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File: 207 KB, 1080x1350, bfzo5r-Instant_boner-Vr3z2IO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13866007 No.13866007 [Reply] [Original]

Is being smart and funny a meme if you don't have money and you're not a Chad?

>> No.13866030

Does it matter? You’re not either of those things.

>> No.13866033

No. Its the only gateway in getting a waifu if youre poor and not born with a chad face. As always be yourself.

>> No.13866040


Can you imagine what her tits feel like around your dick?

>> No.13866049

She won’t fuck you unless your a chad
Once she’s been used and abused by bunch of chads, only then she’ll realize that she should settle for less than a chad. Unfortunately for her by that point, she’s damaged goods and no one with a decent IQ would want to marry her
Fortunately for her, she’ll find a beta clown that will settle with her if she still has any IQ left in the tank

>> No.13866056
File: 165 KB, 1000x1425, hvCFxcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry buddy just keep working on your "Game" and focus on your career! She's gonna come around soon girls just have that silly bad boy phase but its just that... a PHASE!

>> No.13866060

Women have zero interest in intelligence. They care about security and resources and if your intelligence can provide that then they'll bite.

>> No.13866064

Can you imagine what your cock would feel like titty fuckin her

>> No.13866068

smart doesn't help you at all if anything it hinders you
being funny yes

>> No.13866074

Inb4 yes

>> No.13866082

It will improve your chances but being smart and funny is more having good banter, confidence and flirting. You still won't get flocks of dumb sluts like Chad but it can work decently I think

>> No.13866091

Being smart and funny helps but if you don't have confidence you're fucked

Being sure of yourself in a grounded way, not cocky, is key.

Increase confidence by establishing what matters to you in life, your goals and your values, and work towards living in line with that. It'll be painful but having that unshakeable confidence is so worth it

>> No.13866151

if i ever make it i will invest heavily into robo chicks.

>> No.13866199

all women are whores

>> No.13866696

Have sex

>> No.13866714


>> No.13866745

looks like shes at a rest stop

>> No.13866769
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1557765411130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13866789

sauce also feet if u have it

>> No.13866813

> Is being smart and funny a meme if you don't have money and you're not a Chad?
money is a meme
being funny is not quite relevant for anything

>> No.13866814

if you want money to fuck bitch you can stop now that's not what they want, they literally just want a chad to fuck them silly
money is a tool to be free and stop being a wagecuck

>> No.13866845


get on that shit now bcuz she will be fat as fuck by her mid twenties

>> No.13866872
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being able to get a girl
this "need to be chad and/or rich" stuff is so cringe. maybe it just means you're in high school or something, because that's what the mindset reminds me of

>> No.13867337

This. I'm growing tired of these losers whining all day.

>> No.13867500

Those fat lardbuckets you reel in hardly count

>> No.13867528

Incel backlash is extra sad.

>> No.13867570

>slept with a nearly passed out woman once
>considers himself a "natural player"

>> No.13867592
File: 97 KB, 720x715, 59605865_2275223246031119_1632868298750164992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a /POL/incel.

>> No.13867613

tf is the pic supposed to be?

>> No.13867616

>smart and funny
>not chad
It's being called being a nerd and a clown. Both archetypes are treated with disdain by women.

>> No.13867670

Had better luck with women when I was dead broke, wearing pajamas, smoking weed and driving a minivan. Lived on my own too. Lots of confidence sue to not caring as much.

Older now, working on finish up a long delayed degree, focusing on healthy food, exercise and living with religious parents. Getting to a better place in life, but much more isolated and anxiety ridden thanks in part to realizing where I am in my early 30s, ergo less confident. Women pick up on this, so less success. Also, the 8+ years of weed likely took its toll.

Confidence and humor definitely help in establishing a relationship, but financial stability and long term life goals help keep them.

>> No.13867684

Its not but most 4chan losers who think that "funny" means pepe means probably dont qualify.

As for smartness... yeah. If you think you are, chances are you are just a narcissist.

Actual smartness will either have results in the real world or other people will tell you, they think you are. "I'd make such a good dictator if everyone just gave me all the power and authority" doesnt qualify.

>> No.13867738

t. /lgbt/ virgin

>> No.13867776


>> No.13867814

>clowns don't get pussy
The absolute state of bizcels

>> No.13867821

t. aids twink

>> No.13867846

Bottom right is a starfleet insignia.

>> No.13867938

Been funny and smart will get you a short relantioship with a 7 girl at most.
The only way to secure a long relationship with a pretty girl is tru money.

>> No.13867998

Nah. that's a quick route to divorce rape. You have to command authority.

>> No.13868014

They are seen as mere tools. Dancing monkeys.

>> No.13868564

holy fuck just read how to be a 3% man and apply what the book says. literally that easy

>> No.13868835

Never heard of that book. Any quick points from it?