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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 943 KB, 371x371, 6D4E4F6C-B9EA-489E-8747-399EC74B2071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13783246 No.13783246 [Reply] [Original]

So assblaster was right all along huh. FML

>> No.13783277

Looks like it. Choo choo motherfucker.

>> No.13783304

Someone post the assblaster archived threads. I distinctly remember figuring out it was Coinmetro he was low key shilling when he said any doubts he has about this exchange are cleared up by the CEOs voice messages.
And to anyone that fell for my half assed trolling that he was shilling Tokia I hope you lost everything.

>> No.13783307

except its literally dumping right now
swinglinkers win again

>> No.13783327

Who the fuck is assblaster? Did I buy a 50k stack this week because of a guy named ASSBLASTER?

>> No.13783341

You did, you just didn't know it yet.

>> No.13783347



>ASSBLASTER 2 - 12/06/17


>ASSBLASTER 3 - 12/10/17


>ASSBLASTER 4 - 12/13/17


>ASSBLASTER 5 - 01/06/18


>ASSBLASTER 6 - 01/12/18


>ASSBLASTER 7 - 01/17/18


>ASSBLASTER 8 - 02/12/18


>ASSBLASTER 9 - 02/17/18


>> No.13783366

He said exit til august. The pump is over you fuckin mook

>> No.13783393

Any other americhads having trouble passing the address verification KYC for this POS?

>> No.13783404

>$3 in May

>> No.13783413

Nope. You have to be pretty retarded not to be able to pass it with literal live support there helping you along

>> No.13783445

>If you have I am more fucked. I have 30% of all my crypto in it, but honestly spend a day in telegram listening to the CEOs voice messages, and you should feel comfy. But I don't think it will moon as hard as BNB or KCS, because the market is changing, I do think we will profit though.

Thanks bro

>> No.13783541

What happened to him? I remember people claiming they found out who he was but I never followed up with it. Was he found out to be a LARP or something?

>> No.13783568
File: 1.47 MB, 1840x3264, 1558459215111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AB was more than right.
>pic related
allianze confirmed using LINK

>> No.13783576


>> No.13783589

I was heavy in LINK (and REQ) at the time but I never botheted to even check out those threads because they reminded me of that Q anon LARP

>> No.13783603

can anyone translate this nazi language to english

>> No.13783667
File: 73 KB, 512x512, 8A9FD122-5BAC-4023-9493-AB85FCD9F085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Digital ASSet Holding’s BLythe mASTERs was not LARPing.

May KEK forever bless mummy dearest.

>> No.13783723

ASS BLASTER is not a guy or a tranny. But she will peg the shit out of your financial instruments.

please see >>13783667

>> No.13783760

Key-words looks good enough.
>Marc shekelberg
>Smart Contracts

>> No.13783773



>> No.13783786

wtf am i looking at right now?

>> No.13783807

"The german insurance giant has been testing block chain applications for a while now on different products. an example would be a joint venture which insurance would offer for flight delays. with a smart contract the claim could be triggered, as soon as the flight is delayed. the customer would receive a massage on his smartphone, inputs his banking data, and would receive his money back."

>> No.13783960


>> No.13783984

we're gonna be fucking rich.