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File: 71 KB, 819x217, 8D7DF9F7-D163-4D17-A538-7CAAA3FCFD0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921325 No.13921325 [Reply] [Original]

Blogpost showed LINK is pegged to $1

It's over.

>> No.13921325,1 [INTERNAL] 

I took 4 calculus classes in college and the math on that image is beyond me. I can only assume that most people on this board who see that also have no idea if your $1 pegged math is correct.

>> No.13921514

Lmao quick maffs

>> No.13921534

haha yes

>> No.13921560


>> No.13921587

Do you even understand what you reading anon? That in no way is saying that Chain Link is pegged to $1.

I'm guessing you peaked at Algebra 2 tops?

>> No.13921636

You realize he just circled some random shit and put his stale FUD to it to make the 60 IQ retards on this board panic because they are to stupid understand what is even in the image right?

>> No.13921685



>> No.13921706


Have sex, incel

>> No.13921716

i shorted my 120k link stack immediately after reading that

>> No.13921718

your ass is pegged to your boyfriends dick

>> No.13921729
File: 1.93 MB, 1656x1226, ECAEE218-EDA7-4D0B-94AC-B96D34249178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you? Explain how I'm wrong.

>> No.13921760

Damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.

>> No.13921763


>> No.13921945

Explain how I'm wrong.

>> No.13922032

>mod q
Hey OP read a number theory textbook would ya