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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13828191 No.13828191 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13828287
File: 454 KB, 1471x809, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13828404

Right a small number of faggots duped the price 16% today and 5-10% EVERY DAY BEFORE.
Maybe it's because CHX is shit and another biz pnd scam.

>> No.13828701
File: 966 KB, 2275x2680, 1558309492932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screenshot consists of one telegram tranny and a joke post
CHX isn't a scam at all guys! FUD only exists because Frodo's Dildo wants to buy in cheaper!

>> No.13828967

Press S.
Shit scam rekt by biz

>> No.13828998
File: 245 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190525-095953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is painful.

>> No.13829137

It really is. OWN holders sound like Amway sales representatives. I did my research and it's not a scam! Those who are with us are smart and see the vision and the future, those who aren't are idiots who only think of today and don't see tomorrow. Or jealous of your future success (sold early in this case).

>> No.13829292
File: 68 KB, 565x640, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you read the assigned homework?
>Could you summarize what it was about for those of us who haven't?
Greatest non-answer ever. Typical bagholder.

>> No.13829309

i'm the anon that pumped and dumped this shitcoin from 1m to 25m.. and then warned everyone every day to get out because the devs are fraudsters and dumping and price would go back to around 1million. while you guys ignored me and lost all your money ive been making mad gains because every other coins is pumping while this SCAM coin IS DUMPING

if the devs are selling, you know it's overpriced. investing 101. not rebuying this scam. there are many other and better legit sto plays. wont waste my time anymore posting on chx threads. its dead now. peace out.

>> No.13829323

this anon has said this for a while now; he is probably legit

>> No.13829358

glad I got out at .19c

>> No.13829538
File: 946 KB, 2791x2155, faggit scam 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've reached complete panic in the heavily controlled telegram now;
bagholders blaming token swap "confusion" on the sell off

>> No.13830225

prep some popcorn goys, we are in for a good show

>> No.13831088

Dumping like it should

>> No.13831222

telegram snaps greatly welcomed. I didn't buy in but I did invest in RSR at it's lowest and that seems to be just as much of a Bags Warehouse now so while I may kek, I feel you all.

>> No.13831240
File: 74 KB, 1048x294, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 20.56.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this pic related comment anon?

>> No.13831736

>telegram snaps greatly welcomed.
Nothing interesting going on, other than the devs were supposed to release a video on how to manually do the swap and they still haven't done so. Dev is now saying hold it in your wallet and the video instructions "coming soon" even though the swap is next week. Interesting how they haven't communicated about IDEX delisting the coin still and are waiting for the last minute.

Are they hoping CHX coins get lost on exchanges to artificially pump the price?

>> No.13831837

As long as the video gets released before the swap then what's the big deal? Makes no difference now. I'm sorry done low iq weirdos can't figure out a swap

>> No.13831935

>As long as the video gets released before the swap then what's the big deal?
Not everyone checks OWN's social media every day. They should have been setting reminders on a weekly basis with a pinned message on Facebook and Twitter, along with the Telegram. Otherwise the chat wouldn't be randoms coming in asking about the swap every half hour.

>> No.13831940

idex is delisting chx? what an absolute shitcoin

>> No.13831992

>idex is delisting chx? what an absolute shitcoin
Do you even know what an erc20 is? Lol do you know idex only can list where TOKENS and any that swap get removed?

>> No.13832035

Yes and after IDEX delists this shitcoin, people in the United States will be unable to trade CHX without using a VPN on a literal-what exchange with zero volume and wash trading.

>> No.13832061

I'd be tempted to wait until the last minute to buy some cheap CHX tokens, then send them to my wallet as soon as possible, but I live in North America, I doubt we would get a decent exchange, Sascha is a scheming fraudster charlatan, and OWN is a SCAM so I suppose I wouldn't buy this coin in any case.

>> No.13832812

Lmao why is anyone holding this shitcoin