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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13865844 No.13865844 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I have 4x the amount in crypto than in savings

>> No.13865856

So you have $500?

>> No.13865863

"savings" is a jewish trick to earn a living off of the goyim.

>> No.13865889

I have no savings

>> No.13865897

savings is a meme anon.
inflation counteracts savings rates.
invest or get wrecked.

>> No.13865937


>> No.13865954

rookie numbers

try 16x

>> No.13865966
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6x here

>> No.13865983

Dont get too greedy anon, take some profits here and there....you cant go broke by taking profit

>> No.13865986
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>4x = 44 dubs
>6x = 66 dubs

>> No.13866806
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>mfw 22x

>> No.13866808

As it shoud be, OP.

>> No.13866823

1k in bank
60k in crypto

>> No.13866837

500 fiat 25k crypto

>> No.13867166
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Don't know how I got here

>> No.13867213

What I bring in and spend on bills/food etc keeps me at 2k In my bank every month and i have 95k In crypto.

I make myself sick because earlier this year I said if I ever hit 100k again I’ll take 20k out and pay off a loan I have but of course I haven’t done it...

>> No.13867227

3k cash
20k index fund
17.5k crypto

In gbp. If we hit ath I'll have about 40k crypto, at that point I'll sell 1 btc and transfer the 15.5k to stocks and plan next sell target

>> No.13867244

i literally have no savings
have enough cash for 4 months bills
have six figs in crypto

>> No.13867258

Eh I don't know about that, might be good to save for a rainy day. Is it hot in here? I'm literally schvitzing.

>> No.13867270

datamining thread

>> No.13867569

Rebalance to 25% in crypto 75% in stock. Or dont and regret it.

>> No.13867587
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>all my savings are in crypto

>> No.13867589

10x more in criptoe than savings

>> No.13867609

100k fiat, 17k crypto

>> No.13867940


>> No.13867951

lmfao, stay poor pussy

>> No.13867967

$0 fiat, actually I am $600 down iinto my overdraft this month

$84k crypto

what do I win?

>> No.13867977

what are you holding?

>> No.13868001

20k in cash (saving for down payment)
200k invested in retirement and taxable accounts
10k in crypto

If this crypto shit gets to ath I’m bailing.

>> No.13868010

My savings are crypto

>> No.13868025

eth, nkn, ftm

>> No.13868042

I have 22x more in crypto than I have in savings

>> No.13868044


Fuckin hell I hope that isn't true. Cash half of that out immediately man. You shouldn't need more than 20k if you're actively trading, you can trade your way back up to 80k. If this shit starts tanking tomorrow you're fucked

>> No.13868057


Dont be a pussy

>> No.13868062

Lmao feccin based. You're going to make it anon

>> No.13868163

140k in Crypto, 5 CHF in Bank account. 20 y/o neet

>> No.13868471

Behold Anon: your crypto are your savings.

>> No.13868478

60k in
600 in savings

>> No.13868482

im in it to win it

>> No.13868485

-800 savings, 20k crypto

get on my level

>> No.13868497

>cashing out at the start of a bull run
You're not going to make it, I guarantee it.

>> No.13868503
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capitalism bad

>> No.13868513

I have 13x my savings in crypto and 2x my savings in precious metals

>> No.13868522
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100k crypto
167.00 in savings
10 dollars in my hand

>> No.13868526

84 euros and 100k in link and im litterly not even joking, idk if its smart but i pay my bills, then i buy link, and i always keep 100 dollar on my account so i dont spend to much.

>> No.13868544

It's not like you can just open a lemonade stand next to him and sell it for $20. Fuck capitalism, amirite?

>> No.13868558

>tfw This ratio keeps rising as the bull market charges on

>> No.13868611
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>babby brain capable of satire

>> No.13868699
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The day can't come soon enough.

>> No.13868707

I got fired last week so I'm down to my last $3500 before having to start chipping into my 30k in crypto but these alts surely will moon this month

>> No.13868727
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>literal brainlet child in charge of understanding a clarifying post

>> No.13868760

>Just 4x your crypto bro
99% of traders lose money. If he did get this $80k buying and selling crypto, it wasn't through daytrading for a week.

>> No.13869643

I have $3 in my bank account

$10k in BSV


>> No.13869676

>falling for the savings account jew

>> No.13869721
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>> No.13869747
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>> No.13869751
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fiat are shitcoins

>> No.13869770

holy shit based and redpilled

>> No.13869782

Try 10000x
>t. Venezuelan

>> No.13869790
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$0 savings
$1k checking
$30k all-in LINK


>> No.13869820

If savings are a jewish trick, then why are the jews always trying to get people to spend?

>> No.13869840

absolutely based

>> No.13869890

8x as much crypto as stocks/bonds. Sometimes I worry its overexposed, but also its fucking boring to not have double digit % swings on the daily. Savings is total meme though, keep 5k in checking to cover any surprises, rest should be used to make more money.

>> No.13869900

to ensure you can't win whatever you do as if you only have two options. Squander or "save"

>> No.13869909

They fucked up savings as a way to get you to spend. If the money in your savings loses purchasing power over time you may as well spend it now while it's worth the most.

>> No.13869946

100% Crypto
Zero debt
Unironically YOLO

>> No.13870120

a clear and often ignored redpill

>> No.13870153
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i'm 100x in crypto

>> No.13870185
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>> No.13870228
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1,000,000,000X for me
sucks that it's times $0 tho

>> No.13870702

Literally $1700 in the bank, $142k in crypto