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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 452x425, NEO $1000 eoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13898722 No.13898722 [Reply] [Original]

I told you idiots 2 weeks ago when NEO was still hovering the $11. Why don't you idiots listen for once and actually make money.

It's so frustrating trying to get /biz autists the new wealthy elite when all you idiots have to do is to listen for once.

I only convinced a handful of you to buy ETH when it was $5, I will not fail this time.

> $100M in funding
> China's key to play a major role in the crypto space
> already government backed
> ATH of $160 without a product, now $14 (first heads up at $6, second at $11, third now)
> NEO 3.0 will be released soon, focuses on real world adaption opposed to playing around in small crypto cycles
> Several major alt coin shillers on Twitter got in weeks ago (second tier important, still imporatnt for normie shills)
> One of the few altcoins that's not a shitcoin and actually IS a real business

I won't repeat myself, but I will remind you once we're up another 200% before the first half of the year is done.

>> No.13898878

Alright opie I bought 70

Looks like its reversing its downtrend

>> No.13898906


Kek. Imagine still buying a 2017 shitcoin

>> No.13898976
File: 118 KB, 452x425, the real choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13898980

i got 800 trinity (TNC) tokens and bought at the top.. wtf do i do with this that its just worth $5 now?

>> No.13898984

I sold all my NEO for SKY six months ago. Bought when it was Antshares so no regrets, still made some money on it

>> No.13899086


>> No.13899117

GTFO Fanton is the real deal now

>> No.13899214

You holding some heavy NEO bags don't you?

>> No.13899291



>> No.13899370

>buy my shitcoin from 2017 even though the founders all moved on to other better projects (NKN and ONT)
Yeah.... that's gonna be a hard pass for me anon. Why don't you go shill this trash on Reddit? It's not gonna work here.

>> No.13899491

All-in NEO here. This fag is just trying to dump his bags. I lurk this shithole every day and he has never (((told))) anyone shit. Ive tried to get anons to buy for a long time as a long term hold, I even did an AMA before NEO Devcon for like 11 hours. Dont buy for a short term flip, NEO wont surge till nash or 3.0 which is middle of next year.

>> No.13899768

Neo is probably going to be used by the chinese. China always wants to use their own people's tech.

>> No.13900369
File: 76 KB, 680x729, 1557546014313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That color