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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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138443 No.138443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After yesterday's episode, doge is dead right?
;_; someone hold me.

>> No.138450
File: 1.01 MB, 1012x673, PNDOGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, ded meat

>> No.138461

no is kill

>> No.138475
File: 32 KB, 384x256, dog_meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u deds doge

I kill u

>> No.138660

So, am I wasting my time syncing at the moment?

I would love to get into cryptocurrency(even though now is a terrible time) but I am not sure if there are any that are worth it anymore.

Should I go with doge, or just run bitcoin?

>> No.138666

>After yesterday's episode, doge is dead right?
what happened yesterday?

>> No.138689

Doge is good for learning on without having to risk large amounts

>> No.138700

MtGox somehow "lost" 750k buttcoins

>> No.138703

get PND

>> No.138717

yeah, thats all?

Last time when bitcoin crashed after mtgox stopped withrawals, doge rised to 280

>> No.138735


>> No.138792

Don't be too hard on him anon, he invested in dogecoin.

>> No.138798

Can i start mining it without having my wallet sync? it looks like it will take like 4 days for my wallet to sync at the rate it is moving..

>> No.138823

It will take some time but not days.
You could also download MultiDoge.
You could also join a pool, start mining, then add your address when it's up.

>> No.138838

of course
its like you dont even understand how the whole wallet system works
not to mention that you will have it sitting on a pool for some time till its worth to send to your address

>> No.138864

oh really, its like im new to cryptocurrency mining and I am asking questions as to getting started?

Well I'll be....

>> No.138905

one important fact that seems to be missed by everyone causal is that all the fucking wallets are out there

every single wallet is accessible to everyone

the problem?

that the number of wallets is similar to the number of atoms in the known universe

So when you got a wallet, theres actually a chance that someone might got to it. The chance similar to winning national lotery 15 times in a row

so when you give someone adress and they send there coins, it doesnt matter that you dont have private keys, or if you are synced or not.

the wallet is out there all the time...

>> No.138963

Well, someone did state that I could start mining before I needed to sync my wallet. Its not like I was going to cash out of a pool the second I get a coin.

>> No.139119

>actually quoting 'lost'
Laughing my fucking ass off. This viral FUD is the textbook anatomy of a bubble, /biz/rael.
Gox hasn't released anything official.

>> No.139981

doge is kill la kill

>> No.142346

Wait...so Dogecoin is gone?
Fuck...I have about 1300 DOGE as well.

/biz/, help me out.
I want to get mining.
Give me a currency on the rise + wallet + pool + instructions on how to get it working properly.
The last dogecoin pool I tried had a help chat but the owner went corrupt, jacked up fees then didn't pay out

>> No.142366

Doge is not dead
Do not use 4chan as your sole source of information faggots.

>> No.144311

not really related, but i don't wanna start a new thread.

i have like 500 quid to spend. i'm gonna buy either 1.*btc, or a 290x.
which one would you choose, /biz/?

>> No.144332

ITT: weak tools who believe everything is over after the slightest bump on the street

>> No.144365

doge is fine

>> No.144382

pls respond. am seconds away from buying this 7990:


>> No.144387


What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.144399



It'll take you 175+ days to pay off a 290x right now

>> No.144420

>It'll take you 175+ days to pay off a 290x right now
seriously? i just sold one night's worth of PND mining on my shitty 270x, and i got $9 worth of btc. a 290x would double it, a 7990 would triple it.

>> No.144426


Electricity costs

>> No.144433

i don't pay it, ***** university does.

>> No.144476


You also have to factor in difficulty changes and future profits

Just because you make $9 one day doesn't mean you will make $9 the next

>> No.144494

but i mine whichever coin is most lucrative then exchange it for satoshi. it's not difficulty i'm competing with, it's other peoples' hardware, and dedicated miners (i.e like 0.01% of miners) aside, the r90x and the 7990 are simply the best there is.

>> No.144513

oh and also... i'm sticking to my guns that btc will drop in price hard this week. all the people buying now because of a trivial drop in price are doing so before the media shitstorm begins, and the price (fingers crossed) hits the fucking floor. wouldn't be the first time.
> tfw didn't buy for <0.01cent on bitcoin black friday

>> No.144530


Do you use something like multipool?

Obviously you were set on buying a mining card, and I told you the common advice that you should just invest in the coins you think will go up rather than spend money on mining equipment.

Don't ask a question if you are just looking for positive reinforcement on a choice you already made.

>> No.144565

Report this FUD thread

>> No.144569

I haven't made up my mind at all, angsty anon. i am gravitating towards the coins, but if that goes to hell i have nothing. at least if i buy hardware i have that left after all hell breaks loose.
yeah i use multipool and a few others.
so many people seem confident that btc will rise, i just don't quite get why given that the media is about to shit hellfire all over cryptos.

>> No.144577


If you don't think that it's going to go up why would you invest

>> No.144603

because so many other people are confident that it will. simple as that, really. i do only have 500 left though after mtgox raped me, so the appeal of having a decent gpu left over afterwards is what's making me take a more serious interest in mining.

also... given how fucking muc h money AMD is making from all this, does anyone know whether they have any plans to engineer a card whose primary purpose is to hash like a boss?

>> No.144615


Mining GPUs are a small part of AMD's profits

If you want to buy a GPU buy a GPU, if you want to buy BTC buy BTC and keep it safe and not in a shitty exchange

>> No.144626

>every ati card is sold out just about everywhere or has very high premiums due to demand

Few years ago ATI never had this issue, they are likely making significant profits from their gaming division now. Would not be surprised to see some dedicated hardware from ATI or NVIDIA soon.

>> No.144649


It's a drop in the pond compared to their laptop shit and console sales.

>> No.144676

He must have smoked some bad granola.