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13846322 No.13846322 [Reply] [Original]

>his mother even says hes a liar
>his mother is even ashamed of him for making a fool of himself
>his own mother
>his mother

if this faggot isnt the most pathetic con man that we'll live to see in our lifetimes then i will honestly be shocked.


>> No.13846341

He's simply paid. O'Hagan was right.

>> No.13846356
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>> No.13846366



>> No.13846394
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That seems to be the logical case with all of this.
There is no way a conman would socially and publicly humiliate himself like CSW is doing if he wasnt getting paid millions to do it.
The internet has caught him red handed with just so many elements of fraud, everytime he opens his mouth the hole gets deeper.

I'm of the mind that this whole fraud was designed to pnd BSV.
And the Klein case is just an estate of a dead programmer trying to get free money from a conman pushing the narrative that hes satoshi.
Of course in Jan 2020 we'll know for absolutely certain that CSW isn't Satoshi, since the 1 million BTC will never move.

It's all just so laughable to me that even in current year with internet access that some ppl still fall for the tricks of flamboyant conmen.

>> No.13846445

what if I hate greg/blockstream and faketoshi equally? what if no fork of btc gets adopted? what if the real value is in other places and this fucking delusional back and forth faggotry is to distract you from that?

>> No.13846461

op seething

getting worried, faggot?

>> No.13846472
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buy my coins sirs

>> No.13846482

this. whenever I criticize either of those shitcoins they accuse me of shilling for the other side. it's obnoxious and makes discussion impossible.

>> No.13846488
File: 853 KB, 1919x1841, sicklittlepuppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citing Contrarian/Greg's "little list" of bullshit
Kek. Great find.
>Isn't it hilarious how some people think that orange cheeto has a chance of actually becoming POTUS? FuKiNG HiLaRiOuS

>> No.13846490

im with this guy.
BTC and all of its forks are outdated and irrelevant tech that wont stand the test of time.
none of it can properly scale and it isnt a solution to anything.
the only logical viable solution that even huge corporations are running with is ETH.

all of this BTC faggotry is enough to make anyone with half a brain market sell and just be done with it.
i'd rather store value in bags built around enormous ecosystems with actual use cases, ie ETH.
BTC might be "digital gold" but it will eventually be irrelevant as 12th generation cryptos will easily dethrone and replace it.

sure Bitcoin was the beginning and it was cool for more than a decade but its old tech compared to what crypto can do now.

>> No.13846499

>I'm of the mind that this whole fraud was designed to pnd BSV.
Redpill me on this. Hasnt CSW been saying hes Satoshi since like 2014 or so, Bitcoin Cash only forked in 2017. Thats a lot of pretending to be Satoshi to lead up to just pnd BSV splitting from Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.13846517

Read this article and ask yourself if you see any similarities with the CSW timeline.


>> No.13846585

This has to be bait lol

>> No.13846594 [DELETED] 

Perhaps this can shed a wee bit of light:

"Calvin Ayre is one of the topics the team routinely went dark on. When I first met Wright, he called him ‘the man in Antigua’. <..> Matthews, explicit as usual, always spoke about Ayre as if he was the capo di tutti capi of the entire affair. <..> Interestingly, nCrypt’s only shareholder (one share worth one pound) is nCrypt Holdings, registered in Antigua."

"One of the most helpful individuals was Stefan Matthews. He pointed me in the direction of people from Wright’s personal life, and sent me a typed history of his association with the man who would be Satoshi."

"I get what I get paid by Calvin. Calvin is the only allegiance I have, then and now." (Stefan Matthews)

- The Satoshi Affair, 2016

>> No.13846600
File: 54 KB, 462x579, enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. brainlet who doesn't understand the fundamental innovation of PoW and ledger network effects.
>Argument from Talmudvision

>> No.13846619

You already redpilled yourself by thinking past the surface for 5 minutes.
The "CSW is just a conman" narrative hasn't made sense for years among people who have been following this shit closely.

>> No.13846622
File: 614 KB, 1537x1800, calvinayre1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this can shed a wee bit of light:

"Calvin Ayre is one of the topics the team routinely went dark on. When I first met Wright, he called him ‘the man in Antigua’. <..> Matthews, explicit as usual, always spoke about Ayre as if he was the capo di tutti capi of the entire affair. <..> Interestingly, nCrypt’s only shareholder (one share worth one pound) is nCrypt Holdings, registered in Antigua."

"One of the most helpful individuals was Stefan Matthews. He pointed me in the direction of people from Wright’s personal life, and sent me a typed history of his association with the man who would be Satoshi."

"I get what I get paid by Calvin. Calvin is the only allegiance I have, then and now." (Stefan Matthews)

- The Satoshi Affair, 2016

>> No.13846636


>> No.13846639

so why does he keep lying and getting caught, even by his mother? let me guess, 3d chess?

>> No.13846676

Hurr durr

>> No.13846733

sorry gave u the wrong article, meant to post this one.
read thru it and notice all the similarities it shares with things CSW has done over the last few years.


>> No.13847248


>> No.13847294
File: 40 KB, 1137x749, 1558729572364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish the_donald would just commit mass suicide already!

>> No.13847422

BSV is not MAGA. Don't blame to conflate a peddler of gambling and vice to Donald Trump shitstain

>> No.13847464
File: 17 KB, 640x296, BAA030EC-5DE0-481E-BC6E-7F844E39D9EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his mother even says hes a liar
>his mother is even ashamed of him for making a fool of himself
>his own mother
>his mother

if this faggot isnt the most pathetic con man that we'll live to see in our lifetimes then i will honestly be shocked.


>> No.13847481

who gives a shit about politics?
its pointless. ive never made any money off of an interest in politics, have u?

the only thing i care about is what makes money.
and holding BSV outside of 2020 is going to be a great way to lose most of your initial investment.

its more likely that the SEC will bring criminal charges against Ayre and Wright than BSV ever being worth even $200.
but thats okay, because both of those conartist faggots LOVE the legal system, right?

lol, i hope you enjoy losing money because youre going to lose it all overnight with this bullshit

>> No.13847507


You clearly haven't researched anything worthwhile in the last 1.5 years.

>> No.13847514

Nice reddit spacing in a two line post faggot

>> No.13847525

thanks for the bump, sweetie.


>> No.13847539


Fucking lol pathetic state of corecucks

>> No.13847544

Love to put retardation in full spotlight

>> No.13847571

>>13847514 <----You can lead a faggot to the truth, but you can't make him take the globalist central banker cock out of his mouth so that he may appreciate it.