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File: 153 KB, 884x563, 56246873578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1378674 No.1378674 [Reply] [Original]

CONFIDENCE is back in the minds and hearts of the investors again. the price has been floating around the .050c mark and showing no further weakness since about wednesday last week.

TRUMPcoiners are all strapping themselves into there golden encrusted rockets and preparing for takeoff
Trumpcoin is now officially TRUMPCOIN, LLC

Nocoiners are rapidly getting further triggered buy our confidence in the coin lately.
this has led to one butthurt commentor basically declaring to raid and shutdown
trumpcoin threads.
this coin lords guess is that he was hurt badly by the great pajeet catastrophe.

but alas all wounds heal, and this rocket is repaired.

>> No.1378677

Oh yeah we goin for the moon now!

>> No.1378679
File: 77 KB, 600x810, smithsonian-digitize-moon-landing-space-suit-new-kickstarter-project-00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what ill be rocking

>> No.1378682

Ha my reputation grows.. I'm flattered guys. Really!

>> No.1378706

were reaching our july 7 high of .059 currently at .057. watch for break

>> No.1378715


>> No.1378725

When is the new trumpcoin manager being elected? Also, instructional videos etc.

I'm just waiting for this before unleashing some potent meme magic the likes of which have never been witnessed since the dawn of the internet.

>> No.1378728


>> No.1378729
File: 69 KB, 600x400, warren-buffett-money1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god that sounds amazing.
but im not too sure, ill peruse through the forum again, last time i checked i didnt see a date for that

>> No.1378731

people actually take this shit serious?

like its a meme right?

>> No.1378733

It's a meme that will give you +100,000% returns.

memes these days are no joke senpai.

>> No.1378734

So, why would trump endorse this coin since it's an obvious pump and dump?
What will he gain from it? Memes?

>> No.1378735

He gains a donation.

>> No.1378736

Yes, memes... The essence of everything that exists

>> No.1378741

its not a pump and dump. thats been proven now since we had a pump and dump crisis already but the coin bounced back

>> No.1378742

We all put in money. Then some take back the money at the expense of others.
Some measly amount remains.
When will HE make the collection?

>> No.1378743

ive asked, waiting for a reply

>> No.1378744

in a couple months balla san

>> No.1378746

Realistically, you're all gonna pull your money (at least more than investment) around the time campaigning ends, which is apparently the moon.
Trump needs money beforehand. So how's he gonna use this money without affecting us?
Either this coin is axiomatically stupid, or I'm missing something basic.

>> No.1378752

without a doubt when trump gets the donation it will effect the coin. No one is denying that. but trumpcoin will not be lost afterwards, it will continue to grow and rise in price whether he is elected or not. and im sure you know that when the price is cheap its an incentive to begin accumulating

>> No.1378754

So, either we pull first thus affecting trump, or trump pulls first thus affecting us.
The only way they'll endorse this is if they get to call it. And it will be insider knowledge. LLC makes it worse for ordinary investors.

I'm very new to all this, as in, I don't know dipshit.
But I think this simple logic is sound.


>> No.1378768

its a donation, so if by they you mean emperor DT then they dont have to endorse it

>> No.1378769

Thanks for the spirit dude, but you have to know how to talk to these shits. Logical reasoning is not how you get through. I got this, observe.

Ok, daddy is here now, so listen up: first of all you're going to need to go back to your other fucking trumpcoin general, which still has at least 20 posts left, and finish that one up before starting another one. I think I've made it perfectly clear that we don't want you shitting up the board with multiple thread abortions about your worthless crapcoin. So go ahead and clean up your mess, and then come back and we can have another little talk.

>> No.1378776

Stop being a faggot

>> No.1378780

Aw, the queen of biz has once again spoken. Calm down love, I'm sorry you didn't get the biz janitor position but the application process is over now.

>> No.1378781


>> No.1378782

The issue is, if it's endorsed, the heads of this company can make disproportionate money. It could as well be a sekrit deal.
This should've remained decentralized.

Tell me how the donation date is decided. Surely it must be decided?

>> No.1378783


>> No.1378786
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>> No.1378787

oh, would you look at that..

>> No.1378788
File: 16 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i seriously cant tell if your triggered about the guy whos asking legitimate questions or your assholes bleeding from me replying to him...

>> No.1378789
File: 10 KB, 125x120, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1378790

You guys are being kind of negative, don't you think? Maybe you should bone up on your manners, and being cool. Isn't that your thing, being cool and giving and loving and all that?

>> No.1378792


>> No.1378793

All I'm asking, is that you keep your shit in one fucking thread, but you can't even accomplish that much. What would Donald Trump think? Honestly..

>> No.1378798
File: 19 KB, 250x194, vagisil-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go bizqueen, this might make you feel better :3

>> No.1378804

That's.. yeah. I don't think I need to say that that's a pretty weak response, friend. I thank you though for making me the topic of the thread. It saves me the trouble of taking over the thread, cause it's already about me! Before I even get here. I get equal billing with Trumpcoin now in the OP. Thanks again.

So.. guess it goes without saying that this is my thread. And so I would appreciate a little more yes sir, no sir, and a little less uppity mouthing off.

>> No.1378814



>> No.1378820

Hell yeah

>> No.1378825

Anybody here know where the speculation about the Chinese exchange came from? Someone was posting a link to an altcoin ranking site owned by them and said to message them to get it added.

>> No.1378832
File: 133 KB, 820x840, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1378834


>> No.1378836


How high did you buy? Be honest. Did you buy at 20k sat and sell at 4k?

>> No.1378838

Oh clever. I'm flattered once again.

>> No.1378853


>> No.1378856

hey, I think it will be put up for sale bit by bit not all at once on a specific date

>> No.1378881
File: 4 KB, 162x42, 5cc33b_5675367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someones keen

>> No.1378883
File: 2.51 MB, 320x227, 1468059383821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accidently replied to myself

>> No.1378889

>All I'm asking, is that you keep your shit in one fucking thread

nobody gives a shit what you are asking for


you really do reply like a fucking bitch

>> No.1378912

Yo Signal said that there will be big News this week, maybe thats about the chinese

>> No.1378915

what makes you think its about the chinese?

>> No.1378918

There are some rumors from the old TC-Thread

>> No.1378919

Honest to God question, are you retarded or autistic? Your delusions of grandeur are quite entertaining. Keep up the bumps! You're doing God's work.

>> No.1378920

well whoever finds out first needs to make a thread immediately so were all up to date

>> No.1378926

Literally one person in biz has to know chinese... Someone google trumpcoin in chinese and post profits

>> No.1379106

Signal posted on BCT!

>> No.1379126

If you want a say in the direction of this coin get on bitcointalk

>> No.1379196

I've maid more money on LBC in one day than a month on Trump.

For a coin that constantly has generals it's doing pretty shit.

>> No.1379217

jesus, it's worse than I thought.
No news. dwindling thread, nobody replying or voting.
No site updates, no dev team assembled.
Volume dropping by the day, price lower than it was BEFORE the llc announcement.

Since signal took over he has literally done one thing (the llc).
They should rename the coin SeinfieldCoin, the coin about nothing.

I'm sure he has good intentions, but we need activity, action.
I can't believe he hasn't assembled a dev team by now, I figured it was done just holding the announcement.

Now he needs a treasurer? wtf? Just start making decision.

The next 24 hrs are crucial for my mini whale club (200kish trumps), will be f5ing hard, sadly we may just be liquidating at market, which as of right now would probably 2k sat the coin.

Just a heads up for anyone who still believes in the coin may want to wait to get cheap trumps or to take profits before. I'll report back in 23 hrs or so

>> No.1379221

why are you copy pasting this in threads

relax or quit shilling, there's literally no reason for this arbitrary 24 hour deadline on the coin's "activity"

>> No.1379223

admit it's dead, m8

>> No.1379224

of all the times to have done that in the last week or so I don't know why you would push now as the moment of no return

>> No.1379230

I'm not shilling and the timeline is important because if some biz bro is reading this thread still sees value In the project and is thinking of buying some coins,nhe may be able to get a 80% discount by simply waiting 24 hours. that's all

>> No.1379235

why would you dump the value of it that low though

what value is there in doing that to your supposed investment rather than waiting at least a week

why is 24 hours so important to you

>> No.1379262

I'm just expressing opinion. You're not my protégé.

But sorry you've been dupped.

>> No.1379265


oh dear, its all over

>> No.1379332



>> No.1379354


Is voting closed for newbies? I can only see the poll.

>> No.1379371

I think its for Forum members only

>> No.1379378

Literally dumber than Shillary...?

>> No.1379394

That's annoying. Maybe why the previous poll didn't get many votes.

>> No.1379416
File: 67 KB, 1858x986, polls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make a poll to see why some couldn't vote, I don't see anything. very strange

>> No.1379422


Just checked. Theymos made it so only junior members and higher can vote

>> No.1379427

signal - ok so maybe I should clear up some facts about what we can and cannot do legally.

Let's start with the can nots:
1. We cannot contribute more than $2700 from a single entity directly to Donald Trump's official campaign.
2. If we register as a Super PAC, we can NOT...
a. contribute even one penny directly to him or his official campaign.
b. communicate with him in any way, shape or form during the elections.
c. expect any endorsements or acknowledgements from him during the elections.

Things we CAN do:
1. Encourage anyone not directly affiliated with the Super PAC to donate up to the $2700 maximum to Donald Trump's official campaign.
2. Combine our talents, resources, and finances to indirectly support Donald Trump for President with media and grassroots campaign efforts.
3. Solicit unlimited donations to our PAC in order to help us towards our goals.
4. Buy commercials, billboards, and advertising of any kind to promote Trump for President and/or the TrumpCoin initiatives.

>> No.1379433

Do you know the member levels?

>> No.1379441


This is a joke right? Why would you dump now? It's been clear Signal has been working behind the scenes to create the LLC and now we are getting to voting.

We still have a good 3 months until october, we have plenty of time for this coin to moon.

No, the elections have been planned all along. it seems like Signal was waiting for the LLC to be formed before conducting elections.

Any "mini whale" would know that to take profits now they would be a fool and would crash the market. There is too much potential of huge pumps, and there is little to gain by cashing out now.

>> No.1379448

Alright motherfuckers, I'll bite.
Send me some based trumpcoin to get started:
See you on the flipside, moon men.

>> No.1379450


>> No.1379452
File: 55 KB, 1847x587, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1379458

Thanks m8. I've just posted in the vote thread as per signals suggestion

>> No.1379465

For those thinking that the SuperPAC restrictions somehow restrict the coin's potential media visibility or trump acknowledgement:

"Before anyone gets ahead of themselves with the notion that SuperPAC restrictions now limit the potential and reach of the coin you should probably read this: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/11/02/how_candidates_and_their_super_pacs_coordinate_through_the_media.html

Not only can SuperPACs still garner massive media attention (probably far more so than if we stayed as an collated donation thing which we legally can't) but the candidates are only barred from co-ordinating with the operations and expenditure PAC, not from mentioning, complimenting (however indirectly) or addressing questions regarding the efforts of the organisation. If you wanted a legitimate vehicle for even a passing Trump nod (which is an ambitious but attainable prospect) this is likely it. The media is our friend here and if they open the dialogue (and a decentralised crypto-currency SuperPAC certainly could) there's no reason we can't be discussed to some degree.

There's also a litany of options to directly sidestep the communications barriers between candidates and PACs bearing their names for example:

"The use of “Conservative, Authentic, Responsive Leadership for You and for America” as not to violate the rule baring an independent group from using a candidate’s name in their own. The super PAC opts for an acronym on its signs and other campaign materials: “CARLY for America.” We’re sure that’s just to save on printing costs." (in reference to Carly Fiorina's SuperPAC.

By utilising an acronym to make effectively the same statement the rule is worked around completely legitimately and with enough deniability as not to harm Trump's credibility or campaign.

Just addressing anyone's concerns that a SuperPAC somehow erodes the purpose or potential of the Trump Fund concept."

>> No.1379488

Great writeup, thanks anon.

Now that this whole thing seems to be legal and moving forward, will there be any issues with us using his name and likeness for our business/Superpac.

Before we were utilizing parody and public domain for the election fallback, but a registered business and Superpac using his picture and name seems iffy..
do you have any thoughts on that?

>> No.1379493

His name and likeness became public use as soon he announced his candidacy

This will likely help us onto Poloniex and larger exchanges as well as there's now basically no legal excuse for them not to take us

>> No.1379505

he had announced well before the start of the coin, why no polo then?

so theoretically I could start my own Trump watches, use his face as the logo and sell trump watches on trumpwatches.com, pics of trump smiling and thumbs up everywhere?

from now until when? he withdraws? or now until forever?

>> No.1379517

Polo was hesitant because at the time Trump didn't have much of a purpose and likely saw it as a litigation headache if it was another scam like CLINT (but with media attention). An accountable, transparent and registered company/SuperPAC with a clear statement of intent is far more defensible option for them (not saying they're guaranteed to take us, just that it's far more likely now).

As I understand it the use must be tangentially pertinent to political ends so if your watches were labelled "Vote Trump" or "Trump for President" you could absolutely sell them.

>> No.1379542

Awesome thank.

So basically...it's happening

>> No.1379578

i wonder if that type of suit is purchasable these days. if trumpcoin moons really hard i would consider it just as a memento for the thing that got me started.

>> No.1379595

to the price we're going, you can have them manufactured for yourslf

>> No.1379635

What's your estimate? If it hits $100 or more I'm set

>> No.1379652

All the fundamentals are pointing toward $1000+

>> No.1379658

god knows how far we are going

>> No.1379662

lad i appreciate your enthusiasm but how did you reach that number

not to say i wouldnt be fucking stoked if that happened

>> No.1379665

What kind of madman move would cause that? I know the chinese have been mentioned, but why would the chinese want to pump that much money into trumpcoin when trump talks shit about our trade deals with china?

>> No.1379669

What a 6.5 billion market cap lmao, im doubtful, but you never know

>> No.1379671

You're underestimating the potency of meme magic.

>> No.1379672

He made it up. It's a memecoin. There are zero fundamentals except the meme, which is why he is shilling it. "Fundamentals say $1000." Astral kek.

>> No.1379676
File: 174 KB, 777x1000, CAUSECOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the average chinese crypto buyer isn't too happy with their government either

>> No.1379680

The perception of the market participants influences the fundamentals, meme magic influences the perception of market participants.

Look into George Soros' theory of reflexivity.

>> No.1379681

Also, cryptofag here. I didn't think there was /biz/ cancer, but this is it. Sorry, no amount of shilling will get you your money back.

>> No.1379682

>Functionally operates as well (actually faster than bitcoin)
>A registered company with a political campaign function as well as a charitable donation platform
>Attached to the most media relevant candidate in history
>Massive speculative concern over bitcoin currently
>China looking for cryptos to stick their cashola in
>Russia looking for cryptos, have outlawed Bitcoin but Putin likes Trump

honestly you never know weirder shit has happened

>> No.1379686

You're a faggot. And you overestimate hype. You can't force organic hype, that is why trumpcoin has and always will perform very shittily. The overshilling is actually likely to a counterproductive point by now.

>> No.1379687

+ there would be more cultural impact from Trumpcoin in a media cycle than from bitcoin in its like five years of existing

>> No.1379694

ethereum went to 20 bucks and probably wouldve gone higher if not for its giant shit-collapse and I challenge you to find a laymen to know what the fuck ethereum is

more people would know about TrumpCoin from a week of Trump University/Correct the Record tier coverage than people know about any other crypto except bitcoin

>> No.1379698

*who knows not "to know"

hype ain't to be underestimated no matter how unrealistic

>> No.1379700

Yeah, except... That hasn't happened.

Yeah, except... Ethereum was useful. And it was also a pretty memeish coin, which is why someone waited until it hit $20 to steal a fuckton. How is this hard? I know you guys REALLY want this to work, but... these are obvious things.

>> No.1379710

>speculative investment is based on what has already happened and the people who profit are the ones who buy AFTER the spikes

>Ethereum was useful
And yet here we are and ETH is a mess

>> No.1379711

Let's keep calm my friend.

Think of the warm golden glow of Trumps hair as he walks into the whitehouse.

Everything will be ok.

>> No.1379712

Well, actually, ether wasn't very "useful" per se because it did get fucking gutted, but it had a purpose rather. There was incentive to buy it. A coin named after Trump is not going to get it to $1,000. It's just not happening, and I'm sorry to tell you guys that, but take your 15% (win!) and get the fuck out like smart people. Buncha desperate shills.

>> No.1379714

How is a decentralised crypto donation platform that contributes to political campaigns and charities not purposeful? It's actually unprecedented.

>> No.1379717

I agree that it's actually pretty innovative, but not enough that it would have a SUPER sizable (or BTC-level) market cap. That is intuitive. Though yes, I agree with you.

I'd say even just looking at BTC's use as a medium to buy drugs, that probably alone results in a higher cost per coin than the demand to donate Trump money, in this cryptocurrency specifically. Right? Surely.

>> No.1379718

It's funny cause at first everyone was saying this coin wouldn't survive, but it did, and now people are saying it won't reach certain price? I guess we have to show everyone what trumpcoin is capable of again ;)

>> No.1379721

Meme magic. It'll keep going, but not for more than a few months. And surely not to 1,000. Maybe $50 if you're lucky? Also, the price hasn't changed that much. Those spikes are because of BTC dips. The value did not change a whole lot.

>> No.1379726

Look I'm a pretty optimistic Trump holder and even I'm not banking on $100 a coin let alone a thousand, but I got mine dirt cheap so I'll let it go where it goes.

Telling people $1000 a coin is a certainty would be pretty dishonest but I think conceptually and based on it's namesake some pretty ridiculous shit could happen with the price, whatever that may mean. Concept is pretty neat and it seems like with the new way things are being managed it can maintain relevance beyond the election.

>> No.1379727

Most likely we will never get to 1000$, but you never know..

>> No.1379728

In Japan, Trump is considered a God.

>> No.1379734

There we go. It could do some weird shit though, you guys are right. I'd love to see it hit $400.

>> No.1379738

I would not know what to do with myself if it hit 100 let alone 400. This year has been so strange I'm just happy to have a decent sized ticket for the show.

>> No.1379740

I'd be happy if it just hit a dollar lol

>> No.1379747

I'm feeling a bit optimistic, but I believe this coin could easily take ron paul coins numbers and higher due to how high energy and memeatic this election is. I think if we got a good plug we would begin to see a domino effect of media people talking about it.

>> No.1379754

i think if you want to be dangerously optimistic $80-100 is about where I think it could feasibly peak

$10-20 feels more or less like a certainty to me at this point

>> No.1379760

What? I wish I could live in your world.

>> No.1379762

"dangerously optimistic"

as in double ron paul's numbers with market cap difference considered

>> No.1379789

You think the dudes over at 2ch or 2chan would appreciate being made aware of this coin then?

>> No.1379835

Jesus.. and you guys call me delusional. Trumpcoiners are like the special Olympics: kind of endearing, in a cringeworthy way, but also entertaining in a guilty way of laughing at the handicapped.

I think cryptocoin threads are cancer, but this goes another step to become cancer of the cancer. That's why I give it such special attention. It's really a goldmine of cancer, and lulz at the expense of literal 13 year old mental midgets. Sorry guys, it's just the truth.

Your opinion of me is about the least significant thing I can think of, however let me point out that I am in fact in the OP, so therefore this thread is at least in part about me. Once again, just the plain truth, don't get upset about it.

I have one question for you guys: who are the devs of this coin? Do you even devs? Are YOU GUYS the devs?! lol..

>> No.1379839

4.19 is the confirmed minimum price we will hit..see.

Some anon posted this in the last thread:

Posting from earlier

RonPaul coin was 10 dollars or higher for a total of 30 days!


a) hes a low energy candidate with low energy memes when compared to how Trump's face is literally everywhere online/social media
b) this was 2 years ago when cryptocurrency/bitcoin was harder to bring in new entries, more people are at least aware of cryptocurrency now, so the bridge will be easier to gap.

I'm gonna say the $10 Ron Paul was at least above for A MONTH, divided by 12 (550k marketcap vs 6.5mil) times a conservative 5 (multiplier that includes crypto being more well known, Trump being more polarizing and his internet presence being all over the place).

(10.00 / 12)*5 = 4.17 - and like I mentioned I'm being very conservative in my estimates of how much more well known crypto and trump is today.

>> No.1379841

After 4$ a coin im out you guys have your fun

>> No.1379849

Just doesn't fit the demographic. Most cryptotards are libertarians so of course they are going to support a Ron Paul coin. In contrast, only a very tiny amount of cryptotards are republicans, bro. I just don't see this happening.

>> No.1379850

oh and this:

it's happening you Vietnam fuckin shits!! Holy shit I can't believe this coin is gonna do it!! stock up boys, we are trading at a price so discounted when you see the future


>> No.1379861

>tfw seeing a 7k trump coin buy on yobit

>> No.1379902

I can't seem to get the devs on Skype. Where can I buy Trumpcoins in 1 transaction, not
>buy bitcoin
>buy trumpcoin with bitcoin
or is that the only way?

Also, can someone give me a noob breakdown of yobit? Don't understand all i'm seeing.

>> No.1379903

>this lol
A day ago people were talking about it maybe, possibly, being $4.19... Now we're talking about whether it will be $1000, $500, or $50....


>> No.1379915

To the person who just bought 7,000 trumpcoins on yobit...welcome lad, it's comfy from here on out.

Now who will be man enough to break this low energy 1btc sell wall at 8939?


>> No.1379923

4.17 crew checking in.

and remember it'll be that OR higher for 30 days, not just 4.17

>> No.1379935

Wasn't Signal7 supposed to give an update last night? Any news?

>> No.1379937
File: 202 KB, 1024x756, yobit-main-page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contact Signal7 (soon to be temporary chairman) or ask in the announcement thread here - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1535436.0

Chicken65 used to sell them via paypal, but I don't think he does anymore.

Hopefully pic related answers your yobit questions.

>> No.1379940


Guide to Yobit

>> No.1379941

scroll up, there's been a major announcement thats got everyone euphoric, also price mooning as we speak

>> No.1379946

Thanks man! That image really helped.
Also, I was able to message them on skype. Do you know how long it usually takes them to get back to you?

Not bait, just didn't see anything in the thread of note except for something about Chinese peeps not being able to buy.

I see the price is up a little since yesterday and I'm trying to get on the boat. If I have to buy Bitcoin and then exchange to Trumpcoin, I will. Can I do that through Yobit?

>> No.1379956

we are an llc now and soon to be a Superpac registered with the sec.

a good coin buying guide is at
there's a page for buying on c-cex , same as yobit in practice

>> No.1379962

Oh yeah, I saw the LLC announcement. Didn't think that was the announcement everyone was waiting for.
I'll check out the link, thanks!

>> No.1379963

I haven't ever contacted them through skype, so not sure. I think you would have more luck on bitcointalk.

Buy your bitcoins on localbitcoins, circle or if in the uk try bittylicious

>> No.1379989

Aw man, looks like on Yobit you can only get free coins after your account is a week old.

>> No.1380001

You have to earn that 0.00000001 DOGE

>> No.1380003

m-muh DOGE :'(

Any point putting a few bucks into DOGEcoin? Someone earlier said it was due for a pump soon.

>> No.1380005

trumpcoin faucet when?

>> No.1380008


What's your incentive to post like this if you believe it can go up slightly in the short-term? Wouldn't you want to scalp this then laugh as it collapses? I know you will get to say I told you so, but it seems bizarre. Perhaps you think you are giving people here a reality check?

I'm not saying you are wrong at all either, I've been slowly liquidating and will watch this closely. Made a good amount and am very happy with this coins performance.

>> No.1380014


Is there any logic to it getting a pump besides a random person on /biz/ saying it will go up? Are you thinking logically, or have you decided you will profit today and are bending the fundamentals to your hopes and dreams?

>> No.1380016

Good question, I appreciate the reality check. They said that it gets a pump approx. twice a year, but I really have done no research. Several other sources have also said DOGEcoin is long dead.

>> No.1380023

Seems pretty simple. Can I receive the BTC/Trumpcoins on Yobit somehow by linking the wallets, or what?
Most people in these threads seem to use Yobit, that's why I'd like to stick with it.

>> No.1380033

You can buy on c-cex and send to yobit, if that's what you're asking

>> No.1380036

(on mobile now so ID will probably have changed)
Yes, that's what I meant. I want to be able to get the bitcoins (and trumpcoin if necessary) and then just move them all to Yobit, so I can but/sell/track from there on out.
Do you know if there are any transfer fees?

>> No.1380039


Dude, a pump on a dead coin is a pump on a dead coin. Why bother? Put your money in good stuff with fundamentals! That way if it fails, you aren't left holding bags, and can potentially recoup your losses. Crypto is mostly speculative investing except for BTC, so just remember fundamentals mean an active dev team and memes.

>> No.1380042

You're right. Thanks for letting me know it was a bad move. I appreciate it!

>> No.1380048

theres fees (very small) if you move coins anywhere

>> No.1380057

Just sent a request to CoinGecko asking if they would add trump to their marketcap rankings. Someone suggested it in the other thread, I checked the website out and it's much more aesthetically pleasing than coinmarketcap.

>> No.1380059

Like 0.2%

>> No.1380064

So is this on any major exchange atm?

>> No.1380083

the dread lord thanks thee
if you post a ss of his reply (he's fast) and your address I'll send you a few trumpcoins :)

>> No.1380097
File: 469 KB, 1284x1024, Proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did it too. Pls gib trumpcoins and let me board this moon-bound ship!


>> No.1380104
File: 87 KB, 1321x383, TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dread. It's a good site, I may switch from coinmarketcap.


>> No.1380105

thanks anon. get you when I get home

>> No.1380107

Thanks a ton! Now if only I could figure out how to buy Bitcoin using Circle...

>> No.1380108

Just realised you may have meant Coingeckos reply. I'm still waiting on that.

>> No.1380109

got you when I get home, don't archive the thread before then lads ;)

>> No.1380111

Nvm, I figured it out.

>> No.1380112

Great, thanks m8

>> No.1380114

yes that was my thought too , I'm gonna be focusing on marketing heavily to new adapters to the crypto market.

I want to point then to a more friendly market cap site, so I'm pushing for gecko after researching around. This will help me a lot.
Launching my SEO soon too.
thx all

>> No.1380232

Are exchanges with more volume more likely to add it now?

>> No.1380244

yeah, you will know when the price explodes

>> No.1380456


Thank you both for the help

>> No.1380460

0.055 is the price atm. higher lows but has a ceiling, watch for break

>> No.1380553

WHY does it take so long to sync the blockchain? How do I consolidate all my TRUMPs with the wallet software if I'm on multiple computers?

>> No.1380554

What do you mean by break? Actually, what do you mean by that entire post?

>> No.1380557

Does this coin have devs? Who are the devs?

>> No.1380564

It currently has one dev/chairman, he is in the process of vetting and hiring an entire dev team.

He just formed an LLC for the coin so he wants to make sure anyone he brings on board is serious.

>> No.1380568

the devs regularly post on this forum

>> No.1380573

Ok, and who is that person again? What are his qualifications?

>> No.1380583

moon rocketeer

>> No.1380587

Does anyone even know what the guy's real name is, or what his qualifications are?

>> No.1380589
File: 80 KB, 586x791, trumpcoinllc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course

>> No.1380653

So, what then, this guy?
Status: Active
Effective Date: 7/11/2016

>> No.1380654

Man I hope for y'all trumpcoiners sake that mr jason delivers or else his name being found like that is going to put him in one hell of a shithole

>> No.1380659

He has some really forward thinking ideas for the project and has posted his v& information, I'd say if he it probably the projects best chance of doing something can set TrumpCoin apart from other coins

>> No.1380671

Ok but what are his actual qualifications to be a cryptocoin developer? It looks like he has some experience in.. cement?

>> No.1380688

Hey maybe he can, you know "cement" some kind of fundamentals together for this disaster.. hahaha.

>> No.1380713

When will it be $3 a coin?

>> No.1380722

lol that was terrible but I laughed

>> No.1380903

I hope soon, then we can reach for 10$

>> No.1380909

If I get dubs, trumpcoin will go to the moon before december.

>> No.1380923

Bitbobb gonna be treasurer? I think he was the one that proposed a super pac

>> No.1380929

absolutely fucking not

>> No.1380932

Hopefully, he is a great guy

>> No.1380934

But what do you guys think:
How high will TC peak?
Will it moon at all?

>> No.1380954

1$ will be the first trip to the moon

>> No.1380959

Voice your concerns in the thread then. Re-read his posts, they may seem like rambling but I think he's just an eccentric dude who is passionate about trump coin. Dread, trumpcontent and signal already have their roles, who else is there right now?

>> No.1380982

Bit bobs a loose cannon. Just like Chicken.

Signals not dumb. He wont let him get his hands on anything official.

>> No.1380983

How do I buy trump coin?

>> No.1380995
File: 36 KB, 659x441, donald-trump-money-worth_2015-11-16_19-44-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy bitcoin on any market or site

reigster on c-cex and/or yobit

send your bitcoins to c-cex/yobit

buy trumpcoin

send your trumpcoins to your trumpcoin wallet


get rich, become chad, fuck stacys


>> No.1380998
File: 39 KB, 657x527, 1468374989635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ewo? weh ah mi gud tradz?

>> No.1381002

Fair enough. I hope you guys make signal aware of your opposition on bitcointalk.

>> No.1381010


You shouldn't view them so harshly. Both Bitbobb and Chicken are very passionate about Trumpcoin.I am sure we can find roles for them that puts their energy to good use. Maybe not something with alot of responsibility but nonetheless they deserve some recognition for their efforts and participation (especially Chicken of course)

>> No.1381195

Yo vote is over, Signal is temporary Chairman

>> No.1381272

that's great news tb.h fa.m

any time table for him putting together the rest of his team?

>> No.1381277

They should stop worrying about the book writer getting donations, nobody gives a shit about that right now

>> No.1381291

Chicken almost ruined the coin several different times. We'd be at a dollar if he just left the fucker alone.

Bittbob had a 6 paragraph post rambling about how "the UN can run over your mandated stick built house and not stop shooting you until the hamburger meet bleeds out."

He's a stupid cunt. (He even knows he he is/removed his own post after similar gave him shit)

They both need to be kept away. They're not stable people.

>> No.1381299

Yep, that shits retarded.

>> No.1381311

We absolutely cannot let any pajeets or people who talk like them be FUCKING TREASURER of the Superpac.
I've thought about stepping up, I'm a financial analyst for one of the largest private companies on earth, I went to a decent school, blah blah

but im.afraid that some FUDER will dig up some Internet post of mine from 5 yrs ago or something and have me fired or stalk my house, who the fuck knows.

But we just can't let bitbob anywhere near the FEC document, jesus christ

>> No.1381320

Hi Martin :)

>> No.1381330

nope :^)

but if he's qualified have him step up. If bitbob gets treasurer it's gg no re

>> No.1381334

You people need to post in the thread if you don't like bitbobb because he's currently ahead simply by virtue of being the only person nominated

i don't know the guy from a bar of soap but his posts are a little strange and I'm not sure I'd want him holding such a notable (if extremely limited) position

>> No.1381342



>> No.1381365

if anything nominate DreadLord or Depredation like TrumpCoinContent posted

They're both from the US, post here regularly, are active, hold a decent amount already and are pretty measured/coherent in their commenting

Or suggest someone else, whatever, just don't leave it to a yes or no vote on one guy

>> No.1381370

I think he already works on it, next week maybe

>> No.1381381

How will this coin ever continue rising in value after the election? With Hillary getting the Sanders endorsement, Trump will most likely lose.

>> No.1381401

Things are finally moving!
Treasurer is being chosen now, After that the ride begins I hope

>> No.1381402

Someone, Nobember8th, ask bitbobb to post facts about himself so we know he has any clue of what he's talking about please

>> No.1381403

you're convinced now shes gonna win because she got his endorsement?
That's your turning point?

>> No.1381491

No, I believe the system is rigged and it will be very difficult for Trump to win against illegitimate practices.

Just humor me. What will happen if he doesn't win?

>> No.1381504
File: 40 KB, 1044x276, coingecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Dread its >>1380057
Thanks for the Trumps. Pic related is the response from coingecko.

>> No.1381514

hell yeah! thats good news lad

>> No.1381521

Yeah it is! It seems more geared to being an international rank website so more countries (china) could become aware of trump.

>> No.1381543

the coin continues well after the election by repeated. donations to other trump inspired politicians/charities
as well as the llc which is aimed at introducing the public to the block chain.
Oh and also memes, community and one of the lowest transaction fees in crypto

>> No.1381546

can someone point out to bitbobb that nominating himself with a different account doesn't equate to a positive public consensus on his character

>> No.1381562

Where does he does this? I'll post a link to it.

>> No.1381576

dread and others literally just BTFO of bitbob with facts and legit questions and be still just keeps trucking forward.
He's produced nothing tangible, ever.
glad some of the nicer guys are finally speaking up against him

>> No.1381580

November9th isn't him, because awhile back, november9th suggested him the position of buy side investor XD

>> No.1381611

ask that fuckin retard to post his identity now (in good faith) since he claims to have no issue with that..why wait?

>> No.1381617

I did on the thread ;)

>> No.1381632

"Well I am sorry that the truth sounds so fantastic but as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. I can show signal my contracts, land deeds, visa stamps, content of some emails. Perhaps it never occurred to me that this would seem outlandish. But you are right sticking to the point is good. So ask me a question and I will answer it. Depredation is a very solid candidate. I see him here all the time supporting the coin asking questions responding to trolls. I went a little further in my commenting since I know things and wished to share. I felt it is important to let you guys know who I am.
There are very special people in this world and yes you have one typing to you now.
And this is a temporary position BTW and there may be need for a deputy Treasurer very soon.
I have already toned it down since the Toad king told me a few days ago that he thought my posts were too extreme. I took down those posts and have not posted much since that day. So that should be evidence that I agree with your comment here and have already responded. And I did all of this BEFORE the prospect of treasurer was on the table. This should directly speak to your point should it not? Thank for your comment!"

there sure are some "very special people" in this world, on that point he's correct

>> No.1381653

looks like we should throw our support behind Dep I know you're reading lad :^)
because bitbob is a retard and will probably get a few puppet votes and it doesn't look like dread is leaning the right way, too bad since he's qualified

so we have to ensure we vote in unison for someone not bitbob, we are at a crossroads

>> No.1381657

"BTW, saying that because I worked hard to get those things and that is why I am unstable is silly. I was about to make my own coin when I met Trumpcoin and I saw the potential. I am taking a break from much of my business at this time so I had lots of time to be on the computer. I was needing experience in the crypto coin world and also think Trump is our last great white hope."

>last great white hope

Calm down Bitbobb

>> No.1381660

"also think Trump is our last great white hope"

whether or not he's right we can just use this as a way to disqualify him...we don't want more unfair "racism" accusations driven towards trump initiatives

don't wanna alienate potential investors with the racially specific remarks of our potential treasurer

>> No.1381661

haha Im more than just reading, but what if Bitbobb verifies his identity and he is actually everything he claims?

>> No.1381662

everyone with an account should just quote him and reply with nothing but "identify yourself today in good faith "
over and over replying to him with nothing but that lol

>> No.1381671

This is pretty safe atleast right guys?

I mean if I place 100 usd into trump coins I can't stand to lose it all right? rrrighT?

>> No.1381672

if you put a stop loss you won't lose it all.
but in crypto there's always a chance it fails, do not invest what you can't afford to lose

>> No.1381676

>last great white hope



>> No.1381688

Signal posted in relation to BitBobb

I'd suggest emphasising that good intentions or otherwise, miscommunications from an anonymous entity holding the fund is what caused the chicken fiasco and it'd be best to learn from that

also play the racist card in regards to his last white hope comments discouraging law abiding minority Americans. Remember the only "colours" Trump sees in the American populace are the colours of its flag.

If Bitbobb is making slipups like this now, whats gonna happen when he's treasurer?

>> No.1381698

literal racist comment
>can I be treasurer guys?

everything about him is "I WILL be doing xyz eventually"
never anything immediatly...
like, here's my ID..not..I will post my id..

or the t-shirt shit is going good I will reveal that soon..
no u won't

is he fuckin role playing a character wtf is this idiots motive.

what about his milliondollar business deals

>> No.1381723



>> No.1381741


Lol Bitbobb, this Bitbobb, is possibly the greatest forum character of all time. I mean, the grandeur, the outlandish claims, its too much LMAO!

I kinda want him to be real and prove us all wrong, that he's not some crazy nut and actually has million dollar deals on the line and has quartz mines.

>Forgive me if you thought I was refering to the white race as in white people. This is an old expression that means last pure hope. So if you prefer you can read it to mean. Trump is American last pure hope in my opinion.

Okay, Bitbobb. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I can see him meaning it that way.

>> No.1381777

Search great white hope yourself. The term seems to have come from when a white boxer beat the black heavyweight champ in the early 1900s

>> No.1381779

damnit Dep, don't vote for it, it'll just keep coming back.

there's only 2 candidates for treasurer :(

>> No.1381786

I mean I can vote for myself if you want, but Im curious to see if bitbobb shows some proof

>> No.1381793

Every vote counts mate, there were only like 16 for Signal

>> No.1381810

jesus christ this coin

>> No.1381818

is coin dying?

what's all that drama about on the forum

>> No.1381825

its just folks preparing to elect the treasurer, good to have some open if semi-heated discussion

>> No.1381833

no not at all, it's a good thing to have these"problems", means we are growing. but just one Live action role player has chosen this coin to act out his delusions

>> No.1381834


but what's all this stuff about the creators crashing the values and then buying everything up

they called the creators con men

>> No.1381843

that was speculative from the get-go and has since been dismissed

crypto in its early stages gets people jumpy and with anonymity comes paranoia

>> No.1381863
File: 64 KB, 1180x842, trumpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the trumpcoins dip some more? I want to buy a bunch of em but waiting for the price to go down.

>> No.1381871

it's dipping right now buddy

>> No.1381872

I don't fucking know man I'm just trying to get some bitcoins so I can BUY the damn things

>> No.1381883

yuge buy wall at 7k sat. I wouldn't expect to see a dip below 7k any time soon. I MO anything under 8k is a "discount"
once it clears 10k sat it'll establish a new sell floor wall at 10k and that'll be it

>> No.1381921

anyone else agree or disagree with this anon, I'm looking to time my entry as well

>> No.1381927

Keep an eye on the bitcointalk thread. We have signal as temporary chairman, but the treasury position is being contsested. Wait and see if bitbobb provides evidence of his claims or if dread puts himself forward.

>> No.1381937

Chicken 2.0 : The Ramblings

Good chapter title for the book nobody will pay for.

>> No.1381938


Jump in now, the trend is very, VERY tight, we have a strong floor at 7k - 8k. I dont see this dipping below 7k anytime soon. Once they start cranking out the meme machine we'll go to 10k+

>> No.1381943

word, let's rock and roll.
unless your same fagging, it seems as if 7k is a solid floor, yobit confirms a decent sized one too.
let's do this

>> No.1381971

Ha get ready to lose that job if you associate yourself with this albatross and these people.

And yes I absolutely will dox you if I can and use it amuse myself. But that should be expected if you get yourself involved with something like this.

>> No.1381982

y tho? He's a mentally unstable, emotionally stunted, probably an addict, probably-should-be-on-meds, still lives at home in his 20's (or 30's or 40s), never been laid, broke ass, possibly 13yo NEET.

In other words, a perfect representative of trumpcoiners.

>> No.1381990

Obviously not.

>> No.1381994

hey its /biz/ queen

how you been fella

>> No.1381997

Yeah.. you all have no idea if you're being had, or not. That's the truth. You certainly hope not, right? You can hardly say any more than that in all honesty. Be honest.

>> No.1382007
File: 109 KB, 900x960, 1319273117523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1382020

Hey Jim,
someone just sent 50 pizzas here addressed to you and didn't pay for them.

You're fired!

>> No.1382030

you realise you're autistic right

i hope thats clear to you

>> No.1382031

Who here would vote for DreadLordColi?
Also remember newbie accounts can't vote, so get on there if you want to.

>> No.1382032

Oh, the trumpcoiner is calling me autistic. That's a good one alright.

Believe me, I know exactly how autistic I am.

>> No.1382034

I bought at 20k sat: the post

>> No.1382038

who wouldn't vote for him?
problem is he hasn't committed

y live lads

>> No.1382043

I don't buy this stuff. Which is why you all should listen to me more, cause I'm not financially (or emotionally) invested, so I bring an unbiased point of view about what's really happening.

>> No.1382052

so the person who's posted (at this point throughout prior generals) literally at least a hundred desperately salty comments about a crypto currency he doesn't even have a stake is is the same person who's not emotionally invested?

If this is for muh board culture please realise that this is a containment board created because of cryptos and is mostly populated by retards asking "how do i get rich guys" or by no-one at all. At least TrumpCoin generates some activity which is more than can be said for the rest of the board.

I would say its fair to assume your estimations would be less than the reality of your condition

>> No.1382068

>so the person who's posted (many) comments about a crypto currency he doesn't even have a stake is is the same person who's not emotionally invested?
Yeah, that's right. It doesn't take that much effort to antagonize you assholes. I do it because it entertains me. That's the bottom line for me. It's just too esay. There's just so much wrong with the coin and it's adherents that there's always another angle I can switch to. This is my lazy time here. If I want a challenge I'll go over to /pol/.

>> No.1382088

do you genuinely have no life though?

>> No.1382089

the people who are invested have already worked out the risks and analyzed the technical and fundamental side of the currency. besides, most people only have like 100$ invested

we act like fuck heads and talk about going to the moon and shit but thats only because its a meme and this is 4chan.

get over yourself.

>> No.1382092

Your best move really would be to give this up. I think you know deep down, late at night when you're trying to go to sleep, that I'm right. I'm actually trying to help you guys

>> No.1382094

muh minerals farm

>> No.1382100

What are you talking about? I spend an hour or two a day maybe on this site. Is it a waste of time? Yeah, but I'm not the only one guilty of that now am I? At least I understand that 4chan is for entertainment purposes only.

>> No.1382101

>invest ostensibly nothing
>hold decent amount with literally no personal risk
>could very easily recieve massive profits due to volatility of coin, market and attached candidate
>sell and give up on this for some prima donna faggot with an inferiority complex and too much free time

sure bud

>> No.1382103

>At least I understand that 4chan is for entertainment purposes only.

Maybe by intention, but not execution

>> No.1382107


this is /biz/queen :') i cant beleve its the same guy from like a day or too ago... dude.... this is just sad now.

you must have gone to sleep, woke up, searched for this thread and continued to bitch on it. thats dedication queeny.

>> No.1382108
File: 42 KB, 1843x276, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1382119

>sell and give up on this
I think you would find it very liberating if you could bring yourself to that. You know, face down your fear of missing out.

>> No.1382122

Uh.. yeah it was still on the front page, genius.

>> No.1382126

go to bed /biz/queen

>> No.1382128

go to bed /biz/queen

>> No.1382136

underrated post

>> No.1382137

what fear?

i stand literally nothing to lose and everything to gain

>> No.1382142
File: 38 KB, 600x610, deal-with-it91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1382144

it's bait dude. He bought the top and sold weak handedly at the bottom, or he never got in at all and the very thought of others being successful on something he could have been in on destroys hI'm.
This is him attempting to control that reality.
poor fella

>> No.1382146

for someone who was so concerned with 4chan culture you post some pretty reddit shit

these reaction images are youtube comment tier

>> No.1382148

Is there a limit to how much trumpcoin I can buy on Yobit?

I'm stuck at 2800 after buying around 1200 of em and the rest is on reserve.

>> No.1382149

.. interesting analysis. Obviously, English is not your first language.

>> No.1382154
File: 1.82 MB, 440x330, o2n5xdFVar1sgfcxuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1382158

current sell price changed from when you bid, so if you just want to gobble them up at market, you have to exit the order and re submit it at the next sell order...or you can always wait and see if it fills down to yours

>> No.1382159

Who wants some trumps? I'll give 20 trumps x 2

>> No.1382164


>> No.1382166
File: 120 KB, 820x253, derpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd the idea that I was concerned with 4chan culture come from? I think you just made that up.

Like I've said before, since OP wrote me into his original post (go look), then this thread is just as much about me as it is about trumpcoin. Did I ask for that? Nope. It's just what happened.

>> No.1382169

wow... youre seriously messed up...

>> No.1382174

the last thread you said something to that effect

the post in the OP was hardly an invitation to continue acting like an attention hungry spaz

>> No.1382175

so youre saying that youre raiding this thread?

>> No.1382177

Well I think it was obviously bait for me to continue posting so.. you got it. On the positive side, at least we're getting to know each other, or I mean, at least you are getting to know me. Is there anything I should know about you? Who are you really? I'm curious.

>> No.1382180

Is this address safe to post everywhere?

I'm confused. I made a wallet and now it's on my computer. Can I post this anywhere and everywhere?

Also, how do I purchase TC with PP?

>> No.1382184

you sound almost exactly like that LordD retard

i guess narcissistic spergs share similar prose

>> No.1382185

violation of rule 4 buddy.
>You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-4chan) raids is also not permitted.

>> No.1382186
File: 10 KB, 329x281, 131257092349870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy is posting all of this himself to bump this garbage crapcoin thread endlessly

shameful moneyscrub31

leave your home and get a job. your parents are disappointed their 30 year old son still lives in their basement

>> No.1382189

im pro trumpcoin, also OP, this is the guy you want F95la0eg

friendly fire!

>> No.1382190

Yeah, go to receive coins and copy the address to here

>> No.1382196

and im anti every coin.

im pointing out youre the same person, samefagging pathetically

>> No.1382198

? we have different ID's

>> No.1382199

Well, I guess that answers my question then. Thanks for sharing. Oh yeah, and moneylord is the OP haha. He is obviously my biggest fan.

>> No.1382200

ohhhhhhhh never mind. your pulling a fast one on me arnt ye

didnt realise you were on his side

>> No.1382201

love ya babe

>> No.1382203


Thx supporters XD

>> No.1382204

They think we're the same person! How ironic. Well that's trumpcoiners for you, amirite?

>> No.1382206

ho boy

no one knows what vpns, proxies and cell phones are

you do this all day, every day, every time i visit this board and turn off my 'trumpcoin' filter for the keks. are your parents disappointed youre unemployed shilling crypto currencies on a vietnamese rice patty image board? thats all i want to know desubaka senpadrea

>> No.1382207

how do i purchase via pp?

>> No.1382210

I would like to buy $250 worth, someone help

>> No.1382213

>mfw this graph is him showing where he bought in

>> No.1382216

well well, hit the bump limit and suddenly the 'real' people here stop talking. almost as if they were all one person..

no shit lmfao god this board is funny

>> No.1382217


>> No.1382218

what did he mean by this?
trump wallets start with T

>> No.1382222

It's a stealth address>>1382218

>> No.1382227

switch to newer thread now


>> No.1383033 [DELETED] 

Anyone interested in receiving free crypto coins for 10 sec tasks, add me on skype: jobsforcrypto@outlook.com
I need more people