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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13850184 No.13850184 [Reply] [Original]

ONLY shill if you can explain their unique value proposition.
Prioritize and WRITE if they have a working product or not.
Avoid projects which have a market cap of over $75M.

I can start.

- Fantom (Okay, maybe unneccesary to start with this one on /biz/, but I can't hide that I like the project quite a lot):
DAG + Smart contract, transparent team which seems knowledgeable but still no working product.
- Numeraire:
"Crowd sourced" machine learning driven hedge fund.
Working product, the machine learning models which perform the best gets rewarded in real money, the models which perform poor gets penalized.
- Singularity net:
Decentralized artificial intelligence services, led by Ben Goertzel and has a working product, although it is quite basic.
- Aragon:
Platform for creation of DAO's (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), has somewhat of a working product but I think the actual adoption is low.
Trading computing power, just like Golem.
Yet, much higher adoption than Golem and a much better working product and a much lower valuation than Golem.

>> No.13850227
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There's still a little time left.

>> No.13850241


>> No.13850249



>> No.13850265


Lol, no one fucking read the OP.
Low IQ pajeets who only post a name without explaining the value proposition can just KYS!

>> No.13850304

I'm not going to spoonfeed you you fucking faggot. Have fun FOMOing into SWM at $10 per token because you couldn't be bothered to type a word into google.

>> No.13850347

I don't care to post an explanation
DYOR. I'll give you a clue: Vitalik has uttered the words "Just use Kleros" on stage before

>> No.13850361


2 coins: Safex Token and Safex Cash
Safex cash mineable via cryptonote PoW algo. 1 billion safex cash will be mined within 20 years in an S courved emission, then tail emission. 20 million Safex Cash are in circulation right now.
Safex Token: is like a share of the safex ecosystem. All coins are in circulation already. No inflation of coins.

Working Product: not yet.
Will be an anon marketplace with open title markets accessible via drop down and search menus as well as individual hidden markets only accessible via a key.

5% of all transactions on the marketplace platform will be distributed among the safex token holders according to their share.

Get more info at safex.io and the safe.exchange forum or ask me.

Disclaimer: I'm a safex fan boy.

>> No.13850379

Literal retards who can't write the value their "investment" brings and excuse themselves by claiming it to be "spoonfeeding", KYS faggots!
Good luck in life boyos!

>> No.13850380

Matic and Loom. Both are dPoS sidechain for ethereum and both use some version of plasma for interchain transfer. Both are also incredibly undervalued and are on Binance (Loom is on Coinbase with Matic soon to follow). Cosmos is good too but not really undervalued compared to the rest of the market.

>> No.13850396 [DELETED] 



>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.13850425 [DELETED] 

Unironically this or mantic op

>> No.13850439

Btt or you're a retard op lol

>> No.13850458 [DELETED] 

Delete this dont share shit like this with the community here anon delete delete!!

>> No.13850477

Easily tron kek

>> No.13850484

Nice scam attempt fucking retard.
No one will fall for that you cuck.

>> No.13850500 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should Dyor op

Nice. Dropped a eth.

>> No.13850514



>> No.13850516
File: 365 KB, 1114x1188, 4565467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13850535

KLEROS and NIMIQ, and no kys I'm not explaining why, read the whitpapers ffs

>> No.13850540 [DELETED] 

KEK imagine not going all in on this.
Thanks anon

>> No.13850556 [DELETED] 



Also OP you're a dumb faggot no one is going to spoon feed you. Do your own googling retard. Buy xlm faggot.

>> No.13850560

You bought a fake "truechain" token, NOICE!

I know all of these ID's are the same person, the same scammer, but still, you're a retard.

>> No.13850574

P. S. I see it at a very good risk reward ratio and potential investment multiplier because of the very low market cap. Safex doesn't have to take over the world to bring you a massive ROI. If it "only" grabs a one billion usd GMV share of the worldwide b2b b2c e commerce (10 trillion dollars) then you have your 100-1,000x. Based on a classic approach to calculate the yearly reward per token.

>> No.13850587

> decentralized web-services, such as storage, CDN, API and Web-templates (think wordpress)
> 10x cheaper than AWS
> production traffic live on founding nodes
> actually working ecosystem, all nodes are currently earning ~10% ROI per month
> waitlist with 400+ of new clients, new ones joining every day
> great tokenomics
> team of chads running profitable business since 2013
> only 4M marketcap

They also recently confirmed working with 4 of the worlds largest publishers to bring their sites to dadi. And new clients are confirmed every week.

Network pricing: https://twitter.com/dadi/status/1100404644533039104
Node earnings: https://twitter.com/dadi/status/1100804627820355584

Runs websites like https://monocle.com/, https://ecohustler.com/, https://versus.com..

Why buy the token?
For me, (besides having a great team and existing clients) the main point is the alignment of customer, company and investor interests.
For DADI I have found that they should have a self-enforcing positive network effect, once the ball starts rolling:
new customers -> more network profits -> incentives new nodes to come online -> supply is reduced by node staking -> price increase

>> No.13850586

"Muuuuh spoon feeeeding", I have to low IQ so I don't know what I own... KYS!

>> No.13850612

Dude you can't be this fucking dumb right? You're trolling? Fuck off of biz nigger

>> No.13850642 [DELETED] 

Unironically just unironically scored some gud arbitraging FeelsGoodMan

>> No.13850644

This shit can't actually work can it faggot?
How much have you made from this pajeetry

>> No.13850673 [DELETED] 

Opportunity of a life time easily 85eth so far personally

>> No.13850714

From spamming this shit you made 85eth? Stop the LARP you fucking faggot

>> No.13850824


>> No.13851011

Wow nice anon, thanks! Just got 2.48 ETH in profit

>> No.13851050

Not spoonfeeding you faggot. All you were doing is a low iq shill for FTM anyways.

>> No.13851067

Kek based and redpilled for sure

>> No.13851103


Enjoy Poverty.

>> No.13851122

Retard alert

>> No.13851128


>> No.13851134

Unironically a good example of how dumb this forum is. Screenied.

>> No.13851138
File: 57 KB, 569x760, 1557950300555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know everyone here remembers the good 10-30% arbitrage opportunities from 2017 from etherdelta to obscure chinese exchanges but don't get fooled.

This is a scam, the real contract address of TrueChain is 0xA4d17AB1eE0efDD23edc2869E7BA96B89eEcf9AB
the one linked in this scam is completely different, just look at "transfers" ...101. This was just created as a scam.

>> No.13851139


>> No.13851157

No one is spoon feeding ya retard

>> No.13851171

Try btt

>> No.13851197


>> No.13851348

If you like Aragon you should look into DaoStack who already have a working product and release their dxDao in 2 days:

>> No.13851501

Helium coin. It's like bomb but double the coin burn and they are building a Dex and dapp on it. Created 4 days ago already 100x.


>> No.13851583

bomb token and bitcash

>> No.13851876
File: 8 KB, 350x350, 8F9CEF1D-0583-4B5A-8B22-212587C5DCA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomb token is old news helium coin is similar to bomb but better in every way and it's brand new so it's only 1c right now.


>> No.13851937
File: 8 KB, 503x400, FintruxLogoSocialMedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fintrux Network (FTX). A P2P lending platform. Had a successful beta stage in Singapore, by onboarding 50 SME clients, granting up to $50k in smart credit each. They’re now GLOBALLY onboarding 100 SMEs and granting $100k. 95% of the supply is already in circulation, so the FTX token is primarily in the hands of its investors, and the market cap is only $3m. The project company was struck hard by the bear market, however they’ve been doing an amazing job. They were smart enough to convert $15m of their $25m ICO funds to fiat which has obviously had a huge impact on their progress when everything else was crashing. Now, the global launch of their Trux platform is due in July, they’ll have a minimum smart credit turnover of $10m USD.

>> No.13852408

Nice scam pajeet

>> No.13852488

Thanks for that one!
I got 18k.
The liquidity is awful though.

I might get some more, but I'll have to do some more proper research.
Is there any current user statistic available?

>> No.13852755


>> No.13853595

He maybe eth