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File: 47 KB, 527x621, 1542890498393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13894018 No.13894018 [Reply] [Original]

>btc becomes the world reserve currency
> if all btc was distributed evenly among the current human population it would amount to 21000000 / 7530000000 = 0.0028 bitcoin each. of course most hoi polloi will be happy over a few thousand satoshis.

In reality owning 0.01 BSV in 20 years will be enough to make it.

Do the needful sirs

>> No.13894118

how much is craig paying for these threads?

>> No.13894143

There's one slight problem with your conclusion: bitcoin will never become the world reserve currency

>> No.13894159

Does this picture work in real life?

>> No.13894185

Yes but you would need to be somewhat strong and be prepared for it. If you stepped on a loony toons traphole without warning, it definitely wouldn't work.

>> No.13894196
File: 3.61 MB, 2717x1969, HowToTakeOverCrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.13894247

Yes but you need some strong cunts to do it. If each guy weighed 200 lbs, the guy on the end has to pull downward 200 lb to prevent the guy over the hole from falling which means the guy in the middle will have 400 lb of downward force to carry.

>> No.13894258

>steal someone else's bitcoin hype
>try to rebrand it to your shitcoin
>accidentally refer to bitcoin as BTC at first
>don't notice because even you know BTC is bitcoin
Be honest with your scam

>> No.13894286

I shopped a variant in which the first two drop the bar and leave the last one falling down last year. Someone still got that one? lmao

>> No.13894306

Did you shoop the middle one to be a Wojak?

>> No.13894334
File: 195 KB, 527x849, linkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I shopped it something similar to this but I think this was like v1 and I posted a v2 with the bar on the floor and some other minor details. Someone else added the linkies tho, is all I could find with a quick google

>> No.13894406
File: 449 KB, 526x1072, req2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao found it, was apparently for a REQ aka permanently justed thread. creation date 25th of jan 2019 so wasnt last year at all. Seems like a decade ago though.

Im not even sure I ever posted this version, I like the simplicity of the other one more, this one feels like its too much and I dont like the way the head goes with the body in the last panel

>> No.13894463


here's the epig bread


>> No.13894465

Not bad, but I still think it would benefit from a pink Wojak in the last panel. And Sergey being the last Pepe standing.

>> No.13894474

Actually maybe just a flannel shirt on the last Pepe standing.

>> No.13894522

damn thats some impressive archive-fu. thanks frend
someone added a pink wojak in the original thread I think, maybe I'll add a flannel shirt sometime later, tired right now though so won't be within now and 10hours

>> No.13894542
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, 777D90EC-83FE-4F73-80B2-8A3944B04F82.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re doing Vishnu’s work anon, and I for one thank you for it.