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13767764 No.13767764 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 3k linklet

>> No.13767786
File: 267 KB, 828x1792, B9B6FDEF-AB47-42E3-9A50-2A49E9A673F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m hoping holo will pump so I can buy more link but I don’t know

>> No.13767800

but everyone here says itll be $1,000 so youll still have $3,000,000 worth
you didnt miss out

>> No.13767801

shut the fuck up no it doesn’t I have 6k

>> No.13767829
File: 41 KB, 588x153, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at 7.30.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you're still gonna make it so hard. The ChainLink protocol will be worth more than BTC. 500 bill to 1 trillion project valuations will be common for top 10 coins in a couple years. You know what that means? Each one of those 3k LINKs will be worth thousands of dollars. Keep your chin up Marine

>> No.13767831

I think you got 5 figures right their op

>> No.13767856

Checked but $1000 is a meme, it won't even reach $50 until the next bull run. And I sure as hell won't be selling it at $5-$10 range which it will be at for the next couple of years.

>> No.13767874

Crypto Oracle is delusional and so are you. LINK will top off at $100. If you were smart enough to find LINK you’ll find the next thing. Dump your gains into that and you’ll be in lamboland, unironically.

>> No.13767875

9k linklet. i could have had so much more but i diversified into ada, icx, vet...

>> No.13767900

This. Even the guys with 50k+ stacks (like me) aren't going to make it with LINK any time soon. This typical mainnet hype and will die down in a couple weeks.

>> No.13767934

1k linklet here OP

>> No.13767936

Nice FUD

>> No.13767975

just wait till BTC main net 2 years 5.00

hyperledger support 2 years 10 dollars a link

swift private block chain support 10 years
1,000 each link token

>> No.13768019


>tfw 85,000 Chainlink stolen in January
>been all in since 2017

I am back up to 3,500 tokens and right there with you. Don't let it get to you.

>> No.13768056
File: 622 KB, 1242x1134, 1552664338060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very sad, fren. Hope you're better with your security now.

>> No.13768064

500 link here, hurts a little

>> No.13768131


>> No.13768138

How do you get it stolen? Hacked?

>> No.13768152

How did your linkies get stolen?

>> No.13768153

ETH ATH $1400
LINK can

>> No.13768226


They said BTC holders were deluded in 2011. ChainLink is even more technologically important than BTC. Assuming that, it's really just a question of simple math.

Will LINK be top 5?

If yes, it will have a market cap 500 billion to 1 trillion. Given that, $1,000 is not a meme. But please go ahead and sell your links at $100. You'd be doing us an OP a favor

>> No.13768255
File: 122 KB, 1329x222, Mainnet- Even 1%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for:


>> No.13768276

this is true. only way to salvage this is to dca on the mainnet dump and hope this shit is still not a scam.

>> No.13768296
File: 9 KB, 239x211, 1548316793078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5k linklet here Im never gonna make it I was literally going to buy more yesterday but now the moon mission has begun without me.

>> No.13768468

$100 is actually possible in some golden BTC bull run to $100k

So you didnt do bad

>> No.13768496

Every 1k LINK is equivalent to 1 inches up to 10k Chad status

>> No.13768546

1.5 million in 7 years
You’ll be good anon

>> No.13768615

$1,000 is daydreaming for linklets.

$60-$100 is possible

>> No.13768746

Only have 2200 but if we reach $50 it would still be somewhat life changing for me. Enough to make sure I’m not going to live under a bridge eating cat food someday.

>> No.13768824
File: 5 KB, 144x144, 1554078881021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ONLY 450 LINK
>tfw bought my 'suicide stack' in Dec 2017
>not 500

The autism kept me away but now I'm realizing I made a huge mistake.

>> No.13769024

I have 4k, we're gonna be alright bud. Just hold and buy any dips.

>> No.13769045

Dont be a fag. You will make 3k for every dollar it goes up

>> No.13769101

At least you can buy. Im locked in coinbase hold and can’t do shit for 7 more days.


>> No.13769212
File: 176 KB, 680x778, 1558201337610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next bull run is in 2020 retard, after btc halvening
link will be 3 digits in 2020

>> No.13769264

It only needs to hit $7 to make it into the top ten. That's not really even that crazy.

>> No.13769427

1k stacklet reporting in

>> No.13769864

No worries friendo. At one point I had 75000 link. Now I have 1000. Life's a dream

>> No.13769978

Link will be extremely lucky if it ever hits 5 bucks, and if it does the window to sell before it dumps is going to be so tight that you will miss it. Link is the biggest shitcoin of all. Take a good look at Sergey and realize there is no way he will ever create anything of lasting importance

>> No.13770081

Swift support occurs before EOY, causes valuation spikes of 200% per day for weeks. Screencap.

>> No.13770111

Plenty big stack. Be optimistic and positive.

>> No.13770112

200 link pajeet report here
I need link to official telegram announcement channel for link. I sell matic for link now need Announcement channel thank you sirs

>> No.13770132

You will make it too

>> No.13770276

Wow - what a faggot!

>> No.13770584

same bro I just been scooping up DCA 10-20 linkies for the last few days.
build slowly

>> No.13770628

1k was always a meme. Back before the FUD and meme's there was actually real discussion. $100 was always the best case scenario and thats why you needed 10k stack to" make it"

>> No.13770733

This is fud.

>> No.13770854
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1521529420356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. Link is $1.25 with no institutional FOMO, no public awareness, no smart contract bubble, no 4th ID, no use even.

Your FUD is even worse than "ETH will never be more than $15" because we've seen it happen twice now. $1000 is not a meme.