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13917851 No.13917851 [Reply] [Original]

I work for Microsoft, and I review crash reports to help make Windows more stable. I've come across private Bitcoin keys in crash reports before. If I was a dishonest person I could have cleaned out several Bitcoin wallets by now. You guys are lucky I'm white and not a poojeet.

Additionally, I'm not the only person that's found this type of data in crash reports. Let this serve as your warning.

>> No.13918027

Why does windows 10 suck so much. Evertime I alt+tab out of a fullscreen application it crashes the OS.

>> No.13918061

ive also found keys using similar methods

>> No.13918067

post proof

>> No.13918068

what about windows 7 senpai? how cucked am I compared to windows 10? I always assumed this was the case anyway or at least a possibility which is why hardware wallets exist, so that the key is generated on and never leaves the device

>> No.13918098

Arch linux masterrace here.

>> No.13918100

interesting...how does that happen?

>> No.13918111

People store keys on their computer????????

>> No.13918114

You know what, normally I would just assume this is larp, (and it probably is) but I'm Windows has gotten so bad that I'm just going to assume you're telling the truth, even if you're not.

Fuck Windows. There is nothing good about it. There are just so many things that make it unusable. Sometimes I see kids on uni campus with Windows laptops, and they're not even using them because they're stuck on the "installing windows updates..." spinning circle screen.

Things like that. Tons of things like that. It just feels like the people designing the OS and the people in charge are just a clusterfuck team of incompetent retards. You couldn't pay me to use Windows. If you use Windows, you are literally a subhuman.

>> No.13918539
File: 660 KB, 600x480, 1548940103347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13918628

i loved windows 98

>> No.13918691

use linux or macos, using windows is like handing out your data to nsa

>> No.13918762

>not using an airgapped computer with no other apps but your wallet

>> No.13918797

In other words, don't send crash reports?

>> No.13918800

how much BTC have you seen that you could of taken?

>> No.13918819

I don't doubt you, considering how bad windows 10 is.

>> No.13918863

anyone believing this is clueless about operating systems and cryptography

>> No.13918932

I remember reading about someone losing some coins because their privatekey was sent to some microsoft spellcheck server or something. Seemed pretty fucking dumb your OS can fuck you like that.

It would be nice if windows 10 didn't have windows store apps (they're all aids, unbelieveable they made settings a window store app), and if it had an option to just make all the settings like windows 7, and not do any telemetry, and could install updates without restarting every other day - without resetting half your settings.
Yeah that would be nice.

>> No.13918967

I'm very close to switching from windows 10. I dont think I can take another update.

>> No.13919516

winprivacy.de for the win

>> No.13919713

Memory issue.

>> No.13919777

>he doesn't know that some browser extensions are basically keyloggers

>> No.13919979

bump for cocaine

>> No.13920015


have sex

>> No.13920014

Kek, the correct answer

>> No.13920088
File: 76 KB, 1200x479, Db2b51s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13920184

Funny thing >>13919631 says china is dumping W10, now this thread. I knew NSA was on 4chan, but the chinese gov also?

>> No.13920414
File: 2.54 MB, 400x225, Glorious Nippon Steel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Win7 holdout until last month I have to say that Win10 is the best windows so far. Though it takes a while to set everything up the way I wanted it and disable everything known to spy on you. I'm very glad I waited this long though since apparently in the early versions of Win10 they didn't even give you the option to disable these things.

Also I'm running Win 10 LTSC, which is basically only available if you pirate, from what I hear regular Win 10 is way worse. You guys don't even have access to change group policies?