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13796483 No.13796483 [Reply] [Original]

>"hey son, my boss has been mentioning cryptotokens or whatever they are called and I told him you were quite the investor"
>"he says they are doing well at the moment. Good going son."
>"anyway he insisted that I introduce you to his daughter, her name is Stacey. I wasn't sure why but hey it's time you got yourself a lady anon. If you play your cards right there might even be a promotion in it for me"
>"anyway she is here now, I'll leave you two lovebirds to make your acquaintances or whatever kids do these days I need to go to Walmart to buy your mom some more menopause tablets"
>"H-hi anon :)"

What do?

>> No.13796501

>open blockfolio.
>unzip pants.

>> No.13796502


>> No.13796505

Rape. When get out of prison, wallet has mooned.

>> No.13796523

>Gets pregnant

>> No.13796526

first, I wipe the cheeto crumbs off my bowling shirt. Next, I sheepishly wipe my shirt Cheeto dust off of my hand and onto my pj bottoms.
After that I am not sure

>> No.13796527

pathetic larp and fantasy. kys

>> No.13796535
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Sorry dad, all women are whores.

>> No.13796554


>> No.13796581

Well my dick's already out so I guess we just go with the flow.

>> No.13796586

Damn those wiping cheetos looks like a tunic puzzle.
You think you winning but you just put Cheetos in somewhere else.

>> No.13796605

very based

>> No.13796624
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>> No.13796639

>10 edgy replies about raping her or women being whores
I'm fine with all women being whores/raping them but at least make it clever enough to be funny jfc are you all underage

>> No.13796643
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>> No.13796645


have sex, incel

>> No.13796648

>"Welcome to my lair."
>"Do you know the secret handshake?"

>> No.13796672

Y..you dont have to do anything stacey, s..s.s.orry about my dad you h..have to eat these eggs...

>> No.13796678


you have sex too

>> No.13796684


>> No.13796687

she's smiling so we're off to a good start lol

>> No.13796712

Laughed IRL

>> No.13796715

That’s a man

>> No.13796719

Oh shit this meme is so fucking true

>> No.13796728

"take your clothes off and come sit on anon's lap"

>> No.13796775

Start screaming

>> No.13796807

If you have to ask 4chan what to do, you don't even deserve the girl in your faggot larp fantasy

>> No.13796854

omg shes so precious
liek a delicate flower a daffodil that may blow away any second but is so beautiful u cant help but stare

>> No.13796855

Based and truthpilled

>> No.13796894

Lady you are looking GOOD today

And then walk away

>> No.13796906
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I would ask her what her favorite pokemon is and if she wants to play mario kart with me
that worked fairly well the last time I interacted with a girl

>> No.13796929

hello my dear please do the needful

>> No.13796960

>open bobe
>show you anis

>> No.13796991

Yeah that post actually made me laugh harder than anything today. Thanks.

>> No.13796993
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>> No.13797010

"Uhh I don't know what my dad told your dad but my blockfolio is hardly worth 5k usd.
Did your father really say he'd want you to meet me based only on the information that I own some crypto?"

>> No.13797025

imagine being this autistic.

>> No.13797192

not bad. i mean youd have to really be a chad to progress closer toward sex after opening like that. unless its ner grill. kinda autist teir but certain specimens might find it cute

>> No.13797508
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her name is Katie Howard and her instagram is private

>> No.13797536

Damn son
Better have some sex champ

>> No.13797558

good sheit

>> No.13797606

I think the only thing in common you could have with a girl born after 2000 is films.

>> No.13797674

Imagine her waking up next to you in the morning. She looks you deep in the eyes, and tells you she loves you. You cuddle and hold her close. You feel the warmth in your body as you realize that feeling is the best feeling a human on this planet can feel.

>> No.13797739

"Hey do you want to play Magic cards? Oh you don't have a deck, that's okay you can borrow one of mine."

>> No.13797783

Delicate flower with hpv and an adderall habit.

>> No.13797915

I want to lick his asshole

>> No.13798108

Why would you care if she loves you or not?

>> No.13798207

I think, I can see his bulge

>> No.13798234
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Women will never take an genuine interest in me because im:

>incredibly asocial
>very short
>big headed

The only thing i have going on for me is that im somehow /fit/ because of my past trying to be a normie left me with the habit of lifting, which i genuinely fear stop doing because probably is the only thing that makes me avoid going into a spiral of being an alcoholic. Im almost 25 already so there is no point in trying anything anyway, i have trying a lot of things and only realizing that autism makes me boring is what was enlightening in the end, im just wired differently

only once a woman took interest in me when i was a depressive alcoholic in my 18, and by her own words it was because she wanted to see how it was to fuck an autistic alcoholic, 100% srs

>> No.13798327

Was she happy with autism alcoholic sex?

>> No.13798378


that's the joke, we never had sex

>> No.13798454

>"Hi stacey, nice to me you! My name's Anon."
Next shoot her a compliment
> "That's a pretty dress you have on, wanna get out of here and go somewhere fun where we can get acquainted?"
Once outside
> "We can take my car if you'd like?"
Open the door for her, not to be chivalrous, but because obviously she's going to struggle opening the doors on my McLaren
Proceed to speed through town
> "So, stacey: You wanna grab a bite to eat? What kind of food do you like?"
Ignore everything she says unless she has fish allergy. Then speed over to the local high-end seafood restaurant where I take all my whores. Order 2 dozer oysters and some champagne.
Ask random questions about her (Where are you from? what do you do for fun? Do you like to travel, where have you been?
Casually insult her for not being as cultured & wordly as I am. (This is a technique called 'push-pull' that drives females insane with lust).
Wait for her to ask about me, tell her how I made it with BitCoin, then ethereum, then AGAIN with real bitcoin SV. When she asks how I did it just say how it came easy to me, and I never had to try in school, and how my mensa IQ is >300. Drink 3.5/5 champagne glasses that the one bottle pours myself. Order dirty martinis for entrees.
If stacey is looking drunk offer to go back home & watch a movie. If not, take her a club/lounge where we can drink more aggressively. Order bottle of grey goose. Then go back to my house. Offer stacey some more "comfortable" clothes which consist of my burberry boxer shorts & a t-shirt. Go in teh bathroom while she changes and sniff a viagra/percocet cocktail (this way you have a massive boner and it takes you forever to cum - if you can even cum). Come back into the room with stacey wearing pajamas. Pop on a movie. Proceed to cuddle & get handsy with her the entire time. Start making out right around the time the viagra is kicking in. Then take her clothes off & give her the best sex of her life.

>> No.13798485

You have to go back

>> No.13798493
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Shes also Irish? or British, so we have a proper rubbish accent innit.

>> No.13798555
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>> No.13798612
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>bitcoin SV
stopped reading here, cool story bro

>> No.13798846
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Based routine.
How do you come up with non-boring things to fill in silence when talking with brainless bitches?

>> No.13798882

>says jigglypuff

>> No.13798929

>Hi stacey
Lost me here, don't know how this is supposed to work

>> No.13798939

Would smash. post more

>> No.13798980

how about drinks?

>> No.13799053

we are not in the patriach society, stop dreaming about submissive Stacey introduced by thir dads
Western society is allabout aggressive Stacey with more than 10 partners at the age of 24

>> No.13799076

That's fine these pics are enough for me to jerk off to.

>> No.13799092

So fucking based and patrician pilled

>> No.13799103


>> No.13799129

Hey Stacy. You are lookin' good tonight
>Then just walk away

>> No.13799291

If you're not a normal human being that's unable to court women without going through deliberate acts, you hire a prostitute who doesn't give a quarter of a shit about your spaghetti. Leave the mentally normal people alone, go have your girlfriend package at $350/hr.

>> No.13799304
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i'd still mess that up somehow

>> No.13799335

>seething roast coping about female shitty communication skills

>> No.13799435

Actually it’s based as fuck. Women are sick of the same shit. Ask her to play some vidya like a human and show you’re not fronting. Then she’ll show you what she’s good at.

>> No.13799450

>Open the door for her, not to be chivalrous, but because obviously she's going to struggle opening the doors on my McLaren
My fucking sides

>> No.13799466

Hi, Newfag. I've held BTC since 2011 & I hold all the forks as well. It's pretty clear to me which version of bitcoin works the best & there's a reason why all of the guys that have been involved with bitcoin since before cuckstream prefer SV.

By talking about myself & things that I like. No matter how brainless the bird is you can always drum up some convo about: boats, cars, fashion, traveling.

>> No.13799473

I'm older than her

>> No.13799492

AWAW poster here. You are based.

>> No.13799507

back in my day son these ladies would be showing midriff. what happened?

women have made themselves uglier on purpose because they don't comprehend objective beauty ironically enough.

the kardashian look never got me hard.

>> No.13799539
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Based and redpilled
It’s not rape though because women enjoy rape

>> No.13799641

Wait is this literally Craig himself posting?

>> No.13799658

what a fucking whore, I can see her ankles

>> No.13799687


Solid 10/10 on right

>> No.13799703

>curse you and your loose lips, father
>no one can know about my LINKIES
>*kills all witnesses with no survivors so no one will know about my massive gains*

>> No.13799724
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br*tish accents alone drop women 8 points
t. anglo

>> No.13799744

dad BTFO

>> No.13799745

So what do you do for fun?

>> No.13799764
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try and short successful stocks

>> No.13799788

Sup bro
How did you get your hips to widen?
I've been on estrogen for years and mine wont budge

>> No.13799820

I'm the guy asking the girl bra

>> No.13799871
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You have to neg and make her afraid to arouse her

>> No.13800232

What? Who? What the heck dad.. Go away. What the heck


>> No.13800553


>> No.13801042
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Wanna go out to eat at the olive garden?

>> No.13802059

if the roast can't appreciate a stoic man who doesn't talk too much like a retarded bitch, she ain't worth the time and attention