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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 318 KB, 2440x952, Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 10.33.18 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13775010 No.13775010 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13775075

strap in boys
it's happening

>> No.13775092

This isn't even the Dubai news WTF

They were talking about dropping the Dubai news today and then they give this?

>> No.13775107

get ready for the gains of a lifetime

>> No.13775122

They called us pajeets, fucking lmfao at NoFantomers. Enjoy buying my bags when you get DOMPED on after the 5x

>> No.13775133

whats the best Exchange that does not require to much Registration bullshit, to buy that shit?

>> No.13775135

What is the best DEX for FTM atm?

>> No.13775141

holy shit

>> No.13775149


>> No.13775152


where do I buy this piece of shit and how many millions will I have when I invest $2000 into it?

>> No.13775157

What's the tl;dr?

Will it be listed on binance.com or on the .org ?

>> No.13775182

kucoin or idex
be fast because the ship is starting to lift off

>> No.13775195

do I send eth to that exchange from binance and buy with eth?

>> No.13775210

Get it on IDEX

If you can't figure out how, that's by design (to keep normalfag scum away). No KYC horse shit

>> No.13775214


>> No.13775222

yea kucoin is the best, just withdraw the tokens after you bought them though.

>> No.13775230

are you retards...its already 30 mill mcap coin....literally the coins in bnb like fet , matic are in that range...already priced in. enjoy buying scammer bags..kek

>> No.13775234

holy fuck YES YES

>> No.13775241

idex you can buy with eth from your ledger
kucoin has both eth and btc pairings

>> No.13775249
File: 151 KB, 1180x614, Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 10.47.33 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personal welcome by CZ


>> No.13775261

Do they have a wallet out yet? how to store not on exchange?

>> No.13775268

Time to shill Kucoin, for anyone who hasn't signed up yet and wants to get in on this before it fucking explodes, sign up with referral code 1cg72

>> No.13775275

u dumb?

>> No.13775290

It's an ERC-20, you can store it on any ERC-20 hardware wallet (ledger, trezor, etc.) using myetherwallet or use a paper wallet.

>> No.13775301


>> No.13775305

It's ERC-20. Use your Ethereum wallet.

>> No.13775306

is it gonna get listed on binance? what kind of announcement is this?

>> No.13775309

Finally managed to buy into something before it pumps, ty OP

>> No.13775419

I'm waiting for the BTC to send through from binance, have I missed out or will this go on forever to 1000+

>> No.13775428

Holy fuck. Time for matic gains

>> No.13775432


>> No.13775439
File: 52 KB, 1424x246, Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 10.59.00 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strap in the ride has just started

>> No.13775445


>> No.13775472

cant buy on idex just loads reeeeeee

>> No.13775474

>He uses a software wallet
>He uses a software wallet that has been hacked in the past and has notoriously weak security

>> No.13775507

what potential does this shit have someone give me the rundown and tell me if I should pump 10k+ into this fucking bad boy
I have 2k transfering to kucoin as we speak, if you convince me I'm all in
tell me targets and everything

>> No.13775523


>> No.13775535


>> No.13775537

had 17k and sold an hour ago for eth ha. now have 12k.

>> No.13775541

idex keeps loading after >send

>> No.13775543



>> No.13775544

400 sat next target

>> No.13775549

Holy shit this is BIG. Based Fantom got right into CZ inner circle of delightful gains

>> No.13775561
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tl;dr. where's the guy with the pastebin when you need him haha

>> No.13775596

thanks for being this quick anon. i literally saw this post 2 minutes after you posted it and bought another 500k FTM right before the huge buy orders came in. fuck man it jumped from 530 to 690 vits in like 15 minutes.

wait for the pajeets, chinks and whoever to wake up. this will 5x easily. i am mad as fuck, i had 100k more but lost it swing-trading like a retard

t. comfy 1.3 million FTM chad

>> No.13775599


>> No.13775606

Binance listing is imminent now.

Screencap this.

FTM will have one of the sickest runs soon.

>> No.13775629


>> No.13775648

here it is fren

read this faggot

>> No.13775657
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hello sir, will I make it?

>> No.13775667

same here, managed to buy another 250k before it rose more than 10%, by the end of today i'll probably be shitting myself

>> No.13775668

It will pump massively obv.
Im at work and cant buy fml

>> No.13775708

where will it be in 10 hours

>> No.13775711

wait wtf. they're partnered with binance?

this isn't just a binance dex listing?

>> No.13775713

target? too late to buy?

>> No.13775718

You're almost 1/10th of the way to making it.

>> No.13775728


you're -12 because you didn't buy in unlucky fuckhead

>> No.13775730

see >>13775561

>> No.13775742

Probably $.04 to $.07

>> No.13775759

idk anon the article is a bit confusing but looks like they actually are doing both going to make their coins on bep2/erc20 and mainnet but also partnering with binance dex to help make these cross chain swaps?

>> No.13775768

I think you're (You)ing the wrong person, I bought in at a DCA of 137 sats and currently own 1.7mm kek

>> No.13775775
File: 204 KB, 1800x972, Screenshot 2019-05-22 at 15.46.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got my suicide bag ready. if this pulls a 400x you are good fren

this is BIG news, the kind of news that was inevitable but obvious if you have an eye for moonshots. look at this candle fren. the green dildo out of nowhere was foretold in the pastebin by the way. all FTM fudders BTFO'd

>> No.13775781
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>> No.13775789
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>> No.13775807

There's literally no sell orders up to 100k vits

>> No.13775821
File: 945 B, 89x42, loaded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think this will go up 400x? why you think that?

are you storing on the exchange or using a certain wallet?

I purchased FTM/BTC does this matter or doesn't because in the end I got FTM

>> No.13775833

please stop talking in vits nobody knows wtf you're talking about. sats is preferred, usd is pleb but acceptable, vits are too autistic.

>> No.13775844

50% of volume is in vits retard

>> No.13775845

>I purchased FTM/BTC does this matter or doesn't because in the end I got FTM
>I purchased FTM/BTC does this matter or doesn't because in the end I got FTM
>I purchased FTM/BTC does this matter or doesn't because in the end I got FTM

>> No.13775854

if your unironically asking those questions you dont deserve this pump.. go back btc/eth/xrp

>> No.13775872

which means nothing other than someone with a bot prefers using vits. again, please speak in sats if you're a /biz/nessman, usd is you're a plebbitor, and continue using vits if you're a kissless virgin.

>> No.13775879

I just got in. Anyone know what this shitcoin does?

>> No.13775884 [DELETED] 


I'm about to put daddy's charity money in (15kUSD) what are you niggers putting in? blood sweat and tears? this isn't a cotton field cunt be mad somewhere else

>> No.13775900

if you're trading an ETH pair speaking in sats makes 0 sense

>> No.13775909
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Choo Choo Mother fuckers

>> No.13775936

this is it. the normans have arrived.

>> No.13775946

DAG with smart contracts

>> No.13775947

tis is going to dollar

>> No.13775988


a dumbass and an asshole
wow op, you really are a keeper

>> No.13776002

Sell the news. This is going to drop like a rock.

>> No.13776016

Isn't this the fastest DAG out there?

>> No.13776035

How much to make it friends?

>> No.13776037
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pajeets btfo topkek

>> No.13776060

guys isnt getting listed on Binance DEX a really normal thing?I mean, its not like they were liested on binance.com, its just the DEX

>> No.13776061

a reasonable sell target is $2-4. utter garbage achieved similar mcaps in 2017. read the whitepaper, watch YT, do what it takes anon. no spoonfeeding. DYOR. this might actually kill ETH, it's 1,333x faster at the bare minimum, supports ETH smart contracts and is interoperable with ETH, NEO and BNB. HOLY FUCK. IF THIS DOESN'T SCREAM MOON MISSION I WILL BURN MY PRIVATE KEYS AND EXIT CRYPTO.

pleb, the most volume is on the ETH pairing......

>> No.13776094

no absolutely not. CZ is backing FTM officially, this partnership is invaluable desu. I can't believe they launched this interoperability layer with ERC20, BNB and NEP5 support.

this is the eternal BTFO for ETH. seriously.

>> No.13776103

I read the copy pasta FUD, first time owning a coin like this could you recommend a safe wallet so I don't sell for another 25 years

>> No.13776293

first dag with smart contracts and permisionless unlike hadera cashgrab

>> No.13776364

ICO price was $0.04

Today is the cheapest you'll ever see FTM again.

>> No.13776366

Artem, is that you?

>> No.13776428

this shitcoin has no practical use and 95% of its investors don't even understand the first 10 pages of the whitepaper

>> No.13776432

We're going to be rich aren't we

>> No.13776443


>> No.13776457

I can trade on idex without kyc right?

>> No.13776492


>> No.13776566
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1537201325119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: low iQs with horrible reading comprehension falling for the pajeet team calling moving their p&d scam to binance chain "working together with binance chain"
my fucking sides, never change, /biz

>> No.13776595


>> No.13776693

It's funny even after this big pump attempt on fake news NKN is still outperforming FTM without saying a word. Fantom eternally btfo

>> No.13776739

Is this true bros?

>> No.13776742
File: 303 KB, 598x714, Stressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please break it down for me anon...

I've been having sleep problems, issues at work, and mental health problems.

Please spell it out for me, I was doing some research into FTM based on this thread.

I guess my brain isn't working properly.

>> No.13776763

they're becoming interoperable you fucking brainlet lmao

>> No.13776795

Wtf does that mean?

>> No.13776824

IT'S FUELLING UP, MECHANICS NEED TO CHECK ALL SYSTEMS this is going to be flying in a couple months time

>> No.13776840 [DELETED] 

lmaooooo. FTM crashed from 50 cents last year to 1 cent, now it "pumped" (more like recovered) to 5 cent and you act like it's the next HOT.

>> No.13776856

lmaooooo more like reverse moon kek. NKN crashed from 50 cents last year to 1 cent, now it "pumped" (more like recovered) to 5 cent and you act like it's the next HOT.

>> No.13776867

It is the next HOT brainlet. Its Hashgraph tech.

>> No.13776870

>We're going to be rich aren't we
>Today is the cheapest you'll ever see FTM again.
>CZ is backing FTM officially, this partnership is invaluable desu
>tis is going to dollar
>I just got in. Anyone know what this shitcoin does?
>wait wtf. they're partnered with binance?
>Holy shit this is BIG. Based Fantom got right into CZ inner circle
>Holy fuck. Time for matic gains
>strap in boys
it's happening
and the best one
>get ready for the gains of a lifetime

>> No.13776904

eh, I've been transferring btc to buy some and it jumped 18% before I could.

>> No.13776912
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>> No.13776925

Why can't these coins ever be on one of the 4 exchanges I use? No, let's put it on this retarded exchange.

brb waiting 40 years for btc to transfer.

>> No.13776926

they're jumping on the binance chain train in a desperate attempt to pump the value of their scam token. it's not like binance chain will benefit fantom foundation in any way though. after all it worked perfectly because there's enough retards in this thread that hear fantom and binance chain in one sentence and proceed to buy the token just to get dumped on

>> No.13776944

if you aint a whale, then whale food be ye! Arrrr!

>> No.13776966

yeh man... this isn't a coin like matic... this is very early days
this is just from a influx of progressive news in the last couple of days. if you buy in now and actually fucking hold through the dips you will profit and depending on the amount you put into it that profit could be a life changing amount

>> No.13776992

It literally is the next HOT. Sorry you bought the top and got rekt kiddo nothin personnel.

>> No.13777057

have a feeling we will never see these prices again.... people thought this was a scam, now okex and binance, plus revolutionary development on the consensus. I mean the markets had Fantom wrong this whole time.

>> No.13777076

I was the guy who painted this dick green dildo on the 15-minute chart on KuCoin.

>> No.13777151

this will be a /biz/ classic

>> No.13777162

Fantom will be one of the biggest moonshots for biz

>> No.13777199

You’re welcome anons, if you’d had bought when I posted the article you’d be up 25%

>> No.13777203

brb never used metamask in 2019

>> No.13777211

I use metamask. I didn't see anywhere I could buy with metamask.

>> No.13777239

binance xrp withdrawal taking forever . cunts missing out

>> No.13777246


>> No.13777251


>> No.13777253

Use idex you brainlet

>> No.13777367

Is it this one?


>> No.13777380

Seeing posts like these means we're in bull market >>13777211

>> No.13777394

All the newfags will be ironically spared from buying ATH because of their inability to buy now and will enter right at the dip, kek

>> No.13777418


>> No.13777425


>> No.13777443

Anyone having trouble trying to log into binance right now?

>> No.13777615

500k FTM, looking forward to the next few days/ hours. 5x enough?

>> No.13777727


It'll be easier to buy from Kucoin. Feel free to use my Kucoin Sign up code anon.


>> No.13778042

bought the very top thanks owner of 85k fantom

>> No.13778057

g-guys its dumping hard

>> No.13778081


>> No.13778152
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 45073592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"mommy, the chinky chinaman stole my fundus again"
never change /biz/

>> No.13778246


>> No.13778252

i bought 170k at 230 sats. am i gonna make it biz?

>> No.13778288

lol the thing about this coin is that it's not going to attract the shitty cunts that have no idea what they're doing because it's on such an alternative exchange. Whatever you see here is straight profits no bots pushing it, just genuine people wanting to invest into actual good technology

>> No.13778299

Buy from Kucoin, use this link for +50% off exchange fees on all trades for the first week: https://www.kucoin.com/?rcode=1cg72

>> No.13778341

give me a live market tracker that supports idex, like something that uses coinmarketcap's api
idex is shit

>> No.13778456

Already went up, not buying this shit

>> No.13778483

Gentlemen learn to recognize Lenocinium threads. They are back.

>> No.13778484

lmfao you didn't read anything and that's why you're always going to be poor you uneducated fuck, this is just the beginning

>> No.13778487

I agree that on paper it looks like a moon mission.
But I still haven't seen anything close to the excitement the developer community gave projects like Ethereum.
This coin is mostly shilled on shitty speculative forums, so far I don't see any programmers caring about it, that's a problem.

Still, I own about 1 mil.
I'm an amateur developer, so I might give a try to build some dApps once they have released main net.

>> No.13778588

Lol, true.

>> No.13778613

This shit will moon so fucking hard once the Dubai and Binance listing come through

>> No.13778633

This won't go higher than it is now

>> No.13778696
File: 217 KB, 1296x1458, 1546539651104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dubai listing

>> No.13778718


Either you’re ill informed and haven’t done your research, or you’re just talking shit. Regardless, that’s a retarded statement. Fantom will pull a 50-500x.

>> No.13778750

I put 1700 bucks into this a week or so ago because of you /biz/. Now its at 2800. Thank you brothers.

>> No.13778766


I've never had the chance to laugh at people calling a coin shit like this cunt here >>13778633
but I've been laughing for the past 15 minutes because I can finally talk shit about people with IQ levels like that missing out on moon missions. You've literally got people around you telling you that they have $20k+ invested in this and it hasn't made it on a reputable exchange yet.

you're a fucking idiot

you waiting around to watch that grow into 28,000?

>> No.13778769

I'm too lazy to read about this FTM. Can someone explain to me how the token will be used in regards to Binance, or is this just a marketing ploy like other "partnerships"?

It seems like they can't deliver on the Dubai news so they came up with a big name partnership that doesn't mean anything in terms of actually using the token.

I could very well be wrong. I just don't have time to dig into it myself and with all the scammy shit in the space, alarm bells are going off.

So biz, scam or no?

>> No.13778777

Im all in at 293000 ftm

>> No.13778849

Binance chain doesn't support smart contract like eth so they are interpolating it with fantom, a something that does have it. And this something is a DAG so no fee either. Moreover connection of chains is something many projects are trying to do too. So it is very big on paper

>> No.13778855

it's being deployed onto binance + much other news

read this - https://pastebin.com/5aPVtpUC

>> No.13778938

I picked up 150k FTM. Im hoping for 25-50 cents

>> No.13778948


If you’re too lazy, no one should give a fuck about spoonfeeding. You can’t even give a fuck yourself. Why are retards on this board so plentiful? Holy shit.

>> No.13778982

Buy now or wait for dump?

>> No.13779007

I honestly dont feel like a few sats will matter if you are planning to hold for awhile

>> No.13779018

kek, fuck off .. buy when it tenfolds

>> No.13779019


This desu

>> No.13779023

Thanks. So is this competing with LINK?

I have to admit that was a pretty good sales pitch in the pastebin.

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.13779105

if you want any more advice the only advice anyone is going to give to you and it's up to you to take it, put everything you just bought off that exchange into myetherwallet or similar and check up on the status weekly, don't ever sell for a loss wait for it to atleast 5x if you desperately need the money.

if you take it off the exchange it will be a longer process for you to have to sell so you will have time to make sure it's what you want to do. Even for some reason if it drops 50% hold onto it and wait for them to announce another piece of progressive news towards their token

if you want fast cash sell within a week, if you want life changing profits do what I said

>> No.13779216

These are bold words, and why should i listen to you vs every other alt coin thats had a great pitch and failed?

>> No.13779224

it's dumping lol

>> No.13779390

Never buy the news pump, biz

>> No.13779447

don't listen to me

>it's dumping
lmfao you're a retard, you're just hoping it crashes so you don't kill yourself from regret when you miss out on this being successful.

>> No.13779456


SHIT nigga that’s all you had to say

>> No.13779533

>Binance listing is imminent now.
Pretty much 100% guaranteed now. CZ will probably list for free.

>> No.13779542
File: 54 KB, 637x637, activate it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsieur B. wishes to buy in.

>> No.13779663

and when do you think CZ will list FTM? in the next weeks?

>> No.13779842

Its dumping kek

>> No.13779987

>price pumps from 160 to 220 sats in under 6 hours, more than a 15% pump
>it's dumping
welcome to /biz/ ladies and gentlemen, the home of buy high/sell low, and other general elements of delusion and mental handicaps

>> No.13780006

Beats me but a week would be a decent bet. By switching to BNB chain and offering inter chain operations its sort of entering CZ's protected circle. CZ will want to list it and pump it to reward those who join his DEX.

>> No.13780094

FTM is playing chess not checkers. Based.

>> No.13780376

No the direct competition is eth. This is DAG with smart contracts. Eth is blockchain with smart contracts

>> No.13780532

KuCoin took like 3 minutes to sign up for, if you want to check that out

>> No.13780548 [DELETED] 


>> No.13780705

well see but would be nice though

>> No.13780826

Binance just confirmed this project is legit. They wouldn't partner with a scam. Should be big. Korea waking up soon.

>> No.13780863

This plus Dubai should make some faces melt.

>> No.13781135

None of that shit will matter unless developers start adopting it.
I say this as a 1 mil bag holder.
It's good that they shill the project, but unless they can shill it to developers the project will die.

>> No.13781184

Imagine being this NPC

>> No.13781276

Best way of attracting devs is getting this shit to pump. $$$ talks

>> No.13781301


>> No.13781357

so what are the dubai news anons? was tehre a hint?

>> No.13781439

swedish dubai whores now accept FAT

>> No.13781517

Is it going to be listed on binance?

>> No.13781584

This is on binance?

>> No.13781632

Will be soon. For free.

>> No.13781663

Do you have any evidence fren?

>> No.13781670

just a matter of time. their collabo is a clear sign

>> No.13781698

Best way of attracting devs is them getting in at a decent price level before low IQ unproductive baboons start pushing up the price based on hype.

You want devs to be owners of the token as early as possible.
I'll do my best, I'm an amateur programmer but I honestly think I'll give it a shot to build at least one dApp once main net launch.
I think I have a few ideas, although several of them could be done on Ethereum desu.

>> No.13781721

CZ himself tweeting welcome Fantom

>> No.13781727

Bullish af desu desu.

>> No.13781741

You are a retail investor you drooling idiot.

>> No.13781831

can you link that tweet? i cant find it on his page

>> No.13781869


here it is if anyone wants it

i dont think its a good time to buy, going to let this news pump extinguish a bit

>> No.13782046

This is the lull before the chinks wake up. FTM is going to pull a Matic. We've left get 10% and get the fuck out season for 10x+ season.

>> No.13782381

This may be a refuge during this btc dump as well like Matic was

>> No.13782700

Chinks are gonna pump the fuck out of this when they wake up.

>> No.13782878
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i hope so

>> No.13783007
File: 72 KB, 1002x545, IMG_20190522_230010_384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is H U G E

>> No.13783073

W H E W L A D S. Ftm going to pluto

>> No.13783190


>> No.13783220


>> No.13783351

like how much "amount". y'all overhype everything. You think itll be x100? x200? x10? C'mon now.

>> No.13783464

CZ is such a schiester fuck. It's good though that all scam projects will migrate to binance chain for gibsmedat, so we can keep track of them.

BNB is an absolute must buy at this point since ieo clownparade and binance chain scam.

>> No.13783498

gtfo faggot n00b

>> No.13783533

reddit is back....
we just getting started, chinks are waking up in 1-2 hours

>> No.13783846

We gonna make it fren. Can't wait to dump on these plebbit faggots 100x from now.

>> No.13783991

Guys I can't login to kucoin. I have synced 2fa and everything but can't get in... any ideas?

>> No.13784002

wait 15min and try it again

>> No.13784059

Will do thanks fren

>> No.13784068
File: 36 KB, 600x671, 1551129979168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy from idex instead of being pic related

>> No.13784114

Godspeed fren. Beat the chinks.

>> No.13784270
File: 44 KB, 744x687, 1539699437332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idex is easy to use and without any kys/acc whatever shit

>> No.13784287

I knew as soon as this mooned BTC would dump. I can't win.

>> No.13784360

Hes basically telling you what to buy for easy gains. Why complain and not just follow it?
This is going to be a slow pump. Its not listed on Binance yet and will likely be listed now shortly. But until it is listed its a smaller pump. The listing will be the big pump.

>> No.13784425

Still doesn't work man wtf I have some funds on kucoin, fuck this shitty exchange

>> No.13784448

guys this is going in cz's shitty DEX platform not the main CEX one that matic and shit was placed on. this news isnt that impressive

>> No.13784755
File: 72 KB, 1002x545, IMG_20190522_111554_340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it and weep fucking retard

>> No.13785074
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Tell me on a scale of 1-10 how good of an idea is it to dump my 4eth into this right now?

>> No.13785155
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>> No.13785195


>> No.13785220

im feelin a 8 or 9 myself

>> No.13785239

Wish I sold my exrn at top. I would have 4 eth. Now I'll have 0.7

>> No.13785242

>I purchased FTM/BTC does this matter or doesn't because in the end I got FTM

my fucking sides

>> No.13785373

Missread the OP.

I am now FTM trans. Does this make me a better trader?

>> No.13785445

Dubai's a flop damn

>> No.13785494

Just bought 20k out of FOMO.

Please dont be a biz scam

>> No.13785516

exactly my point idiot they are going on the chain which is dex you hopeless faggot

>> No.13786135

well done

>> No.13786222

I literally woke up sleep deprived and still stoned out of my mind and ended up buying 2 BTC (most I could transfer out of my binance) worth of this @ 225~

I suppose I have close to 900,000 now. Probably will let this ripen for a little while.

>> No.13786283

First platform to do so you fucking nimrod. This is BIG news and the CEX is inevitable at this point.

>> No.13786324

Ftm is always a long pump over weeks, not a blow out in a day. We just warming up.

>> No.13786341
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The book can be moved about 25 sats every 1 mil FTM or so, or rather every 2 BTC or so based on orders in the book. Assuming there are others like me out there, or those looking to reinvest recent gains, this thing should move up I would think perhaps 100+ sats in a week or so.

>> No.13786419

Using fantom chain to provide multi asset cross chain ecosystem. Wonder what this means.

>> No.13786441

No. This implies that the 2nd Dubai article will contain the hot sauce. Details of deal just not ready to be released in the trip recap.

>> No.13786568

Nice going.

>> No.13786723

Yea this is actually a pretty good buy, it hasn't come close to paying off yet so there isn't anyone who hastily wants to dump it I am betting

>> No.13786780

so how many FTMs to make it?

>> No.13786783
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CZ and FTM is the KEYY!!

>> No.13786874

I wouldn't sweat the ups and downs of crypto markets. We are in a good place in the bigger cycle now for Crypto and Fantom is a long term hodl.

News and stuff can come and go but the fundamentals of Fantom won't ever disappear. Buy and Hodl. 2.0.

>> No.13786915

It hosts ETH Dapps brainless. Any ETH dapp can also be deployed on Fantom's chain.

>> No.13786935

The only thing that concerns me with this project is their ability to fix the consensus failing past ~70 nodes, it's a pretty big deal and if they can't figure it out it's dead

>> No.13786954

NANO works desu, I do not see why FTM could not also simply use their model. Both are DAGS.

>> No.13787010

It's a completely different beast... it's not as simple as saying both are DAGS. In fact, all blockchains are DAG which is what Andre was explaining in one of his presentation (blockchains are just very simple forms of DAGs). FTM is implementing an aBFT consensus with smart contracts, you can't just 'use' what NANO is doing

>> No.13787046

holy fuck /biz/ I'm getting scared
weird ass questions like this keep popping up lately, are normalfags coming back to crypto?

>> No.13787212

First Cross chain decentralized asset exchange thanks to FTM and the integrated Fusion DCMR technology?

>> No.13787226


>> No.13787286

None of that happens if consensus breaks down past 70 nodes unless the goal is to have a centralized blockchain which would then make this project just another shitty attempt at high throughput smart contract platform meme

>> No.13787408

This. A month from now anyone who bought in here will look like a genius.

>> No.13787454

This is ETH, EOS tier lads. Congrats on everyone that makes it aboard this week

>> No.13787600

wen $1

>> No.13787650
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i've been pajeeted, gooked, chinked so many times /biz/... i've lost so much even in this bullrun my portfolio has been dropping... i just unironically bought 100k. if this doesn't save me, i'm done

>> No.13787667

Even if it ends up being ICX, Vechain level price performance wise this is a huge win for biz.

>> No.13787709

Just sold 900k, I can smell you through your post somehow

>> No.13787795

actually getting depressed that I don't have more money to invest into this, I only have 75k FTM

I still think it's enough to make it to the moon r-right?

>> No.13787874

If you want to be realistic, hold it for a short gain and sell, I doubt it will really do anything too special but who knows it may very well pump hard.

>> No.13787897

"We just released ''ONLAY: Online Layering for scalable asynchronous BFT system'', our latest technical paper.


via @blockfolio

They have implemented a solution on tesnet which allows for finality across any number of nodes

>> No.13787903

I am currently up from 2 btc to 2.7 btc, and what was worth 16k at the start of the day with btc @ 8k, is still worth 16k now with btc at 7650. Not bad at all for a days work.

>> No.13787928

Interesting, will have a look

>> No.13787963

I'm a newfag and even I'm laughing this nunewfag.

>> No.13787972

Community is deluded enough to push this past $1 and beyond in a proper bull run.

>> No.13788084

2 to 2.07*

Yea I am thinking I might pick up another 2 BTC tomorrow when I can move more funds over from Binance

>> No.13788098

This just got fixed in the last technical update. Node scaling has been solved

>> No.13788169

This sell book is fairly thin, a well placed market buy of 7~ BTC would send us from 235 to 300 sats, or about a 30% increase. That is about how much we moved today, from the 180 area. Even with the large red candles, this should progressively make gains, for some period of time at least.

>> No.13788245

Haven't looked at their ONLAY framework but is that their solution?

>> No.13788752

I just saw. This is gonna fly fast soon.

>> No.13788758
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Michael Chen is the goat community manager

>> No.13788893

When this hits some good exchanges it will explode. Maximum hype. Wouldn't be surprised if pushed towards $1

>> No.13788988

Price discovery is always so near that it's far.

>> No.13789183
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Is it too late to buy in?
I feel like if I give into FOMO the shits just going to crash as soon as I buy it.

>> No.13789237

It doesn't look like many are eager to sell at this price. It will probably keep crawling upwards over the next few weeks as more people catch on.

>> No.13789250


If you haven't already bought and not given a shit about short term moves then you have no business being in crypto

>> No.13789299

too late?

>> No.13789300

I mostly just trade the margins. The only thing I hold long term is BTC and ETH. For everything else I just buy then resell when I get 10-20% gains on it.

>> No.13789304

it's super early. 10x from here easily

>> No.13789319
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Don't be a pussy anon.

>> No.13789440

lol just save money for Resistance or Tangram.

FTM is literally Tangrams testnet.

>> No.13789823

lmao faggot. do you get all your crypto advice from suppoman? resistance is embarassing and tangrams is just a shitty homebrew project kys.