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File: 7 KB, 275x183, BF790805-CFFA-4E00-B514-15C0DF87913E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13870285 No.13870285 [Reply] [Original]

It is right during the CoinGeek conference and is all planned already.

In November of 2018, Craig released a statement that he will be selling a lot of BTC. However, due to the fact that the dump was larger than intended and because a 10x short was placed in tandem, they managed to make more money. Most of that money was made in BTC which was held.

That original message was released privately to me and a few other people who are a part of the slack. Recently, however, just yesterday, that message was released. Why? Because they are planning to simultaneously sell BTC and buy BSV on the same day as May 31.

The plan is to make most trading bots decouple and naturally arbitrage forcing them to buy BSV even if BTC is dumping. This will potentially moon the market. The release was already done in advance so no accusations of market manipulation can be made. Everything is announced in advanced and warned so that people are aware and that everything is perfectly legal.

I am a BSV supporter and even though most of you aren’t, I still wanted to warn you guys in advance in case you missed it.

Good luck.

>> No.13870294

I. Don't. Care.

>> No.13870304

why did u reply

>> No.13870318
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>> No.13870319

I'm vested in boomer shit until you kids learn how to play nice.
also, op is a colossal faggot

>> No.13870355

How much bsv to make it?

>> No.13870360

that fucking poofta announced so many things already and zero panned out

>> No.13870361


>> No.13870368
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None & stop changing your IP to look like a unique user.

>> No.13870378

That’s unironically not me you fucking racist piece of shit. Now I’m even more happy you’re going to die in poverty.

>> No.13870396


>> No.13870424
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Not you in the sewer?
At any rate, nobody wants your poo in loo coin.

>> No.13870494
File: 63 KB, 1125x388, kgrxpsoh0m031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confus about one thing. This message says that the sell off will allign with a reward halving (I'm assuming the next closest one which is in a bout a year.) This would mean the sell off would be in about a year not in a few days. Can anyone do a help?

>> No.13870506

>Big event in distant future
Yeah that sounds like something Creg would say

>> No.13870513

You will die lonely, fat, miserable, and poor with the only companion being your dog who hates you anyways but can’t express it due to lack of language. All because you chose to be racist and let that racism make you miss out on the most obvious 100-200x pump.

Remember my message in 2020. Remember the pain that my post here will eventually cause you. Remember. I’m sure you will.

>> No.13870533

I mean......Metanet was one of those promises and that seems to be working out.

>> No.13870542
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When are you going to post this meme shill?

>> No.13870543

Shut the fuck up currynigger dalit swine. Go clean my toilet.

>> No.13870574
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>> No.13870641

> there will be no split
bch splits

> i will destroy bch
bch not destroyed

> btc will be $0 eoy 2018
btc $4000 eoy 2018

> i am satoshi
can’t sign a simple fucking message

> says I will sign after proving in court
but... wasn't the bbc stunt supposed to be a real signature? LOL

> submits a list of addresses of some fake tulip trust bullshit to court...
one of the addresses he claimed was signed by the real owner with a message saying the address is not belonging to this craig clown

> unlawfully registers a copyright on btc white paper and code in a stunt to cause a dump on btc
btc doesnt flintch

> next day copyright office confirms they didnt confirm this clown is satoshit and reaffirms that anyone can register anything with them
ultra fail

> some brainlets compare this piece of trash with trump, but trump is a winner
this clown is a loser

Guys this fakethosi clown is a fucking scam a pure and simple trash bag for everyone to see.

> He keeps putting a large biz budget for his trash biz shill army in an attempt to change public opinion
he fails miserably, anyone with one inch of brain sees this guy is a fucking trashbag scam

>a-at least the code is good though r-right
The programming is dreadful; the source code was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a miner went for a block, the author wrote instead that the miner "stretched his legs."

Fuck you and all you brainlets who support this fucking faketoshi loser piece of shit

>> No.13870669
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>> No.13870678
File: 225 KB, 1462x585, bsvminerhashrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is trying to make it look like the natural market fluctuation is because he's "dumping". It's horseshit though. Even if he were Satoshi, which he's not, he will have to give up his BSV project if he loses the hash war.

>> No.13870764

Next leg up is now commencing.

>> No.13870793
File: 351 KB, 1800x1311, do want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool. Thanks OP!

>> No.13870795

Just went all in lets fucking go!!

>> No.13870855

>but can’t express it due to lack of language
Yeah, you poo in loos never had a firm grip on proper English.
May your curry bowl never be empty rajeesh

>> No.13870895

I don't believe he has they keys to enough BTC to substantially move the market.
I have structured my portfolio accordingly.
But I wish him the best in his coin....and he needs to dump Calvin.

>> No.13870899

im thinking of buying more
fuck btc
good for nothing
i hope bsv puts an end to this fet/link/matic bullshit

>> No.13871442


Same, went all in at $98. There is so much upside its not even funny

>> No.13871547

thank you anon will it flip bcash?

>> No.13871620
File: 239 KB, 300x300, triggered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I. Don't. Care.

>> No.13871758

You can say that again

>> No.13872373

if you really are Indian and really are all in on BSV I am truly sorry for you

>> No.13872402

mate, if I don't care about a thread I leave it alone
something you want to talk about?