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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13799352 No.13799352 [Reply] [Original]

Who can predict what the first big partnership will be? Here's my weak analysis:
SWIFT: they took link into their arms when link was nothing and did a POC with them. This is strange, how and why did this giant banking service pick out a super small start up? its been two years since that POC, the link website says they still work with them so thats why i think SWIFT might be the first to announce, everything is all set for them. Also theres so much confusion over if they are still partners that they might say something to make it concrete

Docusign: how obvious is this? How does tom gonser have a fireside chat with sergey, basically tells the whole world that yeah chainlink would be a great service for docusign and stops there. Hmmm seems like they are obviously setting up for a partnership, these lead up event are just a way of anti hyping these partner ships, aka "priced in" before they even announce some might say. all im saying is its so fishy how much gonser loves link and leaves it at that, there needs to be more.

Microsoft: their cryplets project or whatever its called, is literally a replica of chainlink. very easy for them to announce this too.

Coinbase: not really a "partnership" but imagine if they announce a link listing plus a staking service to go along with it...this def isnt as easy to integrate as the other options but coinbase having staking/node services for link is huge i think, very normie friendly, its probably taking them a long time cause they go thru strict rules

So my guess if either docusign or microsoft for the first big announcement, what do you guys think?

>> No.13799368

Partnership with the USA

>> No.13799379

My guess is Oracle

>> No.13799400

Eric Holder lied and Paul Walker died.

>> No.13799405

literal whos followed by another literal who

>> No.13799437
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>> No.13799545

>swift banking
yeah complete nobodies lol

>> No.13799564

The digits on this specific post have been outstanding today.

>> No.13799600

Allianz SE

>> No.13799664

Checked good ones there i forgot about

>> No.13799694

No partnership announcements, no staking. Screenshot this.

>> No.13799697

Your analysis isn't too shabby.

>> No.13799737

2weeks after mainnet gets out
they need to stabilise network first

>> No.13799778

thanks bro...i also look at it this way but im way more dumb when it comes to numbers...how long do you think chainlinks ICO funds are going to last? In assuming that 32 million will be drying up soon. they literally cant afford for the price to dump because they use some of the links to pay developers, events, conferences, etc...so i think one of these big partnerships will allow them to not worry about funds for the rest of developement, i mean mainnet isnt even halfway done..theres still so many deatures to build and add on, they need that development fund money

>> No.13799894

Coinbase operating nodes will never happen.

>> No.13799904

This. US defense is almost confirmed

>> No.13799928

why not? You dont think CB wants a slice of the staking/nodes pie?

>> No.13800089

I like your thinking OP. Even if they announced Swift and left it at that for a few weeks that wouldn't be a disappointment.

>> No.13800163

Running a node isn't mining.

>> No.13800184

what? No one said it was, not sure what youre trying to say

>> No.13800201
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SWIFT wants in on Chainlink to get in on automating bond writing and sales. Even a piece of that market is worth billions every year.

Got a source for that?

>> No.13800275

yep, would you also know swift doing this brings value to link? are those bonds going to need collateral from nodes?
Ill try to find the US defense connection picture i have it somewhere

>> No.13800307

The way crypto seems to be being used, its as a store of value for the digital sale of goods. Link isn't just a carrier for the smart contract, in other words, but is the medium of exchange. This would indicate stupid high valuation as it begins to snap up market share in the bond market (est. 100 trillion USD)

>> No.13800372

You're pretty close.

>> No.13800385
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On the day of hte mainnet Sergey will announce a strategic partnership with Bobo and together they will open a margin trading platform where you can ONLY short link

>> No.13800390

This^ on this date: Wednesday, June 26 • 3:40pm - 4:15pm at Cloud Expo

>> No.13800458

Mining is just running a software, running a node is buying data and making sure they'll be useful. I really don't see how Coinbase would do this. Do you have any indication that they would ? Literally anything? Because this started as a literal meme here.

>> No.13800476

im down to make money either way mr. bobo
that would be crazy but would come out of nowhere! not much breadcrumbs with oracle, strongest connection we have is that guy doing a presentation on it that works with oracle right? Why do you think they will announce first out of all the rest i listed?

>> No.13800581

I see your point, but im still having trouble understanding what mining has to do with coinbase in the first place. I got low IQ so im sorry. The indicators im going off for coinbase is drunkanon larper, lmao i know its probably not good to go off larps but hes been right before. Also i think coinbase is more involved with the coins it lists. they dont just list them and forget about them, they even do educational videos on them. Coinbase would be an amazing USD gateway for stakers/node operators, i really dont see why they wouldnt want a piece of that pie eventually.

>> No.13800630

>Why do you think they will announce first out of all the rest i listed?

I mean, the guy is showing the world "Hey if use our Oracle blockchain product and need to connect to external data, here's how you do it: Chainlink." Not a "partnership"... what would that mean anyway? Exclusive rights? Oracle, and others like them that introduce Chainlink in this fashion are de facto endorsing the Chainlink product as an oracle solution. This is how open source solutions become the standard, go-to solution.

>> No.13800663

Do you honestly believe Sergey will announce those as their partners?

>> No.13800679
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Partnership with Salman will be announced.

>> No.13800707

not him but the companies yes, you cant stay silent for much longer, something has to happen to show progress

>> No.13800711
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my guess is pee pee and then probably poo poo shortly thereafter

>> No.13800726


>> No.13800737
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You just win.

>> No.13800758

right i see what youre saying, that would help the network effect too im guessing

>> No.13800760
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>> No.13800770

Pee pee is number 1, poo poo is number 2

>> No.13800787

Coinbase would run a node supplying crypto pricing data. Duh

>> No.13800796

>Network effects
It's going to be insane.

>> No.13800814

Checked, these would be some good ones

>> No.13800815

Aren't their prices aggregate values anyways? Which would make them a 'reseller' of data. This is something I hadn't thought of before. Resellers, distributors. Conveyers of data, but not the original collectors of the data.

>> No.13800817

Whoever establishes themselves as highly trusted crypto api providing oracles will be used in all fiat converting smart contract payments as well. Coinbase, Binance, it makes sense for all of them to run nodes. Even Blockfolio could run one with an average of all exchange pricing

>> No.13800818

doesn't really have to run a node. they can pool their links willing to be staked into a network of nodes that all handle many kinds of data and then pay their customers the residual after skimming a bit off the top for facilitating it.

>> No.13800834

Seller, reseller... regardless, supplying data and collecting a reward. And having resources to stake high collateral

>> No.13800852

Makes sense.

>> No.13800856

Like linkpool? Yeah they can offer a service like that if I’m understanding what you’re saying correctly. That’d be neat for us non coding stack holders.

>> No.13800900

yea sort of like linkpool but probably more sophisticated. gotta figure a lot of these kind of networks will be setup in the future.

>> No.13800935

Docusign hit record earnings across the board last report. Without chainstink.
None of these nig companies are going to use link, they are just advisors, sorry to bust your whoopie cushion .

>> No.13800957

This is the only believable thing itt. Linkies are delusional shit creatures.

>> No.13800970

Thanks sold 100k

>> No.13800986

Reported for racism

>> No.13801002

Wow if only something advised would allow them to continue hitting record profits since that matters more than earnings anyways

>> No.13801060

they need to scale their business sooner or later and offer more then just digital signatures. Chainlink will be able to carry an identity with that signature, think harder next time

>> No.13801170

DoD hardened chainlink

>> No.13801198

bane hardened chainlink node. Look on github

>> No.13801199


>> No.13801220

That was just some random dude playing with open source DoD stuff.

>> No.13801327
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Would be pretty epic if they partnered with walmart, imagine buying sergey shirts with a huge discount

>> No.13801347

the only fucking partnership that matters is between chainlink and ME!

>> No.13801395

lol, it's actually a meme
>that "dev"

>> No.13801483

Doesn’t Sergey hold the trademark for cryptlets?

>> No.13802423


>> No.13802470

Eric Holder lied and Paul Walker died.

>> No.13802490


>> No.13802536
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mcdonalds, once they activate technological unemployment

>> No.13802559
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Now this will be epic.

>> No.13802716

Okay here's the brown pill. Sergey has partnered with Sanket Sanjeev and Ranjesh of Pajeet and Co. This is the biggest manufacturers of toilet paper in Mumbai and smart contact help track where toilet paper is used. We hope that our revolutionary technology will stop people pooing in the street.

>> No.13803288

sauce or breadcrumbs.

>> No.13803471
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These are Chainlink's launch partners, it was just announced in the Telegram.

>> No.13803513
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>> No.13803602
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>> No.13804041
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gosh anon... don't know what to make of this

>> No.13804170

An anon who worked DoD came on /biz/ and said he'd made this build. /biz/ was retard tier even then, so nobody could discuss it with him in any meaningful way, so he left.
The rumour was afterwards that he had been in contact with the team himself who showed an interest. That's about all there is to it.

>> No.13804218

What the fuck. If it's real $1000 EOY is not a meme.

>> No.13804587

The Tyler tech connection means that fundamentally, this is true

>> No.13804643

Fundamentals have blown me away


>> No.13804692

I’m starting to get scared guys...

What if...what if we truly are the next generation of wealthy elites....

>> No.13804836

What the fuck? Where was this found?

>> No.13804872
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>> No.13804881

Kek I agree

>> No.13805527

I've seen on biz a report regarding DoD and smart contracts, when did this dude appear?

>> No.13805535

Our best shot at a major partnership is Microsoft. Anyone whose been browsing link threads for more than a year knows this.