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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1380332 No.1380332 [Reply] [Original]

Need advice senpai.

I'm dropping out of school. I got screwed out of being able to finish my computer science degree due to bad decision making, depression and bullshit degree requirement changes that I won't be grandfathered into. I could start a new degree but that would take another 3 or 4 semesters. I'm almost 23 and just want to move on. I have a pretty deep seeded resentment for the university system as whole and would honestly be fucking miserable staying here.

I'd fuck off and travel for a while until I figure shit out but I have 2k credit card debt (built up during aforementioned depression) and 2 years left on car lease.

I'm a mediocre programmer and web developer but I don't have the portfolio or experience necessary to land a job without a degree. I might be able to build up a portfolio and maybe get a job in programming in a year or two if I'm lucky.

I don't have any experience in anything outside fast food and courier (which I do now). Aka my resume fucking blows for an almost 23 year old. I'm just not qualified for anything except dead end teenager jobs.

Pros: I'm reasonably attractive, sociable and good at bullshitting with authority figures so I think I can navigate the professional world better than most people in IT. Also no student debt.

Wat do???

>> No.1380341

are you asking us to give you a career suggestion or a depression medication suggestion?

>> No.1380346
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I believe he's asking for the obligatory KYS.


Kill yourself.

>> No.1380351
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Do this

>> No.1380352


Career. I'm on meds now and doing fine

>> No.1380355

First paragraph:
>I dicked around and failed my classes and now I blame the college instead of myself

Second paragraph:
>more millenial bullshit about how your poor decisions are other people's faults

Third paragraph:
>fuck this I'm not even gonna read all the rest of your pity blog

Nobody is stopping you from finishing your computer science degree. Give me one good reason why you can't finish school

>> No.1380360

this is /biz/


once you have a job then worry about what you actually want to do.

>im on medication for my depression, im a western 23 year old who gave up his education in a good field


>> No.1380363


Not blaming other people. I fucked up in a lot f ways. But I literally cannot finish my degree. They changed requirements in a way that fucks me over. Not going to get into the details because it's irrelevant.

Also my resentment of academia is mostly political. But also this school is littered with bureaucracy and power tripping professors and administrators.

>> No.1380371
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>Also my resentment of academia is mostly political. But also this school is littered with bureaucracy and power tripping professors and administrators.

thats a bitch ass excuse to drop out man.

>> No.1380374

It's not irrelevant. Why can't you finish your degree? And don't tell me some bullshiy about your specific school policies. There are hundreds of schools. Unless you live in some third world Europoor "country"

>> No.1380375


My reason is that I cannot finish due to degree requirements changing. My advisor literally told me I have to pick a new degree. Can you fuckers read?

>> No.1380379

>there is only one college in America

>> No.1380380

lol, have you ever read a confederacy of dunces? You fucking Ignatius Reilly.

>> No.1380382


I'm 23 man. I've already transferred schools. It sets you back quite a bit. Don't want to spend half my 20s in school considering that I've been fucking miserable ever since high school. Not here for a lecture about my life. I want career advice.

>> No.1380384


I have a job. I want a new one. I am specifically asking what career paths a dropout can take. Y'all are fucking useless

>> No.1380385

Transfer credits to another school and finish it there.

Starting over is fucking retarded.

>> No.1380388
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>something in my life is changing.
sounds like a whiny bitch to me

>> No.1380389

That is the advice. You're only 23. You think when you're 40, it's gonna matter that you spent an extra year in school in your early 20s? It will if you are stuck in a shit job you hate because you had literally zero long term vision when you were younger. Switch schools. This isnt the huge deal you're making it out to be. If you can't make it around this tiny obstacle, you arent going to make it once your real life starts throwing 90 mph sliders at you.

Fuck I hate my generation

>> No.1380392

im apart of the same gen. its fucking pathetic how short sided these cunts are. it just shows whos gonna be the ones on top in 10 years time

>> No.1380400

I know. Part of me thinks it's fine because I absolutely dominate my peers with very little effort and basic knowledge. Part of me thinks it's bad because the country cannot possibly survive this level of mass incompetence and ineptitude

>> No.1380401

dude... thats been my thinking exactly, word for word

>> No.1380423


It would actually take two years. That's two years I could spend actually working hard to become a skilled programmer and have a nice portfolio. Because here's the deal fuckers. What I've been learning in school is 80% horseshit. You spend an ungodly amount of time learning information tangentially related to CS but not at all revalent to real world use. You also spend a lot of time working with obscure languages, machine level coding, and time consuming mathematical exercises. Yes all of this is technically making teaching me CS but is not at all preparing me for the real world and amounts to a waste of time. Many of my acquaintances in CS 100% agree with this. Most hands on actual software development that I have done has been independent. A friend of mine who recently graduated with a CS degree from my school tells me that he wishes that he just started learning programming out of high school because every job he looks at wants experience and a portfolio. The truth about the CS as a career is that it's so fucking broad that a catchall university education just isn't that helpful to most people. Of course employers don't understand this entirely and still require the arbitrary piece of paper.

I literally think I am better off spending the next two years getting fucking good at making software instead of sucking various professors dicks until they decide I can have their piece of paper.

>> No.1380429
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>wah wah the man keepin me down wah privilege

this is honestly what i imagine you look like

>> No.1380430


Trying to get advice on how to approach a change in my life isn't whining you fucktard. It's literally the opposite

>> No.1380436

God you guys sound like absolute pricks. Probably the dumbest ones ITT honestly

>> No.1380439


>> No.1380449


What's stopping you from both continuing your education and developing your portfolio and programming ability?

>inb4 "no time" fuck off faggot, make time

>> No.1380475

Invite this guy (>>1380436) to your pity party OP. I'm out.

The obvious answer is continue and finish school. Of course it isn't 100% relevant to the job you want. It's a qualifier to employment, not a quantifier. Good luck getting the good programmer job without the degree.

Of course, you knew this answer and just wanted attention. Since you don't have tits, just GTFO

>> No.1380480

Hey, finishing school is the right idea, that's what I did.

You still sound like a massive faggot who's as worthless as a spec of dust.

>> No.1380489
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>You still sound like a massive faggot who's as worthless as a spec of dust.

quick call the firebrigade, som1 jus got burned

>> No.1380494


Can you guys fucking read? I LITERALLY cannot finish a CS degree. Words straight from my advisor. So I'm asking to figure out what I should do instead. All you guys bitching at me about how I should finish my degree are illiterate retards because I've made it clear that it's not an option.

>> No.1380497


1) I fucking cant finish it. Literally was told by my advisor. So stop telling me to finish it

2) see number one fucktard

>> No.1380502

Continue school, get summer internships in your field of study, and learn some sort of backup plan like GIS. I know there are a lot of horseshit sensitivity classes you have to take, but after 2-3 years you ought to have those out of the way. In other words, Silicon Valley and Denver are already flooded with software developers so learn something in a market that isn't flooded to the brim. GIS is slightly less frustrating, abit more boring, but will get you good employment opportunities.

>> No.1380506


Didn't realize that criticizing an institution is such an unfathomable thing to you guys. Jesus Christ is it that hard to imagine that maybe, just maybe, the university system could be improved on?

I'm not even a faggot liberal with no work ethic. I just think the university system fucking blows right now. fucking hell man

>> No.1380509
File: 58 KB, 541x412, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a bitch nigga

You complain about not being qualified for anything and then want to drop out, are you a retard?

As somebody who's been working dead end jobs for 10 years and wants to go university at age 25 you don't know how good school is compared to working shit jobs

>> No.1380518


I posted this thread because I wanted advice on how to succeed without a degree. I didn't realize that everyone on this board were 4.0 graduates that never ever made poor decisions when they were 20

>> No.1380525

most people on this board have a passion for business and economics. we tend not to make stupid decisions regarding trivial things

>> No.1380527

Knocking that beam out of the way was unnecessary. The cowcatcher (metal pointed grille in front) would have moved it out of the way easily.

Regardless, looks cool.

>> No.1380530

it might have wrecked the track though. if the cow catcher hit it while it was laying in between the sleepers like that it might rip them there foundation and if there concrete or steel (they look like wood) it might have even bent the track

>> No.1380534

>my advisor rules my life

Once again, there is more than one college in this country. That's why we arent all lining up for tickets to Pitypalooza 2016: OP City

>> No.1380537


As do I. Economics is actually my second choice degree. It would take two more year for a bachelor's. But a BA in econ may as well be nothing. You need a master's and I'm just not interested in spending 4 more years of time and money when I could instead make money and not waste away my 20s studying a field of econ I don't entirely agree with (I'm Austrian school. smd) I'm simply asking advice on how to succeed without a degree. I didn't think it's that absurd to assume that there were moderately successful people here who didn't graduate college. Because you know, those people do fucking exist

>> No.1380538

This anon >>1380530 is right. You obviously don't know as much about trains as you think you do

>> No.1380545
File: 277 KB, 1600x900, cool train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont actually know much about trains, it just clicked that that could be why

>> No.1380551

And don't forget to say some high-pitched final words

>> No.1380552

Hmm, you're right. I wonder how heavy those ties are and how hard it was for that guy to throw it.

>> No.1380555

ties? -things?

probably fucking heaving, at work i deal with building retainer wall and stuff and if it was hardwood then mabye 50kgs?

>> No.1380556


I've transferred schools twice. Not interested in doing it again. I'd have to move states to go to an equally prestigious school anyways.

>inb4 surfer you shouldn't have transferred twice.

Fuck you I'm not the first person to make bad decisions in their youth.

Why the shit is it so hard for you guys to give career advice instead of fucking banging on about me being a fuck up. I know I am.

>> No.1380562
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i dont think it would be legal to do that anymore though :')

>> No.1380565

Trips speak the TRUTH! But yeah they must be solid and even if it was a lightweight wood, probably around 80lbs at least. That's a lot of weight to lift over your head like that, though he was using his back as well.
Props to that dude!

>> No.1380567

Sure, theres plenty of other stuff you can do. My career advice to you: switch schools or learn to swing a hammer.

Nobody's giving you shit about past mistakes. The thing is, to overcome past mistakes, you have to work twice as hard now. You have to face the adversity you've created for yourself or be doomed to a cycle of mediocrity

>> No.1380570

The bigger question is why he even had one of those in his hands

>> No.1380572

i know right, there wernt no health regulations back then :l

>> No.1380576
File: 20 KB, 236x293, f40bb0db82d5dee8ffe9fa35b82a0684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr, where the fuck did he get it?? :')

>> No.1380897

>I'd fuck off and travel for a while until I figure shit out

You deserve everybit of what you're getting you stupid feelgood fuck

>> No.1381067

But he's sad anon :'( he needs to take happy pills so give him a break
and the university is being mean to him

It's okay OP just keep blaming others for your problems

>> No.1381196

jesus this is faked right? some balsa wood bs? Dat strength, balance, and timing is pretty outrageous

>> No.1381377
File: 1.42 MB, 635x475, bobby_ross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start a deadend, part time job. Build a portfolio of three websites on the side. Call local businesses in your area and ask if they want their websites to be redone on the cheap. Show them what you have in your portfolio. Keep trying until you get three local business's websites redone.

After that you can sign up for freelancing on Upwork, pass their skills tests and post your 6 completed websites their and make offers on their jobs. After you get 6 more jobs complete you can quit your part time and freelance full time, but manage your savings carefully. Then go finish your degree online you slug!

Source: I currently do this full time.

>> No.1381525

Confirmed for never working as a programmer. About half the people I work with don't have degrees, and my programmer friends say the same thing. Degree is not at all needed to demonstrate your ability in this profession.

OP, work on your portfolio and get a microdegree or something, just to get passed HR. The fact that you've done a few years of university goes a long way too.

>> No.1381561

Your advisor told you that because they probably think you want out in four years. Sadly you're a waste of space and won't be able to do that.

You've not mentioned student loans ONCE which makes me think either your school is dirt cheap and you've worked through (doubtful given your attitude) or daddy is footing the bill. Either way you can take another two years to finish it while working to build up a portfolio on the side.

You're being a defeatist faggot that thinks he's been gipped by the system when really you've just fucked up inside the system.

>> No.1382632

Anon, at this point in time, we are more interested in trains than your story. Move on.

>> No.1382987

>I know. Part of me thinks it's fine because I absolutely dominate my peers with very little effort and basic knowledge. Part of me thinks it's bad because the country cannot possibly survive this level of mass incompetence and ineptitude
Fucking this.

I'm 23 making a little over $50k. Not amazing, but certainly much better than my peers.

While some of my college friends are doing great, some of them just moved back home to 'find a job', and they're just staying there.

I guess if I had rich parents that'd be alluring, but it would still be soul crushing.

>> No.1383013

Why not get a labor job? Save up a few months rent, find a job with somewhere to rent anywhere in the country. There's gotta be a decent paying job in industry out there.