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1381841 No.1381841 [Reply] [Original]

I wish i could move to the US (poorfag brazilian).

I know some people who were miserable here, then they decided to pack their stuff, say fuck it and risk it all starting anew in the US with just enough money for the ticket, food and a place to stay for a few days, none of them even knew how to speak english and they still did it. They somehow got jobs, blue collar stuff like construction and manufacturing (they say american kids consider themselves too good for those jobs), but they are making good money, after just a few months they already moved to much better places, bought nice cars that would take them YEARS of work to pay for here in Brazil and are living a much better life than they possibly could here in Brazil doing the same jobs, one of them met a very cute and sweet american girl, they are dating and plan to get married.

Is this the so called american dream? Moving to the US and making a much better life for yourself?

I wish i was brave enough to risk it all like they did and move to the US to start a new life, i can speak some basic english but i don't have the stomach to move alone to a different country where i'm going to feel out of place, lonely and probably face xenophoby regularly. It also doesn't help that i have no skills and since i'm short and weak americans wouldn't want to give me blue collar jobs.
I'm so depressed here in Brazil, a friend of mine landed a job in Argentina and said he's never coming back to this shithole.

>> No.1381844

>I can speak some basic English
Or better. I met a Brazilian guy here. If you want to come don't talk about where you're from. No one cares. Good of luck.

>> No.1381849

Fuck off dirty illegal scum.

>> No.1381854

Why do you scum strive to go to USA? Fucking abhorrent healthcare system, brainless sport fanaticism, awful school systems, corruption out the ass politics, media bias central.

Canada is next door and such a more intelligent choice. Fuck, you'd have a better life moving to the Congo

>> No.1381859

Canada is a massive shitehole. My bro in law is from there, made 100k from construction and ended up paying nearly 40k in taxes. Plus your healthcare is the dumbest shite ever, waiting in line for the ER. Coupled with a shitty leadership and autists, Canada is America's sweaty taintland.

>> No.1381865

live in Brazil and then you'll see you take all the first world things for granted. USA might not be the comfiest life but it sure as hell would beat life as a poor Brazilian. Conveniences like owning a dryer (a norm in America) is a luxury in Brazil.

>> No.1381873


Stay the fuck out of the US

>> No.1381879

I'm a US/Australia/Europe tri- citizen and assure you that public health care works fine. You wait for trivial surgery, you always get immediate surgery for urgent needs.

You are absolutely right in implying other countries pay higher tax. That's the cost of public health etc.

>> No.1382021


Come to Europe mate. One of my friend set up a surf school in Spain and he does very well for himself. US is crap for poor people, worst than Brazil in many ways

>> No.1382024


Friend is from Rio btw. And he moved here easily because French gf. Look for a gf and move along with her

>> No.1382026
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x1584, immigration flow chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you planning to immigrate?

>> No.1382028


With reflexion, worst than Brazil is pbbly not true, but definetly not as good and easy as you expect it to be.

>> No.1382035


Also europe is much easier, just get her pregnant. That's it, you have a child with European citizenship : welcome compatriot

>> No.1382036

>claim to be poor Brazilian
>fly in an airplane instead of rafting it
Pls poser. your bouguise ways make me sick. stay away from Home Depot richfag

>> No.1382049

you are trying too hard. He obviously would find a job much more easily in America than Europe. Also in Europe we don't have second and third generation illegals as in the US, he would be found out and sent back to Brasil.

>> No.1382067


I am curious to know where in Europe you're from? We have fucking tons of illegals everywhere and nobody has difficulties finding a job. As long as you're not a nigger/sand nigger, nobody gives a shit about you, you're a minority not worth the concern. I am talking about the new Europe, UK has always been US's cucks

Also, found out and sent back ? Wtf? You get a court date and you're not even being detained meanwhile, just give false name, don't go, get condemned to leaving the country, and go on with your life. Once you've been here and working for some years, citizenship is automatic in some countries.

>> No.1382098

Brazilian here. I have a company with a 2.4 mi reais income anually. Brazil is a shithole if you don't know how to live here.
E sim, eu fico aqui quase o dia todo, visto que a maior parte do dia eu não tenho merda nenhuma pra fazer e só tenho 23 anos.

>> No.1382176

what industry is it?

>> No.1382710

OP here
I want to live in the USA but only if i can move in and get a job legally, so relax.
Europe is obviously good too but it seems that the job market is much better in the USA, with many more opportunities.
I'd probably move to the USA if i were european too.

>> No.1382720

OP I went down to california from Canada.

Met a Canadian girl that worked in the US illegally for 6 months (we are allowed to visit for 6 months). The hostel I was at employed another girl illegally for 6 months. Met a Spanish guy that went to the US to work picking fruit, illegally. Honestly it seems it is easier to find a job illegally in the US than legally in Canada for Canadian citizens.

Seriously, there are illegals everywhere. You can make it.

>> No.1382734

What if they are found out?

>> No.1383237

I three have videoame/toys stores.

>> No.1383268

charm a woman with you're Brazilian charms.
Or find one that wants to get married for tax reasons.

Marriage makes things like immigrating much easier.

>> No.1383289

I'd wager a good 30% of americans don't have a dryer or a washer but use the those coin laundries/landremats in their bldng. Life is always greener on the other side my hue hue friend.

>> No.1383290

I'm planning on overstaying on a Visa Waiver in the US and attempting to find someone to marry in the meantime.

This realistic at all? I'm euro.

>> No.1383318
File: 3.88 MB, 158x223, ayo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gimmie free shit


>> No.1383334


OP, if you're looking for work and shelter, you can pretty much work on people's farms for an extended period depending on what they specify.
Might be good to consider in the short term, as well as the fact that this is worldwide if you decide to go anywhere else.

>> No.1383347


No body cares an there are places in california that are safe zones (forgot the technical term) for illegals (the city refuses to hand them over to the feds).

Besides, there are so many illegals, it is like torrenting movies.

>> No.1383357

This shit seems promising.

>> No.1383359

>No body cares
that's why trump is a contender

>> No.1383382

>work for free

>> No.1384188

At least you're not Russian.

>> No.1384753


Taxes in Canada are completely fucked

Literally why should I try to earn a decent wage with 50% income tax