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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13919154 No.13919154 [Reply] [Original]


There you go. Enjoy the real satoj.

>> No.13919175

seething cuck calls the exchange that cucked him illegal lmao

>> No.13919193
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>> No.13919194

>be introduced as Satoshi Nakamoto
>"hurr I read that in a whitepa- I MEAN I WROTE THAT LMAO HAHA GOTCHA"
>meanwhile BSV dumps

>> No.13919223

bless you, anon

>> No.13919260


>> No.13919268

blessed be anon

>> No.13919293

>mfw I just synced some clear audiomarks and the video doesn't sync up for shit. I'm sure they tempered with it somehow to make him seem less loony

>> No.13919309

Timestamp pls I want to laugh at this dumb Aussie troll

>> No.13919338


>> No.13919371
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What have we learned about this, retards?


>> No.13919473

can't be assed to skim through it again (watched the livestream), but it comes up essentially when he talks about private keys and identities and PKs not proving identities

>> No.13919475

Aww, out of synch

>> No.13919477

We learned CZ is a scammer and his days of people smuggling is numbered.

>> No.13919499

Praise vishnu in the blockchain.

>> No.13919509

it's fucking weird because both the start and end are synced up but in between it goes to shit. No idea what they did to it.

>> No.13919530

It's the only thing green in the top 10, retard.

>> No.13919552

Maybe needs to be re-downloaded using a different service

>> No.13919559

5:35 - 5:55

>> No.13919561

uber rape comment

>> No.13919585

>proof of social media

>> No.13919601

did you see the original? It's incredibly fucked too ever since it went down briefly.

>> No.13919772


What time stamp i didnt hear it

>> No.13919821


>> No.13919939

nope, it's called shitcoin pump and dump accelerator
he is not manipulating the market, he is just throwing a chicken inside a cage with ienas, which is perfectly legal
now you can suck his cock

>> No.13920043

>its not manipulation
>he just chooses to keep Tether a proven fraud
so based, i love china!

>> No.13920051

"commercialize the internet", "popular content is not good content"

fuck him, really

>> No.13920231

this video is fake.

real one here

>> No.13920320


I knew it all along, Binance is a meticulous front for HUMAN TRAFFICKING. It makes so much sense. It’s not even about the money, it’s about women slaves.

See, Binance can make a fuck ton more money than a human trafficking ever could. But why would you want easy, legal money when you can have the joy of trafficking humans? Case closed.

>> No.13920345

Bruv, it's from today's conference in Toronto: https://vimeo.com/338857646

>> No.13920354
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Green or Red means jack shit in a 24 hour time frame you retarded price of shit. Think in longer timeframes you fucking moron.

>> No.13920375

>this video is fake
yeah it's my pocket creg and I was putting on a puppet show

>> No.13920389


>> No.13920397

well creg has no other proof tho now has he?

>> No.13920408

Part two in a few minutes frens. Ready for some fresh memes?


>> No.13920421

You sound upset.

>> No.13920434

and I was wondering why the fuck it wasn't syncing up. I knew they edited something.

>> No.13920460

Holy shit man.. These guys are legit cock suckers for lying to people wtf, this is not good lmao

>> No.13920471

is it that "I remember that sentence.... because I wrote it" part? I honestly haven't watched my own vid lol

>> No.13920494

"there is this whole section, I remember some white paper, uhm, back in 2008 had this section on how identity worked in bitcoin. I remember reading it .. probably .. when I wrote it *laughs* *awkward silence*.." LOL

>> No.13920591

BSV shills will now tell you he just pretended to be retarded.
Screencap this

>> No.13920598

The video you referred to is an old recording from Coingeek London, not the one from today. Calm your tits. I know it's exciting to shit on CSW but stay factual.

>> No.13920670
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>"there is this whole section, I remember some white paper, uhm, back in 2008 had this section on how identity worked in bitcoin. I remember reading it .. probably .. when I wrote it *laughs* *awkward silence*.."
I dont give a fuck when it was said, point was, IT WAS SAID.. And you really want to be "factual" with respect to BSV lmaoo??


>> No.13920672

You're joking right?

>> No.13920720

I just rebought. Smells like an overreaction so I'm gonna hope they can clean it up by the end of the conference.

>> No.13920724
File: 500 KB, 342x342, makin beat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, actually introducing him as "satoshi nakamoto - the godfather of bitcoin"
thanks OP, will watch.

>> No.13920770

>81% flash crash after 200%+ pump
Great idea, keep riding those gains, dont use a stop loss king nakamoto wouldnt like it

>> No.13920810

Now hang on. I just watched that video I myself was linking and it really is missing the whitepaper part. What the everloving fuck? That hardens my suspicion that they ended the livestream because he slipped up.

>> No.13920812

Craig S. Wright - 1965 to 2019


As Craig puts the 9mm in his mouth, sucking on the cold hard steel felt like sucking the dick of his former Vietnamese fuck boi. Then, with a tear dropping from his eye,-realizing that BSV is nothing more than a shitcoin and his life a scam,- he pulls the trigger: His brain paints the wall behind him in a refreshing mix of red and pink. While he's bleeding out on the floor, his dead body relaxes, releases a loud fart and shits his pants.

>> No.13920834

anyway I'm hard-recording the last segment. No getting away with quick edits this time

>> No.13920846

Same. I don't think I've ever seen so much cope in a single /biz/ thread. These people are literal Hilldawg tards.

>> No.13920874

I would if Robinhood had it. Fuck.

You can also fuck off

>> No.13920913
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boys. its been fun, but, the ship is holed. If you survive creg Part II, Now, Its Toasty, I'll be surprised

>> No.13920935

I'm actually pretts sure that's the whole audience lol

>> No.13920937
File: 58 KB, 860x888, Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 22.13.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13921006

he's here to do what he does best to educate the world about bitcoin and it's true technical power we're talking today about bsv unchained attestation and payment channels for computation

so let's welcome to the stage satoshi nakamoto - the godfather of bitcoin.

thank you.

so I'm going to talk about a number of things we're inventing, things that will make legal use of Bitcoin better
and this is important so going back a few years to 2014 2015 not many people know but there
was something called operation an onymous it took down four hundred dark websites the reason is tor was broken
I bet you didn't know that one but some of my technologies probably actually helped in that
back in 2009 I had a publication that still floats around there being able to tell appliation versions
trough tor through anything I could basically pick machines using machine learning in 2008 based on DNS queries
ping other little bits of information and machine learning and random forest processes allows us to pinpoint your machine through six seven layers of tor sorry you're not anonymous sorry Bitcoin doesn't help you hide bitcoin follows the law Bitcoin is an immutable evidence trail means that you can be followed and you can be stopped if you something criminal....

>> No.13921055

>doesn't think BSV is taking a burning green apple splatter dump
>calls other people retards

>> No.13921064

meanwhile Nick Szabo slips up as well BUT IN THE OPPOSITE FUCKING WAY


Also, watch this video and tell me he is not Satoshi. He is lecturing a theater full of JEWS about the origins of money. Also look at his enormous brow, clearly huge brained


>> No.13921128

>doesn't own any real BitCoin
>calls others retarded

>> No.13921234

I owned it. Then I borrowed a bunch and shorted last night. Been spending all day in appreciation of guys like you for filling my bag and shilling this piece of shit. Easiest short in crypto history.

>> No.13921271

F. - this dude aint gonna make it

>> No.13921282

imagine actually holding bsv LOL!

>> No.13921306

Like I give a fuck Creg isnt satoshi and you are a raging faggot

>> No.13921380

I am saying Craig isn't satoshi and Nick is

>> No.13921512

I'm sure you did.

>> No.13921722
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Jimmys getting shinier.
Thinking about whats still to come

>> No.13922127
File: 990 KB, 1172x806, chickity_check.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy just had a stroke man, forgive him.

>> No.13922347

I actually downloaded the synched version
you paste
their file is synched