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13853131 No.13853131 [Reply] [Original]

how do I make a business selling cbd shit? I like cbd and weed a lot and ive been looking at tons of ways to make edibles and vape juices and cbd tinctures and stuff.

I want to make gummy bears and mark them up 40000% and get high all day. I only care about weed. how?

>> No.13853496

>buy weed
>extract necessary components
>cbd pills
>thc gummy bears

>> No.13853518

Unironically thought those pills + tray were chainlink cubes from the thumbnail

>> No.13853525

t. Weedhead can't into business

>> No.13853537


>> No.13853553

When people become weedheads, they become sluggish, lazy, stupid, and unconcerned.
That's all marijuana does to you.

>> No.13853567


>> No.13853571

bro. you sound like a real ideas guy. bro weed bro, bro.

>> No.13853581


t. Ex pothead of 15 years.
Life has never been better

>> No.13853598

Jesus this weed looks like straight trash. Do better anon and get off the lean. It doesn’t make you as cool as you think

>> No.13853609

I think theres money to be made in high quality seeds. I see some seeds go for $1k a pack with these online bidding wars

>> No.13853674

yeah but like I need a website and heavy advertising its like impossible

>> No.13853682

If you’re not in the weed game now and don’t have $250k+ to get in, then you’re too late

>> No.13853688

Give me your best tip to quit. I'm a musician who works from home and don't have a schedule to keep me honest.

>> No.13853694

this. I stopped smoking pot over a year ago but I miss it so much. cant wait until I make it

>> No.13853699


>> No.13853701

this. that's some caca ganja and you roll like shit

>> No.13853711
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bwashed retard

>> No.13853852


>> No.13853925

For me it was easy. Most people get the munchies when they smoke. For me, when I would smoke, I wouldn’t get the munchies when I was high or sober. The only things I could eat were sweet things. After awhile, I basically begin to deteriorate mentally and physically from not eating healthy for months-years on end. I’ve been off and on for the last 5 years and once I get past the withdrawals, I always realize that life is better without it, atleast for me. Everyone’s body reacts differently to it. I love the idea of weed and taking a fat bong rip but when it began to hinder me, i had to stop. Some people can smoke and get the benefits and be ambitious on it. For me I just turn lazy and content. I stopped 3 months ago for good, lost 12lbs in a week, was depressed as shit and couldn’t function like a normal human, thought I was going insane. 3 months later and I’m now back on track and living life as normal as possible. Another huge thing is the energy that comes back for you. I smoked immediately after waking up and all day until I went to sleep. Everything became a task, the most simplest things seemed like a job for me. Now I get shit done.

>> No.13854005

Good job

>> No.13854450

You need to stop being a bitch and start doing.

Start small and scale up.
>register company in Canada
>create website
>homemade medicals . ca
>advertise emphasising quality homemade care terps no chems
>shill on relevant forums livestreams social media leaflet drops
>high mark up on products to reflect handmade quality. Plus it'll stunt your growth so you're not overwhelmed until you have capital to expand

>> No.13854467

what cbd where you thinking in particular?(biochemist here)

>> No.13854496

I wish I could smoke still (can't because job drug tests), but I would have the exact opposite reaction. I smoke and feel like I need to go on a nature hike or ride my bike around. Makes me feel like I should be more active and use the good vibes for something.

I'm pretty strong mentally so once I had a job offer coming up with a drug test I just quit on the spot. Worst part about quitting weed is sleeping like shit for a week, Other than that it isn't bad at all.

>> No.13854533

that weed got mold lol
>no bro its purp

>> No.13854583

CBD is just the latest flavor of the week homeopathy scam, if you haven't already made money in it it's too late

>> No.13854680

lol nobody gets the Frank Ocean's reference (?)

>> No.13854688


>> No.13854694
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>> No.13854765

>I only care about weed
>xanax and likely opioids in a dish
never going to make it

>> No.13854790

>flavor of the week
>getting more and more popular every year for 6+ years

>> No.13854811

both full spectrum and isolate

>> No.13854817

Literally never heard normies talking about this shit until 6 months ago

>> No.13854835

It's also definitely a placebo effect scam

>> No.13854839

literal brick weed too. If you're going to smoke at least smoke nugs of dank weed.

>> No.13854854

Yeah that’s why I said having enough capital is crucial. How’s he going to market and keep up with the big digs if he can’t get the word out because the competition is jampacked with everyone trying to cash in

>> No.13854856


>> No.13854891

Depends. Im ambivalent, we may have reached close to peak cbd market in western world, not sure. Im about to invest about 30k in a Jamaican hemp.and cbd processing farm plant thing, and im worried about low returns like 2% low maybe. But in selling actual product there is much room for upmarking. Idk. There are big players. Most cbd products come from china/india

>> No.13854910

Elaborate on the difference pls

>> No.13854942

>can't even figure out how to sell drugs
I'd advise suicide

>> No.13854965

that's because you were poisoning yourselves with combustions toxins dummies
try sativa in vaporizer through water for mental clarity

>> No.13854989

Back to Africa nigger

>> No.13855452

I agree with that, it's likely that you'll be way more content with boring shit. I still smoke a fairly small amount once or twice a week because it boosts creativity for a little while and helps me fall asleep if I'm still up at 2am and need to wake up for work at 6.

>> No.13855571

Going to jail for 4 months for possession of marijuana concentrate scared me enough to quit

>> No.13855640

Full spectrum has all the other cannbanoid but less that .5% thc or something
Isolate is just the cbd cannabinoid

You will get high if you take an entire bottle of full spectrum and they sell it legally online and at stores I used sunsoil cbd gelcaps and they're pretty strong