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13833719 No.13833719 [Reply] [Original]

>Have a half million bag of FTM.
>I don't even know what "smart cities" are

lmfao if i "make it" then crypto is an absolute joke and i dont deserve this money

>> No.13833804
File: 88 KB, 1076x558, Screenshot_20190525-141351_KuCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold all mine today
Goodluck fren

>> No.13833828


Thank you I need more people to sell I'm trying to get a 1million FTM!

>> No.13833844

i bought 100k today, this is an eth killer

>> No.13833863

Price predictions? How high is it going?

>> No.13833867


Amen brother. But make sure you set a price you wanna pull out at... this thing is gonna keep rising and rising one day so you gotta know when it's time to walk away from the table.

>> No.13833872

5-10 dollar

>> No.13833883


Easily 1$ 2020.

>> No.13833888


>> No.13833892

lmao why

>> No.13833916


>> No.13833924
File: 59 KB, 1028x198, Screenshot 2019-05-25 at 10.17.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats all you have? Literally who cares.

>> No.13833938

I can smell the curry. Are you Dustin?

>> No.13833956

shut the hell up cunt bag

>> No.13833962

Show me your bag then super whale

>> No.13833990

Sirsirsirsir when moon sir

>> No.13833999


>> No.13834000

listen faggot this shit isnt going anywhere what even is a smart-fucking city? thats all this shitcoin is good for, the mythical "smarty-city" in fair tale land

>> No.13834005

Managing partner at Zorax Capital

>> No.13834028



>> No.13834045

Where he’s from, it’s all about Shart Cities.

>> No.13834048

This is what I invested in??? I'm holding this until 5 dollars I didn't know it was this much of a guarantee moonshot.

>> No.13834065

ehm, it pumped 70% in the last 2 weeks or so

>> No.13834069

fuck you

>> No.13834076

you are investing in something that depends on the entire infrastructure of the world to change in order for this dog shit coin to have some meaning

communities have to turn int "smart-citites" which will somehow have fantom intergrated with them

>> No.13834082

2019 Biz/ getting gooked by FTM

>> No.13834090

That’s still not going to stop this from going up to say 30 cents and those who bought at 2 cents from making some money.

>> No.13834118

Totaly. Now show me ypu bags larp fag. Wait. You cant because you already made fun of me for "only" cashing out 5k usd of this random crypto project. If your bag is lower you will look stupid. If you keep larping you also look stupid. Get fucked.

>> No.13834135

no it's ETH 3.0 smart cities is just one use-case that is often talked about because that's the stuff ETH will never be able to do because of slow tx. you need 20,000+ TPS for smart city use-cases

>> No.13834152

3 mill fantomchad checking in. Can't wait to retire in a couple of years

>> No.13834228

>a couple of years

cracka', you will be able to retire in 2 months

>> No.13834242

You know when people are talking like this its time to get out.

>> No.13834260

Every single coin worth it's salt will have stupid moonboys. I don't like them personally they make us seem like stupid LINK holders

>> No.13834268

You want to get out a coin that’s barely at 2 cents and close to its atl? Ok.

>> No.13834271


>Coping this hard after selling your ticket to early retirement


>> No.13834302

Itd down since i sold. I got under a penny. Get fucked and keep the hodl meme alive.

>> No.13834321
File: 148 KB, 1316x887, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13834325
File: 227 KB, 1080x1456, Screenshot_20190525-155121_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're so mad today because i sold before the drop off. But yes, im the one coping.

>> No.13834328

so you sold your bag but didn't move on? why are you still here if you don't think that it'll moon?

>> No.13834353

It will. But that cz tweet pumped it to hard. Ill biy back in as other hodl meme it up. I also dont think they did anything in Dubai but network. Which is cool but wint help price. Its already hurting it.

>> No.13834414

What's expected timeline of staking being ready? Mainnet? What's time line of mainnet?

>> No.13834491


This is all unironically true though.

>> No.13834646

IT PUMPED 70% is not part of bagholder bingo retard. more like NOCOINER / NO FTM CHAD COPE bingo

>> No.13834700

Implying nobody bought the top and still holding at a loss

>> No.13834737

Yeahbsee thats when you sell. Cz tweet pump, yeah youbsell after that. Duh. And when people find out they didnt become Dubai's offical coin it will dump a bit too.

>> No.13835326

probably bought the absolute top. classic biz

>> No.13835343

sirs please buy my bags