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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 966 KB, 2275x2680, faggit scam 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13761488 No.13761488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No one is surprised that CHX lied, yet again, about their "STO"s.

Today was supposed to be the day that:
>9x STOs launch for a billion dollars

Instead we see that none of them exist, and the only "STO" that exists is a complete pajeet tier scam based on a 20 hour online certificate ran out of a dumb bitch's kitchen

CHX is properly, and rightfully, headed to 0, fast.

>> No.13761588
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Since we are quite aware of the Project Crowd scam, let us set up why that is in a few posts.

Project Crowd's female CEO also runs Blockchain Fox: https://www.blockchain-fox.com/

On her site states she has launched 120 projects and has 22 years of experience. Except she cannot code at all and uses Crowd Machine: https://www.crowdmachine.com/kathrin-hauck/
Project Crowd has been in business for over a year, has no working product, clients, or freelancers on their platform. Blockchain Fox acts as a consultant for other businesses on using blockchains. Again, she cannot code. She is an affiliate marketer for Crowd Machine, which pays a % for resellers and referrals. She states she has developed Artificial Intelligence on Blockchains in the above link. She cannot code.
>look at blockchain-fox
>same shitty $5 templated website full of meaningless memes like AI + blockchain + community
>no proof it does anything
>look at contact page
>look at address
>paste into google
>find address for a moving company

>> No.13761605
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>Project Crowd, CHX's only "STO" (ICO scam) is built on nothing
>The "owner" has a pajeer tier online certificate
>Lets look up how we get this pajeet cert
>You just click a few buttons and go through a tutorial
>software dev but no coding involved
LMAO, this is literally CHX's "STO"

They arent even putting in any fucking effort.
>Uses slightly edited logo as Crowd Machine
>buzzwords galore, see pic related

And of course, the video is the icing on the cake:

Project Crowd is a "CEO" bragging about a "certificate" for completing step by step tutorials on how to use a drag and drop software with the hashtag #nocode.
Then three months later starts a blockchain-based business STO with OWN.

>> No.13761623
File: 1.62 MB, 2026x2172, faggit scam 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Crowd - the *****AWARD WINNING***** STO which doesnt even exist

>> No.13761641


>> No.13761642
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Now, let's examine their second "STO" VersoView

>> No.13761664
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As we can see, Verso View is ran out of (((Liechtenstein))) and has no website. It is completely fake and astro-turfed by the CHX trannys.

How do we know this? Well, pic related.

>> No.13761941
File: 112 KB, 2284x286, faggit scam 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see pic
*breathes in*


Instead you get:

>> No.13761984

I guess you deserve a bump
honestly it was such an obvious scam I don't think anyone actually bought it, paid shills are gone

>> No.13762070
File: 23 KB, 540x196, faggit scam s2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some businesses might drop out

its because they are FUCKING FAKE!
The website is astro-turfed

CHX "hand picks", "very high standard" dogshit like: https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho, which was started exclusively from a 20 hour pajeet tier online cert

>> No.13762204

Thanks for the shill anon, will buy this dip soon

>> No.13762209
File: 34 KB, 555x296, penis-pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how PenisPump and the rest of the Telegram tranny gang feels right now.

>honestly it was such an obvious scam I don't think anyone actually bought it, paid shills are gone
Oh they did. I bet plenty of anons were hodling CHX until today, believing the discord roastie hype. I knew this will be a scam since the Hamersley Partners announcement and been fudding it since. Sascha is a narcissistic liar and played everyone like a fiddle with his utter confidence and charisma. But if you read between the lines, you could tell he was constantly inconsistent, exaggerated everything, and couldn't handle criticism. He would ban people in Telegram for raising questions or criticizing the website's quality or act pissed off and annoyed if OWN was made to seem incompetent by any measure.

>> No.13762210


>> No.13762262

How bad is the tranny meltdown in their discord/telegram channel?

>> No.13762304

Where's muh taco bell? Kek

Fuckin Sasha said negotiations have basically broken down with exchanges and there wont be any to handle the token swap.

Also look at the STOs "under review", all no name companies with vague descriptions "mid size bank - fundraising goal 50m - STO start q4 2019" hahaha this cocksucker said that these "arent guaranteed", basically admitting they're all fake as fuck and when none of these materialise he can just say that they didnt pass the vetting process or some other bullshit excuse. Fuckin hell man, the lies dont dry up

If you got any sense get the fuck out of this while you still can

>> No.13762401

of course its a lie, its completely fake and astro-turfed by CHX trannys

This "STO" is CHX itself, just fake and ran by them to make it look like they had content >>13761664

Like they arent even running a "STO" properly; if i wanted to buy shares in a business, id buy shares from the stock exchange you dumb fuck, not some scammy fucking platform from pajeet online businesses ran from kitchens after 20 hours of an online course

>> No.13762446

>How bad is the tranny meltdown in their discord/telegram channel?
They're delusional bagholders. Some are happy the price has dipped so they can accumulate more. Some believe the selloff is because of the fake Taco Bell announcement. But everyone seems to be in agreement that everything posted on 4chan is by 12 year kids who are pissed off that their $50 allowance didn't make them rich over a weekend.

They were also excited about Project Crowd (some still are), so that tells you everything one needs to know.

>> No.13762508

>excited about Project Crowd
holy FUCK lmao!

>> No.13762573


hahaha "the floodgates will open" all these sad fucks got after hours of refreshing the page was literally 2 fuckin competely fake companies as "STOs". I'm dead..I thought they'd at least be a bit more thorough will the bullshit..They're not even trying any more

>> No.13762592


bahaha..I wonder how many takes she did of that shit "wait whats the company name again? project crowd? project crowd..alright roll the camera, I'll get it right this time"

>> No.13762692

yeah, I'm honestly dumping.
i would have 100k linkies if I didn't try gambling on this one.
good thing I was diversified, but shit, I missed BNB and MATIC too, just cause I didn't want to sell at a loss.

>> No.13762752

Fucking same. I've been in for quite awhile and am pretty disappointed

>> No.13762811

what, what, you were expecting something to begin with?
you're doing crypto all wrong my man

>> No.13763013

This shit is in freefall on IDEX..kek

>> No.13763042

as a scam should.

>> No.13763043
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It's ironic when my mocking fud from earlier this morning would have made for a better STO.

>> No.13763057

that was because of my 30k stack.

>> No.13763168
File: 7 KB, 669x284, oh no no no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This shit is in freefall on IDEX..kek

>> No.13763402


Better to get the fuck out while you still can

>> No.13763620

I wonder when the devs will dump their remaining CHX. I have a feeling they won't want to be paid in these coins once the swap to native tokens happen. How are they going to convert them to ETH? By using some Chinese no-name exchange with no volume?

>> No.13763678
File: 23 KB, 549x274, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, last screenshot because it made me lol.

>> No.13763686

jesus christ the insanity

>> No.13763926


I'm guessing they'll probably pump the price a bit the next few days just to let the order book fill up then start unloading before the swap. These fuckers had months to arrange a couple of decent exchanges, now it looks like people are gonna be forced to manually swap them..most people cant be bothered with that shit so will just sell

>> No.13764013

a lot of the buying is inorganic and I agree that they will probably pump their price up to stop panic selling, but shit is so bad that its going to be very hard to convince people to buy this scam given everything we have uncovered

>> No.13764225


haha I'm reading through these images you put together and cracking up dude..This thread is a masterpiece

>> No.13764455

Thanks, I need to join the telegram tranny group to thoroughly enjoy the meltdown

>> No.13764471
File: 92 KB, 546x756, still-scheming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible they will pump the price, but smart people will sell their bags as soon as they can. This is going straight to zero. My guess is though that once the native token swap happens, they will run out of funds and the contractors will only work a few hours a week on the project before completely disappearing and all the "on-going" business deals falling through. Reason being that as soon as the blockchain is live, CHX will be classified as utility token as opposed to security, which it is right now.

I don't care what telegram trannies have to say, CHX does fail the Howey Test (partially because of the OWN Ambassador program) and explains why none of the upcoming STOs will be available in North America and why only one shitty no-name Chinese exchange will do the native token swap (and why they couldn't get CHX listed anywhere else). Once it's utility, they will be in the legal clear to walk away from the project if it doesn't happen to pan out.

Let's not forget Sascha said they have 300 businesses on their platform. I don't care how a DSR works, that statement was said by Sascha. They had no reason to make the dashboard take live data from testnet, if not to mislead people. If they were based out of North America, their operations would have already been shut down by SEC. Fact.

>> No.13764680

lmao CHX trannys are literally buying the "dip" of this dogshit


>> No.13764713
File: 298 KB, 1795x999, faggit scam 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at the comment section

>> No.13765007
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>> No.13765054

wow, i honestly think that not a single one of them has even bothered to research Project Crowd, which is the only "STO", which is just an ICO scam to raise them money, because no one in their right mind will ever use Project Crowd for anything.

like do they know that this is Project Crowd? >>13761623

>> No.13765063

ok fags, should I sell this shitcoin? pls be gentle

>> No.13765136

>like do they know that this is Project Crowd?
I wish someone on here with a throwaway account would post in the Telegram chat asking about Project Crowd with some of this material that has been now "circulating" "all over" the crypto community on Twitter...

Depends. Do you hate money?

>> No.13765190


What price did you buy in at? I'd get the fuck out if I'm honest though.. If a few big holders dump before the token swap shits gonna get ugly

>> No.13765254

This. This thing has no future because the tranny owner has already foreshadowed that they have nothing in the pipeline. CHX is going to some shitty noname blockchain conference in Malta and is bringing Project Crowd with them. Like, putting this shit on public display, because its the only thing they got and its a fucking disaster + scam + joke.

>> No.13765320

>CHX is going to some shitty noname blockchain conference in Malta and is bringing Project Crowd with them.
Can you imagine at the conference someone competent striking up a conversation with the Project Crowd CEO?

>It's good to finally see women in the crypto space. Developed an AI for freelancers? Very cool. When did you start getting interested in blockchain technology and what form of algorithm are you using for the AI, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.13766029


>> No.13766098

This right here is how I know this is a pajeet shitcoin.

This poster is the king of curry

>> No.13766198


in eth im down a lot since it has outperfermed >60%, in USD im down like 15%

I guess I'll realize the loss

>> No.13766247

I don't see what was so pajeet-esque about my post, but king of curry? I'll take it.

>> No.13766418

just a mad discord roastie / telegram tranny ordered to come here to defend this scam