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File: 139 KB, 1486x974, Screenshot 2019-05-25 at 08.19.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13824897 No.13824897 [Reply] [Original]

See the article https://medium.com/amberdata/smart-contract-oracles-with-amberdata-io-358c2c422d8a

>We multiply the price by 100 because Solidity can’t handle decimal places.

>Each request requires payment of 1 LINK token.

How does this not mean that the price can't go that high? Who would wan't to pay 100$ for a simple data request?

Are we all completely justd?

>> No.13824916
File: 46 KB, 1200x610, 1558128533253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is designed as a stablecoin and pegged to $1. You'd know this if you read the whitepaper.

>> No.13824918

We are absolutely fucked

>> No.13824922

Sell your LINK right now.

>> No.13824925

holy shit.. how did we miss this..


>> No.13824931
File: 531 KB, 939x480, hy968lialnv01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no no no

>> No.13824936

it's been fucking dumping

>> No.13824945


>> No.13824967
File: 121 KB, 498x594, 1558654087891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over isn't it

>> No.13824992
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You know what's the sad part? Most link holders don't even know that part about solidity ( what their ahit coins are based on). At the same time they complain about btc transaction fees and say link is the future. My fucking sides. Literally brainlet gamblers and shills.

>> No.13824993

The blog post will be an apology that they’ve run into legal problems and will be unable to carry out their intention to go mainnet. Linkies absolutely JOOSTED

>> No.13825011

>It hasn't "solved" the oracle problem >completely, but it has heavily audited code, the >most mature oracle software, the most mature >team, and is being released on mainnet soon.

hasn't solved oracle problem completely kek

>> No.13825013
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>> No.13825014

they'll just change it to 0.001 once it reaches 1000 EOY

>> No.13825016


>> No.13825026

>they'll just change it to 0.001 once it reaches 1000 EOY

"We multiply the price by 100 because Solidity can’t handle decimal places."

"because Solidity can’t handle decimal places."

>change it to 0.001


>> No.13825027
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>> No.13825030
File: 2.48 MB, 440x440, (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine holding like 10k link and thinking that'll make you rich.

Congrats on buying literally 10k api calls. What you think that's worth

>> No.13825038

They just fork to multiply the supply - you hold the same percent

>> No.13825051

No retard, they're going to print 100x the current supply to "solve" this problem so they can dump it at market and make money. Remember, it's a shitcoin that's supposed to make the creators money. It's actually exactly what people from /biz/ would do. How many shitcoins from 2015 do you see that's still around?

>> No.13825060
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Chainlink + tether partnership confirmed.

>> No.13825064

They are so much prettier than white women wtf

>> No.13825085
File: 13 KB, 240x237, 1558559750014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fork your problems away.... Lol holy shit the absolute state of brainlets on here is amazing.

>> No.13825093

go fork yourself faggit

>> No.13825094

unironically it's over and people are too delusional to see that

>> No.13825097




>> No.13825104
File: 17 KB, 537x794, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh decentralized oracles are too expensive
>let's just ask the decentralized oracle central bank to print more api tokens

>> No.13825134

It never began in the first place. Been 2 years with no main net and people still thought it was going to be the next top coin. This kind of shit is some next level cope. The worst part is, 99.9% of biz will do this for the next shit coin or just shill bags of shit coins they're already holding

>> No.13825142

They can just change it away from solidity.

>> No.13825144

just buy back in you damn swingies

>> No.13825152
File: 50 KB, 533x388, 1558756468498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon. Biz is this retarded. It's actually hard to believe.

>> No.13825156
File: 62 KB, 637x468, MyLinkiesGoStinkies_sadface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stinky linkie

>> No.13825164
File: 545 KB, 999x717, 1530574527043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abandon you false burger godd stinkies, is time for repentance and take the right way, embrace the purity of the soul, buy holochain

>> No.13825171

FUCK, I put half of my rent on LINK.

>> No.13825182

LMFAO 2 years no main net, then people actually look at the platform and find major flaws. Just change platform and wait 10 years so you can keep shilling? Protip, they went on ETH to make shit coins like every other shit coin maker to make money. They have zero expertise in making any decentralized network or else they would've done it from the beginning.

>> No.13825188

hold mate. do not sell

>> No.13825201
File: 49 KB, 400x400, jeQN6pTG_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some nice tendies you have there anon. Would be a shame if someone fed them to Sergey now.

How about you purchase some more Chainlink(tm) api tokens?

>> No.13825216
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x1908, 20190512_130849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand all the fuss. YOU DO KNOW that Chainlink is absolutely worthless, right? YOU DO KNOW that chainlink isn't working with Swift because Swift began working with Corda, which isn't vaporware and is superior in every conceivable way, right anon? Maybe before posting on biz you should do your research.

>> No.13825220

i market bought as much as i possibly could yesterday about an hour after i noticed the schizo arg

>> No.13825231

Its a way to handle decimals, i dont see the problem

>> No.13825235


for once a LINK thread with a legitimate concern and all the replies are retards posting memes instead of talking about it. pathetic.

>> No.13825250
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>> No.13825251

I really can't tell who's trolling anymore.

I know nothing about crypto technology or how it works and I only invest on whichever /biz/ poster sounds the most sincere

Can some linkfags debunk this fud or not?
if not im selling

>> No.13825256

which network is this on?

>> No.13825262

Holy fuck this is not good. I have been holding this for over a year thinking they solved the oracle problem. its over isn’t it. Kms

>> No.13825270
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Larp, but terrible larp

>> No.13825290


>> No.13825293

fuck fuck fuck LINK is tanking check the charts

>> No.13825295

>Your contract will need to be funded with LINK in order to create a request. On the test networks, we simplify the amount to 1 LINK = 1 request.

>On the test networks, we simplify the amount to 1 LINK = 1 request.


You guys are all a bunch of retards

>> No.13825301
File: 78 KB, 720x533, 1558158161492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why they're here.

>> No.13825305

This coin legitimately stresses me out. I’ve never felt this way about an investment, I’m selling.

>> No.13825313

>I hate money

>> No.13825319

But what about Solidity. Isn't it used on mainnet?

>> No.13825323

The point is that 1 link gets you 1 api call. Are people going to buy link at $1000 USD for 1 API call? The token is worth $1 or less max.

>> No.13825340



>> No.13825355

Chainlink is a bust

>> No.13825359

Solidity is the basis of all smart contracts that create ETH tokens, most of which are divisible to 18 decimals.

You're being memed.

>The point is that 1 link gets you 1 api call.
The price per call will be expressed in any amount of your choosing, so most likely fiat.
How much link that is depends on what the price of link is at that point.

>> No.13825401
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1552551233167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha linkies btfo. 18 decimals rendered in a language that ignores decimals. How will linkies recover from this??? Years of brainlets discussing link and yet somehow they avoid the elephant in the room. Fucking kek

>> No.13825403
File: 39 KB, 384x313, 580b585b2edbce24c47b29f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> or less max
You realize api-calls are something that generally happen very frequently? Paying $1 per is ridiculous.

The fact that the LINK token is not splittable is a rookie mistake. All cryptos ended up splitting their denomination into smaller units (satoshi, wei, etc).

It's a fucking rookie mistake not to subdivide your currency, although partial tokens argueably don't make much sense either.

If they insist to operate their token as actual token (e.g. tradeable for one unit of service) the price is simply way too high right now.

Solutions are re-deploying the token such that 1Link = 1M Stinkies (or whatever they call it) and to multiply the circulating supply by that; or to wait for the market to realize the token's price is way way overvalued.

Either way is not looking particularly elegant tbqh

>> No.13825406


fucking swinglinkers fudding hard so they can attempt to buy back in cheaper

>> No.13825415

Solidity can’t handle decimals? Who programmed this shit?

>> No.13825418
File: 213 KB, 600x600, 1555959008220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hodl for sirgay

>> No.13825419

>imagine not going into remix to see the amberdata SOL contract
>imagine not having the Ropsten testnet contract address memorized by now
>imagine not seeing that they are sending to said address
>imagine not knowing that 1 link per request has always been how the testnet was designed
wew lads

>> No.13825430

>18 decimals rendered in a language that ignores decimals
Ask yourself if that makes any sense.
Especially knowing that 18 decimals is pretty much a standard for ETH (Solidity) tokens.

>> No.13825432

PSA for newfriends: This thread is absolutely packed with discord fuckers trying to get you to sell so their buyin price triggers.

>> No.13825434

> Currently they offer the ability to access a token’s USD price by it’s address right inside your smart contract. Super rad, if you ask me.

Still not fucking selling, sorry kikes.
To any newfags itt, this happens every week, cycles of coordinated FUD and shilling by the same discord-dwelling swinglinkers. You get used to it. Hold tight.

>> No.13825436

solidity dev here. OP doesnt know wtf hes talking about.

solidity does not have a decimal number type like a float

>> No.13825443

>The fact that the LINK token is not splittable
It is.
To 18 decimals.

>> No.13825444

no decimals is smart

>> No.13825451
File: 46 KB, 648x372, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of which are divisible to 18 decimals
If you don't set the MINIMUM_CONTRACT_PAYMENT Default: "1000000000000000000" that sure is correct. Too bad chainchink does exactly that. Read it yourself https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/wiki/Development-Tips

Sirgay fucked you goons good

>> No.13825463


>> No.13825466

dude stop

>> No.13825472

lmao, that's how the testnets are set up, yes.

Do you realize how easy it is to change that for mainnet?

>> No.13825508

I'm sure sergay will just airdrop you 1000000000000000000 LINK for every token you hold :)

>> No.13825509

The fact that MINIMUM_CONTRACT_PAYMENT Default: "1000000000000000000" has exactly 18 decimals proves that the Chainlink token is divisible to 18 decimals.

They just deliberately set the minimum payment at 1000000000000000000 because "1 link = 1 request" is how the testnets were set up from the start.

>> No.13825514

>swing linkers get the rope!
>never swing your linkies!
>swings link then brings up baseless fud
fuck off

>> No.13825517
File: 336 KB, 624x810, 1551128667186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in clown world does this make sense. Thanks anons just sold my stack for something with better prospects.

>> No.13825530

That 1000000000000000000 is one Link.

The unit they're using is the smallest decimal place, 18 decimals below 1 Link.

>Only in clown world does this make sense.
Nice self-aware post, anon.

>> No.13825538

I think you miscounted anon I only counted 17 zeros.

>> No.13825544
File: 36 KB, 1614x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that the LINK token is not splittable is a rookie mistake
it is though..

>> No.13825545
File: 3.40 MB, 588x588, allkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13825546



>> No.13825557

Checked but there are only 17 zeros. Can we get a recount plz

>> No.13825558

JFC the number of plebs that don't understand documentation. Don't fall for the FUD you fucking retards.

>> No.13825563

I never said 18.

>> No.13825565

debunk the fud then

>> No.13825567


i have 4k fiat waiting for threads like this.

keep dumping you faggots i want cheaper LINK!!!




>> No.13825568

imagine believing this FUD

>> No.13825574

Only because you literally miscounted.

>> No.13825576

Pretty good fud, but discordtrannys tried a bit too hard and went full retard «HAHAHAHA» too soon. Sorry! Post this FUD on plebbit if they make another thread though

>> No.13825577
File: 136 KB, 655x650, E7F2C0DB-1FCA-4831-91FD-0CFEE16EE83C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the oracle problem isn’t solved
> Link is pegged to a stable coin
> Sergey can’t even keep his own deadline with the blogs
> it will 100% dump after mainnet, all coins dump after mainnet.
> I sold at 18000 sats and want to buy back at 12000
> I am saying this all for your own good fren, nothing is in it for me

>> No.13825579
File: 228 KB, 1200x1049, 1551124575384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless the fact remains that there is no blog post and Sergey is probably too sweaty to type.

>> No.13825584
File: 53 KB, 647x310, 1551128730167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even math bro???

>> No.13825598

I'm not selling you fucking retard. I am one of the few who actually bothered to do my own research into chainlink and isn't just parroting crap or posting memes every 5 seconds. You're not getting my stack.

>> No.13825609

There are quite literally 18 though.

>Go to https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/wiki/Development-Tips
>copy paste the 1000000000000000000 next to it in Word
>delete the 1
>count characters

>> No.13825620
File: 3 KB, 219x41, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you use the computer in front of your fucking face lmao at your life

>> No.13825627

19 characters, of which 18 zeros.

>> No.13825629
File: 104 KB, 570x444, 1551128114886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you're wrong dude it always comes out as 17 for me and I program for a living.

>> No.13825638


I've done a lot of backend stuff, 1 million calls a day is pretty common. No company will pay trillions to do it though.

>> No.13825648


it’s not FUD.

it’s over.

>> No.13825653
File: 48 KB, 550x509, flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I program for a living
>for a living

>> No.13825663

Ok this is not bad fud, please stop or I might believe it.
We are in this together.

>> No.13825672

at least you figured this out now

Buy FYP on the Flyp.me DEX it's at a penny and pays dividends. It's one of the few accountless dexs and they do monero swaps. US needs a VPN to buy the FYP token though. pays dividends every quarter for over a year, just hold FYP in an ETH wallet

Buy another scarce token in Bomb Token only 1 million total supply and 1% of TX is burned forever. Coin has only 2 months in existence. Smart entry point now at 1.21 a day after the coinmarketcap listing pump retraced. US has to use a VPN to buy on DDEX or buy on shady mercatox exchange. This one is still small with tons of room to grow.
Buy 32 ETH so you have enough to stake by yourself, even if you don't, when Casper or 2.0 is finally done.

Buy WAU coin on the Waves DEX. Only a million in circulation. Price goes up every single day except 2 over the last year plus. It's only traded against waves native token but the company behind WAU coins has airdropped over $4,000 to me for holding my $100 buy. no one even follows the reddit, 4 followers. Over a year of this one dude or team posting updates on new all-time highs but no one gives a shit. Crazy that they're all buying bitcoinSV and XRP

Buy XMR. An alt with an actual use case and a large devoted user base.

Buy BNB the worlds largest crypto exchange decrease supply with a 25% buyback and burn 4 times a year.

>> No.13825673

Banks alone make billions of api calls every day collectively.
And that's without smart contracts.

Also, the collateral/staking/penalty/... system means the perceived price of link will depend on more than just the bare api call price.

>> No.13825674

I wish I wasn’t a brainlet and understood the technology and math. Instead I have to rely on all of you shillers and fuders who are trying to trick me. Feels bad.

>> No.13825681

I like this fud. Give me more.

>> No.13825684

Where is your blog post anon? The exact same thing happened just before Sergey jumped ship with nxt. He said blog post coming soon™ and then just left.

>> No.13825691

All you have to do is use google:

I can't believe newfags are falling for this fud

>> No.13825696

holy moly... what a retard

>> No.13825701


>> No.13825707
File: 10 KB, 240x210, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time annons, its time abandon your pervert shitcoins, get saved

>> No.13825711


link is all speculation

everyone sell.

if you bought the high you are a retard sell now

if you bought under one dollar sell now and be thankful for your profit.


>> No.13825724
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>> No.13825727

The blog post was actually supposed to be released yesterday. It's been ready and waiting for some time, as Sergey spent half of March and most of April writing it in preparation for the big day. He kept it on an encrypted USB drive to prevent any leaks, but it seems that Rory misplaced it somewhere while cleaning the office. No one has been able to find it as of yet and Sergey isn't allowing anyone to write up a new post either, because "it won't be the same". The whole staff has been searching for it these past few days - they were even called in during the weekend. This is at a crucial time where Chainlink still needs to stress-test its systems and make a lot of final-moment bug fixes before going live. The delay is causing jobs to pile up on the pivotal, where the velocity has fallen to low single-digit numbers.

Rory is doing some damage control on Telegram by trying to make it seem like Sergey is still writing it, but we all know that he would've had something like that ready in advance. Time is running out fast and I'm afraid that by the time they do find the flashdrive (if ever), they will be hopelessly behind schedule and mainnet will be a massive flop as a result.

>> No.13825754

Checked the fud

>> No.13825755

>delete the 1

>> No.13825759
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1784, 1547239290002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever use Google newfrens. You think you can understand a word of that link??? Don't even bother. Just rely on these friendly threads to do the thinking for you.

>> No.13825787
File: 61 KB, 741x568, 1558767371528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He thinks you can just delete 1s
Ones and zeros are fundamentally fundamental to computing anon

>> No.13825806

New fag here who's invested 300 pounds. I'm trusting in you anon. Please don't be a kikel out to get my fucking money

>> No.13825829
File: 32 KB, 553x326, 18 decimals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13825831

Good price to buy now frens! The fud worked kek

>> No.13825864

thanks fren, almost fell for it
Gonna market buy more now

>> No.13825904

I know this feel.

>> No.13825962

i can't believe this shit attempt at fud got this much attention on biz. i thought we were all smart autists

>> No.13825977

It's mostly samefagging fudders.

>> No.13826005

lol fucking retards who sold derserve it. how do you function in life believing everything someone tells you let alone online on some anime website. price is going back up soon cap this

>> No.13826012

You want the real answer to this?
>Nulinkers don’t know..

>> No.13826021

>lol fucking retards who sold derserve it.
OP Here,
I literally posted this while i'm setting up my node on my vps.

My literal sides from all these sellers

>> No.13826025

Im a brainlet and poor. Putting 1k into a serengeti park token that is supposed to revolutionize the world triggers alot of fear in me.

>> No.13826031
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>> No.13826062

good job exposing these fake ass holders and letting them get punished. i salute you. never sell fellow link marines, if you do you'll end up like these morons.

>> No.13826064

imagine coming into biz not knowing the context of link holders fudding for fun bypassing link as a scam soon to be finding out it is 300$per link and you missed the lifetime chance it is funny

>> No.13826205


>> No.13826223
File: 82 KB, 1000x1398, MANVFOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Czeched thank you based anon

>> No.13826300

read the thread?

solidity doesnt have a variable type of decimals, so decimals have to be stored as integers.

2340000000000000000 would equal a decimal of 2.34
4000000000000000 would equal a decimal of 0.004

>> No.13826312

this fud is pretty good. im guessing a state apparatus is behind it.

>> No.13826325
File: 13 KB, 240x239, 1558574340025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas is that you?

>> No.13826335

sssh we are testing nu-linkers iq

>> No.13826347

Nobody looks at the code and instead looks for breadcrumbs tying to McDonald's to make a funny meme OP with 6 replies?

>> No.13826375


>> No.13826429

that this FUD worked and actually tanked the price by 10%+ is absolutely hilarious, most LINK holders really seem to be absolutely retarded