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13822355 No.13822355 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw money cant buy happiness
We are truly living in the end times where all relationships are conditional and lack substance, and the influence of the left has taken over the media and most laws. women are all superficial, thrill-motivated whores who now hold no value to men other than their vagina. It was a time when life had meaning and now it’s all just a pursuance of hedonism and instant gratification. When will this shit show end? I’m sick of these times. Crypto itself unfortunately is not the light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.13822373
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>> No.13822386


>> No.13822409
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>It was a time when life had meaning

>> No.13822408


>> No.13822412

>money cant buy happiness

yes it can wtf it gives you so many opportunities to find happiness than anything else ever would

step off this muh conservative values bs and try having fun getting rich like the rest of us

>> No.13822416

I don’t even get enraged by low IQ responses like this anymore. If I were God I’d kill off 99.95 of the population including useless people like yourself.

>> No.13822424

Op is correct. But money does buy happiness you faggot

>> No.13822444

>having fun getting rich

There’s no fun in aimlessly gambling my money in the hottest pajeet tier basement projects out right now. I’ve already made it in 2017 and you newfags are just beating the dead horse. Shitcoins are done. The fad is over

>> No.13822447
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>low IQ
you're the low IQ for taking shitposting seriously. quit being a faggot

>> No.13822489

If you asset yourself you don't have to deal with these whores

>> No.13822577

this is kind of gay to be honest. just live your life, faggot.

>> No.13822643

Fuck all of you braindead self absorbed NPCs. I hope none of you ever make it and you all die poor just like how you were born.

>> No.13822689

no, what i meant was just live your life and start a family or a business, or whatever. What is the point of being unhappy? Get therapy if you need something like that, and get some exercise. My linkey's stay stinky $1000 EOY.

>> No.13822699

read the fucking post.

>> No.13822738

i did, just ignore them and live your life.

>> No.13822837
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>> No.13822851

Fight the (((people))) that are responsible for subverting our societies to (((clown world))). Take back what’s ours. Then we can put our women back into their place and live in a eugenic society that only strives for the best of our kind. A society in which everyone is spiritually connected towards this ideal. A society in which family, community, country and people is the primary focus and not Jewish power.

We only have ourselves to blame for falling for the tempting lies of the Jews. Instead of being strong and upholding our morals and way of life we let them take control of us and guide us towards degeneracy. No more! Fight back. Fuck the Jews!

>> No.13822904
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Based and high IQ. There is no place in this world for people like us, OP.

>> No.13822914

>empty platitudes
It's like a script

I sympathize, OP. and there's no turning back once you realize how bad thing have gotten... and what's been taken from you

At this point, funding your freedom should be your top priority. do whatever it takes, but get it done - and fast

>> No.13823040

Have sex incels

>> No.13823080

>im so deep if only you guys could be like me the world would be so much better

everything is conditional unless you want to be a parasite

>> No.13823081

Why exactly are things so bad right now?

>> No.13823115

Unfettered capitalism, cultural subversion by the elites, no longer valuing social ties and a society based around unbridled narcissism

>> No.13823138

Time it was and what a time it was it was. A time of innocence. a time of confidences

>> No.13823147

>>13822355 (OP)
That is indeed the sad truth... it's all broken beyond repair

>> No.13823157

Sounds like a bunch of first world problems to me. If I make good money doing a job I actually am content with and am able to do and buy all the things I want during my free time, what exactly is there to be upset about? I do admit that social trust right now is very low, but I couldn't care less because I'm on the schizoid spectrum and care very little about relationships in general.

>> No.13823167

its a great time to be a high value male. ie a winner in some competitive aspect; sports, business, arts, etc.
its a shitty time to be a low value male, as it has been for most of history
do what you will with this information

>> No.13823185

Again, why is it so shitty for average males? Reading the posts in this topic is kind of like a rich princess complaining about the fact that her favorite flavor of cake is not available while there are people on the streets eating rats to survive.

>> No.13823230

Did you already admit that you see no value in forming meaningful relationships with human beings? I know you're autistic but try to understand that for many non-mentally ill people this basically invalidates your opinion on issues within society.

>> No.13823232
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>> No.13823254

KYS because you'll always be miserable. The world is getting better for most of human civ. You might as well do us a favor and quit before it gets worse for you

>> No.13823261
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everything you think you own is actually owned by jews. and you will slave your entire life away for them until you die, gorging yourself on jew blood pressure medication, jew media, and jew debt.

>> No.13823262

"average" males have a decent job, several friends IRL, probably a girlfriend or a girl they are talking to that they met through said friends. You and me are not average because we are here. Hence your issue.

>> No.13823266

>t. Steven pinker
Go shill your jew shit somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.13823276

Past a certain age relationships are a meme. I don't see how autism fits into this. It is common knowledge that relationships are conditional (with the exception of close family, and even that is debatable) and with technology increasing to the point where society can be atomized instead of community based, obviously people will not interact as much.

>> No.13823282


>> No.13823294

What is my issue exactly? I have a very good job, used to have friends but relationships to me are very infuriating due to the obligations involved so I cut them out of my life, I am also in good financial status so I am able to buy and do most things in reason. What is the issue?

>> No.13823303

This is true for those in debt, everything I have is paid off.

>> No.13823319

The jews aren't doing it though. The media only shows people what they want to see for views. Women getting rights is what is causing the democrats to win not the jews.

>> No.13823336

>used to have friends
>no gf prospects
>whats the issue?
if the first 2 don't bother you, then absolutely nothing. srs. if they do, then you'll need to make a change of some sort.

>> No.13823345
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Who *owns* the media???

>> No.13823371

Just what I thought.

>> No.13823398

The media is just spewing what the public wants to see back at them. It's not choosing americas opinions. People are maibly just viewing social media today anyway not the media. Most religeous jews are actually republican anyway.

>> No.13823473

Imagine being this dumb.

>> No.13823510

Imagine being this brainwashed by jews

>> No.13823627
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>people want to see the most negative shit happening to the world 24/7
>jews totally haven't gamed women's rights to their upmost advantage
not to mention>>13823345

>> No.13823900

Haven't you geard of confirmation bias and cognitive dissinance? There's a reason people in dem states don't watch fox news and instead watch cnn. They want to see opinions and evidence which confirms beliefs they already hold.

Those journalists were obviously just trying to create controversy to generate views and money. Controvercy creates revenue for news organizations. Jewish journalists aren't the only ones who do it. It'a a pretty common unethical practice in journalism.

>> No.13824941

Idk anon my gf is great, I have a good job, and can't wait to have kids in the future

>> No.13825044


Wow op is a major faggot.

>if i were god
But your're not. You're just a sad, broken, little man.

>> No.13825057
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Forgot pic

>> No.13825118

I agree.
Exactly what he needs right now is to be called a faggot, but he can't even see it.