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137233 No.137233 [Reply] [Original]

What are some jobs that I can get with a Bachelor's degree in Finance?

I'm in my second half of my freshman year of college, and that's my major. I've always been super interested in finance and know a good bit about the stock market, but I don't really know what I should be looking at doing out of school besides the obvious stockbroker/investment banker type of jobs.

Is there anyone with experience or knowledge about this?

>> No.137247


Which are?

>> No.137244

jobs in the financial field

>> No.137317

Have you tried getting a job in the financial field?

>> No.137321

M&a, risk management, asset valuation, private equity, almost any area related to banking, any type of analyst (technical, fundamental, quant), all other areas of corporate finance that I've forgotten about and a lot more. For some of them you need to be really good at math or at least understand it properly.

>> No.137515


No because I'm in my freshman year of college to get a degree in Finance

If I could get the job now then I would finish learning to drive then drop out of school and go work


Wow, that's a lot, I'll have to do some research on each one

>> No.137558

what level of math? on terms of algebra or calculus?

>> No.137582


You definitely need to know basic shit like calculating interest rates, and if you want a highly technical job you need programming or like calculus knowledge to do derivatives and algorithms and stuff

>> No.137590

think about picking up a MGMT or econ minor, that would open some doors.

>> No.137630

that's the thing.... my new major is going to be Information Systems.

>> No.137647


Alright, I'll look into this too


I read a lot about IS but I figured that finance would be more suited to what I'm interested in

I was originally going for Information Technology until I realized it was just Computer Science for babbies and like 80% of courses were just coding

>> No.137809


And if you want to get ahead in the finance field you'd better learn some programming, IMO that would be far more useful then getting a minor in fucking management. And aside from the options that were already mentioned you could consider real estate, lease financing, private banking or wealth management, insurance, financial advising, asset financing, compliance and regulatory adherence, etc.

>> No.137831


I self-taught myself some programming (Some Javascript and Java) and liked it, but in high school I had an online programming class and I absolutely hated it.

I'll consider getting back into it, any specific languages I should focus on?

>> No.137983

Depends on what you are aiming to, Risk Management and Quants require a high level, most of it was developed by Math, physics phds. There is a market for Finance majors that know how to code Phyton, R and some C/C++, as it maybe useful to certain econometric/stadistical analysis.

>> No.138022

also matlab when dealing with a statistical package or modeling various trade scenarios and for risk management purposes.

if you want to be a banker or work in the deal space than VBA will help although some people may or may not consider it a real programming language

>> No.138313


GRANTED i didnt intern anywehre
now i work at starbucks

i wish i could be le epic funneh but its really what i do

>> No.138334


What are your stats and tell me what you have done to get those jobs and I'll tell you why you haven't gotten those jobs

>> No.138336


Right out of college you're going to go into Budget Analysis OR you're going to pass the CFA over the next 3 years and go to Wall Street (yeah right lol)

>> No.138577


I just need a decent paying job to bide my time until I somehow become rich