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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13912190 No.13912190 [Reply] [Original]

Why would we who ascended to next level of rich humanity want to ever hang out with common rich people , using pointless cars or expensive girlfriends?

Why not just stay in this friendly frogposting basket weaving Toilet loving forum for ever but never need to worry about work or food?

>> No.13912220

That’s literally what I’m doing. I’ve /made it/ by most standards, but I don’t really care about most things normies blow their money on.

>> No.13912234

i made it but now i want more. it's neverending m8

>> No.13912239


fuck normies. wen i make it i will abide here with my frens and brothers.

>> No.13912242

same. but i will admit i am switching over to mostly posting on 0xchan.org /biz/ when it launches eoy
i love 4chin but i dont like my IP being collected and my data sold to CIA niggers if u nomsayin

>> No.13912250


>> No.13912253
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pic related

>> No.13912265

when I make it I'm just gonna come back on biz and LARP as a whale, except it won't be a LARP

>> No.13912298
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Yes, I am not talking about full NEET mode either

But like have a nice house, have money enough to visit decent lunch places in a good city every day, go to the gym, do some bizposting, meetup with a girl of friend have a coffee, more bizposting and wojakLARPing, playing some vidya then more bizposting and frogposting while enjoying a fine french 150$ wine

the whole yacht/party/expensive resort is so boomer and WT in my eyes

>> No.13912308
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, f7lm3p7riumz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the real gains are the gains AND frens you made along the way

>> No.13912327
File: 139 KB, 1509x964, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably the cringiest thing I have ever seen posted on /biz/, holy shit

>> No.13912335

meh, then you want to remodel, and you want the nice tile, then you travel business class, and never want to fly economy again, then you drink your wine, but someone shows you the really good stuff. this is being generous, where the girl you met up with doesn't become your wife and take half your shit and pump out some kids that take the rest. it's neverending.

>> No.13912349

No. Shit is dead

>> No.13912351

zika never looked so good

>> No.13912352

All I want is to be a NEET with yearly trips to Thailand and Japan.

>> No.13912357
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enjoy having your IP harvested along with all your data and it being sold to various alphabet agencies by gookmoot bc thats literally wats happening with 4chan user data.

>kys newfag

>> No.13912391

just what japan needs: another tourist!

>> No.13912393


Its really not Greed you reddit twat. Its the game....

By third world standards you could probably stop now. why dont you stop to prove how unready you are?

>> No.13912431
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What is your point?

>> No.13912434

You need a purpose or you'll badly fuck up sooner or later, you know that

>> No.13912470

>paying $150 for €10 wine
as a frog i don't understand why burgers do this
don't pretend "muh $150 wine is better", i travel regularly between the two countries and i've seen literally the same bottles marked up 800%
not to mention the french wines you guys stock are more often than not average ones

>> No.13912483

I sold my crypto a while back, I have a business that is my income. My options would be to sell it and live modestly, or keep going and expand, which is what I'm doing.

>> No.13912514

I shitpost because of autism, not poverty.

>> No.13912555

be honest fren, you shitpost bc you have an addiction to the internet and expressing yourself thru memes.

>> No.13912565

I am sure you posted this from a linux computer through a VPN and proxy nigger..
You do not really give a shit about having your data protected, you are just shilling another retarded 4chan fork that will achieve a user base of at best 10 people. E*ghtchan already has a fucking /biz/ board, go there if you want to shitpost your scam faggot.

>> No.13912638

>he doesnt understand that the only /biz/ board that will ever matter will be on 0xchan since users will be able to see the 0x wallets that are posting
it will literally be a board where actual rich fags post free and clear of all forms of pajeetery

>> No.13912692

>toilet loving
but biz is like 80% indians

>> No.13912849

Infinity is glow central though

>> No.13912889

Well then. If it fullfils you, you're good to go

>> No.13912914

was just an example of spending on something nice, could also be a good sour beer for 12$ bottle or something

>> No.13912933

Why don’t have any other choice anyway. We’re not “making it”

>> No.13912986

It’s really not that hard to stay private. You can just get a vpn and/or buy your internet connection anonymously.

>> No.13913095
File: 59 KB, 367x245, 1505781518447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger here. There are whole groups of people who having "tastings" and talk about how great some aged wine is. I did some work in France for a number of winemakers and was laughing at the literal firehose used to fill up bottles of wine sold for 100 bucks in America.

>> No.13913104

Dumb frogposter

>> No.13913388

I'm going to be making the spiciest fucking high production value meme's you've ever seen when I cash out of this hentai BBS scam hobby

>> No.13913590

why not post from kali linux vpn onto 0xchan, though? 0x will create a higher barrier to low effort/brainlet/cancer posting

>> No.13913638

24 yo Mexican intellectual

I have 49kUSD in Mexico I already am living like a king

>> No.13913756

How do you buy your internet connection anonymously?