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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 512x512, hololink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13850080 No.13850080 [Reply] [Original]

You fuckers need to realize you will never truly solve the oracle problem
You can only help it, which is what chainlink tries to do, but you will never solve it.
So let me tell you something you might want to know right now; the pump won't go higher. It was just whales taking advantage of the hype of the mainnet, like every fucking other mainnet of every other fucking shitcoin.
The absolute best thing to do right now for you linkies is to sell and buy HOT, because there is no oracle problem on holochain and the tech is adapted to grow like internet grows. Blockchain is pretty much dead, it can only do store of value currency like btc is doing, and maybe try to digitalize real world assets with eth, but than you have to run in centralization and trust from the providers, which will never truly be decentralized or truly trustable.
Thats my word, good luck with the rest. Research holo if you havent done yet. ask questions.

>> No.13850097
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>> No.13850111
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previous call

>> No.13850141
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Holomarines, your status depends on when you got in

ICO - Diviner
Pre Idex crash - Occultist
Post Idex crash - Clairvoyant
Binance announcement - Shaman
First binance pump - Medium
Second binance pump - Apprentice
Before third binance pump to 2k sats - Avant-Gardiste

>> No.13850180

why should i buy this and not DADI?

>> No.13850386
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>> No.13850583
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>> No.13850607

>he doesn't know
newfag detected

>> No.13850665

when did you first buy bitcoin? just from your answer we would both know who the real newfag is.

>> No.13850779

>inb4 you bought 2009-2011 and still didn't make it

>> No.13850792

Buy Holo if you want to invest in people screaming "NEW PARADIGM" at the top of their lungs. Buy DADI if you want an actual working ecosystem with adoption at a much lower marketcap.

>> No.13850813



>> No.13850862

I'm about to sell this garbage.

>> No.13850873
File: 42 KB, 1046x533, holod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what award did DADI get?

>> No.13850889

Been telling linkies to take their gains and come over to holo since 1.40.

It cannot dump from here... its full protection for your monies with a HUGE upside.


>> No.13850899
File: 22 KB, 430x320, 1551980567524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got in late '12 so about the same. shill me on HOT and why it's better than DADI. i literally bought a bag of HOT right before the BTC pump but switched it back to BTC since it's going to 10k. After that I'll either go in HOT or DADI.


>> No.13850902

I posted how to solve it before with machine learning using trusted clients and rewards for those who don't cheat the data.

>> No.13850926

suck of a faggot and go back to discord

>> No.13850928
File: 64 KB, 591x636, indiandaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the coin for dirty pajeet faggots with daddy issues

>> No.13850959

lmao at "blockchain awards". DADI has been getting an increased number of clients and network traffic, with several high-profile websites currently under way. No "awards" needed.

>> No.13851004

Occultist checking in

>> No.13851012





>> No.13851022
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x4362, Hologuide_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked! well i am a long-term supporter of HOT have been holding since the early IDEX days. HOT has the potential to mane everything but BTC obsolete, see pic for a good intro

>> No.13851085

Medium here, though I would have been a Diviner but for lack of capital.

>> No.13851104

Holochain is more than decentralized webhosting it's about decentralized dApps with HTTP API. Does DADI replace ETH? If not, they aren't competing....

>> No.13851215
File: 841 KB, 978x1400, 1552004399947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. i really like it and sounds awesome how it could destroy all the useless shitcoins. how much to make it? and where do you see the price getting to before you sell?

>> No.13851314

you idiot, holochain doesn't even have an oracle problem, any agent can function as an oracle

>> No.13851346

name one

>> No.13851455

i am surprised you haven't DYOR earlier desu, we have been talking about HOT for like a year now. Yeah the main advantage of Holochain is the agent centric approach to consensus. There is no TPS bottleneck at all. I think we will definitely hit $0.10+ but even $1 is possible, XRP had a similar mcap last bull run. If you can afford it get 10+ million HOT to make it easily.

>> No.13851503
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do you think i missed out then? are there any newer projects whose moon didn't launch yet? FTM? I marked off LINK and HOT shilling as scams and never looked into them desu

>> No.13851698
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>thinks hot and link are scams
>wants to invest in ftm
jesus christ

>> No.13851916

0.10 is still 50x from here.. what do you mean miss out

>> No.13851942

i hold 35m HOT and 1.35m FTM as a hedge. HOT kind of mooned it is up like 30-40x in ETH because it was a stable coin while everything dumped hard the last 12 months. It recently 2x'd but stayed around $0.001 for ages. I think there is still a ton of opportunity in HOT because normies are just beginning to realize how revolutionary the tech is. $0.05-0.10 is a sure bet by now, still great gains. Most pajeets just bought the binance pump in august and never read the whitepaper. I think both projects have an amazing future, maybe go 50/50 in both.

>> No.13851966
File: 155 KB, 1242x1525, 1555578742812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of $VRA? hidden gem

>> No.13851995

Should I sell my 10k link and go all in on holo?

>> No.13852001

Yes. You’ll gain a much bigger profit.

>> No.13852108

Holochad reporting in.. just bought another 5000 HOT

>> No.13852140

i only hold HOT, FTM and BTC. Holo is about to moon imo. It has been severly undervalued for months due to the holoport delays and baseless FUD, recently the team released an really bullish article. HOT will support WASM and GraphQL which makes it really easy to write dApps in dozens of programming languages. Over 40 projects are launching on Holochain, including a decentralized exchange. I would sell LINK desu but it's up to you fren.
video content is definitely growing and the mcap is really low, so it might have some potential. i'd have to read the whitepaper and everything to give a definitive answer. i just didn't really get how they plsn to integrate with YouTube? will it be possible to advertise to YT users directly on Youtube.com?

>> No.13852249

>did not read the post

>> No.13852266
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do you think HOT is gonna go any lower? and is there anyway I can contact you? temp email or something

>> No.13852803

Can someone address this?

>> No.13852932

i am honestly not sure. it seems to gain a lot more attention recently, some are predicting we pump to 80-100 sats soon. if you buy now you are still buying cheap imo. like i said it pumped quite a bit from ICO price, but the FIAT value didn't increase that much since ICO because the price stayed stable while ETH dumped hard. Right now we are at a 13x in USD and 34x in ETH (https://icodrops.com/holo/).). Still a great entry if you believe in the tech. I wouldn't be surprised if HOT does a 100-400x in the next few years.

You can contact me at my 4chan e-mail: bizanonx@yandex.com

>> No.13853025

what do you think of this FUD?


>> No.13853031

this is just baseless FUD. made up claims, zero proofs. don't let the faggots fool you. HOT had extreme FUD since day one. they called it a "boomer scam", "feet coin" and what not but the truth is the tech is unfuddable and revolutionary.

>> No.13853048

and what are your thoughts on LINK

>> No.13853083
File: 161 KB, 1308x510, Screenshot 2019-05-27 at 02.45.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Holochain was so hard to develop on there wouldn't be over 40 projects building on it ;)


They are trying to make it real easy for devs to move to Holochain at the moment. See pic.

>> No.13853173

>I said hi and got a selfie with a guy.
>I know people who know people who have insider info.
>I took a quick look at the code one time. I don't understand much coding

>> No.13853208

well to be honest, i kind of ignored LINK due to the "LINK is a meme meme"...
but have to admit that it has gained more media attention than expected in anticipation of the mainnet launch, outside of /biz. "solving the oracle problem" is quite ambitious too, but a lot depends on implementation and adoption by the really big players like SWIFT for example. I wasn't too impressed by the current partnerships. Disclaimer: I am a no-linker and haven't done any in-depth research into LINK and right now I feel it is too expensive to buy in. I should have bought it way below $0.50.

I am mainly looking to invest in infrastructure/platform projects because those are the ones with the biggest 1000x potential in my opinion. HOT and FTM fall into that category. Others that have mooned already would be ETH, NEO, ADA, EOS, etc...

>> No.13853243

Isn't LINK a platform project? It's not a platform for crypto, but for the rest of the economy.

>> No.13853253

WE ARE BACK, join the hologang mafia

>> No.13853299

$0.003 soon?

>> No.13853378

If I understood it correctly it's an interoperability layer with decentralized oracles. Now that I think about it, LINK might actually also fall into that platform category.

>> No.13853448

Time to buy, champ

>> No.13853626

you're that reddit baker guy aren't you

>> No.13853732

not sure what you mean desu, but i am not active on reddit. i sometimes check the market sentiment on /r/cc to see if plebbit is getting ready to buy my bags and that's it kek. they were still sleeping on HOT and FTM last time i checked, looking forward to the rude awakening, see you tomorrow guys, gotta sleep now. eurofag here and it's getting late..

>> No.13854156

who the fuck is this brapper?

>> No.13854304



>> No.13854344

500x possible baby

>> No.13854528

bump for the night. gn lads, cant wait to wake up to nice gains. we are all gonna make it

>> No.13854631

How long should I HOdL for thinking of dumping next pump.

>> No.13855431

4M ocultist

>> No.13856204
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>> No.13856982

sauce ?

>> No.13857088

>blockchain is dead
>you should sell the only project that can bring it to life and buy my boomer tranny shitcoin

>> No.13857108



Literal chink shitcoin

>> No.13857122

>databases are dead

lol, holo is centralized shit

>> No.13857756

Have sex incel