were killed cleanly.

>> No.13926907

You're virtue signalling. Murdering a girl is not the same as slaughtering animals for meat.

>> No.13926930

>Killed clean
No such thing. You ever seen those slaughter houses they go to? Cows and pigs know whats coming and its far from a clean kill.

>> No.13926934

That looks soulless and awful.

>> No.13926935

Good thing I only eat Big Mac burritos from the super clean Mexican McDonald’s

>> No.13926937

The science isn't settled you illiterate moron. I'm phoneposting atm but I'd share all the studies I have seen. Also I don't care that you're vegan you're a NWO slave. There isn't enough meat out there for everyone.

>> No.13926967


As I've pointed out, it's not necessary from a nutritional standpoint to eat meat, nor is it healthy. In fact in most cases it's pretty unhealthy - even if you ignore all the wider evidence of meat being related to cancer, it's displacement of more valuable nutrients, etc - it's almost impossible to get meat that doesn't pose a health risk because it is after all the flesh of a living animal. It's not even necessary, and even if it was - I would want to be vegan.

All of those labels of "more humane" forms of meat\dairy are pretty empty. You still have to KILL the animal at some point, and the economics of the whole thing mean that the animals are treated inhumanely. If you reduce beings to the status of the mere economic status of their flesh - you immediately remove any REAL interest in defending their rights or feelings. There is NO way to have "humane" meat or dairy or eggs, and even attempts to do so are generally very dishonest and would require significant amounts of waste and loss of money to do so. It doesn't exist in reality.


"where the animal lived a nice life". Take this as example. It's a fantasy, a spook. Picture yourself as the farmer - how long of a life do you give to these cows? Because the average age of slaughtering cows is very young - because to feed a cow for even 80% of its 'natural' lifetime would mean vast amounts of resources going away for essentially nothing, and the 'quality' of the 'meat' gets degraded over the age of the cow. That's just one example of why "humane" slaughter (impossible) and raising of animals for food is impossible. As I've said, it's also unnecessary, and even an active waste, EVEN if you ignore the core issue here - which is the treatment of the animals.


"It's not the same". Why? I could eat the girl or get satisfication from her dead body in some way that suits me. Stop virtue signalling. Stop telling everyone you're against eating girls as if you're Jesus.

>> No.13926983

>s cooked pretty hygienically, they have cameras set up in the cooking areas

Remember the horse meat scandal when it was everywhere in the supply chain in Europe?
Every restaurant and ground beef + other cuts in the supermarkets and butches contained it?

The only place they couldn't find a trace of it was McDonalds.
They control their supply line with an iron fist

>> No.13927004

t. Vegan Gains

>> No.13927077

there is literally nothing wrong with a big mac

>> No.13927098

Ray Kroc was an honorary kike.

>> No.13927136

I don't know where you live, but here, in France, it's possible.
Yes you have to kill an animal to eat it.
Cats do so and don't bother. Even dogs that can somewhat eat vegetable and cereals, hunt naturaly and don't question it.
What is bad is not to eat meat.
It's first the industrialisation of something that shouldn't.
And second the excess of consumption (of everything, meat included).
Do as you wish, I don't want you to eat meat, I just want to explain my point.

>> No.13927162


McDonald's is gross, but if they brought back the McDLT I would get one every week.

>> No.13927199

This is your brain on atheism

>> No.13927223

It seems you are unaware of our open border allowing in unnumbered hordes of brown people who are content to live exclusively on shitty food and have 13 offspring.

>> No.13927255


I agree that the mass-industrial slaughter of animals is probably worse in many ways that people killing animals on their own farm. I know that farmers can sometimes treat their cattle relatively well. That doesn't change the fact that we know it's not necessary, and society has the resources and technology to make veganism possible for everyone on Earth, and the world and animals would be much better off than now. Even if you treat a cow nicely only to slaughter it, that is still gross and an monsterous. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, feeling bad won't help, but to encourage you to try to find alternatives, and improve the world somewhat, or at least make it slightly less shitty.


I'm not an atheist, but I know both religious and atheist vegans. You're projecting again. Would you like to call me a communist too? Maybe a homo?

>> No.13927337

Combination of laziness, self-pity &guilt and marketing. Most people think McDonalds is cool especially the younger ones.

>> No.13927512

I respect you dubs, but when was the last time you did see savage beef or chicken?
Do you think that, if everyone goes vegan, with the space needed to cultivate protein alike food (like onions or pease), savage animals will still exists?
It's more than "animal suffering is bad", it's a complete rethink of our current society and way of living.
And it can't be done with the correct amount of meat.

>> No.13928072


Every gram of nutritionally equivalent protein is vastly cheaper and easier to produce as vegan food than as meat. The production of meat involves vastly more expense, waste, legislation, brutality, etc. Not to mention the cruelty - which is the core issue here.

>> No.13928143


Trips and I go vegan
Quads and I eat a big mac

>> No.13928490

Absolute bullshit. McDs is absolute top tier in terms of quality and hygiene. Do you know how many law firms cream themselves at the prospect of a class action against them? Why aren't there any? Talk shit about McDs all you want, it's cheap, it's unhealthy, it's probably reducing your lifespan but hygiene and quality are paramount for large restaurants.

>> No.13928516

Chainlink in food form

>> No.13928587

join hinduism

>> No.13928629

It's cheap and they still make a huge profit out of it. If you know the price of meat, you know they are serving you literal trash for that price and you shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.13928686
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>> No.13928712

>Top notch, this is their HQ after all...

of course France's specialty is a salad

>> No.13928742

I prefer mash potatos and baked mac and cheese with my steak instead of the faggy salad, but I agree.

>> No.13928759

>If you know the price of meat, you know they are serving you literal trash for that price and you shouldn't be surprised.
Burgers are loss leaders you retard. They make bank on fries and drinks.

>> No.13928770
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actually, the mcdonalds double cheeseburger is a calorie and nutrient complete meal in a simple and cheap package

a human man of average size and weight can live indefinitely and quite healthfully on 3 of these a day, with the occasional piece of fruit and multivitamin

if you leave out the fries and soda, it is an amazing invention - a complete meal prepared and delivered in about 1 minute, for ~$1.75