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13865664 No.13865664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do roasties have a game plan for when their looks start to fade?

>> No.13865680

>what is settling down
>what is marrying beta billy

>> No.13865679

Settle down with a beta they can control, like yourself.

>> No.13865686

Yes it's called marriage/children

>> No.13865688

of course not

>> No.13865722

mariage then take half of your assets

>> No.13865808
File: 268 KB, 923x1600, gbO8M36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is it.

>> No.13865816


They used to have so much fun with chad. Now chad doesn't like them that much anymore because they became less pretty.
Chad stays good looking, so goes for younger girls instead.
Poor women, so sad.
Now they will pick someone who wasn't chad to settle down.

actually I am not sure if women care that much. I mean, you can't always be young right? And is getting fucked by chad that awesome? is it really? I mean, would you guys wanted to get fucked by chad all day?
Dam roasties are weird.

>> No.13865839

I want to bury my face in her giant milkers

>> No.13865860

Gib Milkers

>> No.13865865

I wonder what would happen if all the betas decided to give up the love/marriage memes and instead stick to a lifetime of porn and/or temporary whores who they can buy sex from
I wonder how older women would fare

>> No.13865870
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>And is getting fucked by chad that awesome? is it really? I mean, would you guys wanted to get fucked by chad all day?

This is literally all they care about. Every move they make is either to survive longer to procure a Chad or to make themselves a better catch to lock-in a Chad.

Women would rather share a Chad than hug a Melvin.

>> No.13865878

why not just go for younger woman that haven't been tossed around yet.

>> No.13865884

The top should just be ugly busted women really

>> No.13865939

Do you? Oh shit, you were always ugly.

>> No.13865997

They find a beta to settle down with and raise whatever kids they had in previous relationships, maybe pop out one or two with the beta, but the alpha's DNA will be already be mixed in since he got her pregnant first so the kid is more chad's anyway.

>> No.13866038
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>I mean, would you guys wanted to get fucked by chad all day?

>> No.13866055

Clean diet, exercise, massages, body caring etc, make a lot of difference
The problem is that most women in their 30/40s are totally immersed in job and taking care of the family, that's why they let themselves go

>> No.13866111

Women stuff their face with shitty makeup products and creams, that's what makes them ugly in the long term

>> No.13866287
File: 332 KB, 498x435, party-girls-fast-food-drinking-smoking-no-sleep-your-10415810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends, I'm originally from Los Angeles and have seen pretty girls get caught up in the club scene. They want to go out every other weekend and get fucked up. They drink copious amounts of alcohol and eat greasy food. The pounds just start adding up over the years. Next thing you know they are in their late 20s and obese AF. They become complete in denial. Its obvious because they start posting less full body selfies. They focus on posting face selfies angled in a way to not show their double chins. This is usually paired with going to the gym once a week for an hour. They somehow believe that is enough exercise to burn the thousands of empty calories they take in on the weekend. Its fuckin crazy. These women become the embodiment of gluttony. The most sickening part is they retain their ego throughout the whole process.

>> No.13866340


>> No.13866362

Roasties don't know how to think more than a month ahead

>> No.13866374

Look at the vein required to keep those things fed

>> No.13866389

women's attractiveness is a function of their fertility, no amount of healthy living/makeup/prayers/voodoo rituals is going to stop the decline. it's all genetic. which is why any man who settles with a woman over the age of 24 is a chump

>> No.13866577
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they become single mothers

>> No.13866626

Have sex

>> No.13866649


This is my endgame, i already missed out on my 20-30 so at this point i prefer making some bitch be lonely by not making myself available at all

>> No.13866653

I need those things to keep me fed if you know what I mean

>> No.13866667

>Have sex
is spamming this how gay people make a living nowadays?

>> No.13866795

Their gameplan is marrying you. Your sugar plum MGTOW fantasy will actually materialize in you wallowing in mid level managemnet hell; racing home at the stroke of 5 to play wow in your studio apartment until you drink yourself to sleep. You will cave and try to get back into the dating scene in your mid thirties only to realize all the decent women are taken and the "quality women interested in late thirties sexual market value" look alot like high mileage single mothers. She will cook and clean for you for a bit until she entertained your fragile ego of being a man long enough to get alimony and child support. Then you just become your dad and nothing ever changed and you leave your son to pick up the pieces and do it all over again.

>> No.13866846

denial isn't going to make it any better. you're on /biz/, you should understand this by now..

>> No.13866877

they fuck minorities who will fuck anything

>> No.13866885

>"Hey, Anon, let's get married when we are both 40! Teehee!"

>> No.13866889
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What kind of gay projection fantasy is this?

>yeah you're GOING to marry a used up slut!
Uhh or I could not do that. Sounds like you think I'm as dumb as you

>> No.13866897


at the end of the day the 2 betas will have a fulfilling life with a wife, kids, and career while "chad" will be a washed up loser who peaked in his early 20s, unable to provide a secure environment to raise a family.

>> No.13866929

its illegal to date 12 year olds in pretty much every country

>> No.13866931
File: 221 KB, 1400x990, MNbjwSp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dat cope

>> No.13866935

Its my gay projection fantasy called hell and you have a one way ticket there after a post like that.