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13908428 No.13908428 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you degenerate fucks are picking up hookers these days?

>> No.13908443


just my hand for now, once link moons gonna sucking the juice right out of the brappers of 10/10 escorts every night bro

>> No.13908460

I did it 4 times so far and I'm 20
Regretted it every time

>> No.13908464

I don't have the courage and I fear what God will think

>> No.13908501

I hired hookers instead of women in my company, productivity has never been higher

>> No.13908504

Absolutely BASED.

>> No.13908505

What's the easiest way to find escorts besides backpage (mostly seem to be scams on there)

>> No.13908506

i've banged around 25 and if link makes me rich i'm going full whoremonger.

>> No.13908529


>> No.13908533

Spent $10k on asian hookers last year. Nothing like blowing your load inside a cute 18 year old slant that only knows 10 words of English.

>> No.13908573


just go to confession after

>> No.13908614

you should only be getting hookers to target specific likes/kinks that would be hard to get irl.

>tfw when I had a pawg milf ucla professor sit on my face and made me worship her ass and asshole.

it was glorious and I got to fuck her as well. she must of been in her early 50's but her body was 20's. i love blonde milfs/cougars.

>> No.13908630

This anon gets it.

Tfw I pay girls to do yoga while I grope them. BTW do you have her number?

>> No.13908635

PrivateDelights (reviews that you can view for free instead of payshit like some other crap sites) and Eros

>> No.13908640

whats the chance of getting an std from a single bj

>> No.13908655

nah I don't but if I browse around eroticreview for an hour so I would recognize her instantly. assuming she still escorts. I hooked up with her maybe 5 years ago or so.

>> No.13908663

white girls already do this FYI

>> No.13908698
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terrible investment. I'd rather pay for real dates and build rapport and court a woman I can take home and fuck. Paying for pussy is awful, especially if it won't be reoccurring.. Buying dinner and gifts for unlimited access to the crotch is way better.

>> No.13908732

google adultwork com you'll find some porn stars on there

>> No.13908760

Based and hookerpilled.

>> No.13908765

Did it 5 times now that I am 27.
It is an addiction, last time I went to see one me and my friends was drunk in the bar, I got little too tipsy, got horny as fuck, told them at 1 am that I am going home, went to the hooker instead. Couldn't even nut.

Hope I won't do it anymore

>> No.13908767

pretty low if her teeth are fine and you don't see any herpes.
t. had about 5 bareback BJs from hookers without consequences.

>> No.13908786

im scared because my thing started burning a big starting right after until the next day. now I feel normal though. im waiting on test results even tho its probably too soon to test.

>> No.13908796

>a big
*a bit

>> No.13908826


>> No.13908881

I'm uncut and sometimes your dick can get sore from a hard fuck or a blowjob with more teeth involved. Usually it takes a few days to recover, but the red spots can be pretty terrifying.

>> No.13908895

Yeah but there's no guarantee you're gonna fuck her after the date. You may be spending hundreds and wasting time taking a freeloader out to dinner who has no intention of fucking you

>> No.13908977

no spots. just burned for a day or so. think it might have been a uti but idk. ill see soon hopefully. i hope its nothing

>> No.13909149

All right boys, I'm boutta do it for the first time tomorrow.....

>> No.13909161


based nigga

>> No.13909163

How did it smell

>> No.13909184

I don't feel good about this. But I can't handle being celibate forever

>> No.13909223

this is where you download information on women and identify patterns of freeloading whores
education isn't cheap and not everyone is chad
you probably shouldn't unless you're a sex addict

I haven't hooked up in 7 years which is kind of sad but my friend nagged me to go to a strip club with them
it was fucking gross they bought me shots and paid for nasty stripper bitches to grind on my dick put their titties in my face and hand
my hands broke out in a rash with sores a week later and found out it could be scabies so took some treatment because I would rather get cleaned up than infect someone I care about
you won't enjoy this unless you're already a damaged diseased degenerate

>> No.13909237

Just go into it with no expectations. Great sex is kino but bad sex is worse than your hand desu

>> No.13909255

i smelled a lot of assholes back when I was a degenerate hooking up with random thots on tinder etc. it smells a bit like ass and I guess pheromones? it's sorta like sweet and body odorish. I have one gross asshole and it was a chick that clearly didn't give a fuck probably hungover. I didnt eat her ass out despite all the talking and sexting saying I would. I just busted a nut in less than 5 and dipped.

>> No.13909272
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>I have one gross asshole


>> No.13909274

Kek’d and checked. Real one

>> No.13909434

I meant I had one bad experience with a girls asshole. but yeah I just showed up to her place around morning like 10-11am or something. she opens the door and she's not a catfish etc so I'm relieved. i go in and look around and she has empty beer cans everywhere/pizza boxes/weed/ etc. clearly there was a party last night at her place or someshit. she says sorry for the mess and we small talk and go up to her room. she seems hungover as well. btw whenever I talk to these girls I always tell them I like assholes when they're like at least 1 hour after a shower. that way I can smell a bit of her natural scent instead of soap or other bs. also to make sure it's not disgusting as fuck and there's literal shit. so anyways we get started I pull down her pants/panties and have her lay face down while I worship her ass and play with it. I spread her ass and notice like greenish/yellowish small pieces of shit. (like the size of a needles tip scattered around her asshole). it smelled disgusting so I was like fuck, I just played with her ass for a bit pretending to be enjoying it but still thinking about her disgusting asshole. I say fuck it to myself I'll just play with her pussy for a bit and get her wet and I'll slide in bust my nut and dip. so I did just that. she actually ends up saying afterwards I thought you were gonna eat my ass and I just tell her sorry I got horny and had to fuck asap. blocked and ghosted her afterwards kek. nasty ass hoe.

>> No.13909506
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>I spread her ass and notice like greenish/yellowish small pieces of shit. (like the size of a needles tip scattered around her asshole). it smelled disgusting

>> No.13909543


>> No.13909545

too expensive for me. used to do it frequently when i didn't pay rent but even then it felt like a waste of money most times. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS jerk off before you commit. if you still want to afterwards then go for it.

>> No.13909631


>> No.13909677
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you won the lottery there

>> No.13909695

>not going full abstinence and transmuting your sexual energy into physical and material gains

Absolutely never ever going to make it.
Porn warped your minds into believing you need these meaningless hookups and degenerate fetishes.
Everytime you are horny just go for some physical activity and you will be all done.
What makes the difference between life long successful people and mediocre people is not intelligence, not looks, not even wealth, it's just impulse control and desire to self improve.

>> No.13909845

It's not about material gains. I've already made it. I don't watch porn anymore, I just want to experience something I can never have genuinely. That's why I'm doing it.

>> No.13909916

>go on these escort sites
>everyone close to me is nasty as fuck sheboons
>would have to drive 100 miles just for someone decent


>> No.13909949

You are so fucking naive to think brothels are a modern invention, hell even the catholic church shilled them

>> No.13910067 [DELETED] 

Once or twice every week
At least I cut down on coke

>> No.13910117

Incel thread

>> No.13910144

Jesus wouldn’t like it

>> No.13910169

Enjoy it anon. I’ve done it many times, and don’t really regret it desu. Probably in triple digits by ow but it’s legal where I live.

>> No.13910279

yikes absolute degenerate.
a girl like her had without certainty a train run on her the night before

>> No.13910377

I see them once or twice a week, the addiction is real but atleast my uggo ass gets to fuck 7-9/10s on the reg

>> No.13910386

28y/o, did it twice; once in miami and once in tokyo, both times were shit. But then the whole idea that I did it later was kind of hot. Was extremely depressed after both times due to the cost and the even worse fact I have a girl; same girl across both experiences. She it a total bae 50% Japanese 50% British (im american) and loves me and treats me well and is smart works in high level IT and makes good money, never bitches and even game me some money to put into LINK late 2017.

idk why I felt compelled to do a hooker twice. Both times i was obviously alone, very dunk and horny af. both time were underwhelming and expensive, but provided material for subsequent spankbanks. Obviously deeply regret both times and havent told her. She is hotter than either hooker I banged, but the physical aspect isn;t the exciting part so much as banging someone new. We rarely have sex anymore as I mostly just jack off on my own and dont instigate sex as much anymore. Feelsbadman.jpg but we are happily together and rarely fight, and genrally have a blast together even if we arent fucking like we used to (and despite the fact im mostly the one who isnt as interested in fucking as much anymore)

idk man; my advice is to avoid hookers. Was neat whilst extremely drunk, but not as neat as i thought it would be and immmediately regretted it

>> No.13910467

*jack off to futanari porn of my Fate Grand Order characters online. aka probably why porn legit can destroy relationships

>> No.13910495

Luckily I don't have any qualms about the whole girlfriend thing. Never had one, never will.

>> No.13910613

how is your girlfriend sex wise? does she want sex often or she doesn't care about it? unless she for some reason dislikes sex I can guarantee you she getting dick on the side. roasties are more degenerate then men and more often addicted to sex. half the girls I fucked were cheating or married. they either told me or I could tell. I loved fucking attached women though, just makes sex better for me when I creampied them.

>> No.13911038

she is always down for it when I want it, and even pushes for it when Im not feeling it. I've been with her for about 4 years now; she's a few years older than me and def not getting any on the side. It's not as dramatic as that; just plain old getting a little older and more boring, more from me than her since I'm usually the one who just nutted to some porn just before she tells me she wants some sex. WHich makes me feel like even worse shit since she wants me to fuck her more, but Im too busy jacking off to porn, and have now fucked two hookers while barely fucking her anymore

>> No.13911113

From what I've seen in my peers the men who cheat have the most successful relationships (the woman does not know about the cheating of course). Take that as you will.

>> No.13911145

>I'd rather pay for real dates

>> No.13911148

You’ll be fine bro the chances of getting something from a blowy are slim

>> No.13911330

what you said is all the reasons girls given me why they cheated. you're not giving her what she wants clearly lol shes gonna look for it elsewhere. idk if she is or not but just letting you know so you're aware. also most girls fucked me on their lunch breaks or on their way to work so it would be hard for you to know if shes getting dicked down. girls are not that dumb to say "I'm going out for food" and mysteriously come back 1 or 2 hours later looking like she just got fucked lol.

>> No.13911405
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>3D Waifus

>> No.13911445

I've unironically done it probably 40 - 45 times, some have been great, some not that great.
It can be a pretty nice thing.

You feel bad when the girl is depressed, then it sucks.
But most actually seems pretty happy and just wants to make you feel good.

>> No.13911708
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no it is dangerous
I collect lot of porn instead

>> No.13912113

Incel detected. Have sex

>> No.13912139

I repeat! Virgin who just started reading pua guide pdf s does a chad larp with hilarious transparency! Point and laugh anons

>> No.13912229

it smells like shit
fucking idiot

>> No.13912417

Why would visiting hookers be degenerate? If your country doesn't have legal prostitution you're cucked.

>> No.13912544


>> No.13912564
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I only pick male hookers, they are worth every penny.

>> No.13912793

the real question is what kinks do you have that tinder roasties won't allow? Every tinder slut I've banged for free has let me tie her up and play with her asshole

>> No.13912819

unironically just pour listerene down your peehole, i've done it after fucking dirty music festival sluts and it works.

>> No.13912894


>> No.13912898

honestly just stop porn. 100%. stop porn. reset your brain and wake up to what's around you. don't jack off no matter. you can still reignite this, because how you are now is the problem in your dead bedroom situation. Most people who realize they have a dead bedroom situation and that it's a problem aren't so lucky, because it's their partner and not themselves that cause it, and their partner probably refuses to acknowledge it's a problem.

>> No.13913284


>> No.13913359

Im thinking of getting a tranny hooker. Anyone have any experience with this?

>> No.13913408

Did this once. Great experience, especially when they are the top. Nothing like a beautiful girl with a big dick massaging your prostate. Best feeling ever

>> No.13913427

About 15 and I'm only 24. Thai hookers are the best.

>> No.13914066

>hell even the catholic church shilled them
I'm pretty sure those are called 'choirs'

>> No.13914079

were they girls (male)

>> No.13914093

You're a fucking faggot

>> No.13914106
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>> No.13914307


>> No.13914333

> I don't hold chainlink

>> No.13914377

I only had sex with civil trannies and that was awesome. (t. Brazilian)

I totally recommend you to try, but get a feminine one, not a bricklayer wearing a wig

>> No.13914442

You're both degenerates risking spreading STDs to innocent people. You deserve to die.

>> No.13914485
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>tfw 25 khv that is seeing a high end escort in couple days

W-What am I in for bros....?

>> No.13914523

eros.com nigga. 9s and 10s only.

>> No.13914589

You have to go through a lot of shitty ones before you find a good one that's worth being a regular. Looks for someone who doesn't rush you. Anyone in any kind of a rush is always a bad experience. Trust your gut, if anything feels off look for another one. Also dont go to cheap. Depending on the area theres a certain price point that if you go below it's either guaranteed to be bad or the bitch is just crazy and going to start acting up. But when you find a good one or a couple good ones its worth it

>> No.13914618

>I spread her ass and notice like greenish/yellowish small pieces of shit.


>> No.13914636

Tell her it’s your first time beforehand. I lost mine to a high end escort, I had a great time

>> No.13914655

probably good times. high end hookers are better than most girls at sex.

just be hygienic, respectful, and leave the cash on the night table beforehand without talking.

you can just lay back and tell her you want her to take the lead.

>> No.13914657

Make money fuck prostitute

>> No.13914662

god will think you're a faggot
go fuck some whore you virgin

>> No.13914674

Only pick up HIGH END escorts from eros.com.
Brothels, Parlours and cheap hookers are SHIT and you are guaranteed to regret after.

A totally different case with a High End 9/10 Beauty.

>> No.13914710

everyone saying high end hooker. I like me them hood rats. Usually go on my skateboard and stroll the nights. Pick one out I like and fuck her in streets. I’m pretty much desensitized to fucking on the streets now.

>> No.13914724


are you some kind of chad?

>> No.13914726

You need to start rediscovering sex with her anon asap cause an unfulfilled woman will look elsewhere, then leave you eventually, & you'll end up spending the rest of your life missing her

>> No.13914750

Noone makes you pay hunnits b4 u get cockblock. It takes $80 tops to find out if the girl likes you enough

>> No.13914757


>> No.13914758

adultlook also lets you see most reviews for free

>> No.13914766

You've got nothing to worry about. God is dead.

>> No.13914813

This is how charlie sheen caught hiv anon

>> No.13914814

I guess if it comes up in the conversation I will tell her but, I think telling her might make the whole thing seem more stressful instead of just a normal hookup.

I am doing a two week no fap beforehand, is that a good or bad idea? Got a couple hours so not too worried about not lasting long first time.

>> No.13914859

i wouldnt say all cheap hookers are shit. more like 50 percent.

if youre just looking for a quick cheap, you can always dump the butterfaces on their stomach and just go to town yourself.

but obviously high end hookers are for a different more thorough experience.

i agree with this guy. banging a girlfriend is probably cheaper than banging prostitutes (which can be 160 all the way up to the thousands of dollars per fuck unless you fuck druggies).

if youre a millionaire, prostitutes are cheaper, especially than a wife, but for 90% of people, on a per sex basis, girlfriends are cheaper, and safer. you cant do as much weird shit with girlfriends usually, but that really depends on what youre into and the girl i guess.

but anyway for some people girlfriends just arent an option, so its either your hand a or a prosti's.

you dont have to tell her youre a virgin if you dont want to, but honestly if you do it will be less stressful for you, because she will be more careful and gentle with you.

as for the jerking off, i dont know man. i dont know your dick. some people nut in 5 seconds even if they just jerked off. some people literally can't cum even after an hour from sex. its different psychological/physical experience than masturbation. for your first time, you might be stressed out, and so it might be hard for you to cum. the more you relax, and just let her do her thing, the better it will be.

but yeah, you are in a learning process state, so you'll just have to go in there and be flexible, and see what works, and just have a good time.

>> No.13914958

Thanks fren, will probably just tell her and she seems pretty professional so she is probably used to dealing with awkward fucks.