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13830583 No.13830583 [Reply] [Original]

The fud has been unreal today. The board will be euphoric again after the blog post. Yall need to chill.. Over reacting like women. Remember we're in this for at least 3 more years. Patience and willpower. Together.

>> No.13830606

If you haven't sold yet, you are literally retarded. That was the singularity and there is nothing but slow bleed to rank 100 from here on out

>> No.13830615

we all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product.[2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by Chrissy McMahon

>> No.13830616

yeah you can go suck my dick for 3 more years, if it takes them that long it means link failed lmao fucking idiot

>> No.13830617
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thanks for the input you subhuman shitskin

>> No.13830629

>having 650 million of something worth nothing but at the moment worth 1.35$ usd

>not slowly dumping bags every 10 mins

>> No.13830632

yeah, go buy xrp instead and hold bags of a 99 billion supply kike scam coin that has no adoptions after 7+ years, or better yet any other shitcoin that has non. please don't invest in smart contractw

>> No.13830637

> blogpost released
> open spell checker
> 50 typos detected

>> No.13830639

calling it fud is generous. i actually believed some of the fud back when it was just sergey and steve and they didn't say a word publicly about anything

>> No.13830654
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feels weird being an oldfag
link FUD used to get a reaction out of me, and i would even reply. now i just kek at this autism while staying comfy and hodling these bags. absolutely none of this fud is new.

>> No.13830660

tfw all in at .31 cents. Iron hands lads idgaf if it hits $10 in my mind it already has. meme magic frens

>> No.13830662
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Adeeeeelyyyyyyyyn nooooooo !!!!!!