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File: 681 KB, 1905x1278, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13795146 No.13795146 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13795161
File: 164 KB, 1233x1217, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's write HERstory

>> No.13795191
File: 919 KB, 653x1408, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bix nood mup di doo me bizman mupfugah

>> No.13795193

diversity can boost productivity if done right

>> No.13795217
File: 1.06 MB, 650x1322, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sips latte*
*frowns at you*

>> No.13795245
File: 1.09 MB, 655x1317, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes goy diversity is strength

>> No.13795273
File: 1.07 MB, 648x1409, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sir do the needful

>> No.13795286

>IQ around 80

>> No.13795308

No, we haven't come up with anything new or game changing since that old white man Jobs kicked the bucket, but at least we are diverse!

>> No.13795316
File: 1.12 MB, 651x1273, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refugee chic

>> No.13795341
File: 59 KB, 1024x908, 1553979806093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13795362

he was ethnically syrian. try again racist

>> No.13795364
File: 1.15 MB, 652x1454, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine this loud ugly diversity hire lecturing you on herstory in the employee lounge as you try to sober up in the morning over a hot coffee

>> No.13795371
File: 55 KB, 592x444, TAxaouVYLyTSIVmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously it's working considering how well apple products are designed

>inb4 windows/lagdroid poorfags

>> No.13795379

Clown world
Capitalism is not compatible with white nationalism

>> No.13795380
File: 7 KB, 326x154, assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syrians, not white?

>> No.13795389

>subsidies are a net positive to americans

>> No.13795422

confirmed brainwashed
capitalism enables people to get what they want
if you can't market a space for each race, it's not capitalism

>> No.13795432
File: 2 KB, 16x16, IMG_4401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13795445 [DELETED] 

soon we will spread diversity across the globe
all must be liberated from the shackles of ignorance!
why yes I DO identify as colored... did you just assume my ethnicity?
white boi micro aggressing me? your kind isn't welcome here...

>> No.13795452

My office literally just had an internal target competition with a "prize" and the prize was a book on institutional racism.

>> No.13795473

Confirmed cuckold
>Oy vey, Trump said otherwise you silly goy
It's not even the main reason it's not compatible either

>> No.13795490
File: 857 KB, 651x1413, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon we will spread diversity across the globe
all must be liberated from the shackles of ignorance!
why yes I DO identify as colored... did you just assume my ethnicity?
white boi micro aggressing me? your kind isn't welcome here...

>> No.13795502

Talking about diversity.
It’s a legit diverse human.
Appreantly not diverese enough to be included in the pictures.
I am not even white but thing is bad
If I was white I woulda boycott any company that does that.

>> No.13795536

Yep that’s correct.
But he ain’t Arab.

>> No.13795562
File: 814 KB, 652x1611, Screenshot_2019-05-23 Inclusion Diversity(8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes hello James thank you for sitting down to talk with me today... I've just spoken to Cathy and she says you haven't been hitting your KPIs? I wonder if this is due to the recent tension between you and the rest of the staff? There have been rumors of racism and certain staff have complained of microaggressions...
James I want to see people do the best work they can do so I'll give you one more chance to prove yourself. Come in this weekend for mandatory sensitivity training or we'll be escalating this matter to HR and the relevant Diversity Network Association.

>> No.13795591

You know consuela? You're an ugly nigger.

>> No.13795596

Imagine actually being this ugly. Non-whites were a mistake

>> No.13795635

not an argument
apple benefits enormously from subsidies provided to google and other tech giants that produce the software that makes apple's products useful, and they also benefit heavily from regulations that provide protection to telecommunications companies, which allows telecoms to keep their prices sky-high and reinvest highly inflated amounts of money into tech firms that are not necessarily producing goods and services that the market would most want if they were provided with every option
in addition to this, intellectual property protections that are enforced by government prevent people from taking the source code of corrupt platforms that are only dominant because the people who made them benefit enormously from subsidies, and remodeling them to tailor to particular principles—freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association and disassociation, etcetera
the most telling part about all of this is that, in this system, if you should move to a highly relegated area and attempt to start your own economy without using any government services of your surrounding country, you will be prosecuted once you become large enough

everyone is their own private corporation
you fight physical property rights as if it does you any favors, despite you being more akin to a private corporation than a government
you are the cuckold

>> No.13795664
File: 337 KB, 1134x795, muh diversity apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh guise says here that apple is overwhelmingly white male at the top??
hmm must be a bug in the code... am sure apple will patch this soon

>> No.13795682

The only basis to hire anyone anywhere is how good they are at their job. This "diversity" thing is only telling me "hey, here we don't give a shit about work quality, we only care about appearances and good publicity". As an investor, this is not something I would recommend.

>> No.13795690


>> No.13795698

How is literally ANY of that compatible with nationalism or specifically white nationalism? It isn't. Most of it is irrelevant and is just general shit
Capitalism is incompatible with white nationalism

>> No.13795732

Yfw you have absolutely no idea better than.... WELL A BUNCH OF BROWN PEOPLE WORK HERE SO BUY A PHONE

the absolute state of marketing

>> No.13796087

>subsidized communications and tech giants all railing against freedom of disassociation
>irrelevant to nationalism, specifically the ethnonationalism of their largest tax base
it's not my job to educate you on these matters, you know

>> No.13796231

capitalism is incompatible, there is nothing to preserve and you can confuse yourself with irrelevant specifics all you want but it will hit you one day and you'll know it too

>> No.13797177

>still insists that this is capitalism rather than central planning, despite the fact that taxation is a thing and that as government power has grown, the right of white people to self-govern and live their own lives has been increasingly attacked
like i say—it's not my job to educate you on these matters
we all get what we deserve in the end—the both of us
i choose free markets, liberty, and private property rights
feel free to choose what's right for you

>> No.13797254


>so diverse
>not a single white

Jobs rolling in his grave

>> No.13797314

>it's not real capitalism
alright, i will

>> No.13797356

apple peaked 10 years ago and has become increasingly irrelevant since 2012 or so