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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13830989 No.13830989 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey said the blog post would be about the marketplace. We now know SAP incubated startup amberdata will use LINK. They will create the marketplace.

This all seems really obvious to the point where I'm starting to believe the dump yesterday was the result of the blog post being priced in already. Thoughts?

>> No.13831021

the dump was because the chart was overextended and the buying pressure stopped. algo traders have data readily available to them. as soon as they notice a slip in volume of normies buying in they start dumping so the normies are in the red and sell cheaper before they repump.

this is all covered in my pumponimics 101 course. lemme know if you want me to email it to you, $50.

>> No.13831040

by the way, buy matic. the pump bots are back online. 410 sats incoming.

>> No.13831055

he's too incompetent to release the damn blog
why specify next week if you can't even fucking do it
link is shit

>> No.13831081

checked. why still use this code when everyone on this board now knows what you're saying?

>> No.13831098

You whiny little faggot children make me laugh

>> No.13831185
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Tell me more about the bots please

>> No.13831277

cleverbot is a good one that you can have conversations with

>> No.13831344

so no thoughts on the blog post? just discussion of shitcoin matic being pumped by cz and literal street shitters

>> No.13831381

>Sergey said the blog post would be about the marketplace.
wrong he said there will be more details in a blogpost about mainnet, that could pertain to the marketplace or just plans for further development that doesnt have to do witht he marketplace

>> No.13831397

obody knows anything about it. Anyone that tells you they do is swing trading or just trolling for the kekles

>> No.13831555

The blogpost will be released late Sunday. True to Sergey form.

>> No.13831600

>by the way, buy matic. the pump bots are back online. 410 sats incoming.
No, they aren't

>> No.13831604

What did KEK mean by this?

>> No.13831620

Whale killer! I was in your first thread! What is going on with LINK? When will it stop dumping?

>> No.13831626

you are both correct. the entire board is shitted up with old FUD for newfags so i made this thread. i do actually think amberdata/SAP and the marketplace will be one part of the blog post though

>> No.13831656

checked. still can't figure out your end game larper. nobody would risk all of their link except for 450 just for the collective good of /biz/

>> No.13831689

The downturn is being caused by:

FUD from no blog and lack of communication from chainlink team. They could have saved a .10-.15 drop by simply releasing a statement saying the blog has been pushed to next week

The CL advisor post contributed to more FUD

This causes normal swing traders and swing trading bots to start dumping because of low positive volume

This causes even lower volume and sale off of people in for a short pump or weak hands

People with even stronger hands start dumping around 1.15

It's a combination of a big fuck you to the elite and I like helping out a lot of people, especially those who deserve it

>> No.13831709

Until the Blog post and announcements next week, I see 1.15 being baseline still with occasional bumps to 1.25, maybe 1.30. Once it's hits though, more people will be getting out to recoup what they think are losses

>> No.13831719

Proof that he did this in the past?

>> No.13831749

Where do you think LINK will be EOY 2019? 2020?

>> No.13831761
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>pic related

but I feel when link hits $50 this will turn into
>i fought for you anons
>here's my ETH address
for now I will choose to believe because it is clown world after all

>> No.13831779

there is none. sergey's 2017 EOY post was on a tuesday

>> No.13831793

No way to predict, too many variables

I'll never ask for gibs fren

>> No.13831801

guys, what if chainlink is the DNA for a nascent AI which becomes a merciless overlord designed by the elite to initiate the depopulation agenda where the price of a human life is one link, and all no-linkers are liquidated via a trustless decentralized series of smartcontracts which activate their terms based off real world data.

Thread theme btw:


>> No.13831814

Oof. I guess it'll be a long time till we make it.

>> No.13831818

I hope so, the world is way too fucking overcrowded

>> No.13831898

its exciting to see link pump but at the end of the day we are all here for the long run, not short term gains. If your not swinging your stack then just sit back and relax knowing you're holding something that will one day be very special

>> No.13831973

so we should sell?

>> No.13832621


>> No.13832720

I’ve been holding Link for almost two years and I don’t think it’ll be special. I think it is an overhyped shitcoin. What is “special” about it? Cryptokitties? Being able to bet on the weather? Smart contracts are useless. I planned on dumping at $3 and now I’m not even sure it’ll reach that because the retards here can’t stay in their containment board and feel the need to shit talk Link everywhere else.

>> No.13832722

At the last minute.