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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13803652 No.13803652 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13803756


I lost everything

>> No.13803796

fuck all of you who dumped on me i lost all of my savings nearly $34000 lost on this shit

>> No.13803808


>> No.13803897

Lost 4k on this shit but i still have hope why am i so fucking delusional

>> No.13803915

it will moon again once link is operational

then im going to dump my req on all of you because im a brainlet who bought in at 18 cents in 2017

>> No.13803923

Should have taken profits.
This was so ez

>> No.13803950

Lost $15k you’re not alone anon. I moved what was left into link actually made it all back somehow. Not too late I don’t think.

>> No.13804330

Oracle soon

>> No.13804470

The holy trinity

>> No.13804653
File: 260 KB, 1024x888, 1517785733475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckkkk i remember believing this meme. used to shill it myself

lost a ton on req and qsp because my dumb ass didnt sell. link still holding strong. maybe they will bounce back after link is operational.

>> No.13804877
File: 577 KB, 480x476, 1517607895178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold 30k LINK to double down on REQ at the peak of the bubble in 2017

yes, i want to die

>> No.13804902

I fucking hope so

>> No.13804942

I just bought 8K more of this bad boys. Feels like stealing at this price

>> No.13804976

Lucky I only bought link and req but that req money would’ve been nice

>> No.13804997

At this point the team has more $$, than the marketcap.

>> No.13805027

I used to have sympathy for you REQlets. But not anymore. Anybody holding on to this coin is a moron.

>> No.13805048


same brother. same.

>> No.13805219

You took everything from me

>> No.13805222

It will be ok friend

>> No.13805230


>> No.13805251

haven't even looked at this coin until today.
just went all in.

>> No.13805302
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>> No.13805339

when the team was missing milestones
but enjoying fine dining and wine
it was the most obvious sell signal ever

>> No.13805365

Ha! I've still got bags too my friend. Fortunately I was way overweight on LINK v the other two. May actually DCA into QSP and REQ with a couple of hundred.

>> No.13805428

Now they are banning everyone on their plebbit and discord left and right who says anything critical about the team. It is so scammy.

>> No.13805499
File: 40 KB, 637x350, i dont need to see this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, i want to die
fuck anon, that's literally almost my entire stack of link atm. i'd cry if i lost that, feels bro they're sent your way

literally same. bought 1700 worth or so of REQ during the bubble at like 80cents. totally forgot it existed because i've completely DCA'd into link before, during, and after the bubble. Found out i lost 98% of that investment according to blockfolio. Ironically might as well stay in it since it's like what, 50 bucks worth now

>> No.13805503

You fags got really autistic with the FUD. You can criticize them without being a huge faggot

>> No.13805538

the restaurant they were at was the equivalent of applebees
always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.13805563

I want to plunge my huge red candle into all the devs assholes

How's that for autistic, redditfag?

>> No.13805593

>constantly goes there to shill and even knows the name of the moderators
>calls others reddit fags
you should go back

>> No.13805676

Thanks for buying this and funding the developer mozzarella lifestyle

>> No.13805712

What? Idk the mods names.. fucking weirdo

>> No.13805731


>> No.13805745


I bought at 20 cents cause I was seeing people crying about their bags every day... little did I fucking know

>> No.13805759
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