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13854752 No.13854752 [Reply] [Original]

the linkies will NOT make it. cmon fellow no linkers. we are the smart ones here. we need to use our collective energy to bring LINK down and stop them from getting rich. USE YOUR ENERGY

>> No.13854761
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Fundamentally, I’ve noticed a lot of new posters in the last 69hr (SIXTY NINE) asking about Chainlink and just wanted to warn you. Chainlink is shilled HEAVILY here and it’s very hard to understand so this background is crucial to ensure you stay safe.

Basically, a bunch of RACIST WHITE CIS MALE 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people (IT WAS BESIDE THE FUCKING TOILETS FOR FUCK'S SAKES, YOU COULD HEAR THEM FLUSHING), literally no news or partnership came from the event.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags.
The coin is HEAVILY manipulated by a literal TRANNY DISCORD who pump and dump this coin more than their boyfriends pump and dump hot cum into their asses, and the supply is dried up from huge fucking chink whales (xi jinping is rumoured to hold link) who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser (OH MY GOD ITS JSON PARSER...) for smart contracts (LOL HOW CAN A CONTRACT BE "SMART"???), would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. You're literally just buying a wh*tepaper.

They only have 2 devs who are literal pajeets who are payed in big macs (non beef) and Surgay NAZAJEET is a literal psychologist (trusting a shrink? is he gonna tell us to go clean our room next?). So FUNDAMENTALLY, it's a scam, ok thanks.

Now go do the needful and fundamentally buy a real coin with fundamentals like [insert pajeet p&d #23457].

>> No.13854773
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>blocks your path

>> No.13854792

Based loliposter. I've been using my energy all along to make sure they crash and burn. They deserve it for being so needlessly smug about their scam. The mainnet announcement was the greatest because I knew it was the beginning of the end.

>> No.13854822

The beginning of the end of your anus more like faggot.

Enjoy the nonstop green dildos from the 30th until your death.

>> No.13854837
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Less than a week until nothing happens and you find out you were scammed.

>> No.13854863

I have multiple loans taken out and lines of credit maxed out for LINK and guess what kike? You're never getting my LINK.

>> No.13854872

Knowing that you'll never sell makes me happy.

>> No.13854880
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>> No.13854886

>we're the smart ones
lmao nolinkers are objectively subhuman niggers, dunning kruger faggots

>> No.13854924

Knowing the kikes won't lay their underage-vaginal-cream-covered fingers on any of my LINK makes me happy too.

Fuck you.

>> No.13854936

You don't seem that happy. I think deep down you know it's a scam too. Now isn't that time for anger. That comes later.

>> No.13854938

even if I didn't believe in link I wouldn't be a no-linker
imagine for a second that you end up living in a clown world and link is worth 1k or even more, and you never bought link

>> No.13854971

I'm not happy. You kikes ruined everything thats pure and beautiful with your idea that nobody can be wrong.

>> No.13855009

Post loans

>> No.13855488

Holy shit it's the CPChain logo in 2019


>> No.13855586

This is the clown universe. Donald Trump became president and I'm okay with it

>> No.13855629

based floors
i hope he's doing okay

>> No.13855643

>not holding 1k LINK, just in case