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13838315 No.13838315 [Reply] [Original]

>When LINK is pumping
ahahaha late to the party newfag! Too late to buy in.
>When LINK is dumping
DUDE! You're gonna wish you bought LINK at this price... this is THEE TIME TO BUY!

Is there anything more pathetic than LINKvirgins. No wonder they act this way when all the holders are a bunch of literal NEET spergs.

>> No.13838376


I told LINKvirgins I would mock them when the coin dumped so I'm just making sure as many see this as possible

>> No.13839123

bumping because fuck LINKvirgins

>> No.13839143

dude.... that's fucking mean half of them are already contemplating suicide and they're already retarded do you make fun of suicidal retards often? that's disgusting. you're supposed to help our retarded friends not make fun of them.

>> No.13839144
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>shamelessly bumping your own thread cause no one cares about what your loser ass is gonna think at 1k

>> No.13839146
File: 167 KB, 720x960, 1558794253535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sergey pulls aside the curtains and proclaimed that's a wrap everyone thanks for being apart of our social experiment!
> Now let's meet our larpers
> Audience roars with applause
> Assblaster drunk anon wagyu anon landlord link and the rest
> No one comes out for a moment
> Audience is unsure what to make of it
> Suddenly Adelyn comes out in a clown suit
> Isn't she brilliant? Sergey shouts to the audience
> Everyone laughs as Adelyn smashes a pie into Sergey's face and they both bow and walk off stage

>> No.13839208
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I just wanna see the same energy during the initial pump when me and other investors wanted to buy in but we were mercilessly mocked and called idiots for not buying in when its been shilled here so long.

I want to see that same energy but now the LINKYSTINKYS are so quiet and beaten its boring!

>> No.13839215

dude we are here too for the same reasons stop being mean

>> No.13839266

Based. Keep at it! Don't let them off the hook

>> No.13839273
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x1600, pepe_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nooooo~ poor linkystinky why aren't you puffing up your chest and talking down to me like before? how come you aren't saying im an idiot for not buying in while it was cheaper???

awww linkybabyboy what happen to all that energy you had when you were pumping .50cents lmfao!!! now you're dumping and you're defeated.




>> No.13839296

>talks like a nigger
immediately disregards post

>> No.13839298

I always welcome more LINKmarines

>> No.13839323

I'm very confused, what part of still being 180% up on my original investment is bad again?

>> No.13839367



>> No.13840222


The actual linkfags either made a ton of money or unloaded their bags on that all time high. The people who got fucked are the newfags who fell for their shilling and fomo'd in at the top.