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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13810365 No.13810365 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey never was for the little guy in the fisrt place, was he?

>> No.13810416

We banks and jews now, fool !
Link $3eoMay !

>> No.13810469

I don't understand this... I hold chainlink but there are retards on this board who think you'd need LINK tokens if all there was were central bank nodes. It doesn't make sense, they do not need to stake, they have reputation in the traditional sense, they're not a no name neet node. In fact the only nodes where the concept of collateral makes sense are those without other forms of trust which are only the little guy nodes. A bank or BNC or a shipping company won't fake their data and fuck over their brand name value. And 99.999% uptime is a given for these guys too. They won't use your token to pay, they will use the free linux based infrastructure and adapters that we funded to create.

>> No.13810502
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he's a big guy

>> No.13810725


k lurk 2y more lol

>> No.13810741

>he's a big guy

...for you

>> No.13810776
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I'd be very surprised if it wasn't

>> No.13810834

I have ~120k link.

I want at least 30 million USD.

What do you recommend I do?

If link pumps during mainnet then I will just hold.

If link looks like it will dump then I am tempted to:
1. Link -> USDC around mainnet when there seems to be a downward trend.
2. Then go into HARMONY in its first week at its lowest price.
3. Ride the 120k link up with harmony during a mainnet dump and possibly 10x my link stack to 1.2million.


>> No.13810852

All larps point to dont fucking sell faggot

>> No.13810883

Don't sell any link, buy more on the dump.

>> No.13810887

You will get 30 mil if you can hold for 2 years more. you will sell some early though as it will be impossible not to, similar to the first BTC pump way back... .then it will go to new unbelievable heights which will make your 70K link stack be worth 30 million... you will be happy if you don't get weak hands early on.. good luck fren... everything I just wasted my time typing is the truth and not a larp.