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File: 9 KB, 145x110, quant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13785763 No.13785763 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a top-20 QNT holder, with over 70,000 QNT on IDEX alone (more in other wallets), happy to prove this to you guys.

1/3 of all the sell orders on IDEX are my own.

90%+ of the sells are "fake" in some way, i.e. placed by people like ME to massively inflate the buy side in order to scare retards like YOU into selling one of the most promising tokens of the next few years.

This has been a coordinated FUD and dumping effort. Most of the Quant FUD threads/posts are from me and people I know. Not all, but I'd say most.

I've increased my stack by several fold, thanks for the cheap Quanties.

So, just letting you guys know. I'll be removing my sells after this thread is done and you'll see other large holders doing the same soon, and the sell side shrinking back to well under 100,000 QNT (it fell to about 55,000 during the last run before we stuck our walls up). You will also see some extremely large limit buys start appearing, and we will drive the price back up just as we drove it down recently. "Coincidentally", good news will start coming out*, all timed to fit with when the selling is depleted and the chart "looks ready".

* as it happens, the good news is already there, but brainlets don't see it for what it is unless the price is going up at the same time. News follows price, and then low-IQ'lets are blind to it unless they have a green candle shoved down their throat.

>> No.13785769

Feel free to AMA, call bullshit, give me content for my "QNT fud" screencap folder, etc.

> What other crypto do you hold?

> When did you get into crypto?
2012 but not with a lot of money at first. Then just about $4000 in 2013, which I mostly sat on and was cautious in that market cycle. Then much more aggressively since the last bubble burst, after I //understood//

> Are you a real-life Chad?

> Where do you see QNT going?
Several hundred dollars per QNT, even $1000 is not unreasonable if the whole market balloons again. You can look on CMC and do the maths yourself - in 17/18 every alt in the top 40 had a market cap of over $1billion (i.e. just over $100 QNT). When BTC is cruising through the 10's of 1000's towards several $100k, as it will do, you can see that QNT needs to be only in the top 50 or so to reach these values. And it will more likely be a top-20 coin. Reminder: a Russian vapourware scamcoin got to 500mil cap based on meme activities alone.

> Why will it moon?
I don't persuade pajeets, if you don't believe me then don't buy.

> What other coins do you like?
BTC, LTC and ETH are brilliant. I don't like "ETH killers" or "muh TPS" memecoins. Memecoins like doge and turtle are OK, though.
This market cycle is all about white, Western, corporate-styled enterprisey projects.
more later

>> No.13785912

> buy my bags
> I promise I won't manipulate the price again afterwards

>> No.13785933

I promise I WILL manipulate it again, sir.

I promise you that. And in one particular direction, with a few stops along the way.

>> No.13786046

When do you think this will get listed on Binance, if ever?

Also where would you recommend buying this?

>> No.13786057

Whut do u think of chx good sir

>> No.13786069


Some time, who knows when. Definitely will get there.

IDEX is the only real exchange for it currently, thank goodness.

>> No.13786133

I'm going to need evidence of your stack, good sir.

>> No.13786136


I don't follow it but that doesn't matter. It's a western team (I presume?) with the right image and style.

I think it will do well, just like all the chink scams did well last time.

>> No.13786147

>I'm going to need evidence of your stack, good sir.

Pick a price above 0.01 and I'll place a sell there.

>> No.13786162

Yes, German team, better blockchain than the hyped tendermint for equities.

I believe you. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.13786217


>> No.13786281
File: 41 KB, 645x729, rarebrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> .001469
> above 0.01

>> No.13786318


>> No.13786396


I have to apologise and brainlet myself, I've added another 10x to your chosen number, hope that's acceptable still.

>> No.13786423

wheres the fuckin proof you stupid larper

>> No.13786437
File: 5 KB, 515x27, nolarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no larp... Let's rock!

>> No.13786456

well, to be fair you only added walls, not remove any. kek

>> No.13786478


The walls were up until half an hour ago, I moved them just then. We kept sells at about 220,000 for weeks and weeks, during which time all that much was mine, and a lot of the rest from other pajeets like me.

>> No.13786480

Life has been rough anon, a win would be nice. You wouldn't lie to me, would you?

>> No.13786514

>You wouldn't lie to me, would you?

You can see my stack. I'm deep, you should be as well.

>> No.13786518

either way, QNT is legit and I've been looking to buy for quite some time, it's also at a good retracement level, so bots could take it up on that alone.

>> No.13786622

one thing that I've thought about: Do you see the future price of QNT being a derivative of the blockchains being used by it?

So like, 5% volume of MAPs through XRP, 5% BTC, etc equivalent to the overall marketcap of QNT?

>> No.13786725

Just buy matic it’s being pumped right now.

>> No.13786786

djislav is that you?

>> No.13786793


It's not clear that the pricing structure will be exactly like that, but see the latest tokenomics paper:


And some other pieces:

> Yes we will have a dashboard to show as much activity as possible without giving up any sensitive confidential information. I want to share an evolution of QNT: From our original thinking in the whitepaper and business paper, the purpose of QNT has always been multi-purpose. The 1st phase of QNT was to help create an ecosystem of developers and enterprise. The 2nd phase, QNT has been used to verify and the option to sign and encrypt every single transaction that flows through Overledger for security purposes. The 3rd phase of QNT is something we've been working on. It's to be used for the movement of Digital Assets across chains. QNT is a Universal Utility Token, providing access to the Overledger ecosystem and also to be used to pay for transactions and usage across chains. We're also going to enforce minimum wallet holdings for all participants. This is a market need we're seeing with clients and a tokenised ecosystem is the future we're all working towards. This is something we can do now, where others have been trying to achieve for the last couple of years. We have clients we're working with in financial services that are moving digital assets internally within a permissioned network and want to be able to interoperate with other parties to recognise their digital asset on different internal permissioned chains. Plus they also want to be able to move and settle on public permissionless blockchains safely and securely - Overledger is the only technology that can do this today. We're pretty excited to be building and shaping the new tokenised economy and working with clients to achieve this.
One way or another QNT lockup/buying will be proportional to network use.

>> No.13786807
File: 1.17 MB, 838x1062, ryokomurakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. Its an absolute steal at this price.

If you missed ChainLink, this is your chance.

Literally no other project that solves interoperability without introducing new chain Other than QUANT

>> No.13786809


yes, sir

>> No.13786879

thanks for the heads up again,

also Own is working with QNT, not sure if they are a client or if QNT is adding Own interoperability to their thing.

>> No.13786950

OP is getting desperate since he didn't sell at 0.04 like the rest of us so he's making you buy his bags lmao.

>> No.13786991

>he didn't sell at 0.04

I literally initiated the dump, you brainlet.

>> No.13787008


If you were one of the early QNT shills on here, thanks, I bought in at 40 cents

>> No.13787032

>If you were one of the early QNT shills on here,

Unironically the very first QNT thread.

>> No.13787132


Huh, well preciate it, I thought it was too good to be true but that was a hot trade

>> No.13787155

>I thought it was too good to be true

Yea, I found the ICO through some pools website, totally by chance, read about it and couldn't believe it was under the radar.

Spent all summer shilling it, to no avail, until they turned on the pump bots in September. Then everyone believed.

>> No.13787181

buying in. I no joke bought a few different cryptos in early 2017, forgot about it as life got crazy. Came back in 2018... looked at the crater that was now my blockfolio and just let it ride until now. Missed out on 30k. regrets. Would be nice for something to go right.

after reading all this I do believe you. so thank you in advance. hopefully

>> No.13787202

glad to have you back, John. I have to disagree with your valuation. This is top 10 no doubt, but this bull run will bring a multi trillion $ cap, so top 10 means tens of billions.

>> No.13787203

same exact thing happened with CHX at sub 1 mil marketcap.

I think LIT will be the next one, just have to wait for it to bottom out.

>> No.13787239




>> No.13787247

Is the bittrex market liquid? I don't have no mo eth in meta for idex. Pls help..need to make 50.00 for AC bill. College is tough.

>> No.13787262

only thing LIT lacks is the team it seems, but they have SAP backing, and they have the side chain ETH scalability meme going on.

>> No.13787274

I’m got 200 left on this shit I’ll throw a Hail Mary why not

>> No.13787285

>I have to disagree with your valuation. This is top 10 no doubt, but this bull run will bring a multi trillion $ cap, so top 10 means tens of billions

Sure, entirely plausible.

My gentle examples just show how easily QNT will get to $100 - that would be only top 50 in a good market.

There's no reason QNT won't see a multi-trillion market cap, I completely agree.

$1000 QNT is only a top 20'ish spot in a buoyant overall market.

>> No.13787336

>multi-trillion market cap


>> No.13787350

oh yes I just mean multi trillion for overall crypto cap, so that would put quant at multi billions minimum, provided its at least top ten.

>> No.13787358


especially if its value is derived from other networks. Trillion is a little delusional.

>> No.13787385

>Trillion is a little delusional.

typo, yea.

Basically 1bn = top 40 at last bullrun

Given that QNT will be higher than top 40, and the market will grow to be larger than it was before, multi-billion is very likely.

Even if people don't believe that, who's seriously going to say it won't hit 200mil, i.e. 10x from here? Sell then if you want, whatever. It's a free 10x.

>> No.13787452

$100 a Quant seems reasonable given the quality of the project they are.

>> No.13787518

wow, just like that, sentiment is starting to reflect reality..

>> No.13787586

Well, it should. The FUD on this board is ridic. Especially the hate CHX has gotten.

I imagine Binance will list in between their overhyped IEOs.

>> No.13787751


>> No.13787767

OP - were you using bots on IDEX?

>> No.13787933

ico here too. I used to post Gilberts head on biz with "When will you learn Biz"

Stupidly only bought 1 eth worth at ico.

Project was amazing then and only gets better

>> No.13787976


can you explain why this token is so incredible ?

the low supply is good, but investing in something because "the team is western and this bullrun is about enterprise western looking teams" is not a good enough reason.

please explain why the tech is so great and why its not just all bark with no bite

>> No.13788055

From what I read, they are working with some high end companies/banks. They just license out their thing to as a fixed fiat rate that is used to give the company/bank access to the software that lets them build on most of the high end blockchains simultaneously, only with 3 lines of code, likely linking the API? (I'm code retarded).

I know Quorum is one of the chains and I speculate JP Morgan wants it so they can stealth buy BTC with their shit stablecoin.

>> No.13788071

Hi Mr QNT whale, thanks for dumping it, I went from 50 qnt to 200 now because of this traceback. In Ukraine it's a lot of money. Some questions -

What's your final exit target? 100 us dollar qnt is already 7.2 million for you.

Any more short term targets and retraces so I can maybe have 500 qnt one day?

What are your thoughts of Gilbert not sticking to announcements and shunning community?

I have potential to save up 25 USD a week with my job savings, when should I stop buying qnt?

Thanks Mr whale sir

>> No.13788186

You realize shillbert is known for exaggerating things? You might be right it has some pumpamentals but actually fundamentals should be called into question given his reputation.

>> No.13788219

Another question. My dream is to have 250 thousand USD to buy farm and provide for family. Should I still qnt when it goes to 2.5 BTC and wait for 100k BTC?

>> No.13788299

I placed a buy for 9 eth on idex.. pls sell some to me.

>> No.13788311

Given his reputation? nigger have you read his CV? His reputation is pristine gtfoh

>> No.13788356

When will you sell that fantom shit and pump it into quant

>> No.13788357

>Acts like he invented the new TCP/IP
Really just a trusted SaaS product.
>Says he founded TC307
One of 70 people
>Huge partnerships
Mostly signed up for incubator programs and exploratory work. No real evidence
>Acts all humble
Known in Aus for exaggerating or taking credit for things he had very little in doing. Hence why he moved to the UK

>> No.13788392

Honest opinion on V-ID?
All white, Dutch team. Not a scam. Working product. Low market cap and supply. Quarterly burns. It seems to have the foundation for a great run.
Would appreciate your opinion. Cheers!

>> No.13788411

You fucking retard he literally proposed tc 307 via Standards Australia. Get your FA straight you clown

>> No.13788426

Literally can't f****** buy it because every time I try those shity idex bots load b******* little bids in front of me f****** hate this exchange

>> No.13788429

>Known in Aus for exaggerating

Post evidence or kys

>> No.13788453

Bottom seller spotted

>> No.13788456


>> No.13788482

Lol.. on talk to text it gays me. Double fUcK

>> No.13788517
File: 325 KB, 1241x828, DEABFD10-24A9-4A99-9083-A8C9DF3D5955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remitt (Quant) is in the literal proposal document from Standards Australia (proposal developed by Gilbert) - check the graphic.

>> No.13788542


>> No.13788547

Talk with people in the industry. You will find out.

>> No.13788566
File: 439 KB, 1585x828, 7B0AE0EA-F127-4BD3-8A6C-6B185D5A7922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13788585

Did Matt Spoke himself tell you this at whiskey Friday?

>> No.13788597

Literally submitted by a 70 person team. see this is what im talking about. People dont like him in AUS cause he misrepresents things by taking more credit than his actual involvement.

>> No.13788629

>by taking more credit than his actual involvement.

Those are usually the kind of people who make it DESU.