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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1357338 No.1357338 [Reply] [Original]

I'm developing a fantasy 4chan stock exchange codenamed Meme Exchange (memex) for now.

The idea is that you create an account and you get given 1000 fake dollars. You can use this to invest in boards and potentially memes.

I will have scripts running on the server analyzing each board every hour and automatically assigning value to the stocks based on a long list of factors including but not limited to: number of threads per hour, posts per hour, number of posters per thread, average thread lifetime, and so on and so on. It will obviously also be effected by how much people invest in the stock too. I want to factor in enough things that can effect price that it won't be too easy to game it but you can still have fun with manipulating the market. The idea is that you have to speculate on boards popularity (and other factors), you can make money from certain boards influx of summerfags etc.

I'm just putting it out to you guys at the moment to get your feedback, any ideas you have, what features you think would be cool etc. Especially what factors you think should effect stock prices and by what amount.

I'm planning to have leaderboards so you can try and compete on who is making the most money. They'll be graphs showing you historical prices and all that normal stuff.

I was thinking of adding memes that are text based as investment options, like Trump, kek, :^), etc. Things that I can actually track use of.

>> No.1357353 [DELETED] 

what a retarded waste of time, if you can do this and most importantly have the time and energy surely you could make something productive with your skills that earns you money.

>> No.1357355

1 fake dollar = 1 satoshi?

>> No.1357357

I already make money being self employed. This is just for fun (and to learn a couple things on the way)

>> No.1357361


Ya faggot, usually people that make money do stupid shit with their extra time. You fucking neet poor fag.

>> No.1357362

I remember when I was in college and used to get hard for open source bullshit. Now that my parents don't pay my bills I'd rather make money for the time I spend working.

>> No.1357363

This guy can fuck off, don't listen to him OP.

I think your project sounds really cool. I would say make sure to protect low-activity boards from being flooded with posts/certain memes in order to stop the value from being pumped. I'm not sure how one would go about this but it seems important to me.

The text based meme investment option sounds like a solid idea and a cool way to track the growth of memes over time, I would definitely implement that if I were you.

What language will you be using primarily?

>> No.1357367

I'm a freelance web dev and I have more than enough clients. This is just a small side-project compared to what I usually work on.

>> No.1357371


Welp I have a question for you than.

How does one go about getting clients?

>> No.1357373

Protecting pump and dump of slow boards is my primary concern at the moment. Which is why there will be more factors than a simple "number of posts per hour" to determine value. I also don't want to incentivise shitting up the slow boards. I want them to be valuable in their own right somehow which is why average lifespan of threads could be important.

The text based options could be very useful for short-term wins I think with boards being long-term investments.

>> No.1357396

Sorry, language wise. I'm going to be implementing the full Meme stack. NodeJS on the backend behind nginx with some sort of nosql db. ReactJS on the front-end if I need any app-like interface. Balls to the walls memes all around.

I worked full-time for a few years and made a good reputation. All of my clients are digital agencies, I don't do direct clients. By the time I arrive on a project budgets have been signed off and designs agreed. It's a much more efficient way of getting work in and signing it off. I never have to deal directly with the end client and I get paid before the projects even go live. I also earn twice as much as when I worked full time and work half the amount. You have to not mind networking a bit though.

>> No.1358030

bump for input

>> No.1358333

How bout you make it actual money instead of fake money?

>> No.1358420


I don't want to be responsible when someone hacks my side project and makes off with other peoples cash

Also the algorithms that will be determining the value of stocks will be completely made up and arbitrary and likely easy to game with enough effort.

And thirdly the myriad of legalities of doing so.

>> No.1358499


Then use fake money that can be turned into real money (crypto) instead.

>> No.1359174

I like this.

>> No.1359547

Just make a new PoS coin called Memecoin and have it be the primary currency of your exchange.

>> No.1359561

sounds like a fun project! do it!!!

>> No.1359565

>tfw going long in YLYL

>> No.1359582

I have considered it, but I will leave it for a later version maybe. How much of my fake money exists in the market is completely arbitrary and tied to how many accounts people make, people could just create more accounts and boom, you have more real money.

Someone help me create a list of text based memes I can start it with

Ones that require something slightly more than an equal match can also be done, so tracking use of (((this))) is fine too for instance.

>> No.1359593

>Someone help me create a list of text based memes I can start it with
You could start off with that KNPD joke floating around /biz/. Would be funny if it became real.

>> No.1360749

Bump don't let this die

>> No.1360834

>not putting it in HOWEVER

>> No.1360861
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>> No.1361828
File: 15 KB, 206x281, Screen Shot 2016-07-05 at 12.44.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is current top 20 boards, or see http://pastebin.com/n66sLcyz for full list.

Got a script analysing all the boards and assigning a value based on speed of the board and also average thread length. The number is price per share with a floor of 1 so the boards at the bottom of the list are slow as molasses and also have a very low reply depth to match.

One interesting thing I noticed is /trash/ is doing surprisingly well. Perhaps a great summer investment?

/vg/ I think is edging ahead due to the massive average length of each thread, as to be expected from the board.

>> No.1363344
File: 61 KB, 482x267, Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 01.10.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also just got my scraper working so can start creating stocks for various text based memes.

Why does /mlp/ have so much text content?

>> No.1363349


Seriously, make a crypto, start a small, 4chan based ipo and develop the website around it. You make a ton of money, I make a ton of money, and we both have fun.

>> No.1363350

In all honesty, this isn't a terrible idea.

Very unusual, a little questionable, but it has potential.

The real question is, SHOULD you do it?

>> No.1363354

sounds proper dodge m8, I can't sell fake shares for "real" money for a company I'm not even involved with

why not? it's just a bit of fun, just a side project for me, will be a laugh seeing people tying to game/crash the market

>> No.1363373

>/a/ that high

it's slow as shit compared to ~2009 how can this be

>> No.1363381

it's a combination of board speed and thread depth, so lots of long threads can boost value

>> No.1363908

when do you think this will go online? Sounds like good fun

>> No.1364093
File: 3 KB, 253x165, 1467759078032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W... they masterbate to fanfictions constantly

>> No.1364142

Realistically not for another couple weeks maybe but potentially a beta sooner. Depends how busy I get with work.

>> No.1365380

>tfw you pump and dump memes on s4s
Gonna make a killing

>> No.1365399

they can't acually post porn there because it's a blue board, but everyone in /mlp/ is there because they want to jack it to pastel horses so they have to make due with writefaggotry.

>> No.1365411

there's an idea, a stock exchange that uses BTC instead of money. And then one day they'll just disappear with 700 million BTC

>> No.1365423

Bump. Sounds cool

>> No.1365437

Like it. could bei fun

>> No.1366172

This sounds like a fantastic way to gamble, I hope you see the crypto potential for this but I respect your decision to keep it strictly play money. If it helps I wouldn't mind paying money for this and I'm sure gookm00t might have an interest as well to generate more views. Also keep in mind that certain individuals can be major market movers, specifically LongPostGuy on /o/ generally hits the bump cap very fast and obviously major games on /sp/ can generate spontaneous memes

>> No.1367177

Tfw you lost all your money going long on redpill

>> No.1367584

Okay, so a couple of ideas:

In order to prevent spam and potential bans, add a variable that makes negative growth based on the increase in amount of posts/hour in a board.

Parse all posts but do not try to search for certain words. People can insert these words in seemingly inocuos statemtns and make them look like memes to the parser. You possibly need to have a line parser with minimal grammar in order to filter spelling mistakes/formatting error and tags.

Integrate a [BIG GUY] mode wherein posts from certain boards like /tv/ are only parsed during the hours of least activity the previous day, and this information is not made public. This means there would be a surge of shitposting at these hours but would then minimize.

This could be the end of 4chan, be careful.p

>> No.1367612 [DELETED] 

Also, you don't have to list all memes, make the people vote. Give every account 10 votes and let someone make the list by individually adding these. Then people vote on this, and they can upvote or downvote. The total number of votes are 10, and if you upvote once it means you can downvote nine others and vice versa. Then , memes that pass a certain threshold will be counted and the others will not be. Memes that pass a certain negative score will yeild a negative return. Also, an increase in the number of accounts means that every user will get less money when he first opens an account.

Also, let them buy memecoins using bitcoins/ethcuck. It will add value fast. Also, the number of ylyl threads on b inversely affect the yeild. Also, whenever hiroyuki comments, make the stock jump. It will be fucking exciting.

Also let people buy 4chan passes for a certain number of memecoins.

>> No.1367635

Also, you can buy more votes with more memcoins but once you upvote/downvote someing you can not take it back.

>> No.1367647

Everyone's just gonna invest in /b/.

>> No.1367758

This sounds p cool
Make sure to keep biz updated once the thread dies

>> No.1367990


>> No.1368058

Whatever you do the currency should be good boy points or GBP for short.

>> No.1368082

Trump isn't a meme though

>> No.1368084

This is how serious I hope people take it.

It's difficult to differentiate between genuine growth because of a big event and people trying to game it. For instance I want people to be able to invest in /sp/ because there's a world cup coming up and you can profit off of the increased traffic. Same for big elections with /pol/. So I'm hesitant to penalise growth but at the same time I don't want to encourage shitposting so not sure how to handle it. Because the stock analysis happens every hour and because it take quite a few posts at the moment to increase value even a little bit it shouldn't be too easy to just shitpost a little to make gains. Same with the text based memes. You can spam it if you want but you're going to get banned and you might increase the value enough to pay for transaction fees (I'm going to implement a small % fee per transaction so you can't profit it off of extremely minor fluctuations like a bit of shitposting). I like the idea of value spikes when hiro posts (obviously hiro being worth much more). I'd like to program lots of small things like that can negatively or positively effect value.

Voting on what memes to include will be useful. Will keep it fresh without me needing to manually update it.

>> No.1368152

I'm not saying penalize all growth, but only within certain thresholds. If there's a 10% increase (pretty common in the day/night shift) you can penalize that. Not a 50% increase or something like that.

>> No.1368159

Also send me 10,000 free good boy points for this shit.


>> No.1368160

Also make a git or something

>> No.1368172

Please us this >>1368058
My mummy supports it

>> No.1368179

I'm actually getting way more excited for this than I probably should be. What language are you using? And have you thought about implementing a mobile version?

>> No.1368423

Yeah I really like the idea. Do you have twitter, github or some email where someone can reach you?

>> No.1368426

I literally posted this on biz a few weeks ago.

You forgot to add in meme trading cards, like csgo skins.

>> No.1368571

Anon, for performance reasons I'd recommended using something else, especially on the extremely off chance it actually catches on.

My personal recommendation would be Golang, but there are many that would be just as suitable.

>> No.1368598

This idea is awesome

The potential for shitting up several boards on 4chan is real, but it only makes it better

I do believe there should be a crypto tied to this project because investing with play money is as interesting and engaging as playing poker with beans

Keeping an eye on this thread

>> No.1368627

One other technical nit:
For the DB backing the "bank" of users' finances and possessions, you may want to consider something more... reliable than a single MongoDB/ArangoDB/ReactDB/othertrendyDB machine. The sperg in me would want my net worth in memes to be backed by something more stable than Mongo.

>The potential for shitting up several boards on 4chan is real, but it only makes it better

OP, how would memes be recognized by the exchange? If it's just plain-text matches and byte-to-byte image comparisons, people could game this pretty hard by going long on "sgskdvwldgdjdvwksgwksbfoej" and starting some sort of "share your memex symbols" thread, wherein they just post their (and others') keywords to profit.

Would you have some sort of quantitative meme listing standards which are automatically computed, or something of a listing committee which defines a meme by way of regexes and image MD5s?

>> No.1368690

God dammit this thread is fucking hilarious

>> No.1368693

Why did mods delete

anyway, here it is:

Also, you don't have to list all memes, make the people vote. Give every account 10 votes and let someone make the list by individually adding these. Then people vote on this, and they can upvote or downvote. The total number of votes are 10, and if you upvote once it means you can downvote nine others and vice versa. Then , memes that pass a certain threshold will be counted and the others will not be. Memes that pass a certain negative score will yeild a negative return. Also, an increase in the number of accounts means that every user will get less money when he first opens an account.

Also, let them buy memecoins using bitcoins/ethcuck. It will add value fast. Also, the number of ylyl threads on b inversely affect the yeild. Also, whenever hiroyuki comments, make the stock jump. It will be fucking exciting.

Also let people buy 4chan passes for a certain number of memecoins.

>> No.1368736
File: 98 KB, 480x480, shot0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be the chairman of the SEC (Shitposting and Expletives Commission) overseeing the operations of the MemEx

Suddenly >>1368084 makes so much more sense.

I don't exactly support the idea of directly voting for memes. I'd prefer a select group of regulators who at least decide standards for a tradable instrument, if not deciding directly on each additional meme. This way, experts from boards could be able to gauge the meme "market" from the viewpoints of their respective boards, and decide appropriately.

Would the memes' value change based on where and how they're posted? i.e. a meme commented on /g/ being valued differently than the same meme on, say, /a/. Further, would an image be valued differently from a text comment?

>> No.1368741

One last thought before bed:
Perhaps if there is a regulatory board, their performance could be evaluated on the value of their respective boards over time. If /f/'s representative member causes the value of /f/ and its memes to fall significantly over their tenure, then there could be some mechanism for them to be removed and replaced.

>> No.1368804

Sounds fucking awesome OP

>> No.1369096

Sounds real fun.
Don't listen to people saying this should require crypto, or boards are going to be flooded with pennyless autists spamming even more meme than now because their assburger money isn't enough to buy some anime toy

>> No.1369358

Build it in ethereum

>> No.1369783

Can the users sell anything to each other, or would it all be buying from and selling to an automated dealer?

>> No.1369839
File: 737 KB, 738x780, 1465522381400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this thread. I want to believe


Deal with it

>> No.1369965

I just had the weirdest feeling of serendipity. I made that gif (along with a small collection of glitch pepe's) about a year and a half ago now and posted it to /r9k/. Didn't think I'd ever see it again, let alone in a thread I made on /biz/. I'm a bit of a board drifter.

I have thought about this. The main problem is people opening multiple accounts and pushing all gains into a single account. Will consider it though if I can think of a good way to do it.

At the moment it's a predefined list of (non case sensitive) text matches. There's also the option of doing basic regex matches too, like for (((these))) type of things.I havn't given much though to image md5 matching as images get tweaked a lot and it gets really difficult to follow. I don't think it would be accurate enough.

Apologies if I reply slow, got to do my normal projects in the day time.

>> No.1369981

the stock manipulation would literally never end

>> No.1369994

>pushing all the gains to a single account
Why not prohibit trading to/from new (≤1wk old) accounts?

>I just had the weirdest feeling of serendipity. I made that gif (along with a small collection of glitch pepe's) about a year and a half ago now and posted it to /r9k/. Didn't think I'd ever see it again, let alone in a thread I made on /biz/. I'm a bit of a board drifter.
A year ago, I made a shitty baneposting webm and posted it exactly once on /wsg/. It got in with the first ~1.5k csgoani.me webms. Somehow, a friend of mine rolled that particular webm and posted its link in a voce chat server I frequent.

Are you looking for help on this? I'm interested in working on exchange software, fluent in Golang, and have done some (imho) good graphic design work.

>> No.1370012

>Why not prohibit trading to/from new (≤1wk old)
I don't think this will deter anyone, even at a longer time schedule, it's easy to open a bunch of accounts and just wait a week if it means making easy gains. I would like to think of a good way to do it though.

>Are you looking for help on this?
Not at the moment, but not out of ego. This is mostly a learning exercise for me to learn a couple things in a fun way. I'm also a web developer by trade and I'm under no illusion that "real" developers could do a better job. I'm going to get it up and running and then maybe other people can help perfect it then or even take it over and improve it.

>> No.1370015

>under no illusion that "real" developers couldn't do a better job"
I mean

>> No.1370032

>under no illusion that "real" developers couldn't do a better job
>implying I'm not a hobbyist

I think most of /biz/ would agree that this has potential to be EXTREMELY popular, particularly quickly.

It'd be a shame to waste the opportunity.

On a personal note, I'd really like to try my hand at working an exchange and/or automated trading. Considering the costs of doing this "for real" are insurmountable for a hobbyist, and there aren't any good interactive, at-scale exchange simulators, I'm SOL most everywhere else.
I'd hope you would open up some sort of HFT-compatible API, even if it operates on a different instance of the exchange, or if it has different limitations than a users' direct trading.

>> No.1370042

Maybe I can create a separate 'developer account' which let's that account trade through an api so you could interface with the exchange. Then you could play with writing HFT bots with no risk.

I can then have a separate leaderboard for who has the best algorithms. Kind of like the Chess AI championships where chess programs are pitted against each other. Having a separate account type makes it easier to separate them from everyone else.

>> No.1370049

hey m8, I know node,react,redux etc. Make a github repo unless you want this to be a solo project.

>> No.1370065

As I mentioned in >>1370012 it's partly a personal learning thing at the moment but I fully intend to open it up once I've got it up and running.

I'm writing the data collection/scraping stuff as a stand alone thing separate to the main site so I might open that up much earlier as people might find it useful. Has a few useful utility functions for scraping every thread in a board at once and stuff like that. Might be useful to someone.

>> No.1370077

/pol/ is looking like an untapped meme market imo

>> No.1370087

I'd like to restate this question from >>1368736
>Would the memes' value change based on where and how they're posted? i.e. a meme commented on /g/ being valued differently than the same meme on, say, /a/. Further, would an image be valued differently from a text comment?

>> No.1370106

At the moment there's nothing board specific that effects a meme stocks value. Also at the moment there are no image based stocks because of the difficulty in tracking images that are modified slightly. It's possible to figure out how similar images are to each other using various image analysis techniques but maybe out of scope for version 1.

Do you think boards should effect a memes value? I like the idea that it could spread organically and there not being artificial limits on it's potential to become valuable. Investing in early memes that could spread is actually a good way to speculate on stocks.

>> No.1370110

As a follow up. Maybe the variety of meme stocks that appear on an individual board could increase that boards stock value? so a board like [s4s] might create value through shear variety. It's something to consider.

>> No.1370404

I absolutely think that post location (with some other data points about that board) should factor in to the price.

A good starting algorithm would include, using /g/'s "install gentoo" as an example:
- a "home" board for the meme (/g/)
- the "home" board's post rate (medium)
- the home board's propensity to share original memes across boards (low)
- the meme's frequency on the home board
- the meme's frequency on the target board
- the meme's frequency across all boards
- the meme's absolute post frequency (15 utterances per minute)
- the meme's relative post frequency (56th most posted)
- for boards with IDs enabled, the spread of IDs that use it (only having one ID posting it should penalize the cost)
- for boards with country flags enabled, the variety of countries that post it (more countries are typically better)
- Perhaps some seasonality measurements (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc)
- assuming an hourly update rate, the change in post frequencies relative to the last update, the last 6 updates, and the last 24 updates.
- the rate at which people are buying and selling "shares" in this meme

I think users should be able to view some historic values of these measurements, but not necessarily all of them.

And finally, there should be some mechanism to buy shares of a meme across all boards, across predetermined groups of boards, and on a single board. The valuation of these groups and boards would be adjusted for post rate, OC creation, etc.

I would still like to see some way to users trade amongst themselves, but j recognise the difficulty of doing so.

>> No.1370507

Are you going to make a blog and or kick-starter/patreon. I would like updates and i want to invest in pol everytime there is a happening

>> No.1370591

>tfw going long in >tfw

>> No.1370667


I think I can add a couple more to your list.
- Every board needs its own archive to function.
- A deleted post that contained a meme reduces that meme's value by 2x what the meme stock would gain if it was undeleted. The deleted post is obviously pulled from external archives.
- Posts deleted by mods that contained memes are really bad for the stock and reduce its value by 4x the jumpin stock would have been if the meme would have been used properly.
- Dubs and any kind of repeating digits that contain memes give a bonus of 1.yx to the value of that post. Here, y is the number of repeating digits. 2 for dubs, 3 for trips,etc.
- Memes contained within amazing gets (one million, or 333333 or 55555, gets like that) increase the stock's value by 3x, or if the contents of the get did not contain a new meme, the contents are then added to the database to add a new platinum meme.
- A platinum meme has a multiplier that is inversely proportional to the poularity of the board. So, an amazing get at /po/ would have a greater multiplier than a get at /pol/ or /b/.
- IF any admin/mod/jani/sysdev posts contain a meme, the meme gets a 0.5x boost for a day. 0.5 x is the base multiplier, and increases by 0.1x according to this heirarchy:
- Special faggots like swaglord and moot ("Admin") get a special bonus depending on what /s4s/ votes (board memeberships later) on them.
- Delayed Acknowledgement: Everything takes five minutes to process, so gets from /b/ are never crowded while the smaller boards get a chance and this evens everything out and reduces the possibility of DDOSing a meme. this timer can be changed but then this needs to be neutral and not deviate the stock much.

>> No.1370670

This sounds super stupid but also great. I will play it. Gwt to work OP

>> No.1370686

The last part had me thinking Anon...
If this does go into full effect, wouldnt 4chan just turn into a site where the users are gambling endlessly for fake money? Also, if this does happen, i wouldnt want to see guys just spamming things left and right for a couple bucks. All boards would be cluttered with said posts and nothing else.This is a good project but im not liking the possible aftereffects this will have.

>> No.1370690

- "Amazing" gets should be self-contained- 99444444 is not an amazing get while 44444444 is an amazing get.
- Board memeberships: Before anyone can start trading, you need to become member of a board. Every board has a certain memebership fine/tax, they take a certain % of your profits in exchange for certain perks and bonuses on certain memes. If you are a memeber of /tv/, then you get a 1.1x bonus anytime "BIG GUY" and "PLANE CRASHING" are used on other boards. Boards with "stable"(long- lasting) memes have a higher multiplier but also have an inherently lower chance of the meem being used on other boards. This list of memes is updated monthly and depends on the total usage of memes on a certain board. Memes CAN change boards but only after a long period of time, and these memes are called "Golde" memes.These have an inherent 1.6x multiplier and are very, very profitable.
- You can reject your current memebership and move to another board but this takes away half of your memecoins.
- "Failed" memes and "Forced" memes:Memes that were once positive but are now negative, are Failed memes. A slight variation on a popular meme is a forced meme. Spelling mistakes count as forced memes (like, bug guy instad of big guy). Both of these have a 0.9x post multiplier.
- Tripfags and namefags are ignored.

>> No.1370706

I forgot two important variables:
- Number of replies to posts containing that meme
- Whether or not the post is an OP

>- A deleted post that contained a meme reduces that meme's value by 2x what the meme stock would gain if it was undeleted. The deleted post is obviously pulled from external archives.
2x seems a bit high, maybe 1.5x would be more apt, especially since this could be used to manipulate the prices. Also, I doubt the archive owners would appreciate being bombarded every hour.
>- Posts deleted by mods...
Can we tell when mods delete a post, as opposed to the author?
>- Dubs and any kind of repeating digits that contain memes give a bonus...
I have to disagree here, IMHO post numbers should have nothing to do with the value. If the reply count is factored in, this could easily make up for it, as replies to a post can be related to the number of repeating digits.
>- IF any admin/mod/jani/sysdev posts contain a meme, the meme gets a 0.5x boost for a day. 0.5 x is the base multiplier, and increases by 0.1x according to this heirarchy:
This is a good addition.
>- Delayed Acknowledgement
It crunches the numbers every hour. There's already a delay.

>> No.1370905

>Can we tell when mods delete a post, as opposed to the author?
yes, users can not delete their posts after two minutes.

>> No.1371621


>> No.1371709

All good points. I'm going to try and track as many data points as possible and I'll try and make some of these works too. At the moment I give stocks a starting price of 1 and augment from there but I'm thinking it might be better to start at something like 100 and augment using percentages and fractions to add and remove value based on a list of factors. We have to be careful that there aren't too many influencing factors. One element of the market should be that without enough thought you can speculate with some level of accuracy how future events will effect stock price. I wouldn't want to random factors negatively influencing a stocks price during an even that should logically increase a stocks value. We should distill it down to an algirithm that has multiple factors like you guys have mentioned but contains some logic as to why it effects the stock that way.

A blog is a good idea. I might set one up soon. I have no intention of asking for money though.

I already have ideas for stopping spamming and others have contributed ideas to this effect too. First off, text based memes will only be counted once in a post. Pasting '>tfw' loads into a single post will count once. Because the site is going to be scraped once an hour, there is no guarantee a mod won't delete your shitpost before scraping begins. I'll also look at the memes likelihood of appearing on that board. So if a meme is spammed on a board it's never been on before it won't effect the value very much. If it's sustained over a long time and is indicative of being part of the board culture then it will rise in value.

Gets effects value is a great idea, I think quads and up should count with quads having a minor effect and going up from there. A balance between the quality of the get and how many people replied could be a good indicator of value.

Tomorrow I'll post some pseudo-code that will assign value to stocks so everyone can give input.

>> No.1372142

>Developer Account
You should probably go with an API key approach, where devs get a flag set on their account that allows them to generate and use up to N active API keys. They can use these keys for one bot instance, but some basic info about the bot has to be provided (language used, version of bot, etc.) before the key is allowed to trade, and the key gets suspended if the bot breaks rules (like rate limits) too many times.

If user-to-user trading ever happens, the balances gathered with API keys should not tradable outside of the main dealer system.

Also, maybe the dev accounts should be able to move profit around between API keys. Say the starting balance for a new bot is 10,000 memecoins. If the bot makes a profit (500mc), then the balance rests at 10,500mc. To prevent cheating, the dev wouldn't be allowed to move any more than the 500mc the bot earned, but if the dev decides to shut down that bot, then he could move that 500mc to another API key he owns.

I like the algorithmic competition aspect too.

Do you have an API spec in mind yet?

>> No.1372810


>> No.1373234

Give me your thoughts.

Algorithm: (specifically for valuing text memes)

let x = meme
let board = the current board that this specific instance of x has appeared on
let value = 100 (cost per share of x, thoughts on base price?)
let num_shares = 50,000 (how should we decide this?, having a market cap is good I think, it can be raised periodically)

for every post on every board that contains x
- if board speed is higher than ‘slow’ OR board is defined as x’s homeboard, add .5% to value
- if x is posted by a tripfag, remove .5% of value
- if x is posted by a
mod: add 10% to value
hiro: add 25% to value
moot: add 50% to value (he’s coming back right?…)
- if x is accompanied by a Get and board speed is above ‘slow’
quads: + 3%
quints: + 5%
and so on for each successive higher level Get, double percentage points if board is 'fast'
- if x gains from being in OP, add .2% to value
- if x loses from being in OP, remove .5% of value
- if x loses from being on board, remove .3% of value (‘redpill me on…’ on /pol/ for instance)
- if x is an [s4s] certified meme, add .5%, certified memes can be voted on by s4s and only a set amount will ever exist at one time, old certified memes will lose bonus when voted out
- for every percentage point of num_shares that have been sold, add .5 to value (+50 maximum addition)

It's important to understand that this set of instructions is run for EVERY instance of the meme as is appears on all boards. So low additions like ..2% can add up to a noticeable amount.
There are no factors concerning archived or deleted posts, currently these posts are not collected/scraped.
All stock market cap increases will be advertised ahead of time so people can speculate on market reactions
Please suggest modifies that make logical sense as to why they add or remove value to the stock, adding 5% for an arbitrary reason makes the market unstable and impossible to speculate on

>> No.1373252

I don't currently have a spec in mind but api keys will definitely be used so they can be revoked for going over limits. The api will definitely be build as part of phase 2 after the main site and trading functionality is functional. If you have any more ideas regarding how the API should work I'm all ears. Designing API's isn't my forte. I'll version the API from the start too to avoid breaking peoples bots.

>> No.1373317

You're late, we already have something like that.
It's called TRUMP

>> No.1373330

This thread is for discussing the creation of a whole stock exchange, not an individual stock.

>> No.1373332


>> No.1373379

centuries from now our decedents will look back on this thread as the genesis of the greatest capital market in history

>> No.1373392

waste of time: the thread

buy trump or something and use free time you woulda spent on this bad idea to learn a skill

>> No.1373398

I'd still like to see the home board's spreading tendency factored in (boards that force their memes elsewhere get penalized), along witb posts' OP status, and non-OP reply count valued.

I'll write up a quick spec (from a bot author's perspective) and pastebin it when I'm done.

>> No.1373408

How do you envisage differentiating from a meme growing organically versus being forcibly spread? Worried about penalising natural growth. Should 'you're a big guy' be penalised if it spreads and becomes commonplace on another board? I guess my main concern is having to keep track of which memes belong where when it isn't always very clearcut. I'm already thinking that 'homeboard' can be one board, multiple boards or none at all.

I think there is already the option to have a positive or negative OP status in >>1373234 (defined on a per stock basis) I will add non-op reply count though, I missed that. Perhaps minimum 2 replies to qualify for bonus at + .1% per reply with a max cap of +5% per post. The cap should make it less easy to game.

>> No.1373459

>How do you envisage differentiating from a meme growing organically versus being forcibly spread?
If a meme from home board "H" ends up on other board "B", then board "H" 's spreading metric should be increased. Past a certain point, this should negatively affect the price of all memes with "H" as their home board.

>I'm already thinking that 'homeboard' can be one board, multiple boards or none at all.
I think either zero or one home boards, but a map/hash table of meme frequencies to boards should be maintained, and used in the valuation.

>I think there is already the option to have a positive or negative OP status in >>1373234 (defined on a per stock basis)
I must have missed that, sorry.

>I will add non-op reply count though, I missed that. Perhaps minimum 2 replies to qualify for bonus at + .1% per reply with a max cap of +5% per post. The cap should make it less easy to game.
I was hoping for a recursive measure to help encourage discussion, but I hadn't thought of a cap.

In pseudocode, the discussion bonus would be something like (forgive the formatting)

function calcValue(post, meme, depth) {
if depth >= 5 || post.RepliesCount {
return 0.0
var value = 1.0
post.RepliesCounted = true
if meme.Matches(post) {
layer = 0

for each reply to post {
value += calcValue(reply, meme, depth+1)
return value/(layer^2)

The exponential devaluation of replies helps keep it from counting unrelated discussion, while valuing discussion that's probably directly related to it. If a reply also contains the meme, it is flagged as having already been factored in, and is skipped.

>> No.1373486

Question about this exchange's model:
Does it act like a dealer (Different buy/sell prices, traders can offer their own prices, and the dealer will accept/reject them), or does it only trade at one price point that the exchange sets?

In short, can you set your own prices or negotiate with the exchange?

>> No.1373488

This is the NEETest idea I ever heard of

>> No.1373495

Did you mean '|| post.RepliesCount == 0'?
It's a good idea. I hadn't actually thought about mapping the discussion further than immediate replies but a simple recursive function like that would make it easy to evaluate and makes perfect sense. It also makes sense that the further away from the root you go the less valuable a reply is worth. I'll experiment with some numbers to see what maxdepth and value per reply should be.

Regarding spreading metrics for boards. I'm still unsure how much a boards 'ownership' of a meme should effect the boards value if the meme is spread. On one hand I want to reward a meme for spreading (so you can speculate on a memes potential success based on natural growth), but on the other hand I don't want to encourage spam so perhaps a middle ground is required. Perhaps a homeboards meme spreading only loses value unless the spreading is sustained over a certain time-frame (say 2 or 3 days). So an [s4s] homeboard meme spreading to another board actually lowers the stocks value until after 3 days when the stock loses it's negative affector for being sustained. This would also stop temporary raids from increasing a stocks value.

>> No.1373497
File: 89 KB, 490x587, wnm4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came here to tell you your idea is stupid faggy waste of time

fuck yourself, cancer. pls die

>> No.1373500

The model is nothing like traditional stocks. The exchange itself sets the value based on the performance of the memes in the wild. How much traders invest into a stock will also effect it's price though. The closer to market cap a stock gets for instance.

Because money is free (you get some for just creating an account) at the moment the idea is that traders do not trade with each other but essentially trade with the exchange. I'm still considering ideas on how traders could trade with each other without gaming the system by opening lots of accounts to create more money and funneling it into one account.

>> No.1373524

No, I meant '|| post.RepliesCounted', the boolean flag set a few lines later. This keeps it from over-counting replies that may also contain the meme.

>On one hand I want to reward a meme for spreading ... but on the other hand I don't want to encourage spam so perhaps a middle ground is required.
My solution would be having two different traded instruments:
- Common memes, which follow the model you've specified (spreading is desired)
- Rare memes, for which posts are valued much more highly, but are heavily penalized for being spread, gaining popularity, or being posted more frequently.

It is somewhat similar to the NASDAQ/Dealer exchange model, where there is a designated dealer for each stock. You buy and sell an instrument like normal, but only to the dealer responsible for that particular one.

The primary difference being that there is only one dealer.

The question is: are there going to be different buy/sell prices, and can you set your own price and have the exchange decide whether or not take the offer. (A way this would be implemented is that the exchange would have a base price, and some probability function that decides how much it's willing to budge for a given price. So if a meme has a base value (100% chance the exchange will buy) of 250mc, then the exchange may also go for 255mc, but only do it once every hundred requests.

This also requires a price to be specified on orders. Instead of just telling the exchange to sell 200 units of >tfw, now it has to include the price, which the exchange will accept or reject.

>I'm still considering ideas on how traders could trade with each other without gaming the system

In addition to the previously suggested "wait a week" strategy, you could require traders to have some arbitrary large balance to trade between users. If you wanted to make it really hard to game, you could increase the balance requirement with the number of traders who have that ability.

>> No.1373544

this is a great way to gather sociological data- inter-board traffic, what demographic uses which memes
research could be applied to creating the hottest new artificial memes for dissemination across the interwebs with practical applications in advertising, for example

>> No.1373559

>I meant '|| post.RepliesCounted'
That makes sense.

The common/rare meme distinction is an option. We can just specify a threshold for a rare meme becoming common and it can be calculated accordingly from there.

My knowledge of webdev is vastly greater than that of finance so it's nice to know it doesn't veer too much from an existing model. I'll make sure to include the comparison in an faq on the final site.

Asking the exchange to accept a different price is an option. The exchange could even look at the historical prices to see if buying the stock back actually makes sense when looking forwards (as if the exchange is speculating on the stock itself). We could factor in account age and a couple other account factors to decide if the exchange will accept an offer from a specific account. Essentially turning good accounts into preferred traders who could make better deals.

I think account to account trading is possible, just need to figure out a logical way to do it. A combination of account age, minimum holding amount and (small) transaction fees could hold it together.

I need to be up at 7 (it's almost 2am here) so I'll be back on tomorrow evening. I'll start on re-working the scraper and stock analysis functions to include what we discussed. I appreciate the feedback.

>> No.1374212

this was actually my idea too, but different view

>> No.1374225

What about "meme"berships?

Also, how will you decide what is a meme and what isn't?

>> No.1374587

What does that say about you when you contribute to this thread then

OP this is great. Will there be official trading hours?

>> No.1374630

I'm still working on the API spec, but I've got some real work to do until ~3:00 PM EST, so I'll probably post it by 4:30

>Also, how will you decide what is a meme and what isn't?
The current general idea seems to be that there will be some sort of direct voting.
Another was having committees of people who define memes as they appear. OP seems to favor the voting though, but I like the idea of a having people that can be held accountable for the value of the memes/boards they oversee. Plus, if regex matching becomes a thing, then keeping people from submitting /.*/ becomes a problem.

Considering the fact that OP is in a (Central?) European timezone, if there are, it will probably favor Europe. Plus, having HFTlike trading bots running all the time may interfere with any time-limited trading.

>> No.1374720

Smart man!

>> No.1375140

<p style="font-size:30px;">wow when can i invest?!?!</p>i wanna insider trade in the meme market :^)^)^)

>> No.1375143

Yes that IS a good idea

>> No.1375486

Realistically, not for another few weeks at least (I keep coming up with new features and people keep suggesting cool stuff). Although I have a light work schedule this week so will try and make decent progress.

One thing you could help me with though. I don't want to get banned scraping every single thread of every board every hour. Can you put me in touch with Hiro so we can make memes great again? :^) would be great if we could work something out that is less taxing on the servers for both parties. I'm currently scraping everything manually to get a snapshot of every post.

I actually thought about this and just assumed it had already been done.

Don't worry about rushing it. I have the whole site still to build before even starting on the api for trading bots. I appreciate the effort.

Regarding what memes will be traded on. In the beginning it will be a crowd sourced fixed list of v e r i f i e d memes. After that I'm thinking some sort of regular voting system. Once a week a small list of vetted memes will be put to vote on what should be added to the exchange. Board ambassadors can suggest memes for this list. They don't have to worry about implementation details like whether or not it requires regex.

I'm in the UK if anyone was wondering.

>> No.1375493 [DELETED] 

This is fucking great, wait to own /u/.

>> No.1375498

I think trading hours will be 24/7

>> No.1375499

This is great, can't wait to buy all of /u/.

>> No.1375599

API spec V1 is up. Questions and comments encouraged.


I included user-to-user trading (referred to as the "trader" market) in case you come up with a good set of requirements for it.

>> No.1375606

I love this idea.

If you bother with it, I'll be more than happy to lend my UI skills, and help make an appealing GUI for the system

>> No.1375628

Interested in the technology here.

For prototyping I always go for Rails simply because of the development speed. I understand that Node has a ton of packages but it still felt like I had to write a lot of boilerplate (was using express.js) for doing basic stuff, whereas Rails was much more minimal.

For more serious development, Java actually has some good networking libraries for real-time stuff. The Play Framework is great, it's robust and has all the features you'd expect from a modern web development framework. If you don't like Java there's also Scala version.

Here's a big project I worked on that used Scala with Mongo, websockets and elastic search querying millions of chess games plus analysis.


If you add to github I (and whoever else here was interested) could contribute.

>> No.1375635



>> No.1375647

Thank you for this. I've looked through it all and it makes sense, I will go through it in more detail tomorrow when I have more time.

I've just made a thread on /gd/ for people to contribute to the design: >>>/gd/276271

First I'm I'm a big fan of lichess. I have an account on there with a humble rating of around 1900. Honestly node is something I'm just comfortable using. I'm a front-end dev predominantly so I don't drift between back end languages much.

The current stack is looking like Nginx, Node, Hapi (potentially instead of express), Mongo with Mongoose and ReactJS on front end if needed (might not be needed) with a dedicated db server instance, site instance, api instance etc. Not sure if I have the time to learn a new language from scratch for this project alone but I am definitely open to suggestions on general architechture and how to fit all the pieces together. Also do you have any opinion on Digital Ocean as a host for the instances?

I'm already using the API endpoint to get a list of boards and to collect the catalogue for each board while respecting the 1 request per second limit. I've just been experimenting with regular scraping for the acquisition of every single thread on the site in one go. If I can use the api exclusively without getting banned that would be ideal.

>> No.1375692

I'd still recommend OP take Go out for a spin. It is performant, statically compiled, and well supported. It has a wonderful introductory tutorial at https://tour.golang.org/ . Someone with programming experience should be able to get a workable knowledge of the language in ~20-30 minutes.

Ruby (and most interpreted languages) are going to be pretty slow for an exchange with officially sanctioned bot support. Java is in the right performance bracket, but

I highly recommend staying the hell away from C/C++ for networking services for obvious reasons.

( re: performance assertions, I get my information from Debian's language benchmarks https://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u64q/which-programs-are-fastest.html )

NodeJS makes a lot of sense for the front end, but once you get in to the data processing and exchange operations, it might be wise to seek a more performant back end.

>Thank you for this. I've looked through it all and it makes sense, I will go through it in more detail tomorrow when I have more time.
No problem. I did forget to throw in board qualifiers, but I guess the symbol could just be "biz.MEMEX" as the symbol.

>respecting the 1 request per second limit
Out of curiosity, how long does a full sweep (from scrape to analysis completion) take?

>> No.1375698

*I guess the symbol could just be "biz.MEMEX" instead.

Text wrapping on phones is the worst thing to happen since touch screen keyboards.

>> No.1375719

At the moment scraping everything with very basic analysis and storing result in a local DB takes 15 minutes on my laptop on my home internet connection, I've limited it to 10 simultaneous connections at the moment as I was having connection dropping issues. The total raw text content (post text only, not including html tags and surrounding page) comes to 180mb. Probably about 250mb including markup. There's 50 boards with about 10 pages each so ~500 requests to collect it all plus a few at the beginning to collect board catalogues to make a list of threads for scraping.

The 10 simultaneous connections is obviously holding it back and so is my internet connection.

>> No.1375852

I am really surprised to see /f/ up there, since there are almost no replies to a thread and you have a limit of 2 uploads per day

>> No.1376458
File: 15 KB, 405x371, 1467683923847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do about /trash/? That place is not well known and is mostly furries and hunger game simulators. There are pretty much zero memes there.

>> No.1376470


>/trash/ - Off-topic
>Literally not a single off-topic thread

>> No.1376542

The algorithm for valuing boards is definitely changing. That particular list valued thread lifespan quite highly so some slow boards got a large boost.

/trash/ will be valued the same way all boards will. Boards are their own stock separate to memes so doesn't matter if they don't have their own memes or not.

Side note: What do people think of achievement badges on profiles? Like for losing half your account value overnight and random stuff like that. Just joke things.

>> No.1377257

I completely forgot to factor in the amount of threads. The total connections becomes 500 total board pages * 15 (the average number of threads per page). So more like ~7,500 total requests.

Using the API at 1 request per second would take 125 minutes. just to collect the data.

>> No.1377292

So how do you deal with meme spin offs, or meme combinations and crossing of wires? Is build wall different than trump wall? I don't really know how the stock market works anyway in here from gd

>> No.1377355

There's no reason a meme can't have variations that match to the same stock. Although 'Build wall' is probably a meme on it's own, I don't think 'trump wall' is considered the same meme?

There's also Regex matches. This means that we can do more complex matches on text. So for instance (((xxx))) can be matched exactly the same as (((yyy))), the system will see it as the same thing. You could also track """"""intellectuals"""""" with a variable amount of quotes quite easily.

>> No.1378676

>SEC (Shitposting and Expletives Commission)
This sold it to me

>> No.1378817

Wait, what are you calling the currency?

- GoodBoyPoints (GBP)
- Tendies (T)
- NeetBux (NB)
- MemeCoins (Mc)

>> No.1378868

This hasn't been decided. Not a fan of Good Boy Points because of it's association already to the British Pound. Adds something else you have to explain.

MemeCoins and NeetBux could work. If anyone has any other suggestions I'll set up a poll.

>> No.1378892

>Not a fan of Good Boy Points because of it's association already to the British Pound
So what?

>> No.1379524

It's an old meme that's getting stale. On top of that I've spoken to people recently who don't use 4chan (they know what it is) and are interested in playing on the exchange, good boy points seems just seems odd not in a good ironic way. But to be honest if enough people wanted it to be named that I don't particularly mind, I just think something else would be better.

>> No.1379541

I'm very OK with this.

I've been using Mc in my examples because it was already known to the thread, but NeetBux (NBx?) seems like a much less awful currency title.

It means that it would be misleading if it were abbreviated. (Good Boy Points → GBP)

>> No.1379594
File: 4 KB, 246x246, neetbux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think NeetBux could work. And it makes sense because it's a worthless fake currency :^) Literally the currency for neets.

I think dropping the smaller x would make it easier to make a currency symbol for it

>> No.1379705

has betting become so dull that we are literally now betting on how autistic certain boards are?

>> No.1380850

Do you think it would be a good idea to have indexes and/or user-created funds that other users buy in to?

It would give another layer of interaction for fairly little extra development work.

>> No.1380958


>> No.1381087

That sound very interesting

Will have to find a good news alert though so that I can invest into /pol/ when a happening starts

>> No.1381157
File: 2.01 MB, 2924x4094, 1465116945883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i haven't noticed you mention the hollywood stock exchange (HSX) yet itt, have you used it?

if you aren't familiar with it i would bet it would be quite useful for you to observe/participate.

sorry if you mentioned it already. but your plan is pretty much a carbon copy of what they are doing for movies.

>> No.1381172

This is getting crossposted around a lot


>> No.1381188

came over from /tv/ thread myself, since HSX does this for movies. wanted OP's opinion.

>> No.1381210

What about tripfags? Will I be able to invest into robautist?

>> No.1381213

You're pretty sane for a /tv/ guy

>> No.1381222

I came here from pol!

>> No.1381233

the state of that board is such that i am a bit ashamed to admit i've been a regular for so long.

incredibly you can still find great recommendations among the shitposting sometimes.

>> No.1381279

I kind of wish it wasn't copy pasted but I appreciate the support none the less. I didn't try and post it about much as it's nowhere near to launching but at least I can get some more feedback.

>> No.1381287

are you ignoring this question for some reason?


>> No.1381295

I have heard about it but never actually looked into it. Will check it out and see if there's any ideas I can borrow. Cheers

>> No.1381317

Maybe this belongs inside the /gd/ thread, but have you already decided on how you want this to come across? A more serious approach, with the joke being that memes are being traded there, or do you want to go full smug pepe everywhere?

>> No.1381338

I would like it to look serious with the joke being that it's us investing fake money in memes. To the point that if someone stumbled across it they would have to do a double take. So from the outside looking in it looks like a fully functioning exchange with traders working hard investing in the latest memes on the market.

Someone joked about setting up some sort of memes commission to overlook everything, I would consider this.

>> No.1381340

I like the idea

>> No.1381344
File: 107 KB, 624x1760, g_humor_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this idea, but the metric seems muh. Maybe if you could analyze copypastas posted or meme images and track that instead of individual board postings.

>> No.1381359

There's no reason a copypasta can't be tracked as it's own "meme" and invested in like anything else.

Images are difficult to track because of the smallest change in an image (even just due to compression) can cause mismatches. The accuracy rates would just be too low.

Copypasta has a unique issue that they are often modified and not modified in a consistent way, especially the long paragraph ones. They are also posted seldomly and the stocks value would fluctuate a lot.

>> No.1381398

They only pasta I could think of that stays consistent enough to pass would be the navy seal one.

>> No.1381410
File: 216 KB, 980x1470, milioti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, how would you combat anons shilling memes so their stocks go up?

This was my first worry, I don't mind regular shitposting, but if anons have money invested they might shill harder than ever.

>> No.1381430

see >>1368084 and >>1373234

But the gist is that the value of a stock will be more than a simple x * number of posts containing meme. The boards speed is taken into account so spamming slow boards literally nets you 0 extra value as a way of protecting the slower boards.

There's always going to be ways to game it which is part of the fun but I will put things in place to de-insentivise spamming.

>> No.1381437
File: 75 KB, 1000x693, Cristin Milioti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, nice, hopefully it all works out

>> No.1381444
File: 26 KB, 668x729, dank apustus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys buy finland ebin mene ETF, its poised to skyrocket

>> No.1381479
File: 43 KB, 500x408, dark-web-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Anyone who used the World Wide Web in the nineties will know that web search has come a long way. Sure, it was easy to get more search results than you knew what to do with in 1999 but it was really hard to get good ones.

What Google did better than Alta Vista, HotBot, Yahoo and the others at the dawn of the millennium was to figure out which search results were the most relevant and respected.

And so it’s been ever since – search engines have become fast, simple interfaces that compete based on relevance and earn money from advertising.

Meanwhile, the methods for finding things to put in the search results have remained largely the same – you either tell the search engines your site exists or they find it by following a link on somebody else’s website.

That business model has worked extremely well but there’s one thing that it does not excel at – depth.

If you don’t declare your site’s existence and nobody links to it, it doesn’t exist – in search engine land at least.

Google’s stated aim may be to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful but it hasn’t succeeded yet. That’s not just because it’s difficult, it’s also because Google is a business and there isn’t a strong commercial imperative for it to index everything.

Estimates of how much of the web has been indexed vary wildly (I’ve seen figures of 0.04% and 76% so we can perhaps narrow it down to somewhere between almost none and almost all) but one thing is sure, there’s enough stuff that hasn’t been indexed that it’s got it’s own name – the Deep Web.

It’s not out of the question to suggest that the part of the web that hasn’t been indexed is actually bigger than the part that has.

A subset of it – the part hosted on Tor Hidden Services and referred to as the Dark Web – is very interesting to those in law enforcement.

>> No.1381480

There are all manner of people, sites and services that operate over the web that would rather not appear in your Google search results.

If you’re a terrorist, paedophile, gun-runner, drug dealer, sex trafficker or serious criminal of that ilk then the shadows of the Deep Web, and particularly the Dark Web, offer a safer haven then the part occupied by, say, Naked Security or Wikipedia.

Enter Memex, brainchild of the boffins at DARPA, the US government agency that built the internet (then ARPANET).

DARPA describes Memex as a set of search tools that are better suited to government (presumably law enforcement and intelligence) use than commercial search engines.

Whereas Google and Bing are designed to be good-enough systems that work for everyone, Memex will end up powering domain-specific searches that are the very best solution for specific narrow interests (such as certain types of crime.)

Today's web searches use a centralized, one-size-fits-all approach that searches the internet with the same set of tools for all queries. While that model has been wildly successful commercially, it does not work well for many government use cases.

The goal is for users to ... quickly and thoroughly organize subsets of information based on individual interests ... and to improve the ability of military, government and commercial enterprises to find and organize mission-critical publically [sic] available information on the internet.

Although Memex will eventually have a very broad range of applications, the project’s initial focus is on tackling human trafficking and slavery.

According to DARPA, human trafficking has a significant Dark Web presence in the form of forums, advertisements, job postings and hidden services (anonymous sites available via Tor).

Memex has been available to a few law enforcement agencies for about a year and has already been used with some success.

>> No.1381482


In September 2014, sex trafficker Benjamin Gaston was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in prison having been found guilty of “Sex Trafficking, as well as Kidnapping, Criminal Sexual Act, Rape, Assault, and Sex Abuse – all in the First Degree”.

Scientific American reports that Memex was in the thick of it:

A key weapon in the prosecutor's arsenal, according to the NYDA's Office: an experimental set of internet search tools the US Department of Defense is developing to help catch and lock up human traffickers.

The journal also reports that Memex is used by the New York County District Attorney’s Office in every case pursued by its Human Trafficking Response Unit, and it has played a role in generating at least 20 active sex trafficking investigations.

If Memex carries on like this then we’ll have to think of a new name for the Dark Web.

>> No.1381484

I just saw someone post this on pol (you?)
unfortunate name clash but no know what memex is (the one in the article) so it doesn't really matter

>> No.1381488

It was me, yeah.

It's a weird coincidence....

>> No.1381497

It is funny but I don't think it matters too much.

>> No.1381502

It iwll be a meme anyway

>> No.1381505

>This is just an attempt by the agency to hide all information about their new engine behind a wall of memes

>> No.1381510
File: 929 KB, 562x338, memes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your memes are belong to us :^)

>> No.1381537

/g/ has its "I'd just like to interject for a moment." copypasta, which is relatively stable

>> No.1381542

for you

>> No.1381733

How about also tracking flags, on the board that have them?

It would be nice to have rare flags be worth more, but I fear that would be easily exploited by using proxies.

>> No.1381742

Am I the only one seeing huuuge letters in this post?

>> No.1381900


>> No.1381912

All into :^)

>> No.1382064

looks like mod fuckery

>> No.1382233

That could work.

Should be easy to implement but yes potentially very easy to game. Would be interested in thoughts on how to best decide on how to value them should we decide to.

He's a mod

>> No.1382246

>Should be easy to implement but yes potentially very easy to game. Would be interested in thoughts on how to best decide on how to value them should we decide to.

Are we trying to value geographically-diverse, or more localised meme behavior?

>> No.1382288

I guess a meme-stock could have the option of having a country origin, and if a certain meme is associated with a certain fag then it gets a (very) small boost. I'm sure there are some geographic-specific memes on int and pol.

We could also have a small boost for memes posted with rare flags. I mean flags that it's difficult to even get a proxy from like North Korea and Vatican City and so on.

>> No.1382808


>> No.1383002


>> No.1383019

If I ever decide to rob a bank where exactly do tellers keep the hundreds

>> No.1383059

This sounds awsome i can create crypto for every meme and board if u wanna just do that

>> No.1383088

Need to start shilling

>> No.1383099

What would be the benefit to this? Sounds messy.

It's a long way from being finished. Might as well let this thread die and I can make a new one when there's more substantial updates and /biz/ can beta test.

>> No.1383399

>let this thread die
When can we expect updates, OP?

>> No.1383416

Idk you figure it out i can just make the damn things and mine them you figure out how to use em who says the money has to be completley fake but we could disperse litterally millions of them right here on biz and the exchange would be OP meme exchange where we could invest our coins into.

>> No.1383555

Probably early to mid next week for something a bit more substantial.

>> No.1383612

Do you have a domain name in mind for this?

>> No.1383662

I've looked at the obvious ones and they are all taken. Will be buying a domain this weekend though and putting up a holding page so need to decide.

Any ideas?

>memex (mostly taken)
>thememex (loads available)

>> No.1383694

>not meme.exchange or memex.exchange

>> No.1383719

I forgot about all those random new TLDs, they're always way more expensive.

Was looking at m-e-m-e-x.com, but maybe I'll just buy a .exchange

Will see

>> No.1383896

today would've been a good day to have gone long /pol/

>> No.1383911

>tfw you didn't go all in on HAPPENING yet

>> No.1383920
File: 1.16 MB, 640x360, 1466491495572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didn't dump your RFUG holdings this morning

>> No.1384503

I've been doing some more thinking about this.
The key points are:
- anyone can pay a modest fee to make a fund (and for a much more steep fee, they can enable bot API access on that fund's "account")
- they can keep it private (and manually distribute up to ~50 shares), or
- if it meets performance benchmarks and some sort of advisory/legislative board ("SEC" mentioned earlier) approves it, then they can open it up shares for public purchase
- they do an IPO-ish event, wherein they set a base price for a share and the number of shares to sell, and people buy shares directly from the fund
- these shares are then bought and sold on a market like the main exchange, except solely for these fund shares
- at an interval set by the owner during the IPO, a dividend is paid to all shareholders for every share.

>> No.1385264

I was thinking last night about dividends. I was imagining that a random well performing stock will get picked each week and automatically pays out dividends to people that own shares in it.

Regarding custom stocks/funds. It's certainly something I could imagine building in eventually. Definitely a phase 2 feature but something I wouldn't mind implementing.

>> No.1385282

You are developing a meme exchange?

Wow what a perfect time to buy buttcoins.

>> No.1385340


Literally do it based on board traffic and keywords?

Also, >keikaku means plan

and I would think you'd need to program some sort of scanner that literally reads posts. Idk how you want to have meme IPOs, but it's worth seeing how memes actually proliferate.

On second thought, you're just asking for a buzzfeed or Kotaku article, mate.

>> No.1385422

It already is based off of traffic and keywords, but I determine how that effects value.

We will be having IPO's.

>> No.1385566

gotta have preferred memes tho, for dem real dividends ya hurr?

>> No.1385947

Who's ready for some (pre)hype?


bonus points for recognising the symbols

>> No.1385955


>> No.1386000

It`s a bird standing on to the right of two bowls

>> No.1386005

why, drop it and it'll look better

>> No.1386028

You're right.
It's pretty common though, should I redirect to non-www?

>> No.1386030

I like the colors and font you choosed

>> No.1386062

I don't think it would be weird to have without www in this day and age and especially with a new tld (since it's basically a "domain hack")
I think you should redirect, though do a permanent redirect (301) or google will penalize you by thinking it's duplicate content

>> No.1386063

have fixed it, definitely better

cheers, made off the cuff but kinda works

>> No.1386079

IMHO if you're going to keep that logo style, I think the logo font should be a bit less round/motr blocky, and it might be a good idea to crop the graph by a few leftmost peaks

>> No.1386085

I've downloaded a load of fonts to go through as that one was a bit rushed, I mostly wanted to extend the mockup you did in the /gd/ thread but make it cleaner. Maybe the gap between MemEx and the graph should be the same as the gap between the two words below it.

>> No.1386087

*more blocky

>> No.1386396

It's supposed to be pepe mythology or something from ancient egypt, right?

>> No.1386410

The ancient god's name is Kek.
I checked and that is indeed the hieroglyphics for his name.
When you draw a line under it, it looks like someone wearing stylized sunglasses. It looks a lot like "deal with it."
What is it with ancient Egypt and memes?

>> No.1386709

>What is it with ancient Egypt and memes?
I don't know, but maybe these dubs do

>> No.1387021

Is that you shilling on /pol/?

Good choice famalamadingdong

>> No.1387026
File: 15 KB, 326x224, Kek_was_the_egyptian_god_of_frogs__3924f896996a0e8a448372f7e50692bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW you used the wrong "kek" Egyptian goddess writing

>> No.1387245

any updates, op?

>> No.1387302

Progress being made but not much visual.
Brought the domain, setup a server to host the main site on >>1385947
Have re-written some of the data collection and analysis code again (I keep realising better ways to do it, it's looking better now though)
In process of laying out the sitemap, what components need to go on what pages, deciding what pages need to exist in the first place, ironing out UX etc.
Lots of research at the moment into technical things (authentication and so on).

I don't want to get anyone's hopes up regarding timescales as I'm working around my regular work so best for me to say it will be done when it's done. I don't think there's any reason to rush it.

>> No.1387315

sounds sweet. make sure you post updates on the page in case this thread dies.

>> No.1387402
File: 11 KB, 614x84, SALES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon. I've heard you post this idea before. I've posted a similar idea too. But my idea is better and here's why:

Real money. The Meme Exchange will use real money, basically a gambling website. Not a website though, a mobile app for apple and android.

The stocks won't be priced using any scripts or bullshit, they will be priced just like how the real stock market prices them. The more people buy, the higher the ask/bid prices will go, people will buy that, the price will increase, etc. It would be a fun place to trade, we wouldn't charge a cent to buy or sell! The genius is, that we start out with 1000 memes, about 10,000 shares each, we sell it for $0.01 a share. Someone buys all shares of the meme from us, we make $100 out of nowhere! The buyer sells the stock to other buyer for $0.02 and he doubles his money. He's happy as fuck because he made $100. We are happier because we made $100 without risking $100. Check it: if we sold all 1000 memes, That would be: $100,000.

The "stocks" won't be 4chan boards. They would be memey things like:

>PKGO: Pokemon Go

>ISIS: Islamic State

>VR: Virtual Reality

>TRP: Trump

>MJN: Marijuana

The place would be a fucking mad house, even more than the stock market. I will make a prototype that doesn't use real money and test it out as a website. If it works I'll pay a mobile app developer to create the app that uses real money transactions. What do you guys think?

>> No.1387448

Have fun experiencing every kind of legal nightmare that civil (and probably criminal) law can unleash upon you.

>> No.1387449
File: 38 KB, 590x332, 1450221845500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1387463

Why would anyone buy stocks in a meme if that meme doesn't do anything to create value?

>> No.1387491

Why do people buy stocks on the stock market that don't pay dividends?

Speculation. They think they can re-sell it at a higher price.

It's a zero sum game. All of your profits are somebody else's losses. Same with forex, or derivatives. It's just betting. People bet all the time. Not saying it's a good investment but it can be fun sometimes. The whole thing is a metaphor for how the stock market (especially stocks that don't pay dividends) is like gambling.

>> No.1387502

Stocks have value attached, even if they don't pay dividends. They represent a fraction of a company's assets, including earnings.
Your meme stocks don't represent anything at all. They don't even represent the memes they're named after. There's nothing to speculate on.

>> No.1387506

pretty much this >>1387448
Disregarding the numerous legalities involved. It just sounds like a pyramid scheme that's not doing a very good job of pretending not to be one.

If you think it will work though by all means go ahead with it, I will be very surprised if Apple approves the app (or if you can get as far as getting a payment processor on board with the idea).

>> No.1387514


>> No.1387518

Three cops getting shot isn't really a happening.

>> No.1387535

but is a happening
international headlines fucktard

>> No.1387539

Hey memex guy, I see potential in this idea big time and have some ideas and marketing opportunities if you're interested.


>> No.1387545

You know how many cops get killed yearly? This is only a happening because they are making it into one.

>> No.1387546

>international headlines
King Roach rounding up plotters isn't a happening, either.

>> No.1387548


There are 2 way to go about this. One is to be regulated as an online gambling site, the other is to be regulated by the SEC. I think it's completely do-able as long as we don't buy any of the meme's ourselves, that would be a ponzi scheme. Otherwise it's totally legitimate. More money is to be made going the SEC route, though. It might be hard but if worst comes to worst we could make each "meme" it's own cryptocoin and create a crypto exchange website. Those type of websites already exist. We can create the cyptocoins using ethereum.

We can have a special to get people signing up. We offer them $10 free dollars in their account. Buy website ads that say $10 in 10 seconds.

If you are willing to devote at least 10+ years of your life to this, we can talk about teaming up. In ten years, wall street investors will be investing in stocks, bonds, and memes. The meme market cap will exceed 10 Billion dollars. If we play this right, and start other business in tandem, in 50 years you could have a net worth of 40 Billion. The fame and lavishness will put your fantasies to shame. You will be in the top 1% of the top 1%, a famous elite, you will have dinners with the president, your 40 billion dollar presence will instantly intimidate anyone in the immediate area, you will have power over millions of people.

>> No.1387551

>It might be hard but if worst comes to worst we could make each "meme" it's own cryptocoin and create a crypto exchange website.
This is the only way I see you making any real money on this.

>If you are willing to devote at least 10+ years of your life to this, we can talk about teaming up. In ten years, wall street investors will be investing in stocks, bonds, and memes. The meme market cap will exceed 10 Billion dollars. If we play this right, and start other business in tandem, in 50 years you could have a net worth of 40 Billion. The fame and lavishness will put your fantasies to shame. You will be in the top 1% of the top 1%, a famous elite, you will have dinners with the president, your 40 billion dollar presence will instantly intimidate anyone in the immediate area, you will have power over millions of people.
Show your fucking work.

>> No.1387558

Wew lad

>> No.1387563

If someone playing diablo sells a digital sword for $50, who is to day that the item is not worth $50? Things are only worth what people will pay for them. And if someone buys ISIS for $20 a share, then that's what it's worth.

You are speculating on if other people will buy it from you and sell it for an even higher price. You can base this on the news, current trends you expect to increase in popularity. The people that lose money are the ones that buy into fads at the peak of their popularity and then are forgotten about within months.

>> No.1387569

But why should anyone buy it. You aren`t selling part of a companies assets, but something you pulled right out of you ass, with a memename attached. It dosn`t even have anything to do with the meme it got its name from

>> No.1387574

Have me messaged you.

A Diablo sword is backed by Blizzard's games that has relatively known odds concerning it's rarity. The value of the sword is based on trust that blizzard won't just make it a common item. Blizzard know that the value lies in their trust so they don't abuse it or no one would be able to make money.

If you want to sell people thin air it needs to be backed by something even if what's it's backed by is fallible, it doesn't matter as long as there is a certain threshold of trust. For instance Bitcoin is backed by known and understand mathematics, this adds a level of trust to investors to how much money can be created in the system at one time. You need something.

>> No.1387582

>But why should anyone buy it
That's a good question. I don't know, all I know is that for some reason they do buy it. Take trumpcoin for example, it doesn't represent anything worth money. But people buy and sell these codes to each other for outrageously high prices. They all think they can make a short term profit.

It doesn't need to be backed by anything. People will still buy it if they think they can make money.

>> No.1387583

>If someone playing diablo sells a digital sword for $50
The digital sword has value, retard. You can use it in the game.
If something is scarce but has no utility, it has no value. That's why my Steam summer trading cards still aren't worth anything.

>You are speculating on if other people will buy it from you
WHY would they do that, though? It would be smarter to invest in Magic cards; at least those can be relied on to gain value.
You're proposing an economy made up entirely of speculators selling speculation to other speculators.

>> No.1387590

how many ambushes on cops happen per year?

nor is him siding with russia a happening...

>> No.1387593
File: 34 KB, 316x480, profit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking specifically Diablo item flippers. People who speculate the market and hope to buy an item at a low price and sell it for a higher price.

Unlike the gamer, the only value the flipper sees in the sword is the dollar value it can be sold for.

>You're proposing an economy made up entirely of speculators selling speculation to other speculators.

This is true it would be a zero sum game for every trader involved. Not unlike financial contracts, where two speculators wage billions of dollars, who ever wins gets the other persons 3 billion dollars. If they can do it, why not us? Besides, it would be like an experiment. You could study the meme market to understand human nature.

>> No.1387597

>how many ambushes on cops happen per year?
Lots, dickhead. I live in San Bernardino where there was just one a couple months ago. Dont be so stupid and naive.

>> No.1387605

So it is a pyramid scheme

>> No.1387607

>Unlike the gamer, the only value the flipper sees in the sword is the dollar value it can be sold for.
But the reason he sees that value is that the sword has intrinsic value as an item that can be used in the game. That's what you don't seem to understand. Although he may sell it to another speculator, his plan is to sell it to someone who wants to use it.
You could've at least mentioned something that can't be used, like the half jug of wine in Runescape. But even that has value as something you can show off to others; just buying it is a form of conspicuous consumption.

>> No.1387609

wJB what's your email

>> No.1387611


Probably won't work for a while, MX records on gentoo.today just got set up a couple of minutes ago

>> No.1387632

Sent a test

>> No.1387656

Still waiting on MX propagation for that server, lol

>> No.1387657

Are stocks a pyramid scheme? Is bitcoin a pyramid scheme?

It's not a pyramid scheme any more than betting website are a pyramid scheme. I will not own any shares of memes myself, I will only profit off of making an "IPO" for gamblers.

>> No.1387660

No, it is. Unlike stocks or bitcoin, which have something associated with them giving them value you are making people buy thin air, with the promise that they will get money if more people buy thin air.

>> No.1387661

>Are stocks a pyramid scheme? Is bitcoin a pyramid scheme?
Your idea isn't like either of those things. It has no value and no potential for value. You're proposing a market where speculators sell speculation to other speculators, and only you make any money. It's practically a ponzi scheme.

>> No.1387669

I'll send another test in a bit so you can tell if it's worked.

>Are stocks a pyramid scheme? Is bitcoin a pyramid scheme?
Neither are precisely, although bitcoin is the closest.
Betting requires odds. What are the odds of buying something off of you worth nothing and being able to convince someone else to pay even more money for it? Stability can't exist in this system by design.

If I buy shares off of you in something will no value in any conceivable way I now carry the burden of convincing someone else to pay money for this nothing. With stocks that I buy the company carries the burden of showing the market that it is more profitable than before. I don't have to do anything, the stocks prove themselves through association to the corporations. Investor confidence is built on this process.

>> No.1387687

you mean Dorner? Cause that was years ago, and was The Original Happening

>> No.1387721

MX records are up, that email should work now

>> No.1387730


>> No.1387737

>3 posts off from Satan trips too

>> No.1387842

Wtf are you talking about??? Of course I don't mean Dorner. I mean a police ambush this year in April in SB where cops were shot. There have been about 5 in San Bernardino alone in the last decade. There was also a major one in Texas this year that didn't get this type of coverage. They actually happen a lot more than you think. I can give you the links to at least a dozen in the last couple of years in different places in the US. Shit like this Baton Rouge thing is bad, but honestly the media blew it out of proportion just to sensationalize gun violence. There is an agenda here. The reason why you don't know that there is a huge number of cops being killed every year is testament to the fact that the media picks and chooses which ones to report on. White cops being killed by minorities is not exactly going to go over well.

>> No.1387847


>> No.1387849

Dorner was a major happening at the time. Were you even here?

>> No.1387856

You cant call a 4chan happening "The Happening"

>> No.1387864

The LAPD shot 3 people out of sheer incompetence while chasing a guy who was trying to draw attention to how shit they are.
That's something, at least.

>> No.1387865

>five in the last decade
>within the last two weeks there has been at least seven ambushes across the nation

he's just a retarded shitposter

>> No.1387867

>five in the last decade IN SAN BERNARDINO ALONE

>he's just a retarded shitposter
Umm.. lmao..... do you even know how to read IDs?

Wow bro. You are going to need some reading comprehension if we are going to have this debate.

>> No.1387944

you sound black...

>> No.1387964

I am telling you that there is a shitload of (mostly white) cops that get killed all the time that don't recieve much public attention. There is no happening because this shit has BEEN happening for a long time. I am belittling the Black Lives Matter movement and you assume that I am black? Holy shit lmao. You really are a smart one, aren't you?

>> No.1387971

To be fair, lots of black people are belittling BLM these days. BLM just doesn't want you to know about them because it hurts their narrative to be called a hate group by anyone who isn't white.
I don't know what anon's deal is though.

>> No.1387992

you didn't deny it, tho...

>> No.1388067

I'll give you that. I've lived in Southern California all my life. LA county is the birthplace of the bloods and crips, and still considered the gang capital of the nation. There are 500 different gangs and over 50,000 gang members in LA county alone. Police have been struggling to curb gang violence and have actually been mildly successful in beating them back in LA. As a side effect of this, a lot of the gangs have migrated to the closest county, which happens to be San Bernardino. San Bernardino has been on the top 10 worst cities to live every year for the last couple decades. Some years it even takes the number 1 spot.

I'm not going to sit here and say that I dont think black lives matter. There was an incident in Riverside, CA years ago where cops shot up a black girl sleeping in her car. It was unfortunate but at the same time she did have a gun on her lap. Its a good thing that the media draws a bunch of attention to incidents like this because it keeps cops more accountible. Right or wrong, there was an investigation done and police procedures were called into question.

The thing that bugs me though is that although these incidences are not that commonplace anymore, they are used as a way to create racial tension and unrest. The media sensationalizes it and uses it for political agendas. It would be better if they showed a more balanced picture and explain why cops react so quickly when threatened. In San Bernardino, cops do not answer domestic disturbance calls without 2 or more police vehicles present. This procedure stems back to years ago after a police shooting with San Bernardino crips. An established crip member pulled a gun on cops and they shot him dead. In retaliation the crips reported a domestic disturbance in one of their neighborhoods and then
proceded to shoot up a cop car with a fully automatic rifle. It has been a literal warzone ever since. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that police ambushes are fairly commonplace in SB.

>> No.1388069

I'm not black. Are you black?

>> No.1388083

but you is.

>> No.1388091
File: 3.56 MB, 5312x2988, 20160717_185324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...sigh. I'm not going to argue with a literal retard. Your "happening" argument fell apart and now you resort to (completely silly) ad hominems.

>> No.1388128

except you only provided your words, not backing them up. lets see all the cop ambushes in the last decade bro

>> No.1388158
File: 875 KB, 1428x2149, Screenshot_20160717-191800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to try to provide every single local news article in SB in the last decade because I really don't have the time or patience but I can absolutely prove that the number of police ambushes have been decreasing over the years, not increasing. (Pic related)

Also, these are good places to start since you need to be educated.

Look at the statistics. Stop trying to create a happening when this has already been a happening for a long time. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it isn't an occurence.

>> No.1388163
File: 404 KB, 1432x2008, Screenshot_20160717-191912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1388185

Also, the fact that you don'y know that there are this many police ambushes happening every year with cops being killed means that the media reports on them disproportionately to the number of people getting killed by cops. They only recently started putting these incidences in the light and mostly for political reasons. The media plays the general public like fiddles.

>> No.1388226

>end year
>implying it's not currently the CURRENT YEAR
>showing non fatal ambushes
>not distinguishing if ambushing a cop at a traffic stop is considered an ambush much like a sniper attack on cops simply on patrol

looks like 2016 can add more to the list

>not knowing about copy cats

Still, though, it's a happening. You think it's normal for snipers and race parties to kill cops, but it's actually not.

>> No.1388255

First you complain that the first statistics only reach to 2012 then you complain that the one that goes to 2016 isn't accurate because the year isn't over yet. Topkek. You can't get around the fact that police ambushes where officers are killed is a thing and has been a thing for decades, even more so in the past than now. So a person shooting a cop with a shotgun or machine gun is less relevant than one killing a cop with a sniper rifle? (Which has happened before btw). Wow.

Really, all I m trying to get you to understand is that this is nothing out of the ordinary. Civil violence and unrest is actually much better in the last couple decades than it ever has been. This is coming from someone who was at the ground floor of the LA Riots. It may seem huge to you but thats because the media has created a shitstorm around it.

>> No.1388307
File: 1.13 MB, 271x336, 1462680287720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>police ambushes where officers are killed
>using police ambushes were officers aren't killed

>> No.1388323
File: 53 KB, 1035x587, police1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such an idiot lmao. Wtf do you think the second picture I linked you was of? The number of rainbows spotted in Scotland?

Also pic related. There is no huge war on cops. It only seems like a "happening" to you because you're probably a 20 year old kid with no life experience. Either that or you are a dunce who believes the spn every news story he reads. So far I have given multiple statistics as well as links to support my evidence. You have given jack shit. I think this conversation is pretty much over.

>> No.1388510
File: 2.12 MB, 320x240, 1466487019844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sniper opens up on cops
>not a happening cause this always happens all the time so there's no actual war on cops even though it happens all the time for it to be normal
>group plans attack on cops to further racist ideology, which the previous attacks were done to further militarize the war on cops, even though there's no war on cops, cause cops every day are ambushed and killed

>> No.1388557

Pretty much. What you are talking about is rare isolated incidents, that happened because the media escalated events like Ferguson. Do you really think that cops killing minoroties is anything new? There is more than a million police officers in the US. They are normal people that sometimes make mistakes, act irrationally and yes some of them even have predjudices. Yet they are all lumped together as if they all are the same person. The press crucifies police officers because they have a political agenda to do so. The cop shootings that happened in Texas and Louisiana are a byproduct of the overall unrest in the US mostly caused by media irresponsibility.

There is no war on cops. There are 2 heavily publicized acts this year because gun control is a hot topic. Can you really call a couple of people acting out in retaliation, a war? Do you really think there have been no other racially charged police fatalities in the last few decades? Was the fact that a sniper rifle was used instead of any other gun a sign of a "happening"? Why is a sniper rifle more special than any other weapon? Are cops really ambushed and killed every day like you say they are? Are cops even ambushed and killed at a higher level proportionately to the last few decades? Are cops even killed as much as they were even just a decade ago? Out of the other cops killed in a retaliatory ambush why are these ones special?

Use your fucking head man. You are getting played. There is no happening here. Shit like this has been going on for a long long long time. The total racial climate of the US is considerably better than it was in the 80s and 90s which was considerably better than it was in the 40s and 50s and so on. What the fuck do you think is "happening" anyways? Cops being murdered is nothing new. Statistics from all the way back to the 80s show that when cops are murdered, it is from black people 40% of the time. There is no new violence here, this is old shit.

>> No.1388645

>cops killing minorities
>everyday thing
>except for the part that more whites are killed than anyone else

The rhetoric of black lives matter has gone from the meta-realm to the physical bullets in the brain realm. The RNC holds a lot of suspense and anxiety for a lot of people. This would could literally be the actual happening of happenings. Buy /pol/ before it's too late.

>screencap this post

>> No.1389222

What the fuck are you talking about? Cops killing minorities is nothing new. Due to the law of large numbers, and because of the million police officers in the US, some of these killings are going to be unjustified. My whole point is that the media reports on black people getting shot disproportionately to white. You and the media act like this is some epidemic of innocent black people getting killed, but again, this happens considerably less frequently than it used to in the past. If you look at the statistics, cops are being held more accountable now than they have been in previous decades. Police brutality just doesn't fly like it used to, mostly because of stricter police procedures and mobile phone cameras. Cops exhibiting any amount of bad judgement are put on the chopping block. I actually think this is a good thing. Cops should be held accountable for their actions. The media is being irresponsible for sensationalizing these incidents however because it causes more unrest and more violence to cops who already face life or death situations daily.

Listen to what the fuck I am telling you. Cops getting killed happens. It just does. It happens yearly. Some of these cop killings happen out of retalliation and some because of racial tension. THIS IS NOTHING NEW YOU COMPLETE RETARD. In fact, less cops are killed now than have been in recent years. There is no happening here because this shit has been happening for a long long long long long long long time. Use your fucking brain instead of regurgirating some stupid shit you heard on /pol/.

>> No.1389263

>get BTFO
>pretend like you were trolling the whole time
Topkek. Stay on /pol/ newfriend.

>> No.1389315


OP if you're still here do this shit.

If you don't do it I'll have a go at it. I feel like it would encourage people to just spam memes everywhere, so you'd probs have to implement some math/or algorithm to define a genuine post. and then keep that algorithm secret lol

>> No.1389352

Working on wireframes and designs as we speak.

See >>1373234 for a preliminary algorithm.

There are other ideas floating around in the thread to discourage spam.

Also see www.meme.exchange

>> No.1389481

>cops killing minorities

See, you have to be black. Cops kill more white people. Media reports far more heavily towards whites getting shot.

>innocent black people getting killed

I think there was ONE case in the last couple of years where a cop was found guilty of murder, but in every other case, the cops did everything right.


Because Mike Brown was innocent. Because Sterling was innocent. Because Trayvon was innocent. Except they weren't...

>cops getting killed happens, it happens every day and they are always getting ambushed and killed by groups with increasingly militant rhetoric

It's like you literally live under a rock. I'm not saying that it's never been done before, but you can see the rise in the trend.

The guy still has yet to post any factual statistics. He says that cops just blatantly kill minorities, even though european whites in america account for only 33% of the total population. (the inflated 66% comes from counting countries such as Sudan, an African nation, as white)

Black men make up only 7% of the population and yet make up over half of the murder rate. (you have to account for the multitude of unsolved cases in detroit, chicago, atlanta, etc..)

>> No.1389498

RIP good thread killed by /pol/

>> No.1389795

>Cops kill more white people.
I never said that cops don't kill more white people you dumb faggot. Way to strawman. In fact my whole point is that cops kill the same number of minorities that they have always killed (a number that is decreasing over time). There isnt a sudden increase in minorities getting killed. Hence, no "happening". Same relatively low number of minorities getting killed. Same relatively low number of cops getting killed. The only reason that you think this is some new occurence is probably because you are a punk kid who was too young to remember Rodney King and the events leading up to it.

>Media reports far more heavily towards whites getting shot.
Wot. You are completely clueless. Name even one white person getting shot by cops by name. Oh, you can't? That's because every time there is a major national news story portraying someone getting shot by police in the last couple decades, they have been black. This isnt just an issue of the media telling you that black lives matter. I would be ok with that. This is an issue of the media tellling you that black lives matter more than any other race. When white people are killed by cops it never receives national media attention. This is irresponsible reporting.

>> No.1389796

>Because Mike Brown was innocent. Because Sterling was innocent. Because Trayvon was innocent. Except they weren't...
Wot. I never said they were innocent. Holy shit what is up with your strawmen? I said the media portrays them as innocent. Again, irresponsible reporting by the media. They never paint an unbiased picture and they crucify the police in the public arena even before an investigation ever begins. Use some reading comprehension. Seriously.

>but you can see the rise in the trend.
You can't see the forest for the trees. I have proven with hard facts and evidence multiple times in this thread that the tend is down over time. You are taking 2 seperate incidents over the thousands that have happened in the last 50 years as evidence that there is a increasingly militant black group that has started a war on cops. You haven't even seen a militant black group. This is nothing compared to the Black Panthers. This is a few radical unorganized thugs.

>> No.1389800

Every year in America, over 5,000 niggers are shot and killed by fellow niggers.

Niggers don't give a shit.

5% of niggers are killed by whites.

Niggers go apeshit and loot their own ghettos.

Black lives don't matter. Why? Because even niggers themselves don't even give a shit about other niggers unless they can get free shit out of it.

>> No.1389806

Alot of sheltered white kids in here.

You're all the same.

Sheltered, suburban kids living with their parents in their nice suburban hoods.

These are the ignorant, sheltered kids who think they're SJWs, but then turn into flaming racists once they actually live in a nigger city like Chicago, Memphis, Baltimore, Detroit....etc etc.

>> No.1389840
File: 181 KB, 800x600, 1463695556104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK did this thread get derailed

By the power of KEK I expell thee.

>> No.1389984

>both account for about 33% of the population

Nice racism, my friend.

>> No.1390032


Nice attempt at deflection, pal.

>> No.1390189

I like the computer one better memexanon, you should go with that
the sunglasses look bare, that one has a computer

>> No.1390319

>calling black people "minorities" instead of black
>not racist

>> No.1390325

Blacks are not minorities? Fuck you're sensitive lol. You sure you're not black?

>> No.1390386

hey go fight on >>>/pol/

>> No.1390419

not when you call a demographic that only makes up 33% of the population the majority

>> No.1390424

I'll try and incorporate both some how

>> No.1390445

>1. the greater number.
>synonyms: larger part/number, greater

So you are saying that there is not a greater number of white people than any other race in the US? Can you even help yourself from typing stupid shit or does it just come naturally? You are by far the dumbest person on this board, and that is saying a lot.

To top it all off I never even said that white people are the majority (even though it is painfully obvious that it's true to everyone but you). You are arging against a point that I never even made you mouth breather.

>> No.1390473

You guys are literally the niggers of this thread right now

>> No.1390584

>I can finally invest in rare pepes~
~dreams really do come true~

>> No.1390585
File: 19 KB, 419x249, 1468654767683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm going to pump and dump forced memes

>> No.1390664

This is fascinating and I'm super excited to see the result.

>> No.1390744

Hispanics are the majority, you fucktard. They are literally the majority on every age group except 65+.

Stupid fucking racist.

>literally niggers
>literally racist

>> No.1390796

You could try figuring out an estimate of crossposting/common users between boards. In addition to actual meme propagation between specific boards (in both directions), board mentions might also provide information.

Some boards are invariably going to be mentioned quite a lot even due to their notority (most notably /b/ and probably /pol/ as well, and /out/), but other mentions may indicate an interest in the mentioned board. If posts on board A often mention board B it could indicate that many users on A also use B and a higher likelihood of natural meme propagation, especially if A is also often mentioned on B. Actual crossboard links to threads/post are an even stronger indication (posts containing only a link to another board index are not). Threads/posts asking "what other boards do you frequent" and threads containing an unexpected high amount of board mentions can also be identified.

This could maybe be used to help gauge memes. A meme originating on A and spreading to B would be expected. Spreading to B and also C, a board with less user overlap, would indicate a stronger meme. Memes spreading everywhere are either very strong or forced, and memes spreading in an unexpected pattern (A to C but nothing on B) is either natural but niche or suspicious.

Also, even if images are not used, is it possible to use file sizes +/- image names (uploaded name and server file name) to identify identical images? If the data is included in the scraping there's got to be a way to use it.

>> No.1390888

This sounds hilarious.

>> No.1391052

Hahahahahaha google it you dumb ass. I have to think you are doing a weak attempt at trolling by this point.

>> No.1391071

>Whites constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2013. There are 62.6% Whites when those who describe themselves as "Hispanics" and "white" are taken out of the calculation.

I got that from 5 seconds of googling hahahahababa. You are completely BTFO.

>inb4 you say 'but thats from 2013!"
Yeah like the white population jumped from 62% to 33% in 3 years lmfao. Respond to me so I can look further for more current statistics and blow you the fuck out again.

>> No.1391167

We may need a new thread soon

>> No.1391242

new one

>> No.1391266


Geez how shortsighted can you get. Building a stock exchange is learning a skill. Another TRUMPcoiner, another shitpost.