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13876388 No.13876388 [Reply] [Original]

We are puuumping get in here, 2$ eow

>> No.13876402

keep dreaming anon. never gonna happen. this is gonna dump hard af on mainnet release.

>> No.13876420

Doesn’t change the long term trajectory. All you low IQs are focused on main net dump when true LINK marines are already comfy until at least 2020. You won’t break any of the iron hands on this board, you’ll likely lose your whole stack swinging with your weak hands instead.

>> No.13876439

>$2 eow
>he doesn't know

>> No.13876458

keep swinging you cunts

>> No.13876464

my weak hands doubled my link stack in the last couple of weeks. Bought in at ico. the argument of holding for ever just makes no sense. i'm swinging on the dump and i'll be in on time for the long run like you said. the only difference is that i will have doubled my linkies.

>> No.13876476

You are coping very hard there fren. Your stack as small as your dick?

>> No.13876486
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t. parsing JSONs atm

>> No.13876488
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>> No.13876517

The only difference is the tax man will want to have a word with you :)

>> No.13876556

>implying i live in burgerland and not in some tax haven in western europe

>> No.13876573

unless you live in germany you're still fucked. Unless your stack is so miniscule that you don't even matter to me then because you're a lil poor cuck

>> No.13876588

$1.16 and still dropping

>> No.13876606
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, hurrrduuuurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1m chart
brainlet confirmed.
This is ascending, unironically.

>> No.13876626

$1.000 eoy

>> No.13876647

you have no knowledge of international tax regulations in europe.

>> No.13876650

If you're so stupid you don't know how to legally not pay taxes, you deserve to get taxed every penny.

>> No.13876653

Don't it falls of another 20% on 29/05

>> No.13876661
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I love chainlink. All the drama, the memes, the community surrounding it, it's really something.
But what I love most about it is knowing that in couple years I will be a billionaire.
It's not even a 99% chance, it is quite literally guaranteed. As a result of that knowledge,
I stopped showering and brushing my teeth over a year ago.
There is simply no reason for me to do it when I know I'll be rich.
I will be fucking whores every night and laughing as they're throwing up from my disgusting,
stinky body and mouth. As they kiss me on my rotten teeth, or suck my stinky, 2 year unwashed hog.
It will be quite something. In fact I am already seeing effects of my stinky adventure.
Yesterday I went to a shop to buy some cheese and make a stop at McD's for a big mac and
the cashier at the store was visibly gagging at the smell of me and trying to hide it.
Other customers were standing like 5 meters behind me. It was truly hilarious.
And none of them have any idea of my guaranteed, future riches.
They must already be so jealous of me.
The stinkiest billionaire ever.

>> No.13876667

good luck trying to tax evade millions of dollars if you're a whale. Not even al capone could get away with it. but nobody here has a decent amount anyways

>> No.13876676


uneducated amerifat tard makes me luff everytime

>> No.13876689

You bought at ICO and took profits NOW? You truly are an idiot

>> No.13876710

go to your favorite search engine. search for tax evasion versus tax avoidance. al capone was a criminal who needed to launder his money, big difference. to follow you theory: all big corps pay big taxes because it is impossible to avoid paying taxes on big sums. you sounds like an anon who works at the tax department and who thinks he knows it all. talk to some tax expert lawyers and be amazed.

>> No.13876721

learn to read. i've been swinging since ico and growing my stack. stated this multiple times.

>> No.13876731

LEARN TO READ retard. I said GOOD LUCK tax evading MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Like if you actually own over 6 figure link stack GOOD LUCK to you.

But you are a poorfag so it doesnt matter what you do because nobody gives a fuck about your $500 profit

>> No.13876733

Lol, stay poor. There's a million and one ways to legally not pay taxes, people who tax evade are literal retards, and those that pay voluntarily are poor wageslave scum.

>> No.13876746

you're another poorfag that nobody cares about

>> No.13876751

What's your stack at?

>> No.13876765

Correct, don't know what this other faggots issue is.

>> No.13876771
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>> No.13876780

>pumping at 5%
>when almost a week ago, we were broke ATH and was about to hit $1.50 before dumping

>> No.13876781

i am reading. i just replied to you i do not need luck since i wont be evading taxes (illegal) but i will avoid them (legal). the value of my stack is none of your concern you sweet little internet warrior. pls educate yourself, you might last a little longer in an argument.

>> No.13876795

Insufferable cringe.

>> No.13876828

Lol you are cringe as hell. Most of you are barely even 18 years old who think they know every law. Have fun evading kiddo

>> No.13876837
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>> No.13876850


>> No.13876868

You’re nothing but a sad LARP. Show your wallet address or GTFO you scum. And you better have at LEAST 30k LINK or don’t even fucking post here again.

>> No.13876883

Learn to read. I just asked about profit taking, not swinglinking

>> No.13876887


We are rapidly building hype. Soon articles like this will be coming out every day

>> No.13876939

i can just post a random address from ethplorer and you wouldn't even know if i was lying. this is no proof at all.

>> No.13876962

Sure find a random ETH address where they bought at ICO and doubled their stack over the last 1.5 years. That would be MUCH harder than just posting your real wallet. You have 10 minutes, do it or fuck off LARP.

>> No.13876965

We know you’re lying because doubling your link stack from swing linking the last couple of weeks is literally mathematically impossible

>> No.13876978

He’s just some little shit living in his moms house swinging with 300 LINK thinking he’s not a dicklet. No chance he’ll ever be able to prove otherwise. What a little bitch.

>> No.13876996

Indeed. These pathetic day traders never do better than chad hodlers in the long run.

>> No.13877011

Disclaimer: The author does not own ChainLink.

>> No.13877070

Low key hard af bro lmao

>> No.13877098

Are you not afraid that you are going to end up like that guy who sold eth at $17 attempting to increase his stack and it never came back?